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New Age schreef:

Britain Reviews Its Future In The Space Race

26 June 2009

An expert panel has been asked to lay out the challenges and opportunities facing the British space industry.

The group will deliver its assessment in six months and make recommendations on how it thinks government can help maintain the sector's competitiveness.

The industry turns over £6bn annually and supports some 70,000 jobs.

Science minister Lord Drayson called the sector a "hidden jewel" of UK PLC because of its huge - but largely unrecognised - impact on daily life.

So much of what people do, from watching TV to finding their way in a car, is now dependent on space-borne services - many of which are just taken for granted.

Known as the Space Innovation Growth Team (Space IGT), the new panel will be chaired by Andy Green, the chief executive officer of Logica.

His IT company provides software and systems support to other space firms and so is in a good position to survey the entire industry, from hardware manufacturing to end-user applications.

The IGT will take soundings from across the sector, and from interests that rely on space technology such as entertainment, navigation and climate change.

Next generation

The aim of Mr Green's panel is to define a 20-year strategy for the British space business.

It will attempt to identify the key trends and then list the actions industry and government need to take if they want to fully exploit the changes that are coming.

"Major Tim" will be an ambassador for science and technology
"We're clearly not going to outspend the Americans or the Indians; that's not the answer. What we're going to have to do is work smarter," Mr Green told BBC News.

"We have to think through very carefully what it is that is going to drive wealth creation, and begin to build the skills and the investment that will make that happen."

And he added: "It is technology-driven businesses like the space industry which will provide an absolutely fundamental lever for economic growth in the UK going forward.

"I am particularly concerned to see that we get more young people interested in technology careers, and I think space has a tremendous opportunity to excite people about what technology can do."

This is just the latest IGT established by government. Previous panels have been set up to examine the potential for wealth creation in areas such as biotechnology and the auto industry.

The Space IGT is expected to come forward with some preliminary findings by the end of the year, and then deliver its full report in early 2010.

Esa investment

Lord Drayson already has a report on his desk detailing how the UK can play its part in the changing goals of space exploration.

Soon, he is also likely to call for a consultation on the issue of whether Britain should have a dedicated space agency to co-ordinate government policy; at the moment policy is driven by a collection of "users" comprising the research councils and the various government departments with an interest in space.

British space activity was given a huge boost in May with the appointment of the first UK citizen to the European Space Agency (Esa) Astronaut Corps. Major Tim Peake will become a significant ambassador for science and technology.

Esa will also formally open its new technical centre in Harwell, Oxfordshire, next month.

"Space is a bit of a hidden jewel in the UK," Lord Drayson told BBC News.

"We have a number of hooks to raise its profile - Major Tim, the Harwell centre, the big Herschel launch that we've had recently.

"But what the IGT will do, I think, is give us a great platform to say more about the commercial opportunities and how space can really contribute to the UK economy and jobs in the future."

Bedankt met uiteraard een aanbeveling !!!

New Age schreef:

Britain Reviews Its Future In The Space Race

26 June 2009

An expert panel has been asked to lay out the challenges and opportunities facing the British space industry.

The group will deliver its assessment in six months and make recommendations on how it thinks government can help maintain the sector's competitiveness.

The industry turns over £6bn annually and supports some 70,000 jobs.

Science minister Lord Drayson called the sector a "hidden jewel" of UK PLC because of its huge - but largely unrecognised - impact on daily life.

So much of what people do, from watching TV to finding their way in a car, is now dependent on space-borne services - many of which are just taken for granted.

Known as the Space Innovation Growth Team (Space IGT), the new panel will be chaired by Andy Green, the chief executive officer of Logica.

His IT company provides software and systems support to other space firms and so is in a good position to survey the entire industry, from hardware manufacturing to end-user applications.

The IGT will take soundings from across the sector, and from interests that rely on space technology such as entertainment, navigation and climate change.

Next generation

The aim of Mr Green's panel is to define a 20-year strategy for the British space business.

It will attempt to identify the key trends and then list the actions industry and government need to take if they want to fully exploit the changes that are coming.

"Major Tim" will be an ambassador for science and technology
"We're clearly not going to outspend the Americans or the Indians; that's not the answer. What we're going to have to do is work smarter," Mr Green told BBC News.

"We have to think through very carefully what it is that is going to drive wealth creation, and begin to build the skills and the investment that will make that happen."

And he added: "It is technology-driven businesses like the space industry which will provide an absolutely fundamental lever for economic growth in the UK going forward.

"I am particularly concerned to see that we get more young people interested in technology careers, and I think space has a tremendous opportunity to excite people about what technology can do."

This is just the latest IGT established by government. Previous panels have been set up to examine the potential for wealth creation in areas such as biotechnology and the auto industry.

The Space IGT is expected to come forward with some preliminary findings by the end of the year, and then deliver its full report in early 2010.

Esa investment

Lord Drayson already has a report on his desk detailing how the UK can play its part in the changing goals of space exploration.

Soon, he is also likely to call for a consultation on the issue of whether Britain should have a dedicated space agency to co-ordinate government policy; at the moment policy is driven by a collection of "users" comprising the research councils and the various government departments with an interest in space.

British space activity was given a huge boost in May with the appointment of the first UK citizen to the European Space Agency (Esa) Astronaut Corps. Major Tim Peake will become a significant ambassador for science and technology.

Esa will also formally open its new technical centre in Harwell, Oxfordshire, next month.

"Space is a bit of a hidden jewel in the UK," Lord Drayson told BBC News.

"We have a number of hooks to raise its profile - Major Tim, the Harwell centre, the big Herschel launch that we've had recently.

"But what the IGT will do, I think, is give us a great platform to say more about the commercial opportunities and how space can really contribute to the UK economy and jobs in the future."

Het geeft alleen maar aan wat de kwaliteiten zijn Logica. De koers is totaal niet in overeenstemming met de know how die in de onderneming zit. De tijd zal het leren.
Research and Markets: The Operating Profit of the Company Logica Plc Was £86.4 Million ($160.3 Million) In FY2008

06 july 2009

Research and Markets has announced the addition of the "Logica Plc - SWOT Analysis" company profile to their offering.

The Logica Plc - SWOT Analysis company profile is the essential source for top-level company data and information. Logica Plc - SWOT Analysis examines the company's key business structure and operations, history and products, and provides summary analysis of its key revenue lines and strategy.

The company recorded revenues of £3,588 million ($6,656.4 million) during the financial year ended December 2008 (FY2008), an increase of 16.8% over 2007. The operating profit of the company was £86.4 million ($160.3 million) in FY2008, a decrease of 21.2% over 2007. Its net profit was £38.7 million ($71.8 million) in FY2008, a decrease of 77.2% over 2007.

Ultimate Software acquires FlexShip/FlexPort solution

Hilversum, The Netherlands, July 3, 2009

Ultimate Software acquires FlexShip/FlexPort solution for the shipping industry and business from Logica and welcomes Logica as new value added reseller from Ultimate Software

On June 26, 2009, Logica and Ultimate Software BV from the Netherlands have agreed on transferring the intellectual property rights on the FlexShip/Port software and the existing FlexShip/Port business to Ultimate Software. FlexShip/Port is an integrated software system for the shipping industry, based on Microsoft Dynamics AX.

Since 2005, Ultimate and Logica have a strong cooperation in developing the FlexShip/Port solution. Ultimate has continued to invest in the FlexShip/Port solution by adding additional functionality to adapt the system to different parts of the shipping industry, e.g. multi cargo, equipment control, intermodal transport including door-to-door, forwarding etcetera.

Ultimate currently owns the software, adds new functionality, supports all existing clients and partners and provides services to partners. Logica, as the new value added distributor, stays committed to the FlexShip/Port solutions with their core activities of selling and implementing the system and providing services to it’s customers in the Nordic Countries, including upgrading customers to upcoming new releases provided by Ultimate Software. Like all other partners, Logica will continue to market the Flex solutions on it’s current markets, but also on new markets where the solution fits.

Ultimate will expand the FlexShip/Port business and bring existing and new partners together to make the solution a leading player in the shipping industry. Ultimate will, together with the partners, put efforts in making the FlexShip/Port solution the world wide leading integrated ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system for the shipping industry, based on a Microsoft platform.

the legend
Erfahrungsbericht iPhone im Unternehmen
Logica setzt auf 1400 iPhones20.07.2009
Als eines der ersten Unternehmen in Deutschland hat der Beratungs- und IT-Dienstleister Logica einen Großteil seiner Mitarbeiter mit dem Apple iPhone ausgestattet. Ein Erfahrungsbericht.

Anders als in den USA ist es hierzulande noch selten, dass Unternehmen das Apple iPhone im großen Stil einsetzen. Eine Ausnahme stellt - neben dem Axel Springer Verlag - Logica dar. Der IT-Dienstleister hatte Anfang dieses Jahres damit begonnen, die mobilen Apple-Geräte an seine Mitarbeiter zu verteilen. Mittlerweile sind rund 1400 iPhones im Einsatz.

Ein Aufkommen dieses Ausmaßes war nicht unbedingt die Intention, als sich Country Manager Torsten Straß und sein Team im Februar 2008 anschickten, ein neues Telefon- und Kommunikationskonzept für Logica Deutschland zu entwickeln. Bei dem Beratungs- und IT-Dienstleister herrschte nach den vielen vorangegangenen Mergern eine stark heterogene Telefonumgebung vor. So nutzen die Mitarbeiter nicht nur Handys verschiedener Hersteller und Plattformen, es gab darüber hinaus eine Vielzahl unterschiedlicher Provider, Verträge und Laufzeiten.

Logica hatte es sich also zum Ziel gesetzt, durch das Zusammenführen der Verträge bei einem Provider die Kosten zu senken. Gleichzeitig wollte das Unternehmen aber auch eine Verbesserung für die Nutzer bringen. Um mehr über deren Anforderungen in Erfahrung zu bringen, startete Logica daher eine Umfrage bei 50 repräsentativen Anwendern. Dabei ergab sich, dass Unified-Communications-Funktionen wie Rufweiterleitung oder One-Numbering weniger stark gefragt waren, da viele Mitarbeiter als Consultants eher mobil im Einsatz sind. Umso wichtiger bewerteten die Befragten dagegen Funktionalitäten wie E-Mail-, Kalender- und Adressbuchzugriff.

Mit diesen Informationen begann Logica, bei den verschiedenen Mobilfunk-Providern Angebote einzuholen. "T-Mobile ging in hohem Maße auf die Anforderungen ein und brachte auch das iPhone ins Gespräch", berichtet Straß - mit dem Resultat, dass sich das Unternehmen intensiver mit dem Gerät auseinandersetzte.
the legend
Satellites: the new space race for business

The UK commercial space industry is set to double in size over the next decade

By Sarah Arnott

Wednesday, 22 July 2009
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There is more to the final frontier than bubble-helmeted astronauts taking giant leaps in the interests of scientific progress and the planting of national flags.

In fact, the commercial space sector is one of the unsung heroes of the British industry, growing at a steady 9 per cent every year since 1999 – more than three times the rate of the overall economy – and set to double its contribution to GDP over the coming decade, according to research published yesterday by Oxford Economics and Seeda, the regional development agency.

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The opening of the European Space Agency (ESA) technical research centre at Harwell in Oxfordshire today will also help. The facility, which is in the same science campus as the massive Diamond Synchrotron facility, will have several areas of activity, including climate change modelling and new exploration technologies such as robotics. But a key part of its mission will be to identify new services exploiting data collected in space. "Harwell will provide a national hub to make sure we get the maximum return for the UK from our space industry," Jeff Alexander, an executive director at Seeda, said.

Space is already big business in the UK. For the individual, it means everything from TV and mobile phones, to weather forecasts, to increasingly popular location-based and navigation services. Less obviously, power generators are starting to use satellites to manage network switching with pinpoint accuracy, while fleet managers and shipping companies can use GPS for tracking and navigation. The space industry already contributes £6.5bn to UK GDP each year, and supports 68,000 jobs. By 2020, it will be worth £14.2bn and employ 115,000.

Sam Moore, one of the authors of the Oxford Economics report, said: "The average person thinks of space as being about the moon landings, but there is also an industry around building satellites and then using the information they provide."

Space is just the kind of hi-tech industry that the Government hopes will replace heavy industry as the UK's ticket to the world's economic top table. Some 60 per cent of those working in the sector are educated to degree level, and the average GDP contribution of £145,000 per employee is four times that of the economy's average worker.

Space is also highly R&D intensive. At the moment the industry invests almost 5 per cent of its economic contribution in R&D, three times the UK average. But the lead times are incredibly long. GPS, for example, may now be a huge industry, but the satellites were first launched in the 1970s and 1980s.

Stuart Martin, the business director for space at Logica, one of the biggest players in the UK industry, said: "The challenge in space is that the time between sending up the satellite and the growth of services using it can be very long indeed. There can be a 20-year investment payback cycle which is almost impossible to manage commercially."

Both factors point to a key role for government in supporting the commercial industry. The UK Government currently spends about £250m a year on space, the vast majority of which is channelled through ESA. Some goes on Europe's two big programmes: the €3.4bn (£2.9bn) Galileo project to build a more accurate rival to the US-owned GPS system (see box), and the embryonic €3bn Global Monitoring and Security System, which will track everything from flood to earthquakes to forest fires. The rest of the spending goes on scientific missions and R&D.

The plea from the industry is not for government money, but for help in readying itself for the vast opportunities to come. Location-based services are an example. In the US, such services are worth about $1bn (£609m) already, but the market is forecast to double once GPS signals can be received inside buildings as well as outside. To make the upgrade means research investment, stronger power supplies on satellites and the allocation of extra frequency bands – all of which can be facilitated by government.

In the short term, what Britain needs most is better co-ordination. The space sector may be growing faster than the economy, but the worldwide industry is growing faster still. Unlike European neighbours such as France and Germany, Britain has no central strategy. Instead, the British National Space Centre (BNSC) designates the lead role on any given project to a single Whitehall department, leaving other organisations' budgets and benefits out on a limb.

"There is a constant struggle because of the way the UK gives ownership to one department which is only ever looking at one part of the picture and trying to justify spending on the programme on that basis alone," Mr Martin said.

The good news is that the situation may be about to change. Lord Drayson, the Science minister, this week announced a three-month consultation on whether the BNSC should be upgraded to become a fully fledged agency, like its European counterparts. "Space is so important to our future," he said at the launch.

The Government is also backing the Space Innovation and Growth Team (IGT), established last month to put together a 20-year roadmap for the UK space industry. The group includes representatives from government, industry and academia and aims to ensure that any barriers to growth are dealt with before they impede progress. The preliminary findings will be published in December, and the full report early next year.

Terry Coxall, the project director for the IGT who also works for space giant EADS Astrium, said: "We need to look forward and prepare the Government's thinking. Space is an enabler: it doesn't do anything itself but is used by lots of other industries, and we need to be thinking about what those might be in advance."

Galileo: Europe's big idea

* Galileo is Europe's biggest civilian space programme: a multibillion-euro, 30-strong satellite network designed to provide the world's most accurate global positioning systems.

* Two test satellites are already in space, and the first four operational units will be launched by the end of next year in French Guiana.

* The scheme has the grand ambition to beat the US to the nascent market for location-based services. The technology is undoubtedly superior to US-run GPS, pinpointing down to just a few centimetres compared with 10 metres at best.

* The list of potential applications is long. GPS is already used by industries as diverse as oil and gas, electricity generation and fleet management, but it cannot be used in safety-critical areas such as air traffic control. One plan for Galileo is to offer contractual certainty, so it could be used to monitor cars' drift in motorway lanes, for example, or to berth ships in dockyards.

* For consumers, improved location-based services may mean anything from sophisticated anti-theft tagging, to helping keep track of elderly relatives, to road-user charging schemes.

* The danger is progress will be scuppered by politics. Galileo was originally due by 2008. But has been dogged by disagreements, leaving som
the legend
10-07-2009 16:16 | Door Rian van Heur | Tags: Gemeenten | Gerelateerde bedrijven:
LogicaLogica is een toonaangevend bedrijf op het gebied van ICT-diensten en zakelijke dienstverlening.
Bekijk bedrijfsprofiel van LogicaAlle artikelen over Logica
Logica | Er is 1 reactie op dit artikel | Permalink
Invoering landelijk Burgernet is makkelijk
Het kost relatief weinig tijd om Burgernet landelijk uit te rollen. Dat zegt Herman Keijsers, sales en business development director overheid bij Logica. De dienstverlener bouwde de ict-infrastructuur voor het systeem. 'We hebben een volledig systeem gebouwd. Het installeren van het systeem in de meldkamer betreft alleen het installeren van de software. Dat is relatief weinig werk.' De stuurgroep Burgernet zal, na een geslaagde proef bij negen gemeenten, het advies geven aan de ministeries van Justitie en Binnenlandse Zaken om het netwerk landelijk uit te rollen.

ZoekactieBurgernet is een initiatief waarmee meldingen gestuurd kunnen worden naar burgers over een gezocht persoon of voertuig. De gemeente en politie betrekken hiermee burgers bij de zoekactie. Het systeem bestaat uit software die in de meldkamers geïnstalleerd moet worden. Deze software werkt samen met de geografische informatiesystemen (gis) van de meldkamer. Een werknemer daar kan via de kaarten op de schermen aangeven waar hij Burgernet wil inzetten. Daarnaast is er nog het interactive voice response-systeem (ivr). Met dit systeem worden de meldingen verstuurd. Dit systeem hangt in het netwerk van de politie.

De ict-systemen zijn gebaseerd op een service oriented architecture (soa). 'Een soa is een van de weinige oplossingen om een architectuur flexibel te houden. We willen het aantal meldkamers dat op Burgernet wordt aangesloten en de manier om te communiceren, kunnen uitbreiden. Daarom dat er voor een service oriented architecture gekozen is', zegt Keijsers.

Cell broadcastingZo kan het systeem in de toekomst bijvoorbeeld uitgebreid worden met cell broadcasting. Dat is een technologie om berichten te pushen naar telefoons in een bepaald gebied. Bij Burgernet moeten mensen zich aanmelden om berichten te kunnen ontvangen. 'Voor cell broadcasting moet het gsm-netwerk klaargemaakt worden. Dat moeten de telecomoperators doen', zegt Keijsers.

Ook kan een uitbreiding zijn om burgers foto's en video's te laten sturen naar de meldkamer via het netwerk. Dat is echter ingewikkeld, omdat het extra handelingen betekent voor de meldkamer. Keijsers: 'Niet iedere foto is interessant, maar we horen regelmatig verhalen van politie- en brandweermannen die thuis vertellen dat het ingewikkeld was om te helpen bij een klus, omdat ze niet wisten hoe het eruit zag. De kinderen hebben dan soms wel al die beelden gezien op televisie of op internet.' In de toekomst zal het mogelijk worden om beeld van burgers actief in de meldkamer te gebruiken.

Read more: www.computable.nl/artikel/ict_topics/...
the legend
08-07-2009 16:55 | Door Rik Sanders | Tags: Software, Logistiek, Afrika | Gerelateerde bedrijven:
LogicaLogica is een toonaangevend bedrijf op het gebied van ICT-diensten en zakelijke dienstverlening.
Bekijk bedrijfsprofiel van LogicaAlle artikelen over Logica
MicrosoftMicrosoft is een wereldwijde leverancier van- en specialist in software.
Bekijk bedrijfsprofiel van MicrosoftAlle artikelen over Microsoft
Ultimate Software BVUltimate software verkoopt en implementeert de ERP software Microsoft Dynamics Ax.
Bekijk bedrijfsprofiel van Ultimate SoftwareAlle artikelen over Ultimate Software
Ultimate Software | Er zijn nog geen reacties op dit artikel | Permalink
Ultimate Software 'entert' software Logica
Het Hilversumse Ultimate Software neemt de intellectuele eigendomsrechten op de FlexShip/Port software, de klanten en de bijbehorende activiteiten over van Logica. De ict-dienstverlener verwierf dit scheepvaartpakket met de overname van de Zweedse automatiseerder WM-data in 2006. Een softwarelijn onderhouden behoort echter niet tot de kerntaken van Logica.

FlexShip/Port is een geïntegreerd softwaresysteem voor de scheepvaartbranche, gebaseerd op de bedrijfsoftware Microsoft Dynamics AX. Het toenmalig Deense onderdeel van WM-data bouwde deze 'enterprise resource oplossing' voor zowel scheepvaartondernemingen als havenbedrijven. Met de administratieve software kunnen schepen bijvoorbeeld hun ladingen administreren en beheren en havens de binnenvarende schepen registreren en factureren. In Denemarken hebben diverse havens met het pakket hun bedrijfsprocessen geautomatiseerd.

Ultimate Software uit Hilversum levert op Microsoft Dynamics AX-toegesneden oplossingen aan branches als de scheepvaart, groothandel en logistiek en de machinebouw. Het bedrijf, met dertig werknemers, werkte al sinds 2005 samen met Logica in het kader van FlexShip/Port. 'Wij hebben bijvoorbeeld multimodale add-ons ontwikkeld waarmee het systeem ook te koppelen is aan erp-systemen van andere vervoerders, zoals de binnenvaart, het vrachtvervoer en het railvervoer", vertelt directeur René Altena. 'We nemen het pakket nu over omdat Logica alleen nog de rol van systeemintegrator wil spelen en geen leverancier van standaardsoftware wil zijn.'

Liever AX dan NAVOver de verkoopprijs of precieze omzetcijfers laat Altena zich niet uit. Wel beweert hij dat het een goedlopende niche-activiteit is. 'Er gaan ettelijke miljoenen in om. Dat is dan wel inclusief de opbrengsten van de dealers.' FlexShip/Port wordt internationaal verkocht en geïmplementeerd via een netwerk van dealers. Inmiddels heeft Ultimate wederverkopers in Zuid Afrika, België, Nederland, Duitsland, Australië, Denemarken, Zweden, Litouwen, Letland, Rusland, Nigeria, Slovenië, Verenigd Koninkrijk, Dubai en Saoedi-Arabië. Klanten in Nederland zijn onder andere Seatrade en LBH Groep.

Altena vindt het een voordeel dat FlexShip/Port gebaseerd is op Microsoft Dynamics AX (Axapta) en niet op Microsoft Dynamics NAV (Navision). 'Van dat pakket bestaan in elk land allerlei verschillende versies. AX heeft dat niet en dat is gezien het internationale karakter van FlexShip/Port erg handig. Bovendien is het makkelijker om op een andere taal over te schakelen en zijn wijzigingen in wet- en regelgeving eenvoudig aan te passen.'

the legend
Logica upgraded to "buy"
9:58a.m. - Panmure Gordon & Co
LONDON, July 30 (newratings.com) - Analysts at Panmure Gordon upgrade Logica Plc (LOQ) from "hold" to "buy." The target price has been raised from 85p to 100p.

In a research note published this morning, the analysts mention that two of the company’s peers have reported robust interim results raising expectations of a similar performance from Logica. The company is witnessed improved order flow, has strengthened its management by making new appointments and is implementing an accelerated delivery mechanism, the analysts add.

the legend
Logica gestart met implementatie nieuwe Digimeente Midoffice Suite
03 augustus 2009
Logica start implementatie nieuwe Digimeente Midoffice Suite. Vorige week is de Suite opgeleverd in de gemeente Steenwijkerland. Eerder is bij gemeente Winterswijk de Suite opgeleverd. Hier worden de diverse onderdelen van de Suite momenteel gefaseerd getest en geaudit en worden voorbereidingen getroffen om in productie te gaan. Met de Digimeente Midoffice Suite kunnen gemeenten burgers en bedrijven via verschillende kanalen (balie, internet, telefoon, post) 24 uur per dag en zeven dagen per week van dienst zijn.

Haye Mensonides, Managing Director Public Sector Logica: ‘Het is een complex traject maar we leveren nu een innovatieve dienst waarmee gemeenten hun publieke dienstverlening kunnen verbeteren. De Digimeente Midoffice Suite maakt zaakgericht werken mogelijk waardoor ambtenaren van verschillende afdelingen virtueel met elkaar kunnen samenwerken aan dezelfde zaak. Door deze nieuwe manier van werken, kunnen gemeenten beter sturen op de afhandelingstermijnen van hun diensten en burgers en bedrijven sneller en meer inzichtelijk van dienst zijn.’

De Digimeente Midoffice Suite is door Logica in opdracht van GovUnited verder doorontwikkeld. Met de vernieuwde Suite kunnen gemeenten hun dienstverlening moderniseren. Sleutelwoorden daarbij zijn: multichannel-management, transparantie en zaakgericht werken. Burgers en bedrijven kunnen gemeentelijke diensten aanvragen via DigiD, leges voldoen via de Internetkassa Ogone en via de zogenaamde Mijn Gemeente-pagina de status van hun aanvragen online volgen. Kern van de Midoffice Suite is het zogenaamde Zaaksysteem dat alle gemeentelijke dienstverleningsprocessen ondersteunt. Gemeenten kunnen hun processen in het Zaaksysteem zelf inrichten, zonder programmeerhandelingen van Logica (zerocoding). Andere sterke punten van het Zaaksysteem zijn de integratie met document management en het digitaal archief.

De Suite is gebaseerd op de laatste standaarden en modellen van de ICTU en wordt geleverd als dienst (ASP/SaaS). De Digimeente Midoffice Suite is grotendeels open source waardoor gemeenten die met dit Zaaksysteem zaakgericht gaan werken voldoen aan het plan Nederland Open in Verbinding.

Noot voor de redactie

Voor meer informatie
Judith Achterberg, persvoorlichting
Telefoon: +31 (0)20 57 13777
E-mail: pr.nl@logica.com
the legend
donderdag 6 augustus 2009 16:30

Europa breidt enkele ict-contracten uit
Het directoraat-generaal Informatica van de Europese Commissie heeft verscheidene bestaande contracten, waaronder een deal met Telindus, uitgebreid.

In een 'onderhandelingsprocedure zonder oproep tot mededinging' heeft de Europese Commissie enkele ict-contracten uitgebreid. Het gaat enerzijds om het NMS-contract, voor netwerkbeheerdiensten, dat in handen was van Telindus Belgacom ICT. Anderzijds betreft het een perceel van het grootschalige Desis-raamcontract, dat betrekking heeft op kwaliteit, veiligheid en vereistenanalyse van Europese ict-systemen. Dat was gegund aan twee consortia van bedrijven en Logica.
Het NMS-contract van Telindus wordt uitgebreid van 27,9 miljoen euro naar 41,84 miljoen euro. De gevraagde extra diensten worden niet gespecificeerd. Idem voor het Desis-perceel waar de omvang van het contract oploopt van 46,85 miljoen euro naar 69,09 miljoen euro. De drie contractanten zijn het Strateqo-consortium (Trasys uit België, TXT-e-solutions, Oresys en QinetiQ), Logica en het 4T-consortium (Siemens IT Solutions and Services België, Atos Origin België, Atos Origin Integration, Thales België en BT België).

Het directoraat-generaal Informatica van de Europese Commissie had eerder al aangekondigd dat er later dit jaar nog enkele grote aanbestedingen zouden volgen, onder meer rond NMS II en Desis II.

weer bedankt voor alle informatie met logica en andere informatie met betrekking bedrijven.
the legend

tiekoes schreef:

weer bedankt voor alle informatie met logica en andere informatie met betrekking bedrijven.
hoi tiekoes heb je ook aandeeltjes Logica


AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Citigroup verhoogt advies voor Logica naar hold van sell, in reactie op de tweeekwartaalcijfers van het ict-bedrijf. Het koersdoel gaat mee omhoog naar GBP1,20 van GBP0,60. Het aandeel sloot vrijdag op EUR1,31. (HJL)


AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Goldman Sachs verhoogt het koersdoel voor Logica naar 110 pence van 102 pence, volgend op de cijfers over het eerste halfjaar van het ict-bedrijf. Het advies blijft neutral. Analist Stefan Kuppen stelt zijn taxaties naar boven bij vanwege de beter dan verwachte winstgevendheid. Hij blijft echter bezorgd over het gebrek aan schaalgrootte met betrekking tot de outsourcing activiteiten. Omstreeks 09.50 uur noteert het aandeel 0,1% lager op EUR1,31, terwijl de Midkap 0,05% verliest. (HJL)

Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst: +31-20-5715200; amsterdam@dowjones.com

Ben erg laat met reageren was erg druk bezig in mijn prachtige tuin en nu even tijd voor een reactie.
Ja ik heb aandeeltjes logica en ben er blij mee(laag gekocht) Las wel veel over je bijdrage van nieuws en ben ook benieuwd naar het galileo projekt hoe of wat voor beslissingen er genomen zullen gaan worden.
veel succes,groet Jose.
nog een kleine noot,
ook een advies verhoging van kbc (houden) op 7-8-2009 op grond van opdrachten belacom en EU.
misschien heb ik dit mis maar zag het niet in dit forum.
gr Jose.
the legend
Danger of Britain being left behind in space race
Lack of a clear strategy could undermine the country's share of a growing industry.

By Richard Tyler
Published: 6:44PM BST 16 Aug 2009

European launch of Ariana 5
Britain's space industry is in danger of losing out unless the Government sets a clear strategy for investment.

Despite years of under-investment and the lack of a national space programme, the country has captured about 7pc of the space industry market.

Gordon Brown expects swift economic recovery for BritainBut Andy Green, the chief executive of Logica, has warned this could be undermined as countries such as the US, India and China position their industries to benefit from the expected surge in international spending on new satellite communications technologies and software applications over the next 10 years.

Mr Green, who has been appointed by Lord Drayson, the science minister, to lead a working group to map out the industry's needs, said that there was currently "no clear focus" on how Britain could take part in this space race. "We have done okay in the past and we are doing well, but it may have slightly lost its way," he said.

Intellect UK, the technology industry trade body, has calculated that the space industry already contributes £2.4bn to gross domestic product and has been growing for the last 10 years at around 9pc a year. It employs almost 18,000 people, the majority engaged in advanced research and development work.

Mr Green said the group of industry experts, science funding agencies, academics and Whitehall officials would present their interim findings at the end of the year.

While he was aware the state of the public finances would constrain the scale of support, he said his personal belief was that more needed to be done. "We think there's a good case. It's a growing part of everybody's life and it is a growth sector," he said.

"We are not going to outspend people. We are going to have to be very smart about the money we use."

He thinks the industry could benefit from the creation of a space cluster of industries, potentially creating a British Cape Canaveral.

While there are a number of well- known space-industry companies in the UK, ranging from international telecom satellite maker Inmarsat to Logica, which has developed software used in a third of the world's satellites, they are largely operating in isolation. Astrium, the space rocket and platform arm of European engineer EADS, has significant operations in Stevenage and Portsmouth. It recently acquired Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd (SSTL), a spin-off from Surrey University and one of the world's leading manufacturers of small satellites.

Mr Green said: "I am personally very taken by the ability of the French and the Germans in particular to create clusters." He points to Toulouse, where Airbus and many of its suppliers and research teams are based.

"It's a classic case of central government, local government and industry working together," he said.

"That's something for us to think about. The French government will set out a policy and follow through
on it."

Mr Green said there was also a need for regulatory reform to support rather than hinder the industry. One example where regulations are having a negative impact is in the potential development of space tourism.

It is being pioneered in America by the likes of Virgin Galatica for a good reason, said Mr Green, because it is impossible to limit the liability if a rocket were to fail and crash to Earth in Britain. In the US, liability is capped. "We need a change," he said.

Skills will also be a major theme. Mr Green said that while many industries are suffering from the shortage of maths, science, technology and engineering graduates, young people will engage with the idea of space if presented in the right way.

The industry needed students with an education that is broader than simply the ability to write computer code. Mr Green said there were particular shortages of people able to work with the technology developers to create commercially viable products.

"I am personally worried that we are not leading our young people in the right direction in the way we are educating them," said Mr Green.

Astrium tried to hire 500 engineers in the UK last year to support its planned expansion but struggled to find the right people. "It was very hard," said Terry Coxall from Astrium. "We have to pay over the odds."

He said the company ended up hiring engineers from other UK space industry-related companies, only making the shortage of qualified people worse.

$1trillion The estimated value
of the global space industry in 2020

60pc Of the UK's space industry workforce has a degree

£1bn Value to the UK of better weather forecasting alone

$100m Cost of launching a satellite

600km The current orbit of satellites. Plan is for geostationary satellites at 36,000km
the legend

tiekoes schreef:

nog een kleine noot,
ook een advies verhoging van kbc (houden) op 7-8-2009 op grond van opdrachten belacom en EU.
misschien heb ik dit mis maar zag het niet in dit forum.
gr Jose.
mooi, komt helemaal goed volgend jaar 2 euro
the legend
Logica Records 5 Million Swift Fin Messages per Day with Fastwire Open
By Rajani Baburajan, TMCnet Contributor

Information technology and business services provider Logica announced that FASTWIRE Open, Logica’s (News - Alert) messaging hub, passed the high-performance benchmark tests carried out at one of Logica’s banking clients and one of world's largest users of SWIFT.

According to Logica sources, Fastwire Open can now process over five million SWIFT Fin messages per day. Fastwire Open achieved a throughput of up to 200 messages per second, while actively using only 16 processors, exceeding the target of 150 messages per second.

For the test, the system processed SWIFT format messages while concurrently managing day-to-day activities such as archiving and database replication.

Officials claimed that the client that participated in this test has proven that its future Fastwire Open-based messaging platform will support significant growth in its messaging traffic.

Logica’s messaging platform used an Oracle (News - Alert) 10g database, operating with Oracle RAC and Dataguard, and was based on IBM 64-Core Power6 5GHz Based Power 595.
With this achievement, Fastwire Open offers the performance efficiency demanded by today’s bank transactions.

Fastwire Open is said to be highly scalable supporting the future growth of user banks. It helps them not only reduce operational and network costs but also take advantage of high throughput and adaptability to meet their demanding and growing requirements.

Andy Schmidt, research director at TowerGroup Banks, commented that centralized messaging hubs that are scalable and integrated give banks the flexibility and control that their payments businesses require. This allows banks to achieve savings through reduced messaging costs – savings that can be passed on to clients.

“Payments volumes are increasing exponentially as global banks continue to grow, either organically or through M&A activity,” said Tim Brew, director of global financial products at Logica, in a statement. “Our high performing financial messaging hub enables banks to reduce costs by consolidating their multiple systems onto regional or global hubs.”
“The solution can clearly support our clients’ business expansion, but it also enables banks to reduce the overall cost per message and handle the ever increasing occurrence of unexpected volume peaks in messages,” Brew added.

The benchmark test was carried out by Logica at IBM’s (News - Alert) performance testing facility in Montpellier, France, during June 2009.

In May, Logica announced a partnership with Deutsche Bank’s global transaction banking division to launch an outsourced solution for SEPA Direct Debits, which can be used for collections throughout 31 nations, TMCnet reported. SEPA Credit Transfer Scheme enables payment services providers to offer a core and basic credit transfer service throughout SEPA, whether for single or bulk payments.
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