Beperktedijkbewaking schreef op 24 mei 2024 05:39:
Anderen zijn minder optimistisch: "Former fusion scientist on why we won't have fusion power by 2040."Ook leuk om sommige commentaren onder dat filmpje te lezen:
"I worked on a fusion reactor back in the 80’s. They swore the next version would be a full scale commercial reactor. Parts of it were already on site! Here we are nearly 40 years later and it’s still 20 years away…"
"I've followed this topic now since the mid-1970s, and we have been told consistently that fusion power is 'twenty years away'. I am inclined to suspect that two hundred years would probably be a closer estimate."
"I remember when I was in 5th grade during the 1968/1969 school year watching a video about fusion energy and it stated that it will be about 50 years away. In my young mind I could not even imagine being alive a half century later. Half a century came and went and fusion energy is still not a reality but what is a reality is I am still alive and kicking."
Ik ben wat ouder dan deze meneer en begon in 1969 al wat aan plasmafysica te doen. In 1970 een stage en een eigen onderzoekje. Toen had men het "over 30 jaar".
Indeed sir, I am still alive and kicking, maar ik zal geen (langer dan gedurende enkele minuten) energie producerende experimentele fusiereactor meer meemaken. Ik vrees ook dat mijn kinderen geen commercieel werkende kernfusiecentrales zullen meemaken.