luchtschip schreef op 6 september 2021 10:11:
Wanneer ik op de door jou gegeven link klik, krijg ik automatisch de web site die vermeld dat deze site niet beschikbaar is in jouw land een artikel die vermeld dat New York Daily News niet beschikbaar is in Europese landen, wegens het niet voldoen aan de privacy regels, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
L ee Enterprises publishes 46 daily newspapers across 21 states.
Its statement read: “We’re sorry. This site is temporarily unavailable. We recognise you are attempting to access this website from a country belonging to the European Economic Area (EEA) including the EU which enforces the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and therefore cannot grant you access at this time.” :
US news sites blocked to EU users over data protection rules
A number of high-profile US news websites are temporarily unavailable in Europe after new European Union rules on data protection came into effect.
News sites within the Tronc and Lee Enterprises media publishing groups were affected.
Tronc’s high-profile sites include the New York Daily News, Chicago Tribune, LA Times, Orlando Sentinel and Baltimore Sun.
Its message read: “Unfortunately, our website is currently unavailable in most European countries. We are engaged on the issue and committed to looking at options that support our full range of digital offerings to the EU market.”
Lee Enterprises publishes 46 daily newspapers across 21 states.
Its statement read: “We’re sorry. This site is temporarily unavailable. We recognise you are attempting to access this website from a country belonging to the European Economic Area (EEA) including the EU which enforces the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and therefore cannot grant you access at this time.” nogmaals mijn vraag, vanuit welk land, buiten de EU, opereer jij ?
From Russia with love ?