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Siemens supplies sinter plant to Dragon Steel Corporation

Production operations recently commenced at the new Sinter Plant No. 2 at Dragon Steel Corporation. This 3.8 million tonne per annum sintering facility, which was supplied by Siemens Metals Technologies together with its consortium partner CTCI Corporation, was built in the Taichung harbor area as part of a major campaign by Taiwan’s largest steel producer to expand into the flat-steel market sector.

A wide range of innovative technologies and equipment features is installed as the basis for optimized sintering operations, a low energy consumption and minimized environmental emissions.

The sintering machine, the centerpiece of Sinter Plant No. 2, has an area of 387 m2, (4.5 x 86 m) to enable a daily sinter output of more than 11,600 tonne per day or some 3.8 million tonne of sinter per year. The plant is basically equipped with the same technologies and systems that were installed in Sinter Plant No. 1.

The strictest regulations with respect to dust (max. 20 mg/Nm³) and other sinter offgas emissions to the environment are met by the installed electrostatic precipitator (ESP), the bag filter system and the integrated desulfurization (max. 50 ppm), denitrification (max. 70 ppm) and dioxin-removal (max. 0.5 ng-TEQ/Nm³) facilities. A special waste-heat-recovery system is in use at the circular dip-rail sinter cooler to generate steam as required by the DeNOx system, for ESP cleaning and for various other applications throughout the steelworks.

The latest Simetal Sinter VAiron process-optimization system not only covers typical Level 2 functionalities such as data exchange with the basic automation system, data storage, recall and visualization, or calculations of optimized raw mix recipes, it also features a unique expert system for the optimization of the entire sintering process to ensure the highest possible quality of the sinter product at maximized output. Special functionalities include the monitoring and control of the burn-through point in the longitudinal and transversal directions, return-fines balance, the basicity and SiO2 content of the sinter, and the specific coke rate.

Plant commissioning was according to plan and, within only a few weeks after start- up, the nominal sinter production capacity was reached. Sinter quality met the prescribed specifications and environmental emissions were within limits. With a footprint of only 43,300 m² (478.5 x 90.5 m), Sinter Plant No. 2 is also one of the most compact of its type in the world.

Dragon Steel Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of the China Steel Corporation Group, is in the process of completing the second stage of a two stage campaign to build a completely new integrated iron- and steelworks in the Taichung harbor area in order to expand its steel output by 5.2 million tonne of flat steel products by 2013.

Source - Strategic Research Institute

arjan k schreef op 28 juli 2013 08:07:

hij is buiten gegooit.
Nog het bericht erbij:

Topman Siemens moet opstappen

Na een reeks van tegenvallende resultaten bij Siemens moet topman Peter Löscher het Duitse technologieconcern verlaten. Dat is besloten na een marathonvergadering van de raad van commissarissen in München.

Als mogelijke opvolger van Löscher wordt financiëel directeur Joe Kaeser genoemd.

Löscher werkt sinds 2007 bij Siemens. Hij besloot vorig jaar tot een grote bezuinigingsronde, maar dat kwam voor het concern te laat.

Afgelopen donderdag kwam Siemens met een winstwaarschuwing, de vijfde in de periode dat Löscher aan het roer staat en de derde in drie maanden tijd.

'Kaeser in de race als topman Siemens'

Gepubliceerd op 30 jul 2013 om 10:03 | Views: 1.490

Siemens AG 16:05
EUR 80,84 +1,14 (+1,43%)

MÜNCHEN (AFN) - Joe Kaeser wordt wellicht de nieuwe topman van het Duitse technologiebedrijf Siemens. De huidige financieel bestuurder voert daarover gesprekken met de raad van commissarissen van het concern, aldus persbureau Bloomberg dinsdag op basis van ingewijden.

Tegelijkertijd probeert de raad overeenstemming te bereiken met de huidige bestuursvoorzitter, de Oostenrijker Peter Löscher, over een vertrekregeling. Siemens wilde geen commentaar geven op het bericht. Löscher moet opstappen na een vijfde winstwaarschuwing en oplopende kosten bij verschillende projecten.

De benoeming van een nieuwe bestuursvoorzitter bij de onderneming wordt naar verluidt woensdag bekendgemaakt. Het Duitse zakenblad manager magazin speculeerde eerder nog op de voordracht van directielid Siegfried Russwurm als hoogste baas. Hij is nu bij Siemens verantwoordelijk voor de belangrijke industriële activiteiten van het concern.
Siemens no longer to achieve its 2014 margin target

Siemens no longer expects to achieve a Total Sectors profit margin of at least 12% by fiscal 2014, as aimed for in the Siemens 2014 company program, mainly due to lower market expectations.

The measures for optimizing the portfolio and reducing costs are largely on track.

As announced, Siemens will report third-quarter figures on August 1st 2013.

Meanwhile, Siemens AG is a global powerhouse in electronics and electrical engineering, operating in the fields of industry, energy and healthcare as well as providing infrastructure solutions, primarily for cities and metropolitan areas.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Siemens voorziet daling winst volledige boekjaar

MUNCHEN (Dow Jones)--Siemens ag (SI) heeft woensdag aangegeven te verwachten dat de winst over het gehele fiscale jaar af zal nemen, deels door kosten gerelateerd aan de zonne-energie divisie die beeindigd zal worden. Ondertussen namen de winst en het aantal orders in het afgelopen kwartaal toe.

Siemens, het tweede Duitse bedrijf gemeten naar omzet, voorspelt voor de twaalfmaands periode die 30 september eindigt een winst uit voortgezette activiteiten van EUR4 miljard, tegen EUR5,18 miljard in dezelfde periode een jaar eerder. In de vooruitblik is rekening gehouden met de invloed van de beeindiging van de zonne-energie divisie en verkoop van Nokia Siemens Networks aan Nokia. Andere portfolio, juridische en regelgevende invloeden zijn niet meegenomen in de vooruitblik. Siemens voorspelde in april nog dat de omzet uit zou komen dicht bij de EUR4,5 miljard, voor negatieve invloeden van met name de zonne-energiedivisie die zouden kunnen oplopen tot EUR500 miljoen.

De nettowinst steeg in het derde kwartaal tot EUR1,07 miljard, van EUR743 miljoen een jaar eerder toen het annuleren van de beursgang van Osram Licht ag (OSR.XE) zorgde voor een last van EUR443 miljoen. De nettowinst uit voortgezette activiteiten kwam uit op EUR1,00 miljard, vrijwel gelijk aan de door analisten geraamde EUR1,01 miljard.

De orderinname uit voortgezette activiteiten steeg met 21% tot EUR21,14 miljard. De omzet nam in de periode april tot juni echter met 1% af tot EUR19,25 miljard.

- Door Friedrich Geiger, vertaald en bewerkt door Elco van Groningen; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst; +31 20 571 52 00; elco.vangroningen@dowjones.com

Dat zou een leuke order voor Siemens kunnen zijn?

Turkish State Railways to announce record tender for purchase of 106 new trains

Hurriyet Daily reported that the Turkish State Railways will announce a record tender of TRL 6 billion in a bid to buy new trains.

Mr Suleyman Karaman director of TSR said that "The tender will include a total of 106 train units. As it is such a big tender we will include the condition of establishing a train factory in Turkey and impose a 51 percent minimum local purchasing condition."

Mr Karaman said that the tender had passed the Development Ministry's approval and was awaiting a last green light from the Council of Ministers, adding that the German giant Siemens and a number of Italian firms were showing interest in the tender. We are planning to organize the tender in two or three months.

Mr Binali Yildirim transport minister of Turkey announced last month that at least 2,500 kilometers of high speed rail line would be built in the next five years to connect 14 different cities.

Regarding the under construction Istanbul Ankara high speed railway, Karaman said that once the new rail lines were built and the trains were operational, they would adopt a price policy cheaper than planes and more expensive than buses noting that plane tickets varied between TRL 80 and TRL 400.

Source - Hurriyet Daily News
Siemens AG announce its leadership change

Siemens AG, a global powerhouse in electronics and electrical engineering, operating in the fields of industry, energy and healthcare as well as providing infrastructure solutions, primarily for cities and metropolitan areas announced its leadership change that Mr Joe Kaeser (56), CFO of Siemens AG since 2006, has been designated the new President and CEO of Siemens AG, effective August 1st 2013. A new CFO will be appointed very shortly.

The current CEO Mr Peter Löscher will resign his position at the end of the day today and leave the Managing Board of Siemens AG by mutual consent. These changes were unanimously approved by the Supervisory Board of Siemens AG at its meeting today.

The Supervisory Board looks back on Mr Peter Löscher's achievements as President and CEO of Siemens AG with great respect. Mr Löscher took office on July 1st 2007. With great energy and commitment, he established a culture of integrity at Siemens that is today considered a model of its kind worldwide. Under his leadership, the company achieved a substantially higher level of performance and profitability, improved its position in the emerging countries and focused its portfolio.

Mr Gerhard Cromme chairman of the Supervisory Board of Siemens AG thanked Mr Peter Löscher for his great commitment and many services in the management and representation of the company. Confronted first with the compliance crisis and then with the global financial and debt crisis, Mr Löscher led the company successfully in very challenging times.

Mr Gerhard said that "Peter Löscher restored Siemens' high reputation and helped it achieve a series of impressive successes. Under his leadership, Siemens experienced two of the most successful years in its history. Both on its own behalf and on that of all Siemens employees, the Supervisory Board would like to thank Mr. Löscher for his services to the company."

Source -Strategic Research Institute
Bouwers windmolenpark Schiermonnikoog bekend

Gepubliceerd op 2 aug 2013 om 11:18 | Views: 2.088

ROTTERDAM (AFN) - Baggeraar en offshore dienstverlener Van Oord gaat samen met onder meer het Duitse Siemens en het Canadese Northland Power (NPI) aan de slag met de bouw van een groot windmolenpark circa 60 kilometer boven de kust van Schiermonnikoog. Dat maakte het Nederlandse bedrijf vrijdag bekend.

De bouw van het windmolenpark Gemini start begin 2015, waarna het project in 2017 volledig operationeel zal zijn. De 150 windmolens van het park leveren dan elektriciteit aan meer dan 785.00 huishoudens.

Van Oord krijgt een belang van 10 procent in Gemini. NPI wordt de grootste aandeelhouder, met een belang van 55 procent, Siemens wordt voor 20 procent eigenaar van het park. De overige aandeelhouders zijn HVC (10 procent) en Typhoon (5 procent). Samen brengen de partijen 500 miljoen euro eigen vermogen in, de rest wordt gefinancierd door banken. NPI neemt de leiding van de bouw en exploitatie op zich.

De totale kosten van de bouw worden geschat op 2,8 miljard euro. Voor Van Oord heeft de opdracht een waarde van 1,3 miljard euro. De aandeelhouders verwachten de financiering van het project in 2014 rond te hebben.

Siemens to supply 2 gas fired plant in Malaysia

It is reported that Siemens will supply 2 gas turbines for the TNB Prai combined cycle power plant in Malaysia.

The power equipment, including 2 generators and 2 steam turbines was ordered by Samsung C&T, the engineering, procurement and construction contractor for the job. The total value for the equipment was about USD 200 million.

Siemens in a statement said that TNB Prai will have a generating capacity of 1,000 MW, making it the most powerful gas fired plant in Southeast Asia. It will be built in the city Seberang Perai in the Malaysian state of Penang.

However, the plant is scheduled to go into operation in early 2016.

Source - www.breakbulk.com
Siemens major progress with portfolio optimization in Q3

In the Q3 of fiscal 2013, Siemens made progress in strengthening its core business activities. Orders rose considerably on a major contract win. Total Sectors Profit declined due to charges related to the implementation of the Siemens 2014 program.

Revenue declined slightly owing to a weak market environment.

In the Q3 of fiscal 2013, which ended on June 30th 2013, new orders soared 19% YoY to EUR 21.1 billion primarily due to a major contract win for the company's train business in the UK in the Infrastructure & Cities Sector. Revenue was down 2% to EUR 19.2 billion.

Revenue increases at Infrastructure & Cities and Healthcare were more than offset by declines at the Energy and Industry Sectors. The ratio of new orders to revenue was 1.10 in the Q3. The order backlog for all Sectors totaled EUR 102 billion at the end of the quarter.

In the Energy Sector, new orders totaled EUR 5.4 billion, an increase of 2%. Uncertainties in the German and European energy markets resulted in a decline in new orders at the Fossil Power Generation Division.

However, this was offset by double-digit increases at the other Divisions. Sector revenue declined in the Q3 5% YoY to EUR 6.6 billion due to strong, ongoing competitive pressure. New orders and revenue at the Healthcare Sector remained roughly at prior year levels. Sector revenue increased one percent to EUR 3.4 billion, while new orders were down 1% to EUR 3.3 billion.

The Q3 saw the first signs of stabilization in the Industry Sector's market environment.

As in the comparable period a year earlier, new orders at the Sector totaled EUR 5.1 billion. Revenue declined 2% to EUR 5 billion.

The Infrastructure & Cities Sector profited in the Q3 primarily from the major Thameslink order at the Rail Systems Division. With a volume of EUR 3 billion, the order, which encompasses the supply and maintenance of 1,140 regional trains for London, is the largest that Siemens has ever won in the UK. New orders at the Sector climbed 79% YoY to EUR 7.5 billion. Revenue increased 4% to EUR 4.5 billion.

In Q3, Total Sectors Profit was EUR 1.3 billion to 31% below the comparable prior-year figure of EUR 1.8 billion. This decline was due primarily to Q3 charges of EUR 436 million in connection with Siemens 2014, of which EUR 180 million were taken at the Infrastructure & Cities Sector, EUR 140 million at the Industry Sector, EUR 102 million at the Energy Sector and EUR 14 million at the Healthcare Sector.

Siemens 2014
With the announced sale of its NSN stake to Nokia and the successful spinoff of Osram, Siemens has now further strengthened its focus on its core business activities.

For fiscal 2013, Siemens expects clear order growth and a moderate decline in revenue compared to the prior year, both on an organic basis. Charges associated with the Siemens 2014 program in the Sectors are expected to total approximately EUR 1.0 billion for the full fiscal year.

Meanwhile, Siemens AG, a global powerhouse in electronics and electrical engineering, operating in the fields of industry, energy and healthcare as well as providing infrastructure solutions, primarily for cities and metropolitan areas.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Siemens modernizes continuous caster at ArcelorMittal Bremen

German steel producer ArcelorMittal Bremen GmbH has awarded Siemens Metals Technologies an order to modernize its continuous slab casting plant.

This involves equipping the machine head of the twin-strand casting plant with new molds, as well as the DynaWidth and DynaFlex technology packages.

The project aims to boost the availability and reliability of the plant and to further increase product quality.

The first strand is to be modernized in the fall of 2014 and the second in 2015.

ArcelorMittal Bremen GmbH is a flat steel manufacturer and produces steel goods, mainly for the automotive and construction industries, via the integrated blast furnace-converter route. The company operates a twin-strand continuous slab caster with a production capacity of almost four million tonnes per year, on which slabs up to 2.67 meters wide are produced. The casting plant was built in 1973 by the former VOEST-ALPINE industrial plant construction company, fully renovated by third-party companies in 1991, and modernized in 2005.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Siemens wins USD 967 million order from Saudi Aramco

Reuters reported that German engineering group Siemens said on Tuesday August 6th that it won a USD 966.8 million order for power plant components from oil firm Saudi Aramco.

It said that “The order, the biggest Siemens has ever received from Saudi Aramco, includes 10 gas turbines, of which six will be manufactured in Saudi Arabia as well as 5 steam turbines, 15 generators and 10 heat recovery steam generators.”

Source - Reuters

Siemens continuous bloom caster up and running at Zenith Steel in China

In July, Siemens Metals Technologies put a continuous bloom caster into operation at Chinese steel producer Changzhou Zhongtian Iron & Steel.

The plant has an annual production capacity of around 1.3 million tonnes of blooms.

The five-strand casting plant built by Siemens is designed to produce round blooms with diameters ranging from 360 to 600 millimeters. It can cast structural steels, high carbon, alloyed and low alloyed steels, as well as pipe steel grades, at a speed of up to 0.8 meters a minute. The continuous casting plant has a machine radius of 14 meters and a metallurgical length of 32 meters. It is equipped with a curved casting mold, a DynaFlex hydraulic mold oscillator and LevCon mold level control. The drawing unit for rectangular blooms consists of three segments, and works with DynaGap Soft Reduction, preventing center segregation and ensuring that the interior quality of the blooms is homogeneous.

Siemens designed the continuous casting plant, supplied key components and technology packages, the complete basic and process automation, as well as the VAIQ quality management system. The scope of services also included advisory services during construction and commissioning, and customer training.

Up to now Zenith has only produced billets. Blooms with diameters of 360, 400 and 500 millimeters are further processed into seamless pipes, while those with a diameter of 600 millimeters are used to produce forging steels.

Zenith Steel belongs to China´s Top 20 steel producers. It is privately owned and runs an integrated iron and steel works in Changzhou, Jiangsu Province. The company's steel works has three BOF converters with a production capacity of 10 million metric tons of steel per year. Zenith Steel produces a wide range of end products, including steel pipes, bearing and spring steels, as well as a range of structural steels.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
BAM krijgt in combinatie met Siemens opdracht ter waarde van EUR11,5 mln

AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Koninklijke BAM Groep nv (BAMNB.AE) onderdeel BAM Infratechniek Mobiliteit heeft in combinatie met Siemens Nederland de opdracht gekregen voor het ontwerp, aanleg en onderhoud van de verkeers- en tunneltechnische installaties voor de Stadsbaantunnel Leidsche Rijn, aldus het in Bunnik gevestigde bouwbedrijf vrijdagmiddag in een persbericht.

Met de opdracht is een totaalwaarde gemoeid van EUR11,5 miljoen. De verdeling is daarbij 50/50 bevestigt een woordvoerster van het bouwbedrijf.

Binnen de opdracht valt ook het onderhoud gedurende een periode van drie jaar, alsmede de optie om bij goed resultaat de onderhoudsperiode met zeven jaar te verlengen, meldt BAM.

De tunnel zal naar verwachting in de tweede helft van 2015 worden opengesteld voor het verkeer.

- Door Elco van Groningen; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst; +31-20-5715200; elco.vangroningen@wsj.com

Siemens wins contracts from Rural Electrification Board

Siemens Ltd. has won two contracts aggregating INR 144 crores from the Rural Electrification Board, Bangladesh to construct 38 new 33/11kV substations. The projects are funded by Japan Bank for International Cooperation Agency and are to be delivered on a turnkey basis. The substations would be located in the Rajshahi and Barisal zones in western Bangladesh.

The projects involve installing new and improving existing distribution facilities in the rural region west of Jamuna River. They aim to achieve an efficient power supply by reducing power distribution losses, strengthening and stabilizing the power supply system, thereby contributing to the progress and the economic development of western Bangladesh. In addition, the projects will contribute to reducing the impact of global warming by improving the efficiency of depreciated power distribution facilities.

Mr Tilak Raj Seth executive vice president and sector cluster lead, infrastructure & cities South Asia of Siemens Ltd said that "Reliable power is one of the core pillars of sustainable growth. We are glad that the Rural Electrification Board, Bangladesh, has opted for our reliable, world-class, field-proven products and technologies. Projects in rural electrification play a crucial role in not only upgrading the existing system but bringing in our expertise towards a sustainable solution for the energy network."

The Rural Electrification Board of Bangladesh has been providing service to rural con-sumers for over 30 years by expanding and providing electricity to households, busi-nesses and industries in Bangladesh. These orders that have been awarded to Siemens are a further milestone in the successful business conducted by Siemens in Bangladesh, where power demand continues to rise.

Source - Equity Bulls
Siemens to supplies wind turbines for Washington

It is reported that Siemens will supply 116 wind turbines for a wind farm in Washington. The 267 MW Tucannon River Wind Power Plant is owned by Portland General Electric Company, a public utility in Oregon.

The German power manufacturer in a statement said that Tucannon River is located in Columbia County in the southeastern part of the state. Siemens will deliver and install its 2.3 MW turbines, which is scheduled to begin in 2014.

However, Siemens will assemble the 116 nacelles and hubs at its nacelle assembly facility in Hutchinson, Kansas. The 348 blades for the Tucannon River project will be manufactured at the company’s plant in Fort Madison, Iowa.

Source - www.breakbulk.com
Siemens to support Swiss network control system to 2025

It is reported that Swiss Federal Railways has awarded Siemens a EUR 260 million contract to continue to support and develop the Iltis traffic management system until the end of 2025.

Originally developed for SBB and first deployed in Bern in 1995, Iltis provides computer-based control and automation functions. It is used to manage train movements, monitor operations and provide remote control of points, signals, interlockings and electrification.

Currently, Iltis is managed from more than 25 locations, but these are being replaced by 4 regional centres in Lausanne (west), Olten (central), Pollegio (south) and Zürich (east) which will manage all operations across the SBB network from 2016.

Source - www.railwaygazette.com
'Ackermann ook weg bij Siemens'

Gepubliceerd op 11 sep 2013 om 19:01 | Views: 554

FRANKFURT (AFN) - Josef Ackermann legt waarschijnlijk binnenkort ook zijn commissariaat bij Siemens neer. Dat meldde de Duitse krant Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung woensdag op basis van bronnen rond het Duitse technologieconcern.

Ackermann stapte eind vorige maand op als voorzitter van de Zwitserse verzekeraar Zurich Insurance. Zijn besluit volgde op de zelfmoord van de financieel directeur van dat bedrijf, Pierre Wauthier. Die zou in zijn afscheidsbrief naar Ackermann hebben verwezen.

Ackermann, voormalig topman van Deutsche Bank, is bij Siemens vicevoorzitter van de raad van commissarissen. Hij is verder onder meer niet-uitvoerend bestuurder bij Shell.
'Siemens benoemt woensdag opvolger Ackermann'

Gepubliceerd op 17 sep 2013 om 20:42 | Views: 169

Siemens AG 19:17
EUR 88,34 +0,77 (+0,88%)

MÜNCHEN (AFN/RTR) - De raad van commissarissen van Siemens zal woensdag Ralf Thomas benoemen als de nieuwe financieel topman van het bedrijf. Dat meldden bronnen rond Siemens.

Thomas is een vertrouweling van de eerder dit jaar benoemde nieuwe topman van de onderneming, Joe Kaeser, de eerdere financiële topbestuurder van Siemens. Thomas beheert nu de financiën van de industriële divisie van het bedrijf, het meest winstgevende onderdeel van Siemens.

Woensdag zal naar verwachting ook een opvolger worden voorgedragen voor Josef Ackermann, die eerder deze maand meldde zijn zetel in de raad van commissarissen op te geven. Volgens bronnen zal de opvolger van Ackermann geen Duitser zijn.

Ackermann, die vorige maand ook al opstapte als bestuursvoorzitter van de Zwitserse verzekeraar Zürich Insurance, zou zijn functie bij Siemens neerleggen omdat hij het niet eens is met het ontslag van de topman van het concern Peter Löscher afgelopen juli. Löscher werd opgevolgd door Kaeser.Peter Löscher afgelopen juli.
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