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Als het lukt om oude wieken en windtur­binedelen grootschalig om te zetten van composiet in nieuw materiaal, is het wel zaak dat de bouwwereld meedoet. Daarvoor is het nodig dat gerecyclede windmolens kunnen concur­reren met hout, metaal, maar ook nieuw composiet. Financieel bekeken is nieuw composiet gebruiken goedkoper dan de gerecyclede variant.

Giftige stoffen
Maar uiteindelijk moet de bouwwereld toe naar milieuvriendelijke technieken. Dat drijft de onderzoekers van Windesheim om de techniek verder te ontwikkelen, met het oog op de toekomst. Het is van steeds groter belang dat gebruikte materialen een verantwoorde oorsprong hebben, zegt Pieter Schreuder, terwijl hij met een veiligheidsbril op zijn neus snippers composiet over zijn handpalm laat rollen. Oud windmolenmateriaal moet liefst in een oneindige kringloop van hergebruik gaan passen, zodat het circulair is. Of dat lukt is afwachten.

Schreuder haalt een sponzig dotje tevoorschijn. Dit is eveneens gerecycled materiaal, gemaakt van plastic. Ook daarvan willen de onderzoekers liefst op grote schaal nieuw materiaal gaan maken. Want een groot deel van het plastic dat consumenten, gewild of ongewild, in huis halen is niet recyclebaar. Gemiddeld de helft van het consumentenplastic is niet bruikbaar om nieuwe producten zoals shampooflessen en boterhamzakjes van te maken. Het is vervuild materiaal, met te veel verschillende vezels. Schreuder: “Dat mixed plastic wil China ook niet meer van ons hebben. Het gaat nu in de afvalverbrander, maar wij willen het omvormen tot nuttig materiaal.” Er zijn nog tests nodig, om zeker te weten dat het materiaal, gemaakt van niet-recyclebare koffiebekertjes of supermarktverpakkingen, geen giftige stoffen kan gaan lekken. Na bewerking is dat risico uit te sluiten, verwachten de onderzoekers.

Het ideaalbeeld is de combinatie van gerecyclede wieken en mixed plastic, zegt Schreuder. Door het harde materiaal te vullen met het zachte plastickussen ontstaat een bouwcomponent met handige eigenschappen. Het kan schokken dempen en heeft een isolerende werking. Heel voorzichtig denkt de onderzoeker over de mogelijkheden om dat gecombineerde materiaal te gebruiken voor de bouw van energiezuinige huizen. Isolatie­materiaal dat gemaakt is van niet-recyclebaar plastic van huishoudens isoleert zeker, maar het is de vraag of die eigenschap voldoende is om bouwnormen te halen. Schreuder: “Het is natuurlijk niet de bedoeling dat je een muur van één meter dik moet bouwen, om hiermee een energieneutraal huis neer te zetten.”

Lees ook:
Windmolens afgebroken en verkocht
Nederlandse windmolens die technisch prima in orde zijn, worden soms afgebroken. Dat levert een lucratieve handel op, meldde Trouw in 2016. Honderden turbines werden tweedehands aan het buitenland verkocht.

BUMAX Wins Stainless Steel Fasteners Order for Offshore Wind Farm in Belgium

Leading Swedish manufacturer of premium stainless steel fasteners BUMAX has received a large order for corrosion resistant and maintenance free studs to be used for a wind farm off the Belgian coast. BUMAX won the order to supply stainless studs, nuts and washers for the 219 MW Northwester 2 offshore wind power plants thanks to its capability to provide high strength fasteners with excellent corrosion resistance that are suitable for extremely challenging North Sea conditions. The order value is SEK 1.7 million and the customer is Danish steel contractor Bladt Industries, a company that specializes in large-scale and highly complex steel structures, including offshore substations and offshore foundations. The wind farm is owned and operated by Parkwind, a Belgian company that develops, finances, builds and operates offshore wind farms.

The delivery to Bladt Industries was completed in July. Development of the offshore wind farm is ongoing and it is expected to be in operation in the first half of 2020.

The product chosen for this project is BUMAX SDX 109, a high strength super duplex fastener with excellent mechanical properties, and exceptional resistance to general crevice, pitting and stress corrosion in aggressive environments.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Vestas Bags 118 MW EnVentus Order for Paskoonharju II in Finland

Vestas has received an order from EPV Energia, a Finish energy company for 21 V150-5.6 MW turbines for the Paskoonharju II wind energy project in the municipality of Teuva in Finland. To maximise energy production for the project’s lifetime in the site’s strong wind conditions, Vestas has tailored a solution that combines the V150-5.6 MW turbines’ robust design and large rotors with 155m towers and a 30-year service agreement. By utilising the wind industry’s newest and most advanced technology, the customer will be able to operate the wind power plant on merchant terms.

The contract includes the supply, installation and commissioning of the wind turbines, as well as a 30-year Active Output Management 5000 (AOM 5000) service agreement. The project will also feature a VestasOnline® Business SCADA solution to lower turbine downtime and optimise the energy output. Turbine delivery is scheduled to begin in the second quarter of 2021 while commissioning is planned for the third quarter of 2021.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Rabbalshede Kraft and Modvion Enters New Collaboration for Wind Turbines

Leading wind project developer in the Nordics Rabbalshede Kraft has signed a letter of intent regarding 10 of Modvion’s modular wind power towers made of laminated wood, for their planned wind farm in Fagremo in Toreboda municipality in Sweden. Given a successful collaboration, Modvion could potentially deliver towers to Rabbbalshede kraft to an estimated value of SEK 500-900 million over the 5 years to follow. Rabbalshede Kraft and Modvion are already working together to build the first commercial power plant using the innovative tower technology and the new collaboration is a natural continuation.

Modvion develop demanding structures made of laminated wood; nature’s carbon fiber for large scale constructions. The solutions enable major cuts of carbon dioxide emissions by replacing steel and concrete. Modvion’s modular towers made of laminated wood enables reduces costs for wind power. The modular design makes high-altitude wind power cost efficient, minimize weight, and gives net zero emissions of C02. The intention is to continue the manufacturing partnership with Moelven Toreboda.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Siemens Gamesa to Actively Dictate Wind Flow at Offshore Wind Locations

Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy has launched the Wake Adapt feature at the WindEurope Offshore 2019 Conference & Exhibition in Copenhagen. It allows SGRE to actively adjust the heading of individual offshore wind turbines, directing the wind which flows off the individual machine in a different direction than what normally occurs. This resulting shift in direction of the wind turbine wake away from downstream wind turbines allows an increase in overall wind park performance of up to 1% in annual energy production.

On a technical level, SGRE’s Wake Adapt applies wake steering techniques to reduce wake-induced production losses on offshore wind power plants by up to 10%. Remotely activated, it strategically adjusts the yaw angle of each individual offshore wind turbine when the wake of upstream wind turbines negatively affects downstream wind turbines. These offset angles deflect the wake away from downstream turbines, controlling the wind to ensure that downstream turbines receive a more powerful and undisrupted wind flow. This redistributes production across the row of turbines, increasing the performance of the entire wind power plant. The adaptations are made depending on site-specific conditions and comply with the load design envelope for the SGRE offshore wind turbines and support structures.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Equinor and ORE Catapult to share Hywind Scotland Operational Data

Equinor and Masdar have joined forces with ORE Catapult to share floating offshore wind data via the POD data sharing platform. Operational data from the world’s first floating offshore wind farm, Hywind Scotland, is now available to access on a free to use basis for supply chain businesses and academia through the Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult’s Platform for Operational Data service. The POD service is designed to offer comprehensive data sets from offshore wind demonstrator sites across the UK to improve our understanding of how offshore wind farms operate in real-world conditions and support innovative research, projects and product development.

Under this agreement between Equinor, Masdar and ORE Catapult, subscribers can access a pre-defined set of full-scale measurements from one of Hywind Scotland’s five turbines. By enabling access to this information, the three organisations aim to better engage industry, academia and the offshore wind supply chain in the UK and internationally, to foster collaboration and drive innovation in floating offshore wind. The shared long-term goal is to reduce the cost of floating offshore wind, making the technology a cost competitive industrial solution.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Saipem Bags EDF Renewables Contract for Offshore Wind Farms in Scotland

Saipem has been awarded a contract by the French company EDF Renewables for the construction of the Neart na Gaoithe wind farm offshore Scotland. This is the first turn-key project awarded to Saipem in the offshore wind farm sector. The scope of work consists of the engineering, procurement, construction and installation of 54 steel foundation jackets for an equivalent number of wind turbines with a capacity of around 8MW each, 2 steel foundation jackets for the offshore electrical substations and the transportation and installation of the relevant topsides. These jackets will be manufactured partly at a Saipem owned yard and partly in fabrication facilities located in Scotland. The jackets will be placed on piles at depths ranging from 40 to 60 meters.

Offshore installation activities will be carried out by the crane vessel Saipem 7000, which has a consolidated track record of operations in the North Sea.

The NnG offshore wind farm, 15km off the east coast of Scotland, will be deployed over an area of 105 km2 and will be capable of generating around 450 megawatts of electricity.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
DEME Offshore Bags EPCI Cable Contract for Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm in Scotland

DEME Offshore has been awarded a major EPCI contract for the inter-array and interconnector cables at the Neart na Gaoithe offshore wind farm in Scotland. The scope includes the engineering, procurement, construction, and installation of the subsea cables for the 450 MW capacity wind farm, with execution expected in 2021. The 450 MW Neart na Gaoithe offshore wind farm, owned by EDF Renewables UK, will be located 15.5 km off the east coast of Fife in Scotland and covers an area of approximately 105 km2. Water depths for the installation range between 45 and 55 m. The layout shall include 54 8 MW wind turbine generators, distributed across 12 array strings, each connected via dedicated 66 kV inter-array cables. The 6 array loops will be connected to the two Offshore Substations, with three array loops to each OSS and an interconnector between the OSSs.

Engineering activities have already kicked off in order to meet the required project milestones.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Port of Tyne Ready for Offshore Wind Manufacturers

The Port of Tyne, one of only two deep-sea ports in North East England, is making further progress to prepare its site for offshore wind manufacturers. As round four of the tender process by the Crown Estate, which is responsible for awarding seabed rights for offshore renewable energy projects, nears completion the Port of Tyne is investing substantially in the third phase of clearance and remediation of Tyne Dock Enterprise Park. The site offers easy access to deep-sea berths and associated port services. Situated closer than any other port to seven of the world’s biggest offshore wind farms the Port of Tyne is perfectly placed to support the needs of offshore wind developers.

The Port of Tyne, within 100 nautical miles of the Dogger Bank, Hornsea, Seagreen and Sofia wind farms has reclaimed 30 acres of land and invested almost GBP 10 million in making Tyne Dock Enterprise Park offshore ready. The latest phase in the Port’s infrastructure programme sees the demolition of a 2,000 square metre elevated platform and ancillary work to further clear the site.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Hoe groot kunnen windturbines worden?

Energiebedrijf Vattenfall gaat voor de kust tussen Den Haag en Zandvoort joekels van windturbines plaatsen, met een vermogen van 11 megawatt. Wat hebben we hieraan, en waar ligt de grens?

Hoe groot worden ze precies?

Alsof drie vliegtuigvleugels van de Airbus A380 met een noodvaart rondslingeren, zo moet het er straks uitzien op de Noordzee. Energiebedrijf Vattenfall kondigde vorige week aan voor de kust tussen Den Haag en Zandvoort 140 turbines te gaan plaatsen met bladen van bijna honderd meter lengte en een diameter van 193 meter. Dankzij een recente verbetering kunnen ze tot 11 megawatt aan stroom opwekken, nog meer dan verwacht. Ter vergelijking: het Prinses Amaliawindpark, dat iedereen vanaf het strand bij IJmuiden kan zien liggen, is iets meer dan tien jaar oud en heeft nog turbines van 2 MW.

Wat levert het op?

Dat is uit te rekenen. Als deze turbine een uur draait bij perfecte wind, levert dat 11000 kWh op. Vertaald naar bijvoorbeeld elektrisch rijden, betekent dit dat als de turbine één seconde draait, je met een normale elektrische auto pakweg 15 kilometer kunt rijden. Anderhalve minuut wentelen zou voldoende moeten zijn voor een rit naar Nice. En als de turbine iets meer dan een kwartier draait, moet dat genoeg opleveren om een huishouden een jaar lang (3000 kWh) van stroom te voorzien.

Al is dat wel rooskleurig gerekend. De turbine staat soms ook stil door onderhoud, er zijn transportverliezen en bovenal waait het soms totaal niet. Gemiddeld haalt een windpark op zee minder dan de helft van het topvermogen. Reken op 42%, stelt de universiteit van Michigan.

Een turbine die moet verschijnen in windpark Hollandse Kust Zuid.Foto: Vattenfall

Hoeveel groter kunnen turbines worden?

Oneindig veel groter, denkt bestuursvoorzitter Anders Runevad van de Deense turbinebouwer Vestas. Want hoe groter de turbines, hoe lucratiever het windpark. 'Technisch gezien zie ik geen belemmering aan de omvang', zei hij begin 2019 tegen persbureau Bloomberg. Dit klopt, zegt Dominic von Terzi, hoogleraar windenergie aan de TU Delft. Al reken je dan wel op innovaties. Een van de problemen is dat hoe groter een rotor wordt, hoe sneller het puntje door de lucht scheert. Het kan daarbij zelfs door de geluidsbarrière breken, en dat leidt tot geluidsoverlast en trillingen. 'Daar moet je iets op vinden', zegt hij. 'Maar er zijn steeds innovaties geweest waardoor het is gelukt om zo groot te worden.'

Zelfs de rotoren van de turbines van Vattenfall, gebouwd door Siemens Gamesa, zijn alweer ingehaald. General Electric bouwde op het puntje van de Tweede Maasvlakte een proefturbine met een rotordiameter van 220 meter. Het is nogal een verandering: in 1985 werd in Nederland één turbine gebouwd. De ashoogte was 20 meter, de tiphoogte 26 meter.

Is hiermee straks alles groen?

Bij lange na niet, er is veel meer elektriciteit nodig in het land. De 140 windturbines die Vattenfall gaat bouwen, kunnen twee tot drie miljoen huishoudens van stroom voorzien, beschrijft het bedrijf. Dat komt neer op rond de 5% van wat Nederland jaarlijks aan elektriciteit nodig heeft, blijkt uit cijfers van het CBS. Wel gaat het park subsidievrij draaien, met de disclaimer dat de overheid de stroomkabel naar het park betaalt. En het gaat snel: in 2023 is het park volledig operationeel.

Siemens Gamesa 11 MW Turbines for Vttenfall Hollandse Kust Zuid 1&2 Wind Farm

Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy and Vattenfall extend Hollandse Kust Zuid turbine supply to cover the entire Hollandse Kust Zuid wind farm zone, making this the largest turbine collaboration to date for Vattenfall. Vattenfall will act as launching customer to pioneer Siemens Gamesa’s most powerful offshore wind turbine. The Hollandse Kust Zuid wind farm zone is planned to be fitted with approximately 140 units of Siemens Gamesa’s upgraded version of their Direct Drive offshore wind turbine SG DD-193, which now features the ability to reach a capacity of 11 MW.

This capacity upgrade, available under certain site conditions, means that fewer turbines are needed to generate the same amount of energy. This will reduce installation, operations and maintenance costs and thereby contribute to further reductions in Levelized Cost of Energy for offshore wind. Furthermore, it significantly reduces the environmental impact of installation and operation of the wind farm.

In July 2019, Vattenfall won the tender to build Hollandse Kust Zuid 3&4. In March 2018, a permit had already been awarded to Vattenfall to build Hollandse Kust Zuid 1&2. Both tenders were won by Vattenfall with a zero subsidy bid. Once fully operational, Hollandse Kust Zuid will generate enough power to supply up to three million households with green electricity. The development of the wind farm is subject to certain conditions, including Vattenfall’s final investment decision.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
ABP neemt meerderheidsbelang Duits windpark

ABP koopt belang van circa 64% in Merkur Offshore, een windpark op de Duitse Noordzee. Dat meldt het pensioenfonds voor overheid en onderwijs, zonder financiële details bekend te maken. De bouw van het windpark kostte €1,6 mrd.
Merkur is onlangs opgeleverd. Het heeft een vermogen van 396 megawatt en levert voldoende energie voor het verbruik van ongeveer 500.000 huishoudens. Het park bestaat uit 66 windmolens van General Electric, met elk een vermogen van 6 megawatt.

Langjarig rendement
Het windpark 45 kilometer uit de kust van het Duitse waddeneiland Borkum, was een joint venture van Partners Group, InfraRed Capital Partners, DEME Concessions en Coriolis. InfraRed Capital Partners had een belang van 25% in het park. In de transactie die dinsdag werd aangekondigd, vergroot die Britse investeerder zijn belang naar 36%.

'Deze investering in een van de grotere offshore windparken ter wereld levert een mooi en langjarig rendement op voor onze deelnemers', zegt Corien Wortmann van ABP in een verklaring.

Dat bouw werd deels gefinancierd met eigen vermogen van de aandeelhouders. Daarnaast verstrekte een consortium van tien banken een krediet van €1,2 mrd. ABN Amro was een van de banken die een lening verstrekte, Rabobank was de zogeheten insurance bank voor het project en Amsterdam Capital Partners was betrokken als financieel adviseur.

Windparken zijn geliefd bij pensioenfondsen. Die hebben langjarige verplichtingen, en ze verwachten die af te dekken met de langjarige rendementen die windparken opleveren. Tweeënhalf jaar geleden investeerde ABP bijna € 327 mln in de aanleg van het Åskalen-park, het grootste windmolenpark op het vasteland van Zweden. Investeringen in wind passen ook bij de gewenste verduurzaming waar de pensioenfondsen allemaal naar streven.

EDP Group and El Corte Inglés Ink Pact for Wind Power

EDP Renewables and the EDP Group’s energy supplier in Spain EDP are collaborating with El Corte Inglés, Europe’s leading department store group, to instantly guarantee the renewable origin of the energy consumed at its retail establishments in Malaga, Seville and Campo de las Naciones in Madrid. The electricity will be supplied from five EDPR wind farms distributed throughout the provinces of Malaga, Seville and Cadiz, with a total installed capacity of 169.4 MW.

This project will harness the Blockchain Energy Tracking system, which involves the use of blockchain technology to carry out real-time tracking of the origin of the energy consumed. The Blockchain Energy Tracking will carry out the fiduciary role of a ‘digital notary’ at the precise moment the energy is being consumed, and will certify that the information contained in the chain is accurate. Thanks to the use of this data structure, it is impossible to amend the information obtained or modify its authenticity and integrity.

This new system will be used in parallel with, and in addition to, the traditional Guarantees of Origin issued by the National Securities Market Commission to certify the renewable origin of each megawatt per hour consumed by clients, in a process that may run for up to one year. Thanks to this innovative technology offered by the EDP Group, El Corte Inglés will now have access to updated and real-time information on its energy consumption with dual verification: live reporting via the Blockchain Energy Tracking project, and the Guarantees of Origin issued subsequently.

Guaranteeing the renewable source of all energy consumed by a shopping centre on an annual basis allows El Corte Inglés to certify a reduction in its CO2 emissions to levels that equate to the removal of around 101,794 cars from the road for one week or the effect of 15,790 trees growing over a 10-year period.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
EIB and Iberdrola sign Pacts for Renewable Energy Projects in Brazil and Electrical Networks in Spain

At the Climate Change Conference COP25 in Madrid, the EIB and Iberdrola announced two new agreements to promote climate action by investing in renewable energy projects and electricity distribution networks. To do so, the Vice-President of the EU bank Emma Navarro and the President of Iberdrola Ignacio Galán agreed two loans for a total of EUR 690 million.

Of the EUR 690m total, EUR 250 million will go to financing the construction of 15 wind farms to be developed in the country by Neoenergia, the Iberdrola subsidiary in Brazil. These new facilities will be located in three states in the north east: Paraíba, Bahía and Piauí. Once operational, they will have a total installed power of 520 MW and produce an annual average of 2,300 GWh of clean energy. Commissioning these wind farms will help to reduce CO? emissions and increase the proportion of renewable energy in the country's electricity generation. The investments in these new wind farms will be made over a five-year period and will enable the creation of 2,300 jobs.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Vestas to deliver 101 MW of EnVentus V162-5.6 MW Turbines for Two Projects in Finland

Vestas has secured a 101 MW order from Puhuri Oy, a developer and investor in wind energy for the Parhalahti and Hankila projects located in Northern Ostrobothnia in Finland. This takes Vestas’ order intake in Finland in 2019 above 800 MW with almost 600 MW of the volume contracted for the Enventus platform. Both projects will comprise EnVentus V162-5.6 MW turbines with a 166m hub height and a 25-year full scope service agreement AOM 5000. Leveraging the V162-5.6 MW turbine’s industry-leading energy production and capacity factor, the solution significantly boosts the projects’ annual energy production and lowers the cost of energy.

The contract includes the supply, installation and commissioning of the 18 wind turbines, as well as a 25-year Active Output Management 5000 service agreement. The project will also feature a VestasOnline® Business SCADA solution to lower turbine downtime and optimise the energy output. Turbine delivery is scheduled to begin in the third quarter of 2021 while commissioning is planned for the fourth quarter of 2021.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
ScottishPower Hybrid Technology for Renewable Energy in UK and Ireland

ScottishPower has announced a new hybrid technology strategy to maximise onshore renewable energy potential in the UK and Ireland, which will see the company construct solar projects for the first time. To make the most of land resources and optimise connections the grid, ScottishPower intends to add a mixture of solar and battery technology at existing windfarm sites, with the vast majority of future applications for new projects consisting of more than one clean energy technology.

Planning applications have already been submitted to add solar technology to the existing windfarms of Carland Cross in Cornwall, Coal Clough in Lancashire and Coldham in Cambridgeshire. Further applications to add solar to windfarms in Scotland and Ireland are currently being developed, in addition to further solar projects in England.

Of over 1000MW of new onshore wind projects currently being developed by the company, it is anticipated that the vast majority of these sites will also include proposals for solar or batteries, or a mixture of both technologies.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Siemens Gamesa installs 1000 Offshore Direct Drive Wind Turbine

When Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy recently installed turbine 51 in the British 714 MW East Anglia One project, it reached a significant milestone: the installation of offshore Direct Drive wind turbine number 1,000, eight years on from the first. Since being launched in 2011, the 1,000 units of the Siemens Gamesa Offshore Direct Drive wind turbine platform combined have avoided approximately 29 million tons of CO2 compared to fossil fuel power generation, the equivalent of more than 6 million trips around the Earth in a car.

Our engineers pioneered the offshore sector back in 1991, contributing to the world’s first wind power plant in Denmark. Since then, Siemens Gamesa has grown to become the global leader in offshore wind power generation with projects in numerous countries in Europe and Asia Pacific. Its reach is set to extend further with conditional contracts already signed in emerging offshore wind markets including the United States, Japan, and France. According to the International Energy Agency, offshore wind power capacity is set to increase by at least 15-fold worldwide by 2040, becoming a $1 trillion business.

According to performance data collected by Siemens Gamesa, its Direct Drive offshore wind turbine fleet has produced approximately 34.6 Terawatt hours of electricity since the first unit was installed in 2011. This output is the same as the annual consumption for every household in Denmark, or the power consumption of the city of Madrid including all industry for one year.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Vestas haalt Australische order binnen

(ABM FN) Vestas heeft twee opdrachten in Australië binnengehaald voor de levering van windturbines. Dit maakte de fabrikant dinsdag bekend.

Vestas zal turbines voor in totaal 21 megawatt leveren voor de windmolenparken Diapur Wind Farm en Ferguson Wind Farm van BayWa.

Vestas wordt ook verantwoordelijk voor het onderhoud voor een periode van 25 jaar.

Het aandeel Vestas noteert dinsdagmiddag 0,5 procent hoger.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +32(0)78 486 481

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EIB supports clean energy in Portugal by financing three EDPR wind farms

During COP 25, the 25th annual Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the European Investment Bank has announced that it has provided EUR 45 million to Eólica da Linha, S.A, fully owned by EDP Renováveis, S.A, to build three wind farms in Portugal. These wind farms have a total nominal capacity of 96 MW creating 240 jobs during the implementation phase. Banco Português de Investimento (BPI) is co-financing the project.

The three wind farms are located in the North and West of the country, precisely in Batalha/Leiria (Maunça wind farm - 20.5 MW), Tarouca (Vigia wind farm - 28.8 MW) and Penacova (Penacova wind farm - 46.8 MW).

The EIB financing provided to EDPR will help Portugal to implement the Government’s Renewable Energy Action Plan, which foresees that 80% of the country’s gross electricity consumption will be generated from renewable sources by 2030. Moreover, this project contributes to the European Commission’s binding target of having at least 32% of final energy consumption coming from renewable sources, by 2030.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Vestas Bags 132 MW Order for 3 Wind Projects in Poland

Vestas has received a 132 MW order from Akuo Energy, a worldwide player in Renewable Energy, for the wind projects Wielowies, located in southern Poland and EP 44 and Gniew, located in northern Poland. All three projects will comprise tailored solutions including site-specific rotor sizes, ratings and hub heights that will cater for specific site and transportation constraints while maximising annual energy production. The Wielowies project will feature 19 V136-3.45 MW turbines and one V126-3.45 MW turbine that will all be operating in 3.3 MW. The EP 44 project consists of 22 V110-2.0 MW turbines and the Gniew wind farm comprises 11 V110-2.0 MW.

The three wind energy projects will feature a VestasOnline® Business SCADA solution, lowering turbine downtime and thus optimising the energy output. The contract further includes supply, installation and commissioning of the wind turbines, as well as a 15-year Active Output Management 5000 (AOM 5000) service agreement. Turbine deliveries are expected to begin in the third quarter of 2020, while commissioning is planned for the third and fourth quarter of 2020.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
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