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Bouw van fabriek voor biokerosine weer vertraagd
Jan Verbeek 26 dec   14:46

De bouw van een grote fabriek in Delfzijl waar groene brandstof voor vliegtuigen zou worden geproduceerd, is opnieuw enkele jaren uitgesteld. De verwachting is nu dat de installatie pas in 2025 of 2026 operationeel zal zijn.

De vertraging is het directe gevolg van de stikstofproblematiek in Nederland, schrijft demissionair minister Barbara Visser van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat in antwoord op Kamervragen. Zij sluit niet uit dat ook andere grote projecten voor de productie van biokerosine in Nederland, door stikstofmaatregelen zullen worden getroffen.

KLM en Schiphol
In het oorspronkelijke plan zou de fabriek in Delfzijl volgend jaar operationeel zijn. Dat werd later veranderd in 2023. Het gaat om een project van €300 mln van SkyNRG. Dit Nederlandse bedrijf werkt onder meer samen met KLM, Schiphol en SHV Energy. KLM heeft toegezegd de eerste tien jaar 75% af te nemen.

In de fabriek wordt met reststromen van oliën en vetten en gebruik van groene waterstof brandstof geproduceerd. De productie en distributie is in de regel tot driemaal duurder dan die van gewone kerosine die gewonnen wordt uit olie. SkyNRG is van plan 100.000 ton biokerosine per jaar te gaan produceren. Voor de pandemie was er wereldwijd 300 miljoen ton fossiele kerosine nodig om alle toestellen in de lucht te houden.

De vertraging is het gevolg van coronamaatregelen en ontwikkelingen rondom het stikstofdossier. Die hebben ertoe geleid dat er een nieuw ontwerp moest worden gemaakt voor de fabriek. Volgens de bewindsvrouw staan de vergunningen klaar om te worden ingediend.

Er zijn in Europa afspraken gemaakt dat de luchtvaart in 2030 5% biokerosine zal moeten bijmengen. De Nederlandse overheid gaat zelfs een stap verder door op te leggen dat in 2030 14% moet worden bijgemengd.

Shell en Neste
Ook andere bouwprojecten kunnen door stikstofmaatregelen getroffen worden. Shell en Neste hebben investeringen aangekondigd in fabrieken waar biokerosine zal worden geproduceerd. Demissionair minister Visser stelt dat de huidige stikstofproblematiek voor alle projecten een aandachtspunt is. 'Rondom de bouw van de fabrieken bestaat hierdoor enige onvoorspelbaarheid. Het valt niet uit te sluiten dat er in het proces obstakels zullen ontstaan die invloed gaan hebben op de planning.’

Het Finse bedrijf Neste wil de bestaande productiefaciliteit in Rotterdam uitbreiden voor de productie van biokerosine per 2023. Het gaat hier om 500.000 ton biokerosine. De investeringsbeslissing wordt uiterlijk 2022 genomen.

Shell gaat investeren in de bouw van een productiefaciliteit met een capaciteit van 820.000 ton per jaar, waarvan meer dan de helft ingezet zal worden voor biokerosine. Het concern verwacht vanaf 2024 van start te gaan met de productie in Rotterdam.

Lees het volledige artikel: fd.nl/bedrijfsleven/1425252/bouw-van-...
ExxonMobil Acquires Stake in Biojet AS

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
18 Jan, 2022, 5:30 am

ExxonMobil is expanding its interests in biofuels that can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the transportation sector, acquiring a 49.9% stake in Biojet AS, a Norwegian biofuels company that plans to convert forestry and wood-based construction waste into lower-emissions biofuels and biofuel components.

Biojet AS plans to develop up to five facilities to produce the biofuels and biofuel components. The company anticipates commercial production to begin in 2025 at a manufacturing plant to be built in Follum, Norway. The agreement enables ExxonMobil to purchase as much as 3 million barrels of the products per year, based on the potential capacity of five facilities.

Biofuels and biofuel components can meet the requirements for advanced fuels under Norwegian, European Union and United Kingdom regulations. According to the European Union Renewable Energy Directive, biofuels produced from wood waste can help reduce life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions by 85% compared to petroleum-based diesel.

When produced, Biojet AS’s biofuels can be used for passenger vehicles and heavy trucks. Additional opportunities for marine transportation and aviation may develop as the market for lower-emissions biofuels expands.

The investment in Biojet AS builds on ExxonMobil’s continuing efforts to develop and deploy lower-emission energy solutions. ExxonMobil established a Low Carbon Solutions business in 2021 and is currently evaluating biofuels, carbon capture and storage, and hydrogen projects around the world.

ExxonMobil’s majority-owned affiliate, Imperial Oil Ltd, is moving forward with plans to produce renewable diesel at a new complex at its Strathcona refinery, and ExxonMobil expanded its agreement to annually purchase up to 5 million barrels of renewable diesel from Global Clean Energy’s biorefinery in California. Chemically similar to petroleum-based diesel, renewable diesel and other biofuels can be readily blended for use in engines on the market today.
McDermott Selected for Biosurfactants Project

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
24 Jan, 2022, 5:30 am

McDermott has been selected to work on a pioneering project for the production of Rhamnolipids, an advanced technology with the potential to fundamentally transform cleaning products and significantly reduce their environmental impact. The scope of the contract is for the provision of engineering, procurement and construction management services in order to support the customer to build a plant for the manufacture of Rhamnolipids. The engineering and procurement services will be executed from McDermott's office in Brno, Czech Republic, and the construction management will be performed at the customer's site in Slovakia.

Rhamnolipids are a type of biosurfactant made via fermentation. It is used as a component of cleaning products and has exceptional foam-forming properties and high-performance results, all with the environmental benefits of being entirely based on natural sugars and being one hundred percent biodegradable.
Taaleri to Build Plant for Biomass in Joensuu

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
02 Feb, 2022, 5:30 am

Taaleri's investment Joensuu Biocoal Oy will build a bioindustry plant producing torrefied biomass in Joensuu. Taalerin Plc's Board of Directors has made an investment decision. The Center for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment has granted EUR 3.4 million in support of the project from the European Regional Development Fund, and the Climate Fund has granted a capital loan of EUR 5.0 million to the project. A number of Finnish family-owned investment companies have also invested in the project. The value of the investment is approximately EUR 20 million.

Torrefied biomass replaces the use of coal in the cement and steel industries, for example. It can also be used in soil improvement and water treatment.

Construction of the bioindustry plant will begin in spring 2022 and the plant is expected to start production in mid-2023. The planned total production of the plant is about 60,000 tons of torrefied biomass per year. The mill uses by-products from the forest industry and forestry as raw material, and it uses annually approximately 250,000 cubic meters of biomass, mainly bark and first thinnings. The torrefication technology used in the project is based on technology by NextFuel AB that is developed in close collaboration with ANDRITZ AG.

The bioindustry plant will be built on the site of Savon Voima Oyj's Iiksenvaara CHP plant. In addition to the land, Savon Voima leases certain equipment to the bioprocess plant and provides services to it. There is also a plan to build a cluster around the plant, which includes e.g. Natural Resources Institute Finland, University of Eastern Finland, Karelia University of Applied Sciences and Business Joensuu. The group's goal is to develop products and refine new uses for torrefied biomass and biochar.

Taaleri plans to build more bioindustry plants in the future. In December, the company launched Europe's first private equity fund focusing on bioindustry projects. In addition, Taaleri has invested in a biorefinery being built in Hamina.
Eni Biofuel to Power Aeroporti di Roma Vehicles

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
04 Feb, 2022, 5:30 am

A new milestone has been reached in the partnership between Eni and Aeroporti di Roma, as part of their strategic agreement aimed at promoting decarbonization initiatives in the aviation sector and accelerating the green transition of airports. A shipment of 5,000 litres of pure HVO hydrogenated biofuel arrived at Fiumicino airport from Eni's Venice biorefinery in Porto Marghera. A further contribution to the decarbonization of road vehicles at airports. The HVO hydrogenated biofuel is used in ADR Assistance vehicles to transport passengers with reduced mobilityaround the airports. HVO is a high quality biofuel of plant and waste origin, produced through Eni's proprietary Ecofining technology in Eni's Venice and Gela biorefineries. Thanks to hydrogenation technology, all impurities such as oxygen and sulphur are removed allowing it to be used in a 100% pure form. It also has a high cetane number for optimum combustion, is free of aromatics and polyaromatics, and can reduce CO2 emissions by between 60 and 90% (calculated over its entire life cycle) compared with conventional fuel, depending on the type of biogenic feedstock.

An agreement between Eni and ADR is already in place for the supply of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) produced at Eni's Taranto refinery through a co-feeding process at conventional plants with 0.5% made up of used cooking and frying oils. This is a further step forward for Aeroporti di Roma in terms of sustainability after Fiumicino airport, the leading Italian airport hub, which was the first airport in Europe to be awarded the highest Airport Carbon Accreditation 4+ "Transition" certification from ACI Europe for CO2 reduction. This is in line with Aeroporti di Roma’s target, announced last year, which set out in the Sustainability-Linked Bond issued last April to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2030, well in advance of the original sector targets.

Over the next few months, Eni will begin production of SAFs at Eni's Livorno refinery through distilling bio-components produced in Eni's biorefineries. The raw materials used will be exclusively waste vegetable oils and fats, with the resulting product, called "Eni Biojet", containing 100% biogenic components and able to comprise up to 50% of a blend with conventional jet fuel.
Organisaties maken bezwaar tegen groen label voor biomassa
ANP 2 uur geleden

BRUSSEL (ANP) - Diverse natuur- en milieuorganisaties tekenen bezwaar aan bij de Europese Commissie tegen het "groene stempel" voor biomassa. Ze vinden dat een vorm van 'groenwassen' en eisen een herziening.

"Bossen wereldwijd worden vernietigd voor houtpellets die worden geïmporteerd naar Nederland en de EU", stelt Fenna Swart van het Comité Schone Lucht. "Door bosverbranding voor energie opnieuw als 'duurzame' activiteit op te nemen, heeft de Europese Commissie de geloofwaardigheid verloren."

Samen met andere groene organisaties uit onder meer Duitsland, Zweden, Portugal, Estland en Polen heeft het comité een bezwaarschrift ingediend tegen de zogeheten taxonomie van de Europese Unie waarin biomassa als 'groen' geldt. Die taxonomie is een soort duurzame investeringsgids voor de financiële sector en kan de komende jaren veel invloed hebben op de investeringen van bijvoorbeeld pensioenfondsen.


Op het woensdag gepresenteerde voorstel uit Brussel is veel kritiek. Los van de bezwaren tegen biomassa leidt het besluit om aardgas en kernenergie de komende jaren nog van een groen label te voorzien tot beroering. Het dagelijks bestuur van de EU erkent wel dat die energiebronnen niet per se groen zijn, maar de energiebronnen zijn volgens de commissie nodig om de klimaatdoelen te bereiken.

Over de duurzaamheid van biomassa is al jaren veel discussie. Voorstanders wijzen erop dat biomassa een hernieuwbare energiebron is: zolang bossen in hetzelfde tempo worden aangeplant als gekapt, wordt net zoveel CO2 opgenomen door bomen als de lucht ingaat bij de verbranding van het hout. Tegenstanders wijzen er onder meer op dat het jaren duurt voordat een boom die nu wordt geplant groot genoeg is om serieuze hoeveelheden CO2 op te nemen. Ook zijn er twijfels over het beheer van bossen. De verbranding van biomassa leidt bovendien tot luchtvervuiling.
TotalEnergies & Veolia to Accelerate Development of Biomethane

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
11 Feb, 2022, 5:30 am

TotalEnergies and Veolia have signed an agreement to produce biomethane from Veolia waste and water treatment facilities operating in more than 15 countries. The partners will develop and co-invest in a portfolio of international projects, with the ambition to produce up to 1.5 terawatt-hours of biomethane per year by 2025. This production of renewable gas made from organic waste will be equivalent to the average annual natural gas consumption of 500,000 residents and will avoid some 200,000 tons of CO2 per year. TotalEnergies will market the resulting biomethane as a renewable fuel for mobility or as a substitute for natural gas in other uses.

As part of this agreement, the partners will pool their industrial know-how in biomethane production. Veolia will provide its expertise in the production and processing of biogas from its facilities, and TotalEnergies will contribute its in-depth knowledge of the entire biomethane value chain.

TotalEnergies is Biomethane leader in France, with close to 500 GWh of production capacity, and aims to become a major player in biomethane internationally by partnering with market leaders such as Clean Energy in the United States. The Company is active across the entire biomethane value chain, from project development to marketing of biomethane and its by-products (biofertilizers, bioCO2). It aims to produce at least 2 TWh of biomethane per year by 2025 – equivalent to the annual consumption of 670,000 French consumers and a reduction in CO2 emissions of 400,000 tons.
Versalis Starts Bioethanol Production at Crescentino

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
23 Feb, 2022, 5:30 am

Eni's chemical company Versalis has begun the production of bioethanol from lignocellulosic biomass at Crescentino in Vercelli. The plant, which was acquired in 2018, has been overhauled thanks to major investments and has started the production of advanced bioethanol, in compliance with the European legislation for the development of renewable energy RED II, as it is derived from raw materials that do not interfere with the food chain. The bioethanol, produced using Proesa® technology, one of the world's most innovative industrial-scale biomass chemistry technologies, is ISCC-EU* certified and will be used to formulate gasoline with a renewable component.

The plant is capable of processing 200,000 tonnes of biomass per year, with a maximum production capacity of approximately 25,000 tonnes of bioethanol per year. Following an initial test production run in recent weeks, the plant is now working at a progressive speed in order to fine-tune processes. Since July 2020, Crescentino has also been producing Invix® hand and surface disinfectant, a “medical device” made using bio-based ethanol as active ingredient.

The Versalis plant at Crescentino is an example of sustainable initiative and circularity: its energy supply is self-sustaining due to the production of renewable electricity and steam from the thermoelectric power plant, which is fed with short supply chain biomass and the lignin co-produced by the process. A complex water treatment plant also enables the production of biogas, which in turn is used to produce steam. The plant is also able to recycle the water used, thus drastically reducing consumption.
CMA CGM Launches Global Biofuel Bunkering Trial in Singapore

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
04 Mar, 2022, 5:30 am

The CMA CGM Group with the support of the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore has started biofuel bunkering in Singapore as part of its global trial to scale-up the wider adoption of the clean energy. Its 10,640-TEU vessel, APL PARIS, was the first of the Group’s vessels on trial to be bunkered with biofuel in Singapore on February 23rd 2022. Ship-to-containership biofuel bunkering was conducted alongside simultaneous container loading and discharging operations before the vessel plies the Asia-South America rotation of the Pacific East Coast 2 service. With this new global trial, the CMA CGM Group keeps moving forward to make shipping and logistics a more sustainable industry and reach its goal to go beyond carbon neutrality and become a Net Zero Carbon company by 2050.

The 6-month global trial will involve up to 32 containerships running on a different blends of biofuel to measure carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions in order to obtain a trend analysis, which will be shared with the respective flag administration including MPA. Some of these vessels will be fuelled in Singapore with B24 biofuel, which comprises 24% used cooking oil methyl ester (UCOME) in the advanced biofuel blended with conventional fuels.

Ranging from ship sizes between 2,200 and 10,640 TEUs, these vessels on trial will serve several trade lanes including Asia-South America, Asia-Africa, Asia-Oceania, Asia-Mediterranean, North Europe–Oceania and North Europe-North America.

B24 can reduce carbon emissions by 21%. Completely compatible with modern ship engines, this “drop-in” fuel option can be run on all vessel types without requiring technical, safety or design adjustments, enabling ships to quickly start limiting their emissions.

Made from used cooking oil collected from food manufacturers, F&B businesses and households, the conversion of waste cooking oil into biofuel for transportation promotes a circular economy, providing a new and environmentally beneficial use for consumed oil.
Eni to Produce Agro-Feedstock in Mozambique for Biofuels

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
07 Mar, 2022, 5:30 am

Eni and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Republic of Mozambique have signed an agreement for the cooperation and development of agricultural projects in Mozambique, aimed at producing oil seeds and vegetable oils to be used as agro-feedstock for the production of biofuels. Under the agreement, Eni and MADER will assess potential sites and the most appropriate crops for the production of oil seeds and vegetable oils, focusing on areas that would not compete with food production and taking into consideration the preservation of forests and natural ecosystems. Other initiatives include the collection and valorisation of agricultural and agro-processing residues, by-products and co-products, for production of biofeedstock and Natural Climate Solutions (NCS).

The agreement builds on the Memorandum of Understanding signed in 2019 by Eni and the Government of Mozambique for the joint definition of sustainable development and decarbonisation projects to support the country’s National and Local Economic and Social Development Agenda. Also, it is in line with Eni´s commitments to accelerate the energy transition in fossil fuel producing countries, promoting the integration of the African continent into the biofuel value chain through agribusiness and industrial development initiatives aimed at the production of advanced biofuels, helping the decarbonisation of the transport sector and promoting development opportunities
TotalEnergies Start Sustainable Aviation Fuel at Normandy Platform

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
08 Mar, 2022, 5:30 am

TotalEnergies' Normandy platform has successfully started production of sustainable aviation fuel. This new site complements the biojet fuel production capacities of La Mède biorefinery in Bouches-du-Rhône and the Oudalle plant in Seine-Maritime. This move enables TotalEnergies to meet demand from its customers and respond to French legislation, which calls for aircraft to use at least 1% SAF effective January 1, 2022.

TotalEnergies will also produce SAF at its Grandpuits zero-crude platform southeast of Paris starting in 2024.

All of the biojet fuel, which is destined for French airports, will be produced from waste and residue sourced notably from the circular economy.
Repsol Starts Construction of Biofuels Plant at Cartagena Refinery

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
17 Mar, 2022, 5:30 am

Repsol's Chairman Mr Antonio Brufau attended the presentation of the beginning of the construction works of the first advanced biofuels plant in Spain at the company’s Cartagena refinery. Repsol, in alignment with its ambition to become a net zero emissions company by 2050, will invest EUR 200 million in this project that will enable the supply of 250,000 tons per year of advanced biofuels, such as biodiesel, biojet, bionaphtha, and biopropane to be used in planes, trucks or cars without the need for modifications of the existing engines. These eco-fuels will be produced from residues and their use will help reduce 900,000 tons of CO2 per year.

The project is being developed in four different areas covering a surface area of 41,500 m2. Three of these will be located inside the refinery and correspond to the hydrotreating unit, the hydrogen production unit, and the biofuel storage tank area. The fourth area will be located in the facilities of the Port Authority of Cartagena where Repsol operates. This area will be equipped with the necessary infrastructures for the storage of 300,000 tons of different types of waste that will arrive by sea and the subsequent supply to domestic or export markets.

After the previous work of dismantling the disused facilities inside the refinery to house the new units - including the removal of 53,000 m3 of land - work is currently focused on civil works. Specifically, work has already begun on the construction of the tanks that will store the advanced biofuels. In the areas where the hydrotreatment and hydrogen plants will be located, civil works related to the installation of concrete structures and the placement of racks for the pipelines through which the raw materials and the advanced biofuels will be transported are already underway.

240 auxiliary companies and 1,000 people will be involved in the construction works

The expansion of the facilities at the Cartagena refinery to allow the building of the new advanced biofuels plant, equipped with state-of-the-art technology, will generate around 1,000 jobs in the different phases of the project and the involvement of 240 auxiliary companies, of which 21% will be local, 25% regional, 42% national, and 12% international.

At present, more than 25 contracting companies and approximately 300 people are already working inside the refinery. This figure will increase to an average of 600 employees, and the peak is expected to be reached next autumn with some 800 direct and indirect workers.

Since the project was launched, Repsol has spent more than €72 million on the preliminary engineering work, commissioning of equipment, and auxiliary company labor.

Repsol has been incorporating biofuels into its automotive fuels for more than two decades. Now the company is taking one step more and, using the circular economy as a tool, will be producing advanced biofuels from different types of waste from the agri-food industry and others, such as used cooking oils. In this way, Repsol will give a second life to waste that would otherwise end up in a landfill by transforming it into products with a high added value. These advanced biofuels are a sustainable solution for all segments of mobility, especially for those that have no other alternative to decarbonize their activity, such as maritime, long-distance or aviation transport. They can reduce net CO2 emissions by 65% to 85% compared to the traditional fuels they replace.
Vattenfall Opens Heat Plant Carpe Futurum in Uppsala in Sweden

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
25 Mar, 2022, 5:30 am

Vattenfall's new biofuel heat plant Carpe Futurum in Uppsala in Sweden has now been inaugurated and taken into operation. The new plant will reduce carbon dioxide emissions by approximately 200,000 tonnes per year, compared with when peat and other fossil fuels were used. This will halve the climate footprint for the around 170,000 Uppsala residents who are connected to Vattenfall’s district heating grid in the city.

Carpe Futurum is situated in Vattenfall's main heat plant in Uppsala, Boländerna, 70 kilometres north of Stockholm. The new biofuel plant has a heat capacity of 110 MW and is an essential part of a transformation programme, at a cost of around SEK 3.5 billion (EUR 300 million), to phase out fossil fuels from the heat production in Uppsala. The heat is distributed to around 76,000 households and heating customers in Vattenfall’s district heating network in Uppsala.

The construction of Carpe Futurum began in 2018 and has covered more than 855,000 working hours.
2 ITA Airways Powered by SAF at Rome Fiumicino Airport

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
29 Mar, 2022, 6:30 am

Rome Fiumicino Airport is increasing the availability of SAF (Sustainable Aviation Fuel), an aviation biofuel made from renewable raw materials capable of supporting the reduction of CO2 emissions in the aviation sector. The Leonardo da Vinci airport has become the first Italian airport to employ SAF, allowing ITA Airways to use it on the airline’s first 10 flights on 15 October 2021. From tomorrow, it will further increase distribution so that, throughout 2022, ITA Airways will be capable of powering two routes (Rome-Venice and Rome-Barcelona) as part of its decarbonization project.

Around 3,000 tonnes of Jet fuel + Eni SAF (fuel blended with renewable raw material components) came from the Eni refinery in Taranto to the port of Civitavecchia, where it was unloaded at the coastal depot of SODECO (part of the Ludoil Group), which directly supplies Rome Fiumicino Airport. This is a further step towards the expansion of Aeroporti di Roma's commitment to sustainability and decarbonization of the sector, given that Rome Fiumicino was the first airport in Europe to obtain the highest Airport Carbon Accreditation 4+ "Transition" from ACI Europe for CO2 reduction. The group has also confirmed that it will drive its greenhouse emissions down to zero by 2030, well ahead of the original sector targets.

At present, the jet fuel + Eni SAF from the Taranto refinery is produced by feeding conventional plants with 0.5% UCO. The organic component of the approximately 3,000 tonnes available at Fiumicino airport saves more than 50 tonnes of CO2 compared to an equivalent load of fossil fuel products.
Jetten haalt streep door nieuwe subsidies voor houtige biomassa
Redactie - Gisteren om 20:04

© 'Pellets', Pixabay

Jarenlang is het opstoken van ’houtige biomassa’ in biomassacentrales als klimaatneutraal gepropageerd. Honderden houtverbrandingsovens zijn dankzij miljardensubsidies als paddenstoelen uit de grond geschoten. Maar na kritiek van wetenschappers, actiegroepen en het parlement gooit klimaatminister Rob Jetten het roer om. Hij zet per direct een streep door nieuwe subsidieaanvragen, zo zegt hij in een interview met De Telegraaf.

Met die woorden leidt het conservatieve blad het gesprek in. De Telegraaf koos de kant van Fenna Swart van het Comité Schone Lucht en stikstof- en natuur NGO MOB en oogst nu samen met hen succes.

Verstrekte subsidies voor de stook van biomassa worden niet ingetrokken, legt Jetten (D66) uit. Dat zou van onfatsoenlijk bestuur getuigen. Wel toont hij zich gevoelig voor de kritiek van wetenschappers en activisten tegen biomassa als zogenaamde duurzame energiebron.

Voorts legt Jetten uit dat er grenzen zijn aan ideologische wensen. Jetten: "We willen zo snel mogelijk af van gas, olie en kolen uit Rusland. Eigenlijk willen we zelfs helemaal geen kolen meer. En ook geen gas uit Groningen. Maar het moet wel ergens uit de lengte of de breedte komen. Daarom vind ik het nu verantwoord om te zeggen: geen nieuwe subsidies meer, maar toegezegde subsidies wel respecteren.”

Op de vraag van de Telegraaf hoe het besluit van Jetten in Nederland zich verhoudt tot de wens van 'klimaatpaus Frans Timmermans en zijn secondant Diederik Samsom' om te gaan voor meer biomassa, antwoordt Jetten: "Wij strijden in Europa voor strengere biomassa-eisen. Er zijn verschillende onderzoeken over hoe duurzaam biomassa is: ook de Europese Commissie heeft daarvoor criteria. Maar: de voorstellen die nu uit Europa komen, zijn aan de matige kant. Maar het is geen makkelijk dossier omdat de verschillen in Europa zo groot zijn. Wij zijn een klein en dichtbevolkt land: zo’n biomassacentrale staat vaak in de wijk. In Scandinavië kijken ze – met zo’n enorm areaal aan bossen – heel anders naar biomassa. Daarvoor heb ik ook begrip.”

Voor meer, zie link:

Energiecentrales Vattenfall geblokkeerd: acties tegen biomassa

Updated 1 min geleden
18 min geleden

AMSTERDAM - Actievoerders blokkeren woensdagochtend de toegang tot energiecentrales van Vattenfall in Nederland, Duitsland, het Verenigd Koninkrijk en de Verenigde Staten. Zij eisen dat het Zweedse concern stopt met gebruik van biomassa als brandstof.

Eerdere acties tegen de energiecentrale van Vattenfall in Diemen. ANP / HH

In Nederland staan actievoerders bij de Vattenfall-centrale in Diemen, waar de brug naar het complex wordt geblokkeerd.

Zestien organisaties eisen in een brandbrief aan ceo Anna Borg, in aanloop naar de aandeelhoudersvergadering donderdag, een afbouw van biomassa ’op de kortst mogelijke termijn’.Vattenfall heeft eerder aangegeven niet verder te willen met biomassa als er geen draagvlak is. Het onderzoekt nog wat de mogelijkheden voor de centrale in Diemen zijn.

De zestien organisaties eisen een stop op alle plannen om nieuwe biomassaverbrandingsinstallaties te bouwen. In Nederland krijgt Vattenfall €395 miljoen subsidie voor de biomassacentrale.

Geen subsidie
Het Nederlandse kabinet verstrekt geen nieuwe subsidies meer aan biomassacentrales, meldde minister Jetten (Klimaatzaken) vorige week. Hij komt daarmee tegemoet aan de zorgen in de politiek en milieubeweging dat de Nederlandse miljoenensubsidies bijdragen aan ontbossing wereldwijd. Hout wordt verstookt in de energiecentrales.

,,Maar dat gaat om nieuwe installaties, terwijl er geen beperking is van stook van houtige biomassa in de huidige installaties van Vattenfall zoals in Diemen”, aldus woordvoerster Fenna Swart namens Comité Schone Lucht Nederland.

,,Het gaat om veel belastinggeld waarmee bossen worden opgeofferd. De stook van biomassa leidt ook tot uitstoot van ultrafijnstof, wat zeer slecht is voor de luchtkwaliteit en de gezondheid van mensen.”

’Lagere uitstoot’
Vattenfall stelt dat door bij de opwek van warmte in de centrale biomassa in te zetten plaats van fossiele brandstoffen, de CO2-uitstoot ’aanzienlijk’ zal verminderen. Het gebruik van biomassa zal van ’tijdelijke aard’ zijn, aldus Vattenfall. „Het is mogelijk om op termijn weer af te stappen van biomassa zodra er voldoende andere groene warmtebronnen aan het net zijn toegevoegd.”

Comité Schone Lucht Nederland heeft beroep aangetekend tegen de natuur- en omgevingsvergunning voor de centrale in Diemen.

MAN Biofuel Engines to Power The Red Sea Tourist Project in Saudi

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
09 May, 2022, 6:30 am

MAN Energy Solutions will supply 25 biofuel-optimized gensets with a total generating capacity of 112 MW to The Red Sea Project. The ambitious, regenerative tourist project, planned for Saudi Arabia’s Red Sea coast north of the city of Umluj, stretches over 200 km of coastline and an archipelago of more than 90 natural islands. The 28,000 km2 area will eventually include a total of 50 resorts spanning 22 islands and inland locations, and an international airport. The project builds upon a sustainable infrastructure with a green energy supply including independence from the national grid, water treatment and waste recycling.

The giga-project will be powered by solar power plants combined with battery storage backed up by MAN GenSets at six locations. The scope of the order covers 4 × MAN 18V51/60, 19 × MAN 9L21/31S and 2 × MAN 6L21/31S GenSets with each engine optimized for use with climate-neutral B100 biofuel. The comprehensive clean energy supply infrastructure is developed by a consortium led by ACWA Power, a Saudi Arabian developer, investor and operator of desalinated water, power generation and green hydrogen plants.

The first phase of the project is scheduled to conclude at the end of 2023 with the opening of 16 hotels, while the international airport is set to also start operations in 2023. By 2030, the destination will include 50 hotel resorts totaling more than 8,000 hotel rooms and 1,000 residential properties.
Gasunie & Perpetual Next Developing Torrgas Project in Delfzijl

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
17 Jun, 2022, 6:30 am

The Netherlands needs more green gas to meet its climate targets and become less dependent on foreign gas. Though gasification of non-fossil sources offers good prospects, this requires new, innovative technologies that have yet to be demonstrated on a large scale. Gasunie aims to be a driver of that development, and Perpetual Next is an important partner in this endeavour and is Gasunie is currently collaborating with climate technology company Perpetual Next for Torrgas project in Delfzijl.

Green gas has the same properties as natural gas but is sustainably produced from non-fossil sources. Until now, green gas was mainly produced through the fermentation of biomass, a biological degradation process that works well but is less suitable for scaling up to large volumes. Torrefaction is a technology that converts residual waste such as scrap wood and agricultural waste into a homogeneous, high-calorific material pellets. The company Torrgas has developed the technology that can be used to gasify this material efficiently in just two steps. The end result is green gas that can be transported and used in exactly the same way as natural gas. Gasification is not yet widely used, however. Scaling up is often accompanied by high risk with low return, so market parties prefer to take a wait-and-see approach. And often the knowledge required to develop the technology or develop it further is lacking.

To meet the climate targets, the Netherlands wants to be producing at least two billion cubic metres of green gas per year by 2030. The current geopolitical situation makes this even more urgent.
Wartsila to Upgrade Ecotricity with Biogas from Grass

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
22 Jun, 2022, 6:30 am

The technology group Wärtsilä will supply its Puregas CA50 biogas upgrading plant for an innovative Green Gas Mill project in the UK designed to turn grass into gas that can be used to heat homes. The project is being headed by Ecotricity, a British energy company dedicated to fighting climate change by ending the use of fossil fuels. The order with Wärtsilä was placed in April 2022. When operational in 2023, this will be the first Green Gas Mill in the UK, making an important step towards creating a green economy. The proven technology process works with grass that has been broken down in a silage container for approximately two months. It is then put into a digester, where it gives off a methane-rich gas to be fed into the domestic gas network. The Wärtsilä biogas upgrading plant refines the gas before it is sent to the grid.

Green grass is carbon neutral in that the CO2 it absorbs whilst growing is released back into the atmosphere when the methane is burned. Fossil gas, by comparison, releases CO2 that is not in the atmosphere now, meaning that it is a net addition to atmospheric CO2.

Ecotricity plans to build many more Green Gas Mills in the future. The company calculates that 3000 installations would provide enough gas to fuel all 22 million homes that are currently on Britain’s gas grid.
Europa stopt dagelijks 17 miljoen liter kookolie in z’n tank
Redactie - Gisteren om 19:36

Iedere dag gieten Europese en Britse chauffeurs 17.000 ton plantaardige olie die ook in de pan kan in de tanks van hun vervoermiddelen; 17.000.000 liter dus. Dat zijn 340.000 volle tanken van 50 liter per dag, 124 miljoen per jaar. En dat terwijl in de supermarkten de kookolie op rantsoen is en de prijs ervan meer dan verdubbelde.

© 'Koolzaad', Bert Kaufmann

Hoogste tijd dat we kookolie voorrang geven boven biobrandstof, zegt campagnegroep Transport & Environment. De groep rekende uit dat tussen 2015 en 2019 58% van de in Europa geconsumeerde koolzaadolie en 9% van de zonnebloemolie in de vorm van biobrandstof verbruikt werd. Plus nog eens 14 miljoen flessen palm- en soja-olie. Zouden de akkers die nu voor alleen al de Britse biobrandstof gebruikt worden, aangewend worden voor het verbouwen van voedselgewassen, dan zouden daar 3,5 miljoen mensen per jaar van kunnen eten. Trek het sommetje door en laat de VS, Groot-Brittannië en de EU hun biobrandstofgebruik halveren, en de volledige graanexport van Oekraïne is ondervangen. Genoeg om 125 miljoen mensen te kunnen voeden.

The Guardian - Europe and UK pour 17,000 tons of cooking oil into vehicles a day

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