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niche 010
Logicacmg Holding(s) in Company
Date : 13/05/2009 @ 11:00
Source : UK Regulatory (RNS and others)
Stock : Logicacmg (LOG)
Quote : 74.75 -3.75 (-4.78%) @ 16:09
<< Back Quote Chart Trades Level2

Logicacmg Holding(s) in Company



1. Identity of the issuer or the underlying issuer of existing shares to which
voting rights are attached:

Logica plc (ISIN: GB0005227086)

2. Reason for the notification:

An acquisition or disposal of voting rights

3. Full name of person(s) subject to the notification obligation:

Deutsche Bank AG

4. Full name of shareholder(s) (if different from 3):


5. Date of transaction (and date on which the threshold is crossed or reached
if different):

11 May 2009

6. Date on which issuer notified:

12 May 2009

7. Threshold(s) that is/are crossed or reached:


8. Notified details:

A: Voting rights attached to shares

Class/type of shares (if possible using the ISIN CODE):

GB0005227086 (SEDOL 0522708)

Situation previous to the triggering transaction

Number of shares: 51,251,320

Number of voting rights: 51,251,320

Resulting situation after the triggering transaction

Number of shares: Below 3%

Number of voting rights (direct): Below 3%

Number of voting rights (indirect): --

% of voting rights (direct): Below 3%

% of voting rights (indirect): --

B: Financial Instruments

Resulting situation after triggering transaction

Type of financial instrument:

Expiration date:

Exercise/Conversion Period/Date:

Number of voting rights that may be acquired if the
instrument is exercised/converted:

% of voting rights:

Total (A+B)

Number of voting rights: Below 3%

% of voting rights: Below 3%

9. Chain of controlled undertakings through which the voting rights and/or the
financial instruments are effectively held, if applicable:


Proxy voting:

10. Name of the proxy holder:


11. Number of voting rights proxy holder will cease to hold:


12. Date of which proxy holder will cease to hold voting rights:


13. Additional information:


14. Contact name:

A J Birchall, Assistant Company Secretary, Logica plc

15. Contact telephone number:

020 7446 1077

Date: 13 May 2009

Logica launches sustainability performance reporting tool

13 May 2009

SIRA to drive sustainability indicators reporting and reduce environmental impact

Logica, a leading IT and business services company, has today announced the launch of its sustainability performance reporting tool, which will provide an efficient aggregation solution to organisations currently measuring and managing their sustainability performance. Faced with increasing external pressures to report on sustainability indicators, the Sustainability Indicator Reporting Application (SIRA) will enable organisations to comply with current and future legislative reporting requirements and help companies identify how to reduce their environmental impact. It also helps organisations to understand where future cost savings can be made and to track initiatives to achieve these savings.

SIRA is a flexible, scalable and transparent solution and includes a broad range of sustainability and environmental impact indicators, based on internationally recognised standards. The fully auditable system aggregates and stores data, permitting customisation of reports. Organisations can then integrate targets, report and provide stakeholder engagement on sustainability issues. SIRA is underpinned by Kalido’s business model-driven Information Engine, which provides SIRA’s comprehensive information management and data governance capabilities.

Logica is implementing SIRA internally in 2009 to drive sustainability improvements further within the company. SIRA will build on current cost savings of approximately £3.6 million over two years in energy costs and £7 million in travel costs. In addition Logica has avoided almost £5 million in travel costs through increased use of video and teleconferencing. SIRA also incorporates best practices around reporting and monitoring. These practices have enabled Logica to secure a leading position on the Climate Disclosure Leadership Index provided by the Carbon Disclosure Project.

Judith Halkerston, UK Managing Director for Energy, Utilities and Telecoms at Logica said: “Organisations today need to navigate their way through a maze of international environmental regulation, with a number of FTSE companies now actively reporting on their sustainability performance. Often, this requires a significant investment in resource and raises challenges to present the data in an intuitive and engaging manner. SIRA is designed to be implemented quickly and flexibly and will help an organisation identify immediate improvements and savings in its sustainability reporting, as well as reducing risk and exposure to potential fines.

“We provide a broad range of business-focused services and solutions to assist our customers to improve their sustainability, reduce costs and environmental impact and we are now strengthening these through the addition of this application.”

SIRA follows on from services already provided by Logica within its UK Sustainability Practice. This includes sustainability and carbon management consultancy, wind farm management control systems, electronic invoicing, intelligent transport solutions and energy efficiency applications.

Logica, ranked sixteenth in the Sunday Times “Best Green Companies” list, is a member of FTSE4Good sustainability index and was ranked by clients in the top ten of “Green Outsourcers” worldwide in 2007 and 2008.
Logica joins carbon software battleground

13 May 2009

Just days after SAP buys its way into the market, UK-based Logica launches environmental reporting toolkit. Logica has become the second IT company in the past week to beef up its presence in the increasingly crowded market for carbon management software, with the launch of a new reporting application designed to help firms track their environmental performance.

The UK-based firm today unveiled a Sustainability Indicator Reporting Application (SIRA), which it said would provide firms with a central point for monitoring and managing environmental metrics, such as carbon emissions, water use and waste levels.

AdvertisementJudith Halkerston, UK managing director for energy, utilities and telecoms at Logica, said the new application had been developed in line with international environmental reporting standards and would help firms comply with the growing number of green regulations.

"Organisations today need to navigate their way through a maze of international environmental regulation, with a number of FTSE companies now actively reporting on their sustainability performance," she said. "Often, this requires a significant investment in resource and raises challenges to present the data in an intuitive and engaging manner."

She added that SIRA, which is now being rolled out internally by Logica, would provide firms with flexible functionality that allows executives to customise reports and identify those areas that are likely to offer the greatest environmental and cost savings.

The release of the new product comes just days after global software giant SAP announced it is to acquire carbon management software specialist Clear Standards in a move that further bolsters its position in the fast-expanding carbon reporting market.

Logica will also face competition from IBM, Oracle, SAS and a raft of smaller specialist environmental software vendors, all of which have launched new carbon and sustainability reporting applications in the past year.

niche 010
Te licht en te zwaar gewogen
Corné van Zeijl - 14 mei 2009, 14:00

Op het slot van 29 mei zijn er weer herwegingen. Er komen helaas geen nieuwe Nederlandse bedrijven in de MSCI indices. Er gaat er wel een uit, helaas want het is mijn werkgever SNS Reaal. Ik mag hier niets over zeggen.

Logisch, want u zou kunnen denken dat ik meer over ons bedrijf weet dan u. Deze verwijdering van SNS Reaal levert volgens JP Morgan Chase een aanbod van stukken op dat overeenkomt met 2,7 dagen handel.

De AEX-fondsen Reed Elsevier, DSM en Fugro krijgen alle drie weer een hogere weging. Hierdoor ontstaat extra vraag die ongeveer gelijk is aan een halve handelsdag.

Ik geef u in het tabelletje even het volledige overzicht van dagen extra koop- en verkoopdruk, zoals die volgens JP Morgan Chase door deze herweging ontstaan voor de Nederlandse aandelen.


Nifty fifty
Een probleemgevalletje is Logica. Dit aandeel wordt ook uit de index verwijderd, maar volgens MSCI is dat een Engels fonds. Hoe het ook zij, in ieder geval ontstaat er volgens JP Morgan Chase flink koersdruk, want de verwijdering heeft een verwacht effect gelijk van bijna zes dagen normale handel in Logica.

Verder viel me op dat een serie met gevestigde namen uit de index gaat. Zo zijn Xerox, Eastman Kodak en wonderbaarlijk genoeg ook General Motors die het veld moeten ruimen. De eerste drie zijn zelfs nifty fifty-aandelen. Volgens de hype begin jaren zeventig moest u deze altijd kopen, want ze konden nooit kapot gaan.

Verder vallen ook nog gevestigde namen als NEC uit Japan, Bulgari uit Italië en Stagecoach uit Groot-Brittannië uit de lijst der lijsten. Een paar interessante namen die er weer bijkomen zijn bijvoorbeeld Randgold uit datzelfde Verenigd Koninkrijk en Black Rock uit Amerika. Er komen geen nieuwe Nederlandse namen bij.

Sommige indexwatchers hadden ook nog de opname van Vopak in de index verwacht, maar dat blijkt alleen niet het geval te zijn. Ach, als je als onderneming goed genoeg bent en de winst en de waarde van het bedrijf maar hard genoeg doorgroeit, kom je er uiteindelijk toch wel in. Wat goed is, drijft vanzelf boven.

Wat moet u hier nu mee als belegger? Zoals altijd ziet u normaal gesproken een koersopdrijvend effect bij de ondernemingen met een hogere weging en een neerwaarts effect bij de bedrijven met een lagere weging. Nadat deze technische factoren zijn uitgewerkt, ziet u weer een tegenovergesteld effect.

Corn? van Zeijl is senior portfolio manager bij SNS Asset Management, waar hij verantwoordelijk is voor de Nederlandse aandelenportefeuilles. Van Zeijl schrijft zijn columns op persoonlijke titel. Professioneel houdt hij posities aan in de meeste grote Nederlandse beursfondsen. Klik hier voor een overzicht van zijn over- en onderwegingen. De informatie in zijn columns is niet bedoeld als professioneel beleggingsadvies of als aanbeveling tot het doen van bepaalde beleggingen. Uw reactie is welkom op vanzeijl@iex.nl.
Logica Cuts Costs With Own Sustainability Tool


Anglo-Dutch tech services company Logica has become the latest supplier to offer IT tools to help businesses measure the sustainability of their operations despite claims by its chief executive that price isn't a major factor for customers during the recession

In a statement released this week, the company, which has faced questions about its own internal efficiencies in the past, said its Sustainability Indicator Reporting Application (SIRA) should help firms measure their environmental impact and help comply with legislation.

According to Judith Halkerston, UK managing director for Energy, Utilities and Telecoms at Logica said that organisations today need to navigate their way through a maze of international environmental regulation. "Often, this requires a significant investment in resource and raises challenges to present the data in an intuitive and engaging manner," she said. "SIRA is designed to be implemented quickly and flexibly and will help an organisation identify immediate improvements and savings in its sustainability reporting, as well as reducing risk and exposure to potential fines.

Logica claims that it is using the tool internally this year to help with its own sustainability drive "SIRA will build on current cost savings of approximately £3.6 million over two years in energy costs and £7 million in travel costs. In addition Logica has avoided almost £5 million in travel costs through increased use of video and teleconferencing. SIRA also incorporates best practices around reporting and monitoring," the company said.

Like many businesses Logica has been under pressure to cut costs over the last 12 months. In February, the company posted full-year results that beat analyst expectations and saw its share price rise by 10 percent. Sales increased by 5 percent to around £3.59 billion pounds.

But despite the apparent efficiency drive, Logica chief executive Andy Green recently told analysts and shareholders that price wasn't a major factor for customers looking for IT services during the global recession.

"I don't believe any clients - of any stature - buy on price," he said. "They understand that they need to buy something that is going to work for their business in these big services contracts. It isn't a price war out there. It is always about the effectiveness of the value delivery I think."

Despite claims that its customers weren't overly concerned with costs in the downturn, Green said that Logica was itself investigating ways to save money during the tough economic times. The company recently held an international meeting purely using video conferencing technology which Green said saved the business around 500,000 Euros.

In 2007, Logica's then chief executive Martin Read, pushed his retirement forward following poor financial results by the company. "In the light of the unsettling speculation following the company's recent trading update, Martin Read has decided to accelerate his retirement plans," the company said in statement at the time.

Read is now an adviser to the treasury and recently led the IT and back office elements of the Operational Efficiency Programme (OEP), which has been underway for a year, and recently stated that the UK's public sector could trim around 20 percent of its current £16bn annual spend on IT by 2014.

The company claims that its moves around sustainability have led to its inclusion in the Climate Disclosure Leadership Index provided by the Carbon Disclosure Project.
Logica en Deutsche Bank gaan strategisch partnerschap aan
15 mei 2009
Partners bieden ‘plug-and-play’ oplossing voor outsourcen betalingsverkeer

Logica en de divisie Global Transaction Banking (GTB) van Deutsche Bank gaan een strategische alliantie aan. Samen bieden zij financiële instellingen een nieuwe, betaalbare ‘plug- and-play’-oplossing voor het outsourcen van zogeheten SEPA (Single European Payments Area) Direct Debits (SDD). SDD is een gemeenschappelijke, internationale standaard voor het uitvoeren van incassotransacties.

Met de invoering van SEPA staat Europa voor de eenwording van het betalingsverkeer. De introductie van deze richtlijn, die samen met de Payments Services Directive (PSD) de juridische fundering voor het creëren van één EU betalingsmarkt vormt, stelt banken voor aanzienlijke zakelijke en technologische uitdagingen. Met de nieuwe SEPA connector, een makkelijk te installeren, kant-en-klare applicatie, kunnen banken hun nationale en internationale betalingsverkeer outsourcen bij Deutsche Bank, waarna aan alle richtlijnen wordt voldaan.
De partners richten zich in eerste instantie op banken die een oplossing zoeken om aan de verplichte regels te voldoen vóór de deadline van november 2010. De oplossing ondersteunt ook SEPA Credit Transfers (SCT). Met SCT kunnen financiële instellingen één betaalservice binnen de gehele SEPA bieden, voor zowel enkelvoudige als bulkbetalingen.

Michael Mueller, Managing Director of Wholesale Solutions, Global Transaction Banking Deutsche Bank: ‘Voldoen aan SEPA-richtlijnen legt een grote druk op de technologie van banken. Door ons partnerschap met Logica kunnen wij onze financiële klanten helpen bij het voldoen aan de SEPA-regelgeving met behulp van de beste technologieën. De SEPA connector vormt een integraal onderdeel van onze strategie voor het uitbreiden van onze outsourcing services. We verwachten grote belangstelling voor deze oplossing.’

Roel Wolfert, Group Director Payments Logica: ‘De gezamenlijke betrokkenheid van Deutsche Bank en Logica op het gebied van de SEPA-regelgeving maakt dit partnerschap een sterke zet. Met de toenemende regeldruk en steeds duidelijkere business drivers zal de aantrekkelijkheid van het uitbesteden van deze betaaldiensten toenemen. De SEPA connector maakt het voor banken mogelijk aan de SEPA regelgeving te voldoen zonder grote investeringen in de infrastructuur. Gezien de marktpositie van Deutsche Bank zijn zij uitstekend in staat deze service te leveren, gebruik makend van onze high volume payments oplossing, die de benodigde flexibiliteit biedt om outsource modellen te ondersteunen. We kijken uit naar onze samenwerking.’

Meer informatie
Judith Achterberg, persvoorlichting
Telefoon: +31 (0)20 57 13777
E-mail: pr.nl@logica.com

email this page
Kalido and Logica Partner to Deliver High Value, Low Total Cost of Ownership Information Management Solutions

May 18, 2009

Companies Deliver First Hosted Solution for Sustainability Reporting by Leveraging Logica Domain Expertise and Kalido's Advanced Information Engine

Kalido and Logica, a leading IT and business services company, today announced a partnership to deliver agile, high value, low total cost of ownership (TCO) information management and data governance solutions based on the Kalido Information Engine™.

-- Already, the companies have worked together to deliver a targeted solution for sustainability reporting (see last week's related release, "Logica launches sustainability reporting tool"). The hosted offering will provide a framework for reporting on 79 key sustainability indicators as defined by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). The offering, Sustainability Indicators Reporting Application (SIRA), allows customers to gather, manage and analyze data to support a comprehensive set of sustainability indicators, including greenhouse gas emissions.

-- Logica and Kalido have also partnered to implement the Kalido Information Engine as the foundation for a flexible, responsive business intelligence and master data management system at Post Office Limited, part of the Royal Mail Group.

-- Logica will offer consultancy and outsourcing services to businesses looking to use Kalido's model-driven technology to solve today's most complex and pressing data management problems. Through the Kalido Information Engine, Kalido delivers business intelligence, governed data warehousing and master data management solutions.

-- Working together, Logica and Kalido can deliver high value innovative solutions to organizations across a range of industries, including financial services, manufacturing, utilities, government, energy and telecommunications.

Commenting on the partnership, Bill Hewitt, president and CEO of Kalido, said:

-- "Logica has proven to be a strategic thinker when it comes to developing high value-add solutions. SIRA is just one example of potential solutions that combine Kalido's powerful data management capabilities with Logica's deep domain expertise. We are delighted to build on our partnership and play a key role in helping organizations become more responsible and sustainable."

Judith Halkerston, EUT Managing Director, Logica, said:

-- "Logica is delighted to announce our partnership with Kalido to deliver its information management technology to businesses around the globe. Our experience using Kalido's products as the foundation for business intelligence and master data management processes has already illustrated the advantages Kalido's business-model-driven information management solutions can bring to our customers. We look forward to working closely with Kalido to offer organizations the fast, accurate and reliable information management they require."

About Kalido

Kalido delivers industry leading solutions for turning bad data into meaningful business information. Developed through years of successful best practice implementations, Kalido's robust, business-model-driven information management engine governs data across the enterprise and automatically feeds information to industry standard BI platforms. Kalido software is implemented at over 250 locations in more than 100 countries with market leading companies. More information about Kalido can be found at: www.kalido.com.

Van www.dft.nl wederom een contract voor Logica.

vr 22 mei 2009, 10:41

Logica tekent contract in Australië

AMSTELVEEN (AFN) - Automatiseerder Logica heeft een driejarig contract getekend met de Australische overheid. Dat maakte het bedrijf vrijdag bekend. Logica gaat de Nationale Gezondheids- en Medische Onderzoeksraad (NHMRC) voorzien van onder meer ict-services.

De waarde van het contract is niet bekendgemaakt
niche 010
Logicacmg Holding(s) in Company
Date : 22/05/2009 @ 12:00
Source : UK Regulatory (RNS and others)
Stock : Logicacmg (LOG)
Quote : 76.0 1.75 (2.36%) @ 13:26
<< Back Quote Chart Trades Level2

Logicacmg Holding(s) in Company



1. Identity of the issuer or the underlying issuer of existing shares to which
voting rights are attached:

Logica plc (ISIN: GB0005227086)

2. Reason for the notification:

An acquisition or disposal of voting rights

3. Full name of person(s) subject to the notification obligation:

Fidelity International Limited

4. Full name of shareholder(s) (if different from 3):

Nominee Management Company

Brown Bros Harrimn Ltd Lux FIL

JP Morgan, Bournemouth FII

JP Morgan, Bournemouth FISL

Kookmin Bank FIL

Fidelity International Limited (FIL) is the parent holding company for various
direct and indirect subsidiaries, including FIL Fund Management Limited (FFML),
FIL Investment Services Ltd (FISL), FIL Gestion (FIGEST), FIL Asset Management
(Korea) Limited (FIAKL), FIL Investments Management (Hong Kong) Limited
(FIMHK), FIL Pension Management (FPM), Fidelity Investments Japan (FIJ), and
FIL Investments International (FII), Investment Managers for various non-US
investment companies and institutional clients.

5. Date of transaction (and date on which the threshold is crossed or reached
if different):

20 May 2009

6. Date on which issuer notified:

21 May 2009

7. Threshold(s) that is/are crossed or reached:


8. Notified details:

A: Voting rights attached to shares

Class/type of shares (if possible using the ISIN CODE):

GB0005227086 (SEDOL 0522708)

Situation previous to the triggering transaction

Number of shares: 79,357,718

Number of voting rights: 79,357,718

Resulting situation after the triggering transaction

Number of shares: 80,357,718

Number of voting rights (direct): -

Number of voting rights (indirect): 80,357,718

% of voting rights (direct): -

% of voting rights (indirect): 5.02%

B: Financial Instruments

Resulting situation after triggering transaction

Type of financial instrument:

Expiration date:

Exercise/Conversion Period/Date:

Number of voting rights that may be acquired if the
instrument is exercised/converted:

% of voting rights:

Total (A+B)

Number of voting rights: 80,357,718

% of voting rights: 5.02%

9. Chain of controlled undertakings through which the voting rights and/or the
financial instruments are effectively held, if applicable:

Nominee Shares held Management Company




Kookmin Bank 4,387 FIL

Proxy voting:

10. Name of the proxy holder:

Fidelity International Limited (FIL)

11. Number of voting rights proxy holder will cease to hold:


12. Date of which proxy holder will cease to hold voting rights:


13. Additional information:


14. Contact name:

Alice Rivers, Company Secretary, Logica plc

15. Contact telephone number:


Date: 22 May 2009

Beste Niche,

mooie info plaats je.

Maar met dit soort meldingen is het meestal nooit wat we denken.
Soms worden aandelen in opdracht gekocht/verkocht als dekking voor bedrijven (logica) hun eigen optie progamma,s.
Bij ASMI zo vaak gezien bijvoorbeeld.
Ford of Britain selects Crown Computing and Logica to supply new time and attendance and payroll system

Wednesday, 27 May 2009

Workforce Management software vendor Crown Computing, in partnership with Logica, has signed an agreement with Ford of Britain to provide a new payroll and time and attendance (T&A) system.

The new system will replace an existing bespoke solution that was ageing and becoming increasingly difficult to maintain and administer.

An extensive review of the various systems offered within the UK market was undertaken in January 2007. The process was spearheaded by Ford’s internal procurement team. In August 2008, the company selected Logica to lead the project, with Crown Computing as its preferred T&A vendor.

The deployment of Crown’s Open Options T&A system and Oracle Payroll will be hosted by Logica. The system will run the time and attendance, activity management and payroll administration of 13,000 salaried and hourly-paid employees at numerous Ford of Britain sites around the UK, including: Bridgend, Dagenham, Southampton, Halewood, Dunton and Daventry. It is anticipated that the project will take between 18-20 months to implement, with completion expected around December 2010.

Mike Hawkesford, Managing Director, Crown Computing, expressed his delight at the win: “It is enormously prestigious for Crown to be working with Ford and Logica on this major project. Open Options is very well proven in numerous enterprise-level implementations, so we know it will integrate seamlessly with Oracle Payroll to give Ford a comprehensive and very cost-effective solution. Working closely with Logica, we are both confident we will provide Ford with a high-performance system from which the company will derive a substantial return on investment.”

About Crown Computing

Established in 1987, originally to develop and market application solutions on IBM mainframe and AS/400 platforms, by the early 1990s Crown Computing had achieved clear market leadership in attendance recording and time management systems, primarily in the manufacturing and distribution sectors. Today, Crown is the UK's leading supplier of workforce planning and time administration solutions for medium-to-large organisations in both the private and public sectors. The company’s experience in time and attendance and the broader aspects of employee management and time accounting applications is exceptional and this is reflected in its client base, which includes such major organisations as BAE Systems, several large Police Forces, Christian Salvesen PLC, ITN and numerous large UK local authorities.

Logica scores another juicy contract win

03 June 2009

IT business and services company, Logica, has scored its second major federal government deal in a month, with the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) awarding it a five-year contract for the provision of ICT services, infrastructure and support.

The ACMA contract, reportedly worth $10 million, follows on from Logica’s signing of an outsourcing contract last month with the National Health and Medical Research Council. The three-year NHMRC contract - worth $7.64 million –was for the provision of ICT services, infrastructure and support for the NHMRC staff located in Canberra and Melbourne working at the National Institute of Clinical Studies.

In the ACMA contract announced today, Logica will provide ICT services and support for ACMA’s 540 staff located in Canberra, Melbourne and Sydney, as well as supporting the organisation’s infrastructure and service management requirements for remote staff based in additional office locations around Australia.

As an FMA agency within the federal government portfolio of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, the ACMA is responsible for the regulation of broadcasting, the Internet, radio communications and telecommunications.

ACMA CIO, Cliff Van Lohuizen, said today the ongoing evolution and uptake of new technologies was a focus for the authority, and, as a result, ACMA “require a partner who can support this focus with experience and demonstrated skills in running an IT infrastructure similar to ACMA.”

“We also set out to appoint an organisation who will engage with us in a strategic partnership and be proactive in both recommending and implementing improvements to our IT infrastructure and processes.”

ACMA manager of LAN desktop outsourcing project, Michael Searle, said that, as part of the outsourcing agreement, Logica was tasked with assessing ACMA’s IT requirements and subsequently implementing systems for the transformation and management of the organisation’s servers, desktop and communications infrastructure.

Logica Australia, CEO, Colin Holgate, said the company would put in place a team with “exceptional experience, focused on exceeding customer expectations around product innovation and user satisfaction.”
Logica Hosts Seventh World Environment Forum

Friday, June 05, 2009: Logica, an IT and business services company, yesterday hosted the Seventh World Environment (WE) Forum at its campus in Bengaluru. The WE Forum, initiated by Logica, Tesco and IFMA (International Facility Management Association) in the year 2007, provides a collaborative platform for socially responsible corporates, NGOs and environmentalists to discuss and share the most prevalent environmental issues and the initiatives to combat the same.

Elaborating on the success of the forum, Mahesh V of IFMA said, "The World Environment Forum meets have helped the members to understand and enhance their knowledge in the area of environment, health and safety and create significant impact in their performance in day to day operations. IFMA will continue to support all such noble initiatives that will help its members, partners and organisations involved in the development of the profession and create a sustainable environment."

Speaking at the forum, Abhay Gupte, chief executive officer, Logica India, mentioned, "Driving sustainability has always been Logica's priority and we have responded actively to the challenges and opportunities around climate change and the environment. With our consistent focus on lowering carbon emission, Logica in India achieved a remarkable reduction on carbon footprint by 11.3 per cent over the last 18 months. We have set another ambitious yet achievable target for the next one year to reduce carbon footprint across our facilities by 10 per cent."

Captain Dayalu Arasappa, head, support and facilities and chief security officer, Tesco, mentioned, "We at Tesco have undertaken conscious initiatives to go green. Simple steps like using solar-water heating for our kitchens and gyms, switching to LED lighting system, maintaining infrastructure software to hibernate our desktop systems have considerably reduced our carbon emissions. Further, as a retailer, we will print the carbon footprint on each of our products, to help consumers make an informed choice while making a purchase," added Captain Dayalu Arasappa, head, support and facilities and chief security officer, Tesco.

The closing presentation on best practices shared by Mahesh Bhalla, director general manager, consumer business, Dell, highlighted the organisation's goal to become the greenest company in the world. "Dell's commitment is to minimise direct impact/carbon neutrality, empower consumers to go green and enable a low carbon economy. As an organisation we have achieved carbon neutrality and we continue to strive for better benchmarks in future."

Inspired by the promising and novel forum, Anil Gupta, chief executive officer, ARM Embedded Technologies Pvt Ltd, offered to host the next meet at the company's premises in August 2009.
Logica Wins Airbus Outsourcing Deal Worth Over GBP10 Million Source

June 09, 2009

LONDON -(Dow Jones)- Anglo-Dutch computer services company Logica PLC (LOG.LN) has won a three-year outsourcing deal worth over GBP10 million to manage Airbus' IT applications including document management, sharing and archiving, a source familiar with the matter told Dow Jones Newswires Tuesday.

The contract with the European aircraft manufacturer, which is owned by European Aeronautic Defence & Space Co. NV (EAD.FR), will be based around Logica's blended delivery model which uses part European and part offshore-based services to reduce costs but maintain a local presence.

The services will be split between Hamburg, Toulouse and Logica's Chennai, India center.

Around a quarter of the contract will take over outsourcing duties from Deutsche Telekom AG's (DT) T-Systems.

Logica's Airbus deal follows two recent contract wins of similar size; a five- year deal with Ford Motor Co. (F) announced earlier this month which is understood to be worth just short of GBP10 million, and one with Finnair Oyj ( FIA1S.HE) announced in May worth slightly less than the Airbus deal.

Logica competes with European peers Capgemini (CGEMY) and Atos Origin (ATO.FR) to manage the IT systems of companies across its European footprint, utilizing staff in cheaper offshore countries such as India and Morrocco to drive down costs while maintaining a presence in its main European markets.

It said in April it expects first half revenue to be slightly down on last year as consulting and professional services demand falters, and market conditions in the second half will likely remain the same.

The company reports first half results August 7.

Shares in Anglo-Dutch computer services company Logica (LOG.L) gain 2.8 percent as Seymour Pierce upgrades its rating on the stock to "outperform" from "sell".

Seymour Pierce, in a note, points out that Logica shares have underperformed the market by 22 percent over the past 12 months as investors attached a high degree of risk to the turnaround story in the face of progressively worsening end market conditions.

But the broker says that trend appears to have modified, with the recent news flow from Financial Services (about 17 percent of Logica's sales), for example, appearing to indicate that the market is at least steadying, if not improving, for the first time in many months.

Seymour Pierce notes the stock also trades at a significant discount (56 percent) to the broader IT Services peer group and "(it) argue(s) there is room for a re-rating over the medium term".

Computershare clients sweep top honours at Global Equity Organization Awards

June 12, 2009

Computershare (is delighted to announce that two of its clients were awarded prestigious accolades at the 2009 Global Equity Organization Awards in Paris yesterday.

Royal Dutch Shell won the award for 'Best Plan Effectiveness', reflecting its achievements in launching and communicating its Global Employee Share Purchase Plan. The launch attracted over 12,200 staff saving in 36 currencies across 51 countries. The award recognised how highly effective plan design, technology, launch and communications were combined to achieve an increase in take up of over 30% compared to previous years.

'It is fantastic to receive a GEO award for the second year in a row. Our Global Employee Share Purchase Plan delivers on a key company goal of standardising and simplifying the way we do things. In Computershare we have the ideal partner to help us achieve our company aims', commented Pam Roffe, Manager, Global Stock Plans.

Logica Plc (LSE:LOG) walked away with the accolade for 'Best Use of Technology', their second industry recognition in recent months. Their achievement was in revolutionising the way in which the company delivers share plans to employees in the UK and internationally, reducing costs and environmental impact while improving standards of service delivery. In turning electronic and banishing paper, Logica increased plan uptake by 40%.

Jo Gomm, Group HR at Logica said: 'We are delighted that, in partnership with Computershare, we have built a solution that can be reused by Logica time and again and emulated by other companies.'

The Global Equity Organization Awards celebrate excellence by honouring impressive companies from around the world who truly demonstrate their leadership and dedication to their employee stock plans; designing, communicating, or offering programmes that allow millions of employees worldwide to participate in their company's share plan.

Iain Wilson, Client Relationship Director for Computershare Plan Managers, said: 'We're delighted to have two more of our clients' share plans recognised for their best practice approach to design, technology, launch and communications. We've reached some truly unique levels with our share plans in recent years, and will continue to break new ground in the coming months.'

The awards join Computershare's 10 other accolades for Share Plan success in the past three years.

Logica and Oracle extend HR ‘pay as you go’ services across Europe

16 June 2009

Further steps taken to meet growing client demand

Logica, a leading IT and business services provider, today announced the extension of its relationship with Oracle. Logica will now be able to leverage the “BPO Powered by Oracle” program to offer Oracle Human Capital Management (HCM) solutions as a BPO ’pay as you go’ service for businesses across Europe. Logica and Oracle have successfully served joint customers in the UK and Netherlands (NL), providing outsourced HR & payroll services to companies like Channel 4, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Martinair and KPN.

The extension of the HCM BPO relationship to encompass all of Europe allows both organisations to provide innovative models that respond to the current economic environment by removing the need for capital investments in traditional IT infrastructure and software licence fees. Logica’s European offering combines the best of BPO and Software as a Service (SaaS) to deliver a broad range of HR and payroll services based on Oracle® and Peoplesoft applications, spanning traditional bureau payroll with integrated outsourced HR applications, through to fully-managed and outsourced payroll and HR transactional processes. The software and services are wrapped up in a single, per-employee fee which can be scaled up or down depending on the needs of the business. It is the desire to increase flexibility to meet customers’ changing requirements in these challenging times that is behind Logica’s European pay-as-you-go service.

This new arrangement allows for Oracle’s world-class HR and payroll software suite to be more accessible to mid-sized clients in Europe, whilst the service is ideal for larger organisations looking for greater integration.

“We have had a successful BPO relationship with Logica in the UK and the Netherlands and the extension of this to Europe is the next natural step. Overall, BPO is a fast growing area because it provides a flexible and cost effective way for businesses to improve their operations and innovate,” said Tibor Beles, Vice President, Oracle Business Process Outsourcing. “Oracle’s state-of-the-art Human Capital Management software in combination with process expertise from Logica, offers a world-class HRO solution that helps Logica clients to achieve better HR process performance and reduced costs. “

According to Gartner Inc., the market for software as a Service (SaaS) in enterprise resource planning (ERP) is forecast to grow by 9% in 2009 to $1.3 billion, with HCM accounting for more than 18% of total ERP revenues.*

Commenting on the partnership, Jean Marc Lazzari, CEO, Outsourcing Services, Logica, said, “We see more and more organisations moving towards a multi-country HR outsourcing strategy that is getting more complex everyday. Our innovative approach and pan European strength coupled with Oracle’s technological expertise helps us offer customers flexible ‘on demand’ applications along with a creative HR outsourcing commercial proposition. Our ‘pay as you go’ model is structured to deliver a high Return on Investment (ROI) for customers and this is further strengthened by our relationship with Oracle.”

With more than 800 HR & Payroll consultants around the globe, Logica provides HR services that support more than 5 million employees across over 3,000 customers spanning private and public sectors.
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