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josti5 schreef op 29 juli 2021 18:36:

FF een tandje bijzetten om al die uitgaven op te kunnen hoesten, my Fellow Americans :-)
Nee hoor,
Janet Yellen heeft al aangegeven dat van de groep rijken er velen zijn, die niet aan hun volledige belastingplicht hebben voldaan.

Tax Dodgers ( belasting ontduikers) Owe US Over $7 Trillion, Says Janet Yellen


Zij gaat investeren in het belasting apparaat om toch zeker $ 1 trillion ( $ 1.000 miljard) per jaar extra te gaan innen, door deze ontduiking van belasting tegen te gaan.

Voor Jan met de pet die nu opdraait voor de belastingen wordt het een verademing, nu de echte rijken ook echt hun deel van de belasting moeten gaan betalen.

Bovendien zijn investeringen in infrastructuur maatregelen die zich zelf terug betalen.
In eerste instantie door nieuwe banen en winstgevendheid bij de bedrijven, die de infrastructuur opbouwen. dit levert extra belastingen op.
En wanneer de infrastructurele projecten klaar zijn, is de economie naar een hoger niveau getild, wat ook weer extra belasting oplevert

Een win,win situatie.

Bedankt voor jouw kritische posting.
Geeft mij de kans nog eens te benadrukken dat dit een goed en voortvarend besluit is van Joe Biden.


President . Biden says COVID-19 cases "will go up further before they start to come back down" due to the Delta variant, but experts say it's "not likely" there will be a comparable rise in hospitalizations and deaths, due to the number of vaccinated Americans

video 1:36 minuut


US Federal Courts allow the IRS ( US Belastingdienst ) to pursue ( vervolgen ) wealthy Americans suspected of OffShore tax evasion ( belasting ontduiking )



luchtschip schreef op 30 juli 2021 01:07:

US Federal Courts allow the IRS ( US Belastingdienst ) to pursue ( vervolgen ) wealthy Americans suspected of OffShore tax evasion ( belasting ontduiking )


private equity, the mob, wealthy arrogant crooks, dirty law firms, dirty accountants - all DOOMED.


Hier een deel copy uit het artikel van de Boston Globe

US Authorities ontvingen een rechtbank gerechtelijk bevel, die hen toestaat financiele informatie op te eisen van banken en geldcouriers omtrent vermogende Amerikanen, die verdacht worden gebruik te maken van een Panamees advocatenkantoor om belasting te ontduiken.

De belastingdienst kan nu informatie verkrijgen omtrent elektronische overmakingen en geldtransporten via geld couriers tussen het bedrijf, Panama offshore Legal services, en zijn cliënten in de US, aldus een verklaring van het Department of Justice.
De belastingdienst zoekt naar cliënten die gebruik maakten van deze firma, Panama Offshore Legal Services, die hen faciliteerde in het "creëren of beheren van bezittingen of entiteiten" teneinde belasting te ontduiken, aldus het Department of Justice.

Wij blijven doorgaan in onze gezamenlijke activiteiten met de US belastingdienst om belastingontduikers te onderzoeken, die buitenlandse rekeningen gebruikten of nep-bedrijven om hun vermogen te verbergen, zei Manhattan US Attorney Audrey Strauss in een verklaring.

US District Judge Gregory Woods gaf een opdracht uit die de US belastingdienst, IRS, autoriseert dagvaardingen uit te schrijven naar entiteiten, daarbij inbegrepen the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the Clearing House Payments Company, HSBC Bank USA N.A., Wells Fargo N.A., Bank of America N.A., FedEx Corp., United Parcel Service Inc. and DHL Express.


Eric Garland :

The IRS ( US Belastingdienst ) will be figuring out who has what money where, how they've hidden it, who helped out the transactions...OMG it's gonna be like the Lollapalooza of wire fraud and racketeering felony prosecutions.

Deel uit artikel Boston Globe :

Het gerechtelijk bevel vereist dat zij informatie geven omtrent mogelijke overtredingen van belasting wetten, door mensen wiens identiteit onbekend is, volgens de verklaring. De rechter woods autoriseerde zogenaamde John Doe ( staat voor anoniem persoon) dagvaardingen, die de autoriteiten toestaat de bijbehorende namen van US belastingbetalers te verkrijgen, data en andere informatie van deze belastingbetalers.

De dagvaardingen staan niet in relatie met het lek van vijf jaar geleden van meer dan 11 miljoen documenten, bekend als de Panama Papers, waarbij offshore entities werden gecreëerd, door een Panamees advocatenkantoor Mossack Fonseca.De onthullingen hebben geleid tot criminele veroordeling van zeker twee Amerikanen.

Panama Offshore Legal Services, POLS, maakte gebruik van HSBC, Bank of America, Wells Fargo en CitiBank voor US correspondent rekeningen. De banken handelden transacties in dollars af.

De firma, POLS, verzorgde " allesomvattende entiteiten oprichting en juridische en management diensten voor cliënten die Panamese entiteiten wilden hebben, teneinde hun bezit van vermogen te verbergen, regelde bankrekeningen in Panama en regelde investeringen in Panama.



josti5 schreef op 29 juli 2021 18:36:

FF een tandje bijzetten om al die uitgaven op te kunnen hoesten, my Fellow Americans :-)
Heb jij enig idee wat dit jouw Fellow Americans wel niet kost ?

Slow moving parking lots noemen zij dit ook wel.

Aanleggen van high speed rail kan tot veel besparingen leiden.
Ook nieuwe wegen gaan worden aangelegd.
En bestaande wegen verbeterd, want het wegdek is er op vele plaatsen slecht aan toe, met vele putten in het wegdek, dat de Amerikanen vele extra's aan nieuwe schokdempers kost.

video 1:33 minuut

Jaja: prachtige, stevige taal voor de Bühne van mevrouw Yellen en de belastingambtenaren.
Daar zou ik, als arme Amerikaan, blij van worden, en, als rijke Amerikaan, voor in mijn schulp kruipen, en alsnog mijn aangiftes van de afgelopen 10 jaar in het voordeel van Vadertje Biden corrigeren...

De volledig on-Amerikaanse heksenjacht op 'een beetje stout rijk' is blijkbaar geopend.

We gaan zien, wat er in de praktijk van terecht komt...

In ieder geval een gouden toekomst voor belastingconsulenten!

josti5 schreef op 30 juli 2021 07:49:

Jaja: prachtige, stevige taal voor de Bühne van mevrouw Yellen en de belastingambtenaren.
Ja, de een is postbezorger en de ander is de manager van het machtigste land ter wereld.
Te grote broek aangetrokken??
Historic Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal Signed in US

US President and the bipartisan group announced agreement on the details of investment in our infrastructure, which will be taken up in the Senate for consideration. In total, the deal includes USD 550 billion in new federal investment in America’s infrastructure. The Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will grow the economy, enhance our competitiveness, create good jobs, and make our economy more sustainable, resilient, and just. American Iron and Steel Institute President & CEO Mr Kevin Dempsey said “AISI welcomes today’s agreement by President Biden and a bipartisan group of senators to implement a plan for infrastructure investment. AISI supports the framework that would make historic and much-needed investments in our nation’s infrastructure. This is a key development in the process to fix America’s deteriorating roads and bridges and to use American steel to do so. We also applaud the bill’s provisions to ensure that the steel products for water infrastructure projects be made in the US. This package ensures that American steel,which is the cleanest in the world, will be used to build back America. We urge the Congress to pass this critical legislation as soon as possible.”

Roads, Bridges, and Major Projects - One in five miles, or 173,000 total miles, of highways and major roads and 45,000 bridges are in poor condition & bridges in poor condition. The Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will invest USD 110 billion of new funds for roads, bridges, and major projects, and reauthorize the surface transportation program for the next five years building on bipartisan surface transportation reauthorization bills passed out of committee earlier this year. This investment will repair and rebuild roads

Safety - America has one of the highest road fatality rates in the industrialized world. The deal invests USD 11 billion in transportation safety programs, including a new Safe Streets for All program to help states and localities reduce crashes and fatalities in their communities, especially for cyclists and pedestrians.

Public Transit - America’s transit infrastructure is inadequate with a multibillion-dollar repair backlog, representing more than 24,000 buses, 5,000 rail cars, 200 stations, and thousands of miles of track, signals, and power systems in need of replacement. The deal invests USD 39 billion of new investment to modernize transit, and improve accessibility for the elderly and people with disabilities, in addition to continuing the existing transit programs for five years as part of surface transportation reauthorization.

Passenger and Freight Rail - Unlike highways and transit, rail lacks a multi-year funding stream to address deferred maintenance, enhance existing corridors, and build new lines in high-potential locations. The deal positions Amtrak and rail to play a central role in our transportation and economic future. The deal invests USD 66 billion in rail to eliminate the Amtrak maintenance backlog, modernize the Northeast Corridor, and bring world-class rail service to areas outside the northeast and mid-Atlantic.

EV Infrastructure - US market share of plug-in electric vehicle sales is only one-third the size of the Chinese EV market. The President believes that must change. The bill invests USD 7.5 billion to build out a national network of EV chargers.

Electric Buses - American school buses play a critical role in expanding access to education, but they are also a significant source of pollution. The deal will deliver thousands of electric school buses nationwide, including in rural communities, helping school districts across the country buy clean, American-made, zero emission buses, and replace the yellow school bus fleet for America’s children. The deal invests USD 2.5 billion in zero emission buses, USD 2.5 billion in low emission buses, and USD 2.5 billion for ferries.

Reconnecting Communities - Too often, past transportation investments divided communities, like the Claiborne Expressway in New Orleans or I-81 in Syracuse, or it left out the people most in need of affordable transportation options. In particular, significant portions of the interstate highway system were built through Black neighborhoods. The program will fund planning, design, demolition, and reconstruction of street grids, parks, or other infrastructure through $1 billion of dedicated funding.

Airports, Ports, and Waterways - The United States built modern aviation, but airports lag far behind competitors. The bill invests USD 17 billion in port infrastructure and USD 25 billion in airports to address repair and maintenance backlogs, reduce congestion and emissions near ports and airports, and drive electrification and other low-carbon technologies.

Resilience and Western Water Infrastructure - Millions of Americans feel the effects of climate change each year when their roads wash out, airport power goes down, or schools get flooded. The deal with an investment of over USD 50 billion includes funds to protect against droughts and floods, in addition to a major investment in weatherization.

Clean Drinking Water - Currently, up to 10 million American households and 400,000 schools and child care centers lack safe drinking water. The deal’s USD 55 billion investment represents the largest investment in clean drinking water in American history, including dedicated funding to replace lead service lines and the dangerous chemical PFAS

High-Speed Internet - Broadband internet is necessary for Americans to do their jobs, to participate equally in school learning, health care, and to stay connected. The deal’s USD 65 billion investment ensures every American has access to reliable high-speed internet with an historic investment in broadband infrastructure deployment, just as the federal government made a historic effort to provide electricity to every American nearly one hundred years ago.

Environmental Remediation - In thousands of rural and urban communities around the country, hundreds of thousands of former industrial and energy sites are now idle. The deal invests USD 21 billion in environmental remediation, making the largest investment in addressing the legacy pollution that harms the public health of communities and neighborhoods in American history

Power Infrastructure - As the recent Texas power outages demonstrated, aging electric grid needs urgent modernization. The deal’s USD 73 billion investment is the single largest investment in clean energy transmission in American history. It upgrades our power infrastructure, including by building thousands of miles of new, resilient transmission lines to facilitate the expansion of renewable energy.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Joe Biden wil iedere Covid gevaccineerde $ 100,- geven.

Nu zijn sociaal democraten altijd erg goed in het uitdelen van geld maar in dit geval lijkt me die opzet prima.
Het is immers in `s lands belang dat zoveel mogelijk Amerikanen gevaccineerd worden en zo'n extraatje zal daartoe zeker helpen.

De emotionele speech die Biden gisterenavond hield en op CNN te zien was vond ik ronduit indrukwekkend.


hirshi schreef op 30 juli 2021 14:28:

Nu zijn sociaal democraten altijd erg goed in het uitdelen van geld maar in dit geval lijkt me die opzet prima.

waarop baseer je dat??
Volgens mij was Trump de grootste uitdeler ooit; bijvoorbeeld aan Jef Bezos zodat die zoveel miljarden had dat hij maar besloot ze aan ruimtereizen te besteden, omdat hij met het geld geen raad wist.

objectief schreef op 30 juli 2021 15:03:


waarop baseer je dat??
Volgens mij was Trump de grootste uitdeler ooit; bijvoorbeeld aan Jef Bezos zodat die zoveel miljarden had dat hij maar besloot ze aan ruimtereizen te besteden, omdat hij met het geld geen raad wist.
Trump lag juist op ramskoers met Bezos.
Bezos wilde Trump zelfs de ruimte insturen.

Het is Biden die Amerika overspoelde met gratis geld.
Linkse mensen delen graag geld uit.
Vooral als het van anderen is.

Maar die $ 100,00 voor iedere gevaccineerde is wat mij betreft een prima idee.
Heb je daar ook nog een idee over?


hirshi schreef op 30 juli 2021 15:19:


Linkse mensen delen graag geld uit.
Vooral als het van anderen is.

M.i. ben je toe aan een nieuwe bril.
Rechtse partijen delen/deelden o.a. miljarden subsidies uit aan woningbezitters, waardoor de huizenprijzen onbetaalbaar zijn. Ook miljarden sinds 1950 aan boeren, waardoor er een overproductie is van koeien/varkens van hier tot Tokio.

objectief schreef op 30 juli 2021 15:30:


M.i. ben je toe aan een nieuwe bril.
Rechtse partijen delen/deelden o.a. miljarden subsidies uit aan woningbezitters, waardoor de huizenprijzen onbetaalbaar zijn. Ook miljarden sinds 1950 aan boeren, waardoor er een overproductie is van koeien/varkens van hier tot Tokio.
Mij staat nog altijd die rake opmerking van Hans Wiegel voor de geest.
"Sinterklaas bestaat - hij zit daar...."en toen wees hij naar Joop den Uyl.
Een klassieker in de politiek.
Nee Fred, die nieuwe bril heb jij nodig.
Maar geef nu eens antwoord op mijn vraag, of heb je die soms ook niet gelezen?


Ned Price, woordvoerder Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken :

The United States is donating more than one million vaccine doses to the people of Cambodia. These vaccine doses are part of a U.S. commitment to save lives and end the COVID-19 pandemic.

Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Antony Blinken :

I’m proud to announce the donation of more than one million doses of Johnson & Johnson vaccine to support the health of the people of Cambodia. The United States is committed to saving lives and ending the global pandemic.







Joe Biden op twitter :

The Delta variant is surging across the country, but the good news is we’ve spent six months preparing for this possibility. The vaccines are highly effective — and we have enough for everyone.

Get protected today

video 0:35 minuut

The US has extradited a suspected North Korean intelligence operative to stand trial on money laundering charges, as tensions rise between Washington and Pyongyang.

The US has for the first time extradited a North Korean national to face a criminal trial in America, according to the Justice Department.

An indictment unsealed alleged that Mun Chol Myong, 55, defrauded banks and laundered money in an attempt to skirt US and UN sanctions on North Korea.

"He is the first North Korean intelligence operative — and the second ever foreign intelligence operative — to have been extradited to the United States for violation of our laws".

The DOJ said Mun and others created shell companies to hide their ties to North Korea, giving them access to US correspondent banks and international wire services, breaking sanctions.

johan20090 schreef op 31 juli 2021 09:39:

The US has extradited a suspected North Korean intelligence operative to stand trial on money laundering charges, as tensions rise between Washington and Pyongyang.

The US has for the first time extradited a North Korean national to face a criminal trial in America, according to the Justice Department.

An indictment unsealed alleged that Mun Chol Myong, 55, defrauded banks and laundered money in an attempt to skirt US and UN sanctions on North Korea.

"He is the first North Korean intelligence operative — and the second ever foreign intelligence operative — to have been extradited to the United States for violation of our laws".

The DOJ said Mun and others created shell companies to hide their ties to North Korea, giving them access to US correspondent banks and international wire services, breaking sanctions.
An alleged spy has become the first North Korean to go on trial in America, on charges of covering up the smuggling of wine, whisky, cognac and cigarettes destined for the elite circle surrounding Kim Jong-Un.

Mun Chol-myong, 55, appeared in court in Washington after his arrest in Malaysia, where he had lived for a decade. His extradition to the US has angered Pyongyang, which has shut down its embassy in Kuala Lumpur and cut diplomatic relations in retaliation.

Malaysia was compelled to close its Embassy in Pyongyang, although its operations were suspended by Malaysia since 2017. Malaysia also issued an order for all North Korean diplomatic staff (and their dependents) in Kuala Lumpur to leave the country within 48 hours of the severance of ties.

johan20090 schreef op 31 juli 2021 10:19:


An alleged spy has become the first North Korean to go on trial in America, on charges of covering up the smuggling of wine, whisky, cognac and cigarettes destined for the elite circle surrounding Kim Jong-Un.

Mun Chol-myong, 55, appeared in court in Washington after his arrest in Malaysia, where he had lived for a decade. His extradition to the US has angered Pyongyang, which has shut down its embassy in Kuala Lumpur and cut diplomatic relations in retaliation.

Malaysia was compelled to close its Embassy in Pyongyang, although its operations were suspended by Malaysia since 2017. Malaysia also issued an order for all North Korean diplomatic staff (and their dependents) in Kuala Lumpur to leave the country within 48 hours of the severance of ties.
Oud nieuws toch ?

Nieuws van 24 maart 2021

4 maanden oud nieuws of niet ?

Kun je er ook een link van geven.

Beetje vreemd om oud nieuws hier te plaatsen alsof het een actueel bericht is.


US Minister van defensie Lloyd Austin heeft de Filippijnen bezocht

President Rodrigo Duterte abandons plans to end crucial defence deal between Philippines and the United States

>>The US Defence Secretary says he is looking to deepen security ties with the Philippines
>>Mr Duterte first threatened to end the VFA in early 2020
>>Analysts say Mr Duterte is hesitant to end military links with the US due to rising tensions with China over contested waters

The Philippines has abandoned plans to abort a crucial defence agreement with the United States, delivering a major strategic win to the Biden Administration.

Philippines' President Rodrigo Duterte last year issued a formal notice to tear up the Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA), which provides the legal framework for US troops in the South-East Asian nation.

But now Mr Duterte has agreed to "restore" the VFA after meeting with US Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin during his visit to the Philippines.

Philippines Defence Secretary Delfin Lorenzana told journalists the VFA was now "in full force again" following the meeting – although he conceded he didn't know what had prompted Mr Duterte's move.

Analysts said Mr Duterte hesitated to sever military links with the US, in part because of rising tensions between China and the Philippines over contested waters in the South China Sea.

The military in the Philippines remains anxious about China's rapidly growing naval strength and sees the VFA — which provides rules for the rotation of thousands of US troops in the country for war exercises — as a bulwark against Chinese military aggression in the South China Sea.

The dispute over the VFA also took on powerful symbolism as strategic competition between the US and China intensifies in the region.

lees verder



Philippines Defense Minister says President Duterte has decided to fully restore the Visiting Forces Agreement after meeting Defense Secretary Austin.



Duterte comes to the realization that Beijing was never his friend
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