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Source: University of California - San Diego
Date: June 25, 2007
More on: Viruses, Virology, Immune System, HIV and AIDS, Infectious Diseases, Influenza

New Vaccine Prevents One Type Of Herpes Infection And Disease In Mice
Science Daily — Researchers at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences have patented a strategy for developing a human vaccine to prevent against Human Cytomegalovirus (hCMV) infection and disease.

CMV, a type of herpes virus, is the leading viral cause of birth defects and a serious problem in patients with compromised immune systems. The body's natural immunity doesn't protect against infection by the virus, estimated to be present in 50 to 75 percent of all adults.

"Until now, scientists haven't been able to develop a vaccine to protect against CMV," said Deborah H. Spector, Ph.D., UCSD Professor of Cellular and Molecular Medicine and faculty member of the Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. "Using a two-pronged approach, we successfully created and tested a vaccine in a mouse model with CMV that shows enormous promise for re-directing the body's immune system, enabling it to fight the virus."

The mouse vaccine generates an immune response that protects against both infection and development of disease when the virus is present by completely disarming the virus's ability to replicate and establish a persistent infection. The work is currently online in advance of publication in the July issue of Journal of Virology.

"Our approach generates an immune response that is different from the normal response to the virus, and we hope to have found an 'Achilles' heel' in the defenses that the virus uses to evade the immune system," said Spector. "The virus has evolved to persist in the host by evading the immune responses either by hiding or by misdirecting the host's immune responses. We found a way to teach the host immune system to not be tricked by the virus." She added that the next step is to apply this strategy to create a vaccine for use in humans.

CMV is a virus that, while carried by the majority of adults in the United States, can remain dormant for years, if not the lifetime, of a healthy individual. However, two percent of all children are born with the virus passed on by the mother in utero, and 15 percent of those children will show symptoms such as hearing loss, mental retardation, motor or learning disabilities. Because the host's natural immune system can protect from the disease but can't rid the body of the virus, people remain infected and can become re-infected or infect others through saliva.

"Children in day care settings, for example, or adults who are sexually active, can pass along the virus," explained Spector. "It becomes a serious problem in developing infants during the pregnancy or in those whose immune system is compromised, such as AIDS or transplant patients."

When a persistent virus such as CMV infects an individual, it disarms the host immune system in two ways -- by hiding or masking the proteins that would normally provoke an immune response, or by fooling the immune system into mounting a response that doesn't work to eradicate the virus.

"We needed a way to make the host defense system sit up and take notice," said Christopher S. Morello, Ph.D., first author of the study.

To do this, the researchers devised a vaccine with a one-two punch that combines a DNA immunization that targets T-cells to essential genes required for CMV replication, with a killed virus that prompts the body's B-cells to generate an antibody response.

The vaccine contains the DNA of two essential genes that are essential for replication of the virus. These genes -- which are also found in other herpes viruses such as chicken pox or herpes simplex -- have the same or very similar sequence, structure and function whether in human or mouse viruses, and present a novel target for the host's T-cells to muster forces and attack the virus. Secondly, the vaccine also contains a "boost" from an inactivated virus, which generates an antibody response. Neither approach alone would give complete protection.

"In mice, the vaccine not only fought the disease, but prevented the infection from being established in the first place," Morello said.

Researchers at UCSD hope to begin pre-clinical work on development of a human vaccine. If successful, an FDA-approved, commercially licensed hCMV vaccine could be administered to specific at-risk populations, such as females prior to child-bearing years, day care providers, organ transplant recipients, or as part of regular childhood immunizations.

"This approach may also be valid for a number of diseases associated with persistent or latent infections, including all types of herpes-associated diseases, AIDS, or hepatitis," said Spector. These viruses persist because immune responses generated by the viral infection are not able to eradicate the virus.

Additional contributors to the paper include Laura A. Kelley of the UCSD Division of Biological Sciences; and Michael W. Munks and Ann B. Hill, Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology, Oregon Health and Science University. The research was funded by the National Institutes of Health and the March of Dimes.

Note: This story has been adapted from a news release issued by University of California - San Diego.

Persbericht Galapagos - licentiering drug targets
AMSTERDAM ( - Hier volgt de tekst van het persbericht van Galapagos inzake licentiering drug targets.

Wyeth licentieert drug targets uit de samenwerking met Galapagos op gebied van botontkalking

Mechelen, Belgie; 26 juni 2007 - Galapagos NV ( Euronext & LSE: GLPG) kondigt vandaag aan dat Wyeth (NYSE:WYE) van haar recht gebruik heeft gemaakt om drie Galapagos drug targets voor bot aanmaak te licentieren uit de 2003 onderzoeksovereenkomst op gebied van botontkalking (osteoporose). Deze beslissing levert voor Galapagos een mijlpaalbetaling op van 1,05 mln.

Deze mijlpaal is de tweede die bereikt wordt binnen de osteoporose samenwerking uit november 2003. Binnen deze samenwerking heeft Galapagos haar osteoporose expertise toegepast om nieuwe drug targets voor Wyeth te identificeren en te valideren. In november 2004 selecteerde Wyeth enkele van deze targets voor interne validatie. De aankondiging van vandaag is het resultaat van het licentiëren door Wyeth van drie targets voor haar interne drug discovery onderzoek. Uit de 2003 samenwerkingsovereenkomst kan Galapagos tot 30 mln aan mijlpaalbetalingen ontvangen. De targets in de Wyeth samenwerking zijn niet gerelateerd aan de gepatenteerde collectie gevalideerde targets in Galapagos' eigen osteoporose programma.

'Het licentieren door Wyeth van targets die door Galapagos geidentificeerd zijn, bevestigt de kracht en de unieke technologie van onze target identificatie aanpak', aldus Onno van de Stolpe, Chief Executive Officer van Galapagos. 'De expertise die heeft geleid tot deze mijlpaal met Wyeth vormt ook de basis voor onze eigen portfolio van nieuwe targets in osteoporose.'

(c) Het Financieele Dagblad in samenwerking met Betten Beursmedia News (contact: 020-5928456)

Organon (Akzo) koopt technologie van Amerikaanse Kadmus
AMSTERDAM ( - Organon, de biofarmaceutische tak van Akzo Nobel , heeft een belangrijke technologie van het Amerikaanse Kadmus Pharmaceuticals gekocht. Dat meldt Organon dinsdag in een persbericht, zonder financiele details te noemen.

De transactie omvat een betaling vooraf aan Kadmus en toekomstige mijlpaalbetalingen voor de belangrijkste stof die dit bedrijf heeft ontwikkeld. Het behelst ook toekomstige betalingen voor eventuele vervangende of afgeleide stoffen die nog ontwikkeld en op de markt gebracht worden.

Organon, dat verkocht is aan Schering -Plough, neemt het merendeel van het personeel van Kadmus in dienst om een goede overdracht van de technologie mogelijk te maken. De onderneming heeft ook de relatie tussen Kadmus en een van de oprichters, Dr. Daniele Piomelli, in stand gehouden.

Met de aangekochte technologie kunnen stoffen worden aangemaakt die veelbelovend zijn voor de behandeling van verschillende soorten pijn, angsten, depressie en andere potentiele afgeleide indicaties. Die stoffen zijn zeer krachtig, zeer selectief en geschikt voor oraal gebruik.

(c) Het Financieele Dagblad in samenwerking met Betten Beursmedia News (contact: 020-5928456)

Gene therapy restores sight in blind dogs
PHILADELPHIA, June 26 (UPI) -- U.S. medical scientists have found gene therapy might be successful in restoring sight in some people even if they have been blind since birth.

University of Pennsylvania researchers used a canine model to demonstrate gene therapy is effective in restoring retinal activity to the blind, as well as restoring function to the brain's visual center, a critical component of seeing.

"The retina of the eye captures light but the brain is where vision is experienced," said Assistant Professor Geoffrey Aguirre, who led the study. "The traditional view is that blindness in infancy permanently alters the structure and function of the brain, leaving it unable to process visual information if sight is restored. We've now challenged that view."

The researchers used functional MRI to measure brain activity in blind dogs born with a mutation in gene RPE65, an essential molecule in the retinoid-visual cycle. The same mutation causes a blindness in humans called Leber congenital amaurosis. It is the first human eye-retinal disorder slated for gene therapy.

The study was reported in the journal PLoS Medicine.

Copyright 2007 by United Press International. All Rights Reserved
Persbericht Organon - wervingsdoelstelling 2 studies bereikt
AMSTERDAM ( - Hier volgt de tekst van een persbericht van Organon.

Twee fase-III klinische onderzoeken naar corifollitropine alfa (Org 36286) hebben wervingsdoelstelling bereikt

Organon, de biofarmaceutische business unit van Akzo Nobel , heeft vandaag bekendgemaakt dat twee van de drie fase-III klinische onderzoeken met corifollitropine alfa (Org 36286), een nieuw langwerkend vruchtbaarheidshormoon, hun wervingsdoelstelling hebben bereikt.
Corifollitropine alfa is een nieuw recombinant vruchtbaarheidshormoon. Het is de eerste stof in een nieuwe categorie gonadotropinen (üeSustained Follicular Stimulantüf of SFS) die vanwege zijn lange halfwaardetijd het voordeel heeft dat een enkele injectie de eerste 7 injecties met conventionele gonadotropinen van een behandelingscyclus voor vruchtbaarheid kan vervangen.
Het ENGAGE-onderzoek, het omvangrijkste dubbelblinde klinische vruchtbaarheidsonderzoek dat ooit is uitgevoerd, heeft tot doel de klinische werkzaamheid en veiligheid van corifollitropine alfa 150 Êg aan te tonen in een dubbelblinde vergelijking met Organonüfs PuregonR, een van de meest toegepaste preparaten in de behandeling van onvruchtbaarheid. Daarnaast had het ENGAGE-onderzoek als doel in totaal 1400 patienten uit 34 vruchtbaarheidsklinieken in Europa, de VS en Canada aan het onderzoek te laten deelnemen. De studie bereikte haar wervingsdoelstelling op 10 juni, 2007.
Een tweede onderzoek, het ENSURE-onderzoek, is een werkzaamheids- en veiligheidsonderzoek met corifollitropine alfa 100 Êg, dat speciaal bedoeld is voor vrouwen die minder wegen dan 60 kg. Dit dubbelblinde onderzoek, waarin corifollitropine alfa wordt vergeleken met PuregonR, is in januari 2007 in 19 klinische onderzoekscentra in Europa en Azië van start gegaan. Voor deze proef moesten voor eind juni 2007 330 patientes zijn geworven. Alle 330 proefpersonen zijn nu gerandomiseerd.
David Nicholson, executive vice-president Research and Development van Organon: üeHet enthousiasme van de onderzoekers en medewerkers die bij de onderzoeken betrokken zijn, heeft er zeker toe bijgedragen dat de wervingen voor de oorspronkelijke deadlines zijn afgerond.üf
Voor het derde fase-III-onderzoek in het LIFE-programma (het TRUST-onderzoek naar de veiligheid van herhaalde behandelingen met corifollitropin alfa) zal naar verwachting midden augustus 2007 het wervingsdoel worden bereikt.

Over corifollitropin alfa
. Corifollitropine alfa is een nieuwe biologische stof (NBE: new biological entity) die wordt ontwikkeld voor gecontroleerde eierstokstimulatie om de ontwikkeling van meerdere follikels op gang te brengen bij patienten die deelnemen aan een programma voor geassisteerde voortplanting (ART: assisted reproduction technology).
. Corifollitropine alfa is de eerste stof in een nieuwe categorie langwerkende vruchtbaarheidshormonen, de zogenaamde üeSustained Follicle Stimulantsüf (SFS). Het voornaamste voordeel van SFS ten opzichte van de huidige gonadotropinen is de langere werkingsduur, die een behandeling mogelijk maakt waarin een injectie met corifollitropine alfa 7 dagelijkse injecties met bestaande gonadotropinen vervangt
. Het LIFE-programma is het klinische ontwikkelingsprogramma van Organon voor de ontwikkeling van corifollitropin alfa voor de therapeutische indicatie üegecontroleerde eierstokstimulatieüf. De belangrijkste onderzoeken in dit programma zijn onderzoeken met de namen ENGAGE (fase-III-onderzoek naar de werkzaamheid en veiligheid van corifollitropin alfa 150 Êg ), ENSURE (fase-III-onderzoek naar de werkzaamheid en veiligheid van corifollitropin alfa 100 Êg dat bedoeld is voor vrouwen . 60 kg) en TRUST (fase-III-onderzoek naar de veiligheid van herhaalde behandelingen).

(c) Het Financieele Dagblad in samenwerking met Betten Beursmedia News (contact: 020-5928456)

Binnen de Dow is de grootste winst weggelegd voor Merck (+2,2%). Het HIV-medicijn Isentress heeft van de Food and Drug Administration een prioriteitsstatus gekregen voor het beoordelen van het medicijn.

Bron: ANP

voda schreef:

Binnen de Dow is de grootste winst weggelegd voor Merck (+2,2%). Het HIV-medicijn Isentress heeft van de Food and Drug Administration een prioriteitsstatus gekregen voor het beoordelen van het medicijn.

Bron: ANP
Dit heeft volgens mij niets te maken met de PER.C6 licentie die Merck heeft.

jopie98c schreef:

Binnen de Dow is de grootste winst weggelegd voor Merck (+2,2%). Het HIV-medicijn Isentress heeft van de Food and Drug Administration een prioriteitsstatus gekregen voor het beoordelen van het medicijn.

Bron: ANP

Dit heeft volgens mij niets te maken met de PER.C6 licentie die Merck heeft.
Wel met sentiment ~!!
Frequent Brain Stimulation In Old Age Reduces Risk Of Alzheimer's Disease
— How often old people read a newspaper, play chess, or engage in other mentally stimulating activities is related to risk of developing Alzheimer's disease, according to a new study.

For the study, more than 700 people in Chicago, IL, with an average age of 80 underwent yearly cognitive testing for up to five years. Participants were part of the Rush Memory and Aging Project, a longitudinal study of more than 1,200 older people. Of the participants, 90 developed Alzheimer's disease. Researchers also performed a brain autopsy on the 102 participants who died.

The study found a cognitively active person in old age was 2.6 times less likely to develop dementia and Alzheimer's disease than a cognitively inactive person in old age. This association remained after controlling for past cognitive activity, lifetime socioeconomic status, and current social and physical activity.

Researchers say the findings may be used to help prevent Alzheimer's disease.

"Alzheimer's disease is among the most feared consequences of old age," said study author Robert S. Wilson, PhD, with the Rush Alzheimer's Disease Center at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago. "The enormous public health problems posed by the disease are expected to increase during the coming decades as the proportion of old people in the United States increases. This underscores the urgent need for strategies to prevent the disease or delay its onset."

Wilson says the study also found frequent cognitive activity during old age, such as visiting a library or attending a play, was associated with reduced risk of mild cognitive impairment, a transitional stage between normal aging and dementia, and less rapid decline in cognitive function.

This research was published June 27, 2007, in the online edition of Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.

The study was supported by grants from the National Institute on Aging and the Illinois Department of Public Health.

Note: This story has been adapted from a news release issued by American Academy of Neurology.

Source: University of Arkansas, Food Safety Consortium
Date: June 28, 2007
More on: Nutrition, Food, Agriculture and Food, Dietary Supplement, Cows, Sheep, Pigs, Immune System

Brush On The Marinade, Hold Off The Cancerous Compounds
— With the summer steak season in swing indoors and outdoors, cooks can season the meat on the grill and provide some protection against cancer all at the same time.

All it takes is marinating the steaks with certain herbs and spices. But before heading out to the grill, J. Scott Smith examined some possibilities in the laboratory. Smith, a professor of food chemistry at Kansas State University, investigated for the Food Safety Consortium what effect marinating steaks could have on reducing carcinogenic compounds known as HCAs.

“Heterocyclic amines (HCAs) in foods have been in the spotlight for many years,” Smith said. “They are carcinogenic and mutagenic compounds that are found at parts per billion levels in cooked fish and meats.”

Previous research has shown that grilled beef is a major source of dietary HCAs when cooked at temperatures from 375 degrees F (190.5 degrees C) and above.

Consuming dietary carcinogens has been associated with different cancers in humans and one of the HCAs was shown this year to cause prostate cancer in rats. Smith said that’s why it’s necessary to find ways to prevent HCAs from forming in cooked meats.

“Cooking meats with natural antioxidants decreases or eliminates HCAs on meat,” Smith said. Consumers have responded favorably to natural food products in recent years, including natural spices, such as rosemary, which are rich in antioxidants.

Smith’s research group began experimenting with marinades containing herbs and spices, notably those related from the mint family such as basil, mint, rosemary, sage, savory, marjoram, oregano, and thyme. Most of these herbs are rich in three compounds – carnosic acid, carnosol and rosmarinic acid – that are potent antioxidants.

“We believe that addition of various substances to the meat before cooking may reduce the carcinogenic HCAs,” Smith said. “Marinating steak before grilling is a practical way to reduce HCA contents of even well-done beef for many consumers.”

Smith’s group measured the HCAs in grilled round steaks and found that after marinating them with a commercial product containing rosemary and thyme, the cooked product’s level of reduced HCAs – an 87 percent decrease – correlated to the amount of antioxidants present in the marinades.

The marinade containing rosemary and thyme had the greatest effect on reducing HCAs, but two other marinades with different herbs seasonings were tested and found to be almost as effective. The rosemary/thyme marinade also contained pepper, allspice and salt. Another marinade included oregano, thyme, garlic and onion. A third marinade had oregano, garlic, basil, onion and parsley.

The marinades are all available in grocery stores. “These are the ones that are packaged as powders,” Smith said. “There are different brands. We followed the marinating instructions according to the label. We cooked it and it tasted fine.”

Consumers can also add the herbs/spices directly to their product, such as ground beef.

Smith intends to investigate other seasonings to determine their potency in reducing HCAs. “I plan on taking a look at a lot of them, probably about 20 of them. The major ones are in the mint family: basil, sage, thyme, oregano and rosemary. They have some similar properties,” he said. Other possibilities for research include parsley, fennel, paprika, nutmeg, cloves and cinnamon.

Smith also wants to look into what possible changes that the antioxidants could cause with regard to taste, texture and nutritional content, if any. Results so far, however, do not indicate any major alterations are taking place.

Note: This story has been adapted from a news release issued by University of Arkansas, Food Safety Consortium.

AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Pharming nv herhaalt de verwachting dat later dit jaar een besluit valt over de goedkeuring voor zijn belangrijkste medicijn, Rhucin. Echter, het concern schuift de verwachting voor goedkeuring voor het medicijn lactoferrine verder vooruit.

Dit maakt Pharming donderdag bekend in een update over zijn producten ter gelegenheid van een analistenbijeenkomst in Leiden.

Rhucin is het stermedicijn van Pharming, ter bestrijding van erfelijk angiodeem. Deze zeldzame ziekte veroorzaakt acute, pijnlijke zwellingen van zachte weefsels, waarbij met name een aandoening van de keel levensbedreigend kan zijn.

Pharming verwacht dat het in de tweede helft van 2007 de resultaten van de klinische onderzoeken ontvangt en dat het tevens het besluit van de Europese medische toezichthouder EMEA zal krijgen over de marktautorisatie voor Rhucin.

Na Rhucin is humaan lactoferrine een ander product dat volgens het bedrijf dichtbij goedkeuring is. Het is echter wachten op de Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) status, die anderhalf jaar geleden werd aangevraagd bij de FDA.

Daarover zegt Pharming nu dat het verwacht dat de Amerikaanse Food and Drug Administration (FDA) zijn oordeel later dit jaar zal geven.

Eerder zei Rein Strijker, chief commercial officer (cco), nadrukkelijk dat Pharming de GRAS-status voor humaan lactoferrine nog in de eerste helft van 2007 verwacht.

Eind 2004 sprak Pharming bestuurder Samir Singh de verwachting uit dat het bedrijf medio 2006 de GRAS-status zou krijgen voor zijn humaan lactoferrine. Destijds noemde hij medio 2006 "een redelijk conservatieve inschatting".

Door Robin van Daalen; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst; +31-20-5890270;

Source: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Date: June 28, 2007
More on: Allergy, Immune System, Asthma, Diseases and Conditions, Lymphoma, Stem Cells

No More Choking And Burning Eyes? New Approach To Eliminating Allergies, Asthma
— Allergies, like the common cold and asthma, have basically defied the best efforts of modern medicine to cure them. Now, a doctoral candidate at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem School of Pharmacy has come up with a new approach that offers hope for getting rid of them.

Ido Bachelet in his lab. (Credit: Hebrew University, photo by Sasson Tiram)For his efforts, Chilean-born Ido Bachelet, a first cousin of the president of Chile, Michelle Bachelet, and a Ph.D. student under the supervision of Prof. Francesca Levi-Schaffer, has been named the winner of one of this year's Barenholz Prizes for Creativity and Originality in Applied Research. The award, named for its donor, Yehezkel Barenholz, the Dr. Daniel G. Miller Professor of Cancer Research at the Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School, was presented recently during the Hebrew University Board of Governors 70th meeting.

Bachelet's research has focused on mechanisms that regulate the function of mast cells -- the "villains" in triggering allergic reactions. When exposed to allergens, mast cells react violently and release an enormous array of pro-inflammatory substances, of which histamine is a well known example. These substances lead to acute symptoms ranging from stuffy nose, rash, and airway constriction to the lethal shock known from food or venom allergies. Later on, they attract inflammatory cells that will maintain the response, which often persists as a chronic disease.

Although allergies are usually not perceived as lethal, reality is different. In 2005, over 250,000 people died from asthma worldwide. The World Health Organization estimates that this rate will increase by 20 percent within the next decade if urgent action is not taken. Asthma is the most common chronic disease among children.

Bachelet has identified a receptor protein on mast cells, termed CD300a. This receptor has a prominent negative effect on mast cell activity, virtually shutting down the cell from unleashing allergic responses. Unfortunately, CD300a is widely found throughout the immune system, and simply targeting it could result in undesired, overall immune suppression with serious consequences, as can happen with steroids.

In order to overcome this problem, Bachelet and his research colleague, Ariel Munitz, have designed a small, synthetic, antibody fragment that has the unusual ability of recognizing two targets simultaneously -- the receptor CD300a and a mast cell-specific marker. Thus, the antibody targets CD300a only on the surface of mast cells, avoiding suppression of other immune cells. This antibody potently eliminated four different types of allergic diseases in mice. Moreover, when mice suffering from severe chronic asthma received the antibody in nose drops, they completely reverted to normal, healthy mice in less than two months.

This pioneering project, termed RECEPTRA, presents a novel therapeutic strategy for acute and chronic allergic diseases, and is currently being licensed through Yissum, the Hebrew University's technology transfer company, to pharmaceutical companies for further development and eventual clinical trials.

Based on its enormous potential, Bachelet and his team predict that with further development, their technology will become the first line of allergy therapy in the near future.

Note: This story has been adapted from a news release issued by The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.


larsenterry schreef:

Source: University of Arkansas, Food Safety Consortium
Date: June 28, 2007
More on: Nutrition, Food, Agriculture and Food, Dietary Supplement, Cows, Sheep, Pigs, Immune System

Brush On The Marinade, Hold Off The Cancerous Compounds
— With the summer steak season in swing indoors and outdoors, cooks can season the meat on the grill and provide some protection against cancer all at the same time.

All it takes is marinating the steaks with certain herbs and spices. But before heading out to the grill, J. Scott Smith examined some possibilities in the laboratory. Smith, a professor of food chemistry at Kansas State University, investigated for the Food Safety Consortium what effect marinating steaks could have on reducing carcinogenic compounds known as HCAs.

“Heterocyclic amines (HCAs) in foods have been in the spotlight for many years,” Smith said. “They are carcinogenic and mutagenic compounds that are found at parts per billion levels in cooked fish and meats.”

Previous research has shown that grilled beef is a major source of dietary HCAs when cooked at temperatures from 375 degrees F (190.5 degrees C) and above.

Consuming dietary carcinogens has been associated with different cancers in humans and one of the HCAs was shown this year to cause prostate cancer in rats. Smith said that’s why it’s necessary to find ways to prevent HCAs from forming in cooked meats.

Sigaretje? Eerst even marineren......

Bij barbecuen/grillen blijkt ook nog eens, dat de kankerverwekkende stof benzopyreen in schrikbarende hoeveelheden ontstaat ( in 1 kg vlees dezelfde hoeveelheid als in 600 sigaretten!).

Oorzaken van kanker weergegeven in factoren
Eigen keuzes kunnen dus een enorme preventie zijn in de strijd tegen kanker. En daarom is het ook belangrijk te weten welke hoofdfactoren een belangrijke rol spelen bij het krijgen of voorkomen van kanker:
Factornummer 1: TABAK / Roken
Wereldwijd sterven er jaarlijks zo'n 3 miljoen mensen per jaar aan de gevolgen van tabaksgebruik. Elke 10 seconden sterft er dus iemand aan kanker door tabaksgebruik. Waarom ?
In de tabak zijn meer dan 4.000 chemische stoffen geïdentificeerd, waarvan er 43 rechtstreeks kankerverwekkend bleken, maar daarnaast zijn er ook nog een groot aantal van die stoffen die kanker helpen veroorzaken.
We weten inmiddels ook, dat roken het DNA van het sperma beschadigd en dus ook gevolgen kan hebben voor nieuwgeboren kinderen. Ook het 'meeroken' leidt tot kanker. Tabaksgebruik/roken zorgt dus direct én indirect voor kanker. Een hele goede reden om te gaan stoppen met roken dus !
Aandelen Merck (USD 50,90 – Kopen / Recommended List) profiteren van een grootschalig onderzoek van concurrent GlaxoSmithKline (GBp 1308 - Houden) naar cervicale kanker. Merck is succesvol in dit segment met het geneesmiddel Gardasil.
Bron: ABN Amrobank

voda schreef:

Merck is succesvol in dit segment met het geneesmiddel Gardasil.
Bron: ABN Amrobank
THREE deaths have been linked to the controversial sex virus jab health officials want to give to all 12-year-old girls.
Doctors suspect the jab, which protects against a sexually transmitted human papilloma virus that causes cervical cancer, may also be linked to 1,700 “adverse reactions”.

Reports from the US, where the Gardasil vaccine has been used for nearly a year in some states, reveal that three
victims died soon after receiving the injection. They were aged 12, 19 and 20.

They seem to have suffered blood clots or heart attacks. Hundreds of others suffered what could be adverse side effects, including paralysis, seizures and miscarriages.

The news comes just days after the Department of Health announced the drug would be added to the childhood immunisation programme from autumn 2008.

The findings have alarmed UK health experts. Jackie Fletcher from the vaccine damage support group Jabs, said: “Trials of this jab have mostly been on adults, so we don’t have any idea of the long-term effect on children.”
Dr Peter Mansfield, a former GP who runs the Good HealthKeeping clinic in Lincolnshire, said: “It’s absolutely wrong that girls of 12 should be given this jab.”

Dr John Oakley, a west Midlands GP said the trials for Gardasil had been so limited that the children taking it would be like “guinea pigs”.

The manufacturers, Sanofi Pasteur MSD, had not planned to release the data, but it was obtained under freedom of information laws by lobbyists Judicial Watch. The findings read like “a catalogue of horrors”, said its president, Tom Fitton.

Other serious possible side effects include paralysis, seizures and neurological conditions such as Bell’s palsy and Guillain-Barré Syndrome, which leaves patients paralysed for months and can kill.
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Air France-KLM -3,47%
AMG Critical ... -2,85%
AZERION -2,62%
Alfen N.V. -2,40%

EU stocks, real time, by Cboe Europe Ltd.; Other, Euronext & US stocks by NYSE & Cboe BZX Exchange, 15 min. delayed
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