Berichtje ontvangen van DES (gaat mijns insziens eigenlijk nergens over maar ter info):
Deutsche EuroShop: Speaker of the Executive Board due to illness temporarily resigned from the Executive Board
The Supervisory Board of Deutsche EuroShop AG, Hamburg, today revoked the appointment of the speaker of the Company's Executive Board, Mr. Wilhelm Wellner, at his request for a limited period until September 30, 2022. Mr. Wellner had previously informed the Supervisory Board that he would be unable to perform his duties as a member of the Board of Management for health reasons, at least for the corresponding period. In view of Mr. Wellner's expected return to the Executive Board, the Supervisory Board also resolved to reappoint him effective October 1, 2022. Depending on the state of his recovery, the exact date of Mr. Wellner's expected return may still be subject to change. Mr. Wellner's previous duties will be assumed in the meantime by the other member of the Executive Board, Mr. Olaf Borkers.
Deutsche EuroShop AG
The Management Board