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Groene stroom uit dierlijk bijproduct
Gepubliceerd op 16 jun 2011 om 16:48 | Views: 11

(AFN) - Ecoson, onderdeel van VION Food Group, begint in het Belgische Dendermonde met de bouw van een vergistingsinstallatie, die eind volgend jaar groene stroom moet leveren uit dierlijke producten. De installatie is goed voor een hoeveelheid elektriciteit die gelijkstaat aan het verbruik van 5300 huishoudens, meldde Ecoson donderdag.

Ecoson, dat in 2007 werd opgericht, verwerkt reststromen uit de vleesverwerkende industrie en de levensmiddelenindustrie. Zo maakt Ecoson biodiesel uit dierlijk vet.

Moedermaatschappij VION is een onderneming van de Zuidelijke Land en Tuinbouworganisatie, die 18.000 leden telt.
Boeing vliegt op biobrandstof naar Parijs
Gepubliceerd op 16 jun 2011 om 19:22 | Views: 10

SEATTLE (AFN) -De Amerikaanse vliegtuigbouwer Boeing vliegt maandag zijn nieuwe 747-8-vrachttoestel op een mengsel van biobrandstof en kerosine over de oceaan naar de internationale luchtvaartshow bij Parijs. Dat maakte Boeing donderdag bekend.

,,De eerste transatlantische oversteek van een commercieel toestel op biobrandstof.''

Elk van de vier motoren draait op een mengsel van 15 procent biobrandstof en 85 procent ouderwetse kerosine. Het toestel moet maandag in de middag in Parijs landen na een vlucht van ruim 8.000 kilometer, aldus Boeing.

De vliegtuigfabrikant liet verder weten te verwachten dat markt voor nieuwe commerciële vliegtuigen in de komende twintig jaar goed is voor 4 biljoen dollar (2,8 biljoen euro). Tussen 2011 en 2030 zou er behoefte zijn aan meer dan 33.000 nieuwe passagiers- en vrachttoestellen. De bulk daarvan is bestemd voor Azië.
Senate Votes to End Tax Break for Ethanol

By Richard Rubin and Steven Sloan - Jun 16, 2011 11:19 PM GMT+0200

The U.S. Senate voted to eliminate a tax credit and a tariff that subsidize ethanol production, providing the strongest signal yet that Congress will curtail subsidies for corn-based biofuel.

The 73-27 vote exceeded the 60-vote threshold needed to advance the measure as part of an economic development bill. The underlying legislation isn’t likely to become law, so the vote mostly indicated that it will be difficult for ethanol supporters to extend the 45-cent-a-gallon tax break and the 54- cent-a-gallon tariff beyond their scheduled Dec. 31 expiration.

“We need to look at ways that we can bring the budget deficit down,” said Senator Ben Cardin, a Maryland Democrat who said poultry producers in the eastern part of his state are facing higher prices for corn because of ethanol production. “Repealing unnecessary subsidies should clearly be at the top of our list.”

The vote broke down largely along regional lines. All of the senators from Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, and South Dakota voted against the proposal.

The action came two days after the Senate voted 59-40 against advancing a similar proposal from Senator Tom Coburn, an Oklahoma Republican. Democratic leaders, who wanted to assert their control of the chamber’s proceedings, urged their members to oppose that proposal in protest of the way Coburn forced a vote. Today’s vote was free of those procedural issues and marked a test of senators’ position on the ethanol issue.

Ethanol Subsidies

“There is essentially agreement that this subsidy has to be phased out and taken away, and the producers of ethanol agree,” said Senator Dan Coats, an Indiana Republican who voted against ending the ethanol subsidies.

After the vote, shares of meat companies rose while shares of agricultural processors, farm-equipment manufacturers, ethanol producers and fertilizer makers fell.

Tyson Foods Inc. (TSN), the largest U.S. poultry producer, rose after the vote. At the market close, Springdale, Arkansas-based Tyson was up 49 cents, or 2.8 percent, to $18.08. Smithfield Foods Inc. (SFD), the Smithfield, Virginia-based company that is the world’s largest pork processor, rose $1.31, or 6.4 percent, for its biggest one-day increase since Dec. 9, 2010. The company had also reported its first annual profit since 2008.

Archer Daniels Midland Co., the world’s largest grain producer, dropped. Decatur, Illinois-based ADM fell 6 cents, or 0.2 percent, to $29.52, after trading as low as $28.98 after the vote. Corn Products International Inc. (CPO), a corn refiner based in Westchester, Illinois, fell $1.56, or 2.9 percent, to close at $53.12 for its biggest one-day drop in more than three months.

Market Reaction

St. Louis-based Monsanto Co. (MON), which makes agricultural products, fell $1.30, or 1.9 percent, to close at $66.27.

Corn futures for December delivery slid 13 cents, or 2 percent, to $6.53 a bushel on the Chicago Board of Trade, after touching $6.50, the lowest for the most-active contract since March 17. That market closed before the Senate vote concluded.

The price decline occurred on misguided speculation that the Senate action would reduce demand for the grain to make the fuel, said Glenn Hollander, a partner at Chicago-based Hollander & Feurehaken, a cash grain merchandiser and broker.

Cash corn prices have fallen 11 percent in Chicago from a record $7.88 on June 10, government data show.

U.S. refiners are required to use 12 billion gallons of renewable fuels, such as ethanol, this year and 15 billion gallons by 2015 under a 2007 energy law.

‘Improve Demand’

“As long as the federal mandates remain, ethanol demand is not going to collapse,” Hollander said. “The sharp drop in prices this week only helps to improve demand for corn.”

Leticia Phillips, the Brazilian Sugarcane Industry Association’s representative in North America, said in a statement that the Senate vote to end the credit and tariff on imported ethanol “will help lower fuel prices and provide Americans with greater access to clean and affordable fuels like sugarcane ethanol.”

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack reiterated the Obama administration’s opposition to ending the ethanol credit now and said the Senate measure “isn’t the right approach.”

Farm-state lawmakers are supporting a more gradual reduction in ethanol support proposed by Senator John Thune, a South Dakota Republican, and Senator Amy Klobuchar, a Minnesota Democrat. They are still seeking a vote on that proposal.

Coburn and California Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein put together a coalition that includes anti-hunger groups worried about food prices, taxpayer advocates who call the ethanol program wasteful and animal agricultural processors that compete with ethanol producers for feed.

McCain Proposal Rejected

The Senate later rejected, 40-59, a proposal from Senator John McCain, an Arizona Republican, that would have prohibited federal funding for certain ethanol pumps or storage facilities.

A similar measure in the House offered by Representative Jeff Flake, an Arizona Republican, was adopted 283-128.

“Nobody can defend ethanol subsidies anymore,” Flake said.

The vote also has broader consequences for tax policy. Grover Norquist of Americans for Tax Reform, who has persuaded 40 of 47 Republican senators to sign his no-tax-increase pledge, regards the elimination of a tax break as a tax increase.

Coburn, who drew the support of 32 other Republicans on today’s vote, has been challenging that view. He contends that some tax breaks look more like spending programs and should be eliminated without being paired with a tax cut.

He also has said that some tax breaks will have to be trimmed to get a broader agreement on reducing the federal budget deficit.

Norquist’s group said that it wouldn’t consider a vote for the ethanol proposal a violation of the pledge, provided that lawmakers also support a proposal from Senator Jim DeMint of South Carolina that would eliminate the ethanol usage mandate and the estate tax.

To contact the reporters on this story: Richard Rubin in Washington at rrubin12@bloomberg.net; Steven Sloan in Washington at ssloan7@bloomberg.net

To contact the editor responsible for this story: Mark Silva at msilva34@bloomberg.net

Ethanol production has "enormous" growth potential
22 June 2011

(c) 2011 Business News Americas (BNamericas.com)

Brazilian ethanol production has "enormous potential for growth" due to the opening of new agricultural areas for sugarcane plantation, according to the latest BNamericas Intelligence Series report on the country's biofuel industry.
According to the report, sugarcane is currently grown on only 1% of Brazil's total arable land.
Government policies restrict the growth of the crop in 92% of the country, however, that still leaves 7% of territory, the equivalent of 60Mha, available for the plantation of the crop.
The report also suggests that a further 200Mha in undeveloped or degraded cattle pastures could also be opened up for sugarcane plantation, and predicts that around 12Mha could be used in
ethanol production by 2020.
The intelligence series report adds that continued growth of the industry is expected to be fuelled by the entrance of global oil majors such as the UK's BP (NYSE: BP) and Anglo-Dutch energy group Royal Dutch Shell (NYSE: RDS-B) in the Brazilian market.
Last year, Shell formed a JV with local company Cosan, merging each firm's respective ethanol and distribution assets in Brazil in a deal valued at US$12bn. The report predicts that both companies' combined assets will allow them to usurp current distribution leader Petrobras (NYSE: PBR) within the next five years.
Demand for ethanol currently sits at 27Bl and is expected to triple to 73Bl by the end of the decade.
To read the full Energy Intelligence Series report, follow this link

Business News Americas, S.A
UK approves Welsh 299 MW biomass plant of Anglesey Aluminum

Reuters reported that Britain energy ministry approved a 299 MW biomass power plant in Anglesey, Wales, proposed by a subsidiary of Anglesey Aluminum Metal.

Mr Charles Hendry. Energy Minister said "Biomass power stations such as this one in Anglesey will provide us a reliable, secure, flexible and renewable source of power. But it is uncertain whether the renewable energy plant will go ahead as the aluminum company site where the plant will be located is in the process of being sold.”

Mr John Mervyn Jones senior environmental specialist at Anglesey Aluminum Metal said "The feeling is positive. Just to let sit there or waste away would be sad, I hope that's not going to happen."

He said that the planning process for the biomass project continued despite the sale of the site which started in 2009 as a granted planning permit increases the value of the land.

Anglesey Aluminum Metal will announce by the end of the month who its preferred bidder is for the purchase of its site. At this point the new owner will also decide whether to continue the development of the biomass plant.

(Sourced from Reuters)
Essent heropent biomassacentrale Cuijk

© anp

Energiebedrijf Essent gaat de biomassacentrale in Cuijk, waar 100 procent groene stroom wordt geproduceerd, heropenen. Dat maakte het bedrijf vandaag bekend.
De productie in de centrale werd in april stilgelegd, omdat de subsidie vanuit de overheid werd stopgezet. Het bedrijf zag, mede door de hoge prijs van verse houtsnippers, geen mogelijkheid om de centrale draaiende te houden.

Met ingang van 2012 gaat de centrale in Cuijk weer draaien. Er zal getest worden met verschillende soorten biomassa zoals grassen, papierpulp en zaagsel. Ook zal de centrale gebruikt worden voor onderzoek naar een optimaler gebruik van biomassa.

Het heropenen van de centrale is onderdeel van de afspraken die de overheid met het bedrijfsleven heeft gemaakt om te komen tot meer duurzame energie, de zogenaamde 'Green Deal'. Naast de heropening van de centrale gaat Essent in samenwerking met Friesland Campina en de Nederlandse Groen Gas Maatschappij onderzoeken hoe biogas kan worden ingezet als brandstof in de transportsector.


03/10/11 15u30

Amsterdam lonkt naar Amerikaanse biomassa

Gepubliceerd op 31 jan 2012 om 15:22 | Views: 425

AMSTERDAM (AFN) - Nu is het nog maar 60.000 ton, maar in 2020 verwacht de Amsterdamse haven 6 miljoen ton aan biomassa over te slaan voor de Noordwest-Europese markt. Het gemeentelijk havenbedrijf timmert hard aan de weg om lading vanuit landen als Canada, de Verenigde Staten en Brazilië naar Amsterdam te halen.

Op korte termijn is de hoop gevestigd op een Amerikaanse delegatie die donderdag op bezoek komt om zich te oriënteren op de mogelijkheid om biomassa in Europa af te zetten. Daarbij gaat het om 500.000 ton houtpellets per jaar. De delegatie bestaat onder anderen uit vertegenwoordigers van de haven Port of Erie in de staat Pennsylvania.

Amsterdam zal de Amerikaanse bezoekers voorhouden dat de vierde haven van Europa met onder meer IGMA en OBA de bedrijven in huis heeft om de overslag van biomassa te verzorgen, en dat Amsterdam als logistiek knooppunt goede verbindingen heeft over water en spoor met het Europese achterland.

Contracten zullen er donderdag niet worden getekend, zegt een woordvoerster van het gemeentelijk havenbedrijf. ,,Het gaat in eerste instantie om oriëntatie en verdieping van de contacten.'' De verwachting is dat de vraag naar biomassa de komende jaren sterk groeit. Zo wil de Nederlandse overheid het bijstoken van biomassa in kolencentrales gaan verplichten.
Vet van aangespoelde potvis wordt groene stroom

De 13 meter lange potvis die gisteren aanspoelde. © afp

Van het vet van de potvis die gisteren op het strand van het Belgische Knokke-Heist is aangespoeld, wordt groene stroom gemaakt. Dat maakte energiebedrijf Electrawinds vandaag bekend.
De walvis van naar schatting 25 ton bestaat voor de helft uit vetten. Het vet wordt bewerkt tot biomassa en daarna verbrand in een biobrandstofcentrale van Electrawinds in Oostende.

De potvis kan mogelijk 50.000 kilowattuur groene stroom opleveren, goed voor het jaarverbruik van 14 gezinnen. De centrale in Oostende gebruikt voor de productie van stroom vet van slachthuizen en bedrijven die dierlijk afval verwerken.

De politie had het kadaver constant streng bewaakt om souvenirjagers op afstand te houden en te vermijden dat bijvoorbeeld de kostbare ivoren tanden werden gestolen. Volgens Vlaamse media trok het gestrande mannetjesdier, dat postuum de naam Theofiel kreeg, duizenden belangstellenden. (ANP/Redactie)

09/02/12 16u01

Ethanol gives the economy a boost
Ken Field
Financial Post
666 words
8 February 2012
National Post
(c) 2012 National Post . All Rights Reserved.
Ethanol is under attack again. The latest broadside is from the George Morris Centre in Guelph, Ont., claiming that the biofuel is responsible for rising beef and pork prices.
This biofuel is far too important to allow misinformation to tarnish its reputation and diminish its support among consumers, industry and government.
Ethanol's chief benefit is environmental. Its use as an additive in gasoline reduces greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions alone by 62%. To place this in context, the transport industry is a large source of Canada's GHG, at more than 30% of all emissions. Further, about 80% of oil-related GHG comes from combustion, including automobile tailpipes.
But GHG reduction is only part of the story. Ethanol reduces every type of tailpipe emission, and its impact on the air we breathe is immediate and tangible. Not long ago, the Greater Toronto Area would experience up to 20 "Smog Days" during summer months, posing a serious health risk to asthma and COPD sufferers, and generally making urban life miserable. Last summer, there were no smog alerts in the GTA and 5.5 million Canadians breathed easier. Ethanol was a major factor in cleaning the air above Canada's biggest metropolis.
A lesser-known fact is that the smaller, lighter car engines with high horsepower coming on to the market today require a higher-level octane gasoline. The traditional way to increase octane is to boost the level of aromatics in the fuel, specifically benzene, toluene and xylene. All three of these compounds are carcinogenic. The alternative method of increasing octane is to add ethanol, which has an octane of 114 and delivers plenty of extra power. That's why Indy and NASCAR racers use ethanol.
Ethanol also reduces the price of gasoline at the pump. With about 15 billion gallons of ethanol in the North American gasoline pool today, gasoline is about 10¢ cheaper per litre in Canada and about 40¢ cheaper per gallon in the United States.
Then there is the issue of Canada's energy security. Today, Canada imports more than half of the oil it uses on a daily basis. This oil comes primarily from politically risky countries such as Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, Algeria and Venezuela, raising concerns around the security of long-term supply.
Today, ethanol reduces demand for foreign-sourced gasoline in Ontario by almost 10%, and across Canada by 5%. At the same time, we are supporting the production of Ontario's and Quebec's largest crop, which is corn. This strikes me as both sound economics and a sound geopolitical strategy.
Then there is the claim mentioned above that the ethanol industry is harmful to livestock farmers because demand for corn to produce ethanol is driving up the price of this animal feedstock. This is simply not supported by the facts.
Throughout North America, the use of genetically engineered corn seeds has boosted production of industrial corn (not for human consumption) by roughly 70%, to about 14 billion bushels today from eight to nine billion bushels a decade ago. Since ethanol production uses about five billion bushels of corn annually, the same as the increase from biotechnology advances, its impact on corn prices is negligible. Without the ethanol market, there would be a significant glut in today's corn market and greatly reduced income for Canada's grain farmers.
Ethanol production uses only the starch from the corn kernel, returning all the protein, fibre, minerals and vitamins right back into the feed market as Dried Distillers Grains, or DDGs. Over one million tons of DDGs are produced in Canada every year. The ethanol industry produces food and fuel.
Finally, some 30,000 farmers profit from the ethanol industry. At a time when rural Canadians are struggling to keep their farms operating, this is a significant advantage.
? Ken Field is the chairman and founder of Greenfield Ethanol Inc. and a board member of the Canadian Renewable Fuels Association.
National Post
ENERGY - Bangchak to double biodiesel output
422 words
10 February 2012
Bangkok Post
(c) 2012. The Post Publishing Public Company Limited. All Rights Reserved.
The majority state-owned oil refinery and retailer Bangchak Petroleum Plc (BCP) plans to double its biodiesel production to 600,000-700,000 litres per day from 300,000 litres to meet surging demand growth expected this year.
President Anusorn Saengnimnuan said the company is set to ramp up the biodiesel production by its wholly owned subsidiary Bangchak Bio Fuel Co and look for mergers and acquisitions.
The output at the plant in Bang Pa-In, Ayutthaya province, will be hiked to 400,000 litres per day from 300,000 litres in a 100-million-baht investment.
The remaining 200,000-300,000 litres will be supplied by a number of producers it is looking to acquire.
"We are in talks with biodiesel producers who are willing to dispose of their assets," said Dr Anusorn.
He added that these companies are now facing declining sales due to unsteady raw material supplies and limited sales distribution channels.
BCP is also enlarging its palm oil plantation in central provinces from 3,000 rai to nearly 80,000 rai. It is now looking for rice fields where yields are relatively low to convert them into oil palm plantations.
Over the past several years, BCP has tried to expand its palm oil plantation in Rangsit, formerly abandoned tangerine orchards two decades ago, to secure more raw materials to support its expansion plan.
However, it has not received a positive response from the land owners.
"We have to look beyond Rangsit because the landowners prefer selling their assets to property developers to agricultural developers," said Dr Anusorn.
He added while seeking more land, BCP is studying the investment plan for a palm-oil crushing plant worth 400 million baht.
"If the new investment (in the crushing plant) proves successful, BCP will become a fully integrated biodiesel producer," he said.
Although compressed natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas are more widely accepted as alternative fuels, demand for diesel is rising with average growth of 2% per year in Thailand.
The company expected sales of diesel this year will grow by 5% from currently 150 million litres per month.
BCP's average oil refinery output this year may increase by 7% to 92,000 barrels per day from 86,000 bpd. It plans to shut down the oil refinery unit for 30 days this May.
Shares of BCP closed yesterday on the Stock Exchange of Thailand at 21.40 baht, up 30 satang, in trade worth 175. 64 million baht.
The Post Publishing Public Company Limited
Sabic and Sinopec in talks over USD 5 billion methanol plant

Saudi Basic Industries Corporation and China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation have started negotiations with Trinidad and Tobago to build USD 5.3 billion methanol complex there.

SABIC and its Chinese partner obtained the approval of Trinidad and Tobago after bidding against other international companies. This approval marks the launch of negotiations to build the complex and is not binding to either side until final agreement is reached.

It did not set a timeframe for the final agreement nor the capacity of the plant which will produce methanol and then convert it to olefins.

Sabic is 70% owned by the government of Saudi Arabia and makes chemicals, fertilizers, plastics and metals used in paint, rubber, textiles, cleaning and other consumer products.

The firm also has an agreement with Sinopec to build USD 1 billion plus polycarbonate plant in Tianjin where the two companies have already started operating a petrochemical JV in 2010.

(Sourced from Reuters)
Wood-to-ethanol plant set for construction
356 words
13 February 2012
Biofuels International Daily
Copyright 2012. Horseshoe Media Ltd.

Construction of the US's first large-scale, wood-to-ethanol plant is set to begin this year in Upper Peninsula, Michigan.Construction of the US's first large-scale, wood-to-ethanol plant is set to begin this year in Upper Peninsula, Michigan.
The $232-million (€175.05 million) biorefinery is to be built on 40 acres in Kinross Charter Township, with completion expected in late 2013.
A company called Mascoma developed the wood-to-ethanol process which combines wood chips with microorganisms, but the project initially struggled financially. However, with an $80 million (€60.39 million) grant from the U.S. Department of Energy and the backing of Valero Energy, the project is back on track.
An investment of $132 million (€99.64 million) by Valero, the US's largest independent oil refiner and a leading ethanol producer, confirms it as majority owner. The company will then receive all facility-produced ethanol, planning to sell the majority and blend the rest into its own petrol.
Not without controversy however, the project ignited opposition from the Sierra Club and the 40,000-member Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians.
The Sierra Club and Larry Klein, a Kinross resident, are suing the Energy Department, under the accusation that the department failed to perform adequate environmental review procedures back when the $80 million (€60.39 million) grant was awarded. Furthermore, the Chippewa Tribe is lodging complaints about the impact the logging will have on the area's forests.
Raymond Miller, director of Michigan State University's Forest Biomass Innovation Center, says as ‘we grow between two and three times as much wood each year as we use,’ the biorefinery would not deplete the forest resources.
In addition to environmental concerns, there is also scepticism about how much ethanol the plant would actually be able to produce. David Pimentel, a professor of ecology and agricultural sciences at Cornell University suggests the project is destined to fail, as too much wood is required to produce a gallon of ethanol.
Horseshoe Media Ltd
BP, Aiming For Ethanol, To Quadruple Brazil Sugarcane Capacity
398 words
14 February 2012
Dow Jones International News

(c) 2012 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. --BP's Brazilian biofuels arm plans to quadruple sugarcane-crushing capacity by 2017
--Growth involves expanding three existing cane mills and building three new ones

By Paul Kiernan
SAO PAULO (Dow Jones)--Global oil giant BP PLC's (BP, BP.LN) Brazilian biofuels division plans to quadruple its sugarcane-crushing capacity in the next five years as it seeks to capitalize on the growing market for ethanol, the company confirmed Tuesday.
BP Biocombustiveis, which operates three sugarcane mills in Brazil, aims for crushing capacity of 30 million metric tons of sugarcane per year by 2017, up from 7.5 million tons currently, local newswire Agencia Estado reported Tuesday, citing an interview with company President Mario Lindenhayn.
A BP Biocombustiveis press official confirmed the information.
According to the report, BP Biocombustiveis expects to reach the goal by expanding its existing mills and building three new ones. Possible acquisitions aren't figured into the 30-million-ton estimate but haven't been ruled out.
Lindenhayn said that in 2011, BP invested around $750 million to expand to 100% its stake in Tropical Bioenergia, which has one sugarcane mill in central Goias state, and CNAA, which owns two functioning mills and one greenfield project in Minas Gerais and Goias.
In addition to expanding industrial capacity, BP Biocombustiveis and other Brazilian sugar and ethanol producers face an ongoing challenge to obtain enough feedstock. A number of factors related to weather and irregular investments in the sector caused Brazil's main center-south sugarcane crop to fall 11% last year from the previous year.
"In the crop that's ending now, our crushing only amounted to 5 million tons," Lindenhayn said, according to Agencia Estado. BP Biocombustiveis is currently investing to expand by 35% its sugarcane acreage for the upcoming 2012-13 harvest, which will begin in April.
BP Biocombustiveis owns 80% of the sugarcane it crushes to produce sugar and ethanol, while the remaining 20% is purchased from suppliers.
Sugarcane-based alcohol is a major fuel source in Brazil, where around half of the domestic auto fleet have flex-fuel engines capable of running on pure hydrous ethanol. Regular gasoline in Brazil contains a 20% mixture of anhydrous ethanol.
-By Paul Kiernan, Dow Jones Newswires; (+55)11-3544-7074; paul.kiernan@dowjones.com [ 14-02-12 2039GMT ]
Pike Research sees global biofuel market at USD 185bn in 2021
17 February 2012
SeeNews Renewables
© 2012. SeeNews. All Rights Reserved. www.seenews.com

(SeeNews) - Feb 17, 2012 - The worldwide biofuel market is to surge to USD 185.3 billion (EUR 141bn) in 10 years from USD 82.7 billion in 2011, with significant growth expected between 2017 and 2021, Pike Research projects.
The lack of cheap feedstock and financing obstacles will remain the greatest challenge for the sector as it strives to meet emerging mandates. "Widespread commercialisation will ultimately depend on whether current trends lead to price parity with petroleum-based fuels over the next decade," the market intelligence firm says in its Biofuels Markets and Technologies report.
Growth will advance steadily by the end of 2016, while it will speed up after 2017 driven by increased oil prices, emerging mandate obligations, new feedstock and technology improvements. Ethanol is expected to remain the most widely used biofuel with production hitting 49.5 billion gallons per year (BGPY) by 2021. Biodiesel production by then is seen to reach 16.2 BGPY.
In the long term, renewable fuels can drastically change the fuel market's geopolitical landscape, as their adoption within the ground, aviation and maritime transport fuel markets expands. During the next 10 years, first-generation green fuels made from corn starch, sugarcane, rapeseed and soy are to remain the major drivers for the sector's growth. Still, according to Pike Research, the development of advanced conversion pathways and non-food feedstocks is to release huge production potential around the globe.
Source: (TT/IM/TT)
S.Africa sees $258 mln ethanol plant by 2014
By Wendell Roelf
20 February 2012
Reuters News
(c) 2012 Reuters Limited

CAPE TOWN, Feb 20 (Reuters) - South Africa plans to invest 2 billion rand ($258.5 million) to build an ethanol plant and help a nascent biofuels sector that could reduce the country's reliance on imported fuel, an industry player said on Monday.
Africa's biggest economy imports about 60 percent of its crude oil needs and became a net importer of finished petroleum products several years ago.
In recent months, South Africa has been hit by fuel shortages due to planned and unplanned shutdowns at four of its six refineries.
Roak Crew, chief executive at Sugar Beet RSA, which is implementing the project in collaboration with the government, said the plant could start operating in 2014. It would initially produce some 90 million litres of fuel a year as sugar beet and grain sorghum are converted into ethanol.
Output at the plant to be located in the impoverished Eastern Cape province could eventually be raised to 200 million litres a year, he said, but concerns among refiners regarding fuel blending and feedstock could hamper development.
"At the moment there is no requirement by the fossil fuel producers to blend biofuels into their products, and without this happening, the industry will not be sustainable," Crew told Reuters.
The plant would provide a major boost to the development of South Africa's biofuels industry, which has been held back by an inadequate regulatory regime and concerns that biofuels would hurt food security and impact food prices.
The plant would be funded by the government, which has a target of having biofuels annually contribute 2 percent, around 400 million litres, to liquid fuels consumption by 2013.
Agriculture Minister Tina Joemat-Pettersson said the state wanted to ensure small-scale farmers are involved in sugar beet planting to boost farming in areas neglected during apartheid.
The construction of the plant is likely to start later this year, she said, adding that exports into Africa were an option.
"We have already done the pilot, so this now is beyond the pilot stage. We are quite confident that this is going to be a successful project," she said recently.
Canola, sunflower and soya are feedstock for biodiesel, while sugar cane and sugar beet are feedstock for ethanol.
South Africa's Illovo Sugar, a unit of Associated British Foods said it may opt to invest in biofuels from sugarcane if it made business sense.
The South African Petroleum Industry Association (SAPIA), which represents refiners including Royal Dutch Shell, BP, Chevron, Total and Sasol said the government needs to ensure that the push for biofuels does not compromise the availability of fuel supplies.
"The regulated pricing mechanism needs to be determined. What guarantees can be given that sufficient stocks of biofuels will be made available to provide for the mandatory blend requirements?" said head of SAPIA Avhapfani Tshifularo.
South Africa's Department of Energy plans to finalise the mandatory blending regulations by the end of this year.
(Reporting by Wendell Roelf; editing by Jason Neely)

Reuters Limited
Zeewierboerderij in gebruik
Gepubliceerd op 2 mrt 2012 om 14:20 | Views: 553

UTRECHT (AFN) - Ecofys is vrijdag als leider van een groep van bedrijven begonnen met de exploitatie van een zeewierboerderij, tien kilometer uit de kust van Texel. Het hoopt eind juni de eerste tonnen te kunnen leveren voor de productie van vis- en veevoer en van brandstof om energie op te wekken.

Het gaat om een stelsel van drijvende kabels en netten, waaraan kleine plantjes zijn bevestigd die van nature in zee voorkomen. Uit deze proef moet blijken of grootschalige teelt van biomassa op zee mogelijk is. Dat zou kunnen in gebieden tussen windmolens, waar scheepvaart en visvangst verboden is.
global biofuels to reach $183.5bn in 2021

5 March 2012
ICIS Chemical Business
Copyright 2012. Reed Business Information Limited. All rights reserved.

global biofuels to reach $183.5bn in 2021
US market research firm Pike Research forecasts that the global biofuels market will more than double in the next decade, from $87.2bn (€65.1bn) in 2011 to $185.3bn by 2021. A combination of higher oil prices, emerging mandate obligations, availability of new feedstocks, and the scaling up of advanced technologies drive increased investment in the industry. Ethanol production is expected to maintain its dominance, reaching 49.5bn gal/year by 2021, as compared to biodiesel's 16.2 BGPY.
US ethanol exports break record
US ethanol exports reached a record 1.1bn gal (4.2bn liters) in 2011 compared to the previous 396m gallon record in 2010, according to the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA). The group said the increase stems from the cost-efficient nature of US ethanol and the rising world sugar price. RFA also reported a record 13.9bn gal US ethanol production in 2011.
ASB Biodiesel builds new unit in hong kong
ASB Biodiesel Hong Kong has started the construction of its 100,000 tonne/year biodiesel plant at Tseung Kwan in Hong Kong. The plant, which is expected to be completed in December, is being built by China Harbour Engineering.
brazil plans $35bn sugarcane program
The Brazilian agricultural ministry plans to spend reais (R) 60.5bn ($35.4bn, €26.6bn) in 2012-2015 to increase Brazil's sugarcane crop so it can meet rising demand for ethanol. The multi-part plan will allow Brazil to make anhydrous ethanol to blend into gasoline at a rate of 25%, and to produce hydrous ethanol to supply 50-55% of the nation's light-vehicle fleet.

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Canada-Quebec's first waste-to-biofuels plant unveiled

13 April 2012
Renewable Energy Magazine
© 2012. Revista Energias Renovables. Haya Comunicacion S.L.

The Government of Québec has announced its plan to inject $27 million in Québec’s first full-scale commercial cellulosic ethanol plant through the Ministry of Natural Resources and Wildlife and Investissement Québec. This facility will be built and operated by a joint venture partnership formed by Enerkem, a waste-to-biofuels and chemicals company, and GreenField Ethanol, the Canadian leader in alcohol production.
The future plant will be located in Varennes, Québec and will use Enerkem’s proprietary technology to convert non-recyclable municipal solid waste into biofuels. With a full-scale waste-to-biofuels facility under construction in Edmonton, Alberta, and another one under development in Mississippi, the Varennes facility represents Enerkem’s third full-scale commercial project. "By producing liquid transportation fuel from non-recyclable waste, this facility opens the door to the emergence of a new energy sector and will allow for local sustainable management of our waste materials", declared Vincent Chornet, Enerkem President and CEO. "Located on the site of Ethanol GreenField's current plant, this project will represent one of the first integrations between an existing, first generation ethanol plant and a new cellulosic ethanol plant." "The construction of this innovative plant on our current site marks the beginning of our transition to an integrated biorefinery in Varennes", said Jean Roberge, General Manager, GreenField Ethanol Québec. "We are pleased to partner with Enerkem and integrate their technology to build Québec’s first full-scale commercial cellulosic ethanol plant. The use of waste materials, that is made possible with Enerkem's technology, complements GreenField Ethanol R&D efforts with other types of biomass. " This waste-to-biofuels production facility will help reduce greenhouse emissions, fossil fuel imports and landfilled volumes. The non-recyclable waste will come from institutional, commercial and industrial sectors, and from construction and demolition debris. The anticipated annual production capacity of this plant is approximately 38 million litres. "In addition to presenting a solution to landfilling, today's announcement will enable greenhouse gas emission reductions by about 110,000 metric tons of CO2 per year. Cellulosic ethanol is a renewable fuel that will contribute to reducing our dependence on petroleum products. By supporting this project, our government is concretely reinforcing energy security for Québec. Today's announcement puts Québec in an advantageous position in the search for alternatives to fossil fuel consumption", outlined Minister Clément Gignac. "Québec has resolved to reduce, by 2020, its greenhouse gas emissions to 20% below 1990 levels, as part of its 2006-2012 Climate Change Action Plan. We believe we can be productive and create wealth and jobs, all while protecting our environment. The construction of the cellulosic ethanol facility belonging to the joint venture formed by Enerkem and GreenField Ethanol, is one step closer towards reducing our greenhouse gas emissions. It is with solid and structured projects, such as the one presented today, that Québec will reassert its leadership in a green and sustainable economy", commented Minister Sam Hamad. The $27 million contribution from the Government of Québec includes $18 million in financial assistance from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Wildlife and a $9 million loan from Investissement Québec. For additional information: Enerkem Greenfield Ethanol

Haya Comunicacion S.L.

Production of bio gas from sewage waste in India

Minister of New and Renewable Energy Dr Farooq Abdullah informed the Lok Sabha that the feasibility of biogas production from sewage waste depends upon, among other factors, size of treatment plants and composition of sewage.

The Delhi Jal Board is upgrading their sewage treatment plants on their own by including production of biogas from sewage sludge.

The biogas production and utilization facilities are being incorporated in the sewage treatment plants at Keshopur, Kondli, Okhla, Rithala and Yamuna Vihar.

The Ministry of Urban Development has so far sanctioned 110 sewage projects under the Urban Infrastructure and Governance component of Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission in 65 cities during 2005-2012. Sludge handling and digestion including biogas generation, is one of the components of sewage treatment plants in many projects.

Source - PIB
3W Power betreedt Amerikaanse markt

Gepubliceerd op 26 jun 2012 om 16:57 | Views: 28

NEW YORK (AFN) - 3W Power heeft een overeenkomst gesloten met Green World Development voor de aankoop en ontwikkeling van multifunctionele energiecentrales in de Verenigde Staten. Dat maakte het Duitse bedrijf dinsdag bekend.

De eerste aankoop betreft een centrale voor energie uit biomassa in de staat North Carolina. Daarmee zet 3W Power de eerste stappen op de Amerikaanse markt.

3W Power had tot eind vorig jaar een beursnotering in Amsterdam. Die werd in december beëindigd.
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