Amerikaanse toeristen die volledig zijn ingeënt tegen het coronavirus mogen aankomende zomer naar de Europese Unie (EU) reizen.
Dat heeft de voorzitter van de Europese Commissie Ursula von der Leyen zondag gezegd.
In New York, also known as B.1.526, carries a notorious mutation called E484K
They identified several other variants in US. (All were given bird nicknames, including Robin, Yellowhammer and Mockingbird.)
The mutation, called Q677P, sits near a region of the spike protein that needs to snap in two to allow the viral particle to enter a host cell.
Last week, researchers in California raised a red flag over variants found there that carry a spike protein mutation called L452R1.
Another UCSF team found, in lab tests, that a variant with the L452R mutation was more infectious and less susceptible to antibodies, according to media reports.
Variants of concern has been updated to contain the two West Coast variants, B.1.427 and B.1.429.
Variants of interest has been updated to include 3 new variants: P2, B.1.526, and B.1525.
B.1.351 variants are associated with 50% increased transmission, may have moderately decreased response to antibody treatments.
None of the other variants being monitored by federal officials have the same combination of these two mutations,
known as L452R and E484Q, which is closely related to a more well-known mutation known as E484K.
They screen for three worrisome mutations: L452R, E484K, and N501Y.
The N501Y mutation thought to increase the transmissibility of the coronavirus is found in the U.K. as well as the South African variant and one of the Brazilian variants (P.1)
Nederland al maanden in Lockdown.
Zie je toch dat het om de poen gaat in Europa.
En jullie weer met de kerst binnen (ondanks het vaccin)