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Nieuwe financieel topman voor Siemens

Gepubliceerd op 18 sep 2013 om 11:16 | Views: 1.199

Siemens AG 15:33
EUR 89,39 +1,05 (+1,19%)

MÜNCHEN (AFN) - Siemens heeft Ralf Thomas benoemd tot nieuwe financieel topman van het bedrijf. Dat werd woensdag bekendgemaakt.

Eerder gingen al geruchten rond dat de raad van commissarissen de voorkeur had voor Thomas als financieel bestuurder. Hij is een vertrouweling van de eerder dit jaar benoemde nieuwe topman van de onderneming, Joe Kaeser, de eerdere financiële topbestuurder van Siemens. Thomas beheerde tot nu toe de financiën van de industriële divisie van het bedrijf, het meest winstgevende onderdeel van Siemens.

Het bedrijf maakte verder bekend dat Josef Ackermann, die eerder deze maand meldde zijn zetel in de raad van commissarissen op te geven, vertrekt per 30 september. Ackermann, die vorige maand ook al opstapte als bestuursvoorzitter van de Zwitserse verzekeraar Zürich Insurance, zou zijn functie bij Siemens naar verluidt neerleggen omdat hij het niet eens was met het ontslag van de topman van het concern Peter Löscher afgelopen juli. Löscher werd opgevolgd door Kaeser.

De opvolger van Ackermann in de raad wordt Jim Hagemann Snabe, een van de bestuurders van softwarebedrijf SAP, aldus Siemens woensdag.
Siemens schrapt 15.000 banen wereldwijd ter bevordering winstgevendheid

BERLIJN (Dow Jones)--Siemens ag (SI) schrapt wereldwijd 15.000 banen, aldus het Duitse industriele conglomeraat zondag.

Siemens zet deze stap in het kader van een tweejarig programma waar het de winstgevendheid wil stimuleren.

Een deel van de sanering valt overigens nog onder de maatregelen die voormalig bestuurder Peter Loscher nam.

Het is voor het eerste dat Siemens aantallen noemt in het licht van zijn sanering. Deze moet aan het eind van 2014 zijn afgerond en daar is volgens een woordvoerder circa de helft inmiddels gerealiseerd.

Siemens heeft wereldwijd circa 370.000 mensen in dienst.

In Duitsland gaan er 5.000 mensen uit, waarvan er 2.000 bij de industriele operaties.

Onlangs vond er een wijziging plaats in de top van het bedrijf toen de doelstellingen niet werden gehaald, bijgevolg Loscher als chief executive officer bedankt werd voor zijn diensten en werd opgevolgd door Joe Kaeser.

Siemens ambieert een omzetgroei van 12%.

Ursula Quass droeg aan dit artikel bij; vertaald en bewerkt door Andre Sterk; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst; andre.sterk@wsj.com; +31-20-571 5201

Siemens to modernize blast furnace No 2 at RINL

Siemens Metals Technologies has received an order from the state-owned Indian Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd. (RINL) to thoroughly modernize blast furnace No 2 at Visakhapatnam Steel Plant

Interior volume will be boosted from 3,200 to 3,820 cubic meters. This will increase production capacity to 7,150 tons per day.

Moreover, a total of five hot blast stoves will be upgraded on blast furnaces 1 and 2 to bring them in line with state-of-art technology.

The order volume for Siemens amounts to around 50 million euros, a major portion of which will be accounted for by Siemens India.

Capital repair of blast furnace No. 2 is to be completed in the third quarter of 2015, while modernization of the hot blast stoves will be concluded in 2016.

Siemens will be thoroughly modernizing blast furnace No. 2. Hearth and tuyere will be replaced and it will be equipped with new tuyeres, a new bustle main and a new tuyere platform. The refractory lining and the stave cooling system will be completely renewed. Siemens will also be installing a new cooling circuit including a pump house and modernizing the water treatment system. The project also includes a new gas cleaning plant with a gas scrubber, and construction and equipment of the new cast house.

Modernization will boost the furnace's inner volume from 3,200 to 3,820 cubic meters and increase production to 2.5 million tons per year.

Siemens will also carry out patch repairs of shell on three hot blast stoves of blast furnace No. 2 and two hot blast stoves of blast furnace No. 1. Moreover, the refractory lining on all hot blast stoves will be completely renewed and the existing mechanical burner will be replaced with a ceramic one. The scope of delivery will also include all stove valves, new air and gas branches, the instrumentation and the complete automation.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Kalika Steel orders rebar rolling mill from Siemens

Kalika Steel Alloys Private Limited has placed an order with Siemens Metals Technologies to supply a rolling mill for reinforcing steels. The mill will be erected in the Jalna plant in the state of Maharashtra and produce about 250,000 tonne of rebar per year from low carbon steels.

Siemens has specifically developed this plant design for small to medium size production capacities and it allows projects to be implemented comparatively quickly and economically. Commissioning of the rolling mill is scheduled for late 2014.

Siemens is supplying the complete mechanical and electrical equipment as well as the automation systems for the rebar rolling mill which will produce reinforcing steels with diameters of between eight and 40 millimeters and lengths of between 9 and 15 meters. The rolling mill consists of 18 Red Ring stands, followed by a 54 meter long cooling bed and machines for bundling the rolled bars. The mill processes billets with a cross-section of 130x130 millimeters and a length of 9 meters. An induction furnace raises the billets to the necessary starting temperature of 950 °C.

Siemens will also be handling the construction and commissioning of the rolling mill.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Goed nieuws!!

Giant Wind Power Sockets Installed in the North Sea

11/01/2013 | Sonal Patel

A tremendous amount of offshore wind capacity—from 100 MW to 13,000 MW—is expected to play a major role in Germany’s transition to sourcing 80% of its power from renewables by 2050. However, Energiewende —the country’s energy transformation—has often been hampered by disruptions to the connection of offshore wind parks in the North Sea, stemming from delays in planning and building. This August, to the relief of grid operator TenneT, which bought the 11,000-kilometer-long grid network from E.ON in 2011 and has been tasked with connecting all wind parks in the North Sea, the infrastructure for connecting offshore wind farms has finally begun to take shape.

On Aug. 26, ABB installed the DolWind1 offshore wind connector platform—what it says is the “world’s highest-voltage offshore converter station” in the North Sea. The 320 kV station has an 800-MW power transmission capacity and will convert alternating current from three wind farms off the coast of Germany into high-voltage direct current (HVDC) for transmission to the mainland. And on the same day, Siemens Energy finished installing the 576-MW HVDC HelWin1 offshore platform, also in the North Sea, to link two offshore wind farms—Nordsee Ost and Meerwind—to the mainland (Figure 2).

The projects stem from separate contracts awarded in 2011 to the companies by TenneT: ABB received a $1 billion order, and Siemens a $710 million order. Siemens and Prysmian are also implementing a number of other connection projects: HelWin2 off of Helgoland, BorWin2 off of Borkum, and SylWin1 off of Sylt. For ABB, delays to DolWin1 led to charges of $50 million last year. The company is meanwhile readying the DolWin2, a 900-MW offshore connection, for commissioning in 2015.

The installation of both platforms was challenging. ABB says the 9,300 metric ton DolWin 1 platform, including the converter station, was transported offshore by barge 75 km around the German coast. Then it was lifted by the world’s largest crane vessel, Thialf, and positioned on top of the already installed jacket. “Putting such a huge platform in place is one of the most delicate operations in the delivery of an offshore transmission link, requiring strong cooperation between the many stakeholders involved” said Brice Koch, head of ABB’s Power Systems division.

For Siemens, transport of the HelWin1 platform took seven days, plus four additional days to install it 22 meters above sea level to protect it against giant waves. The 75-m by 50-m surface of the platform features a helipad, and it has seven decks to accommodate 16 cabins for crew members. Both projects are now expected to be fully commissioned in 2014.

2. A marine socket. When HelWin1, the first offshore converter platform in the North Sea goes online in 2014, it will link the offshore Nordsee Ost and Meerwind wind farms and convert power from up to 576 MW of capacity at offshore wind farms to direct current (DC) and transmit it via submarine cable to the German mainland about 85 kilometers (km) away. The DC power will then be converted back into alternating current at a converter station on land. The floating jack-up platform weighs about 11,000 tons and was towed around the northern tip of Denmark in a seven-day journey that covered 990 km. Courtesy: Siemens
Minder winst technologieconcern Siemens

Gepubliceerd op 7 nov 2013 om 12:08 | Views: 2.499

Siemens AG 16:25
EUR 96,27+3,27(+3,52%)

BERLIJN (AFN) - Siemens heeft in het vierde kwartaal van zijn gebroken boekjaar een omzet behaald van 21 miljard euro, 1 procent minder dan een jaar eerder. De nettowinst nam met 10 procent af tot 1,1 miljard euro. Dat maakte het Duitse technologieconcern donderdag bekend.

De omzetdaling was deels terug te voeren op ongunstige wisselkoerseffecten. Wanneer die en wijzigingen in de bedrijfssamenstelling buiten beschouwing worden gelaten, was sprake van een groei van 3 procent. Over het gehele boekjaar kwam de omzet van Siemens uit op 75,9 miljard euro, een daling van 2 procent.

Onder de streep bleef afgelopen jaar 4,4 miljard euro over, tegen 4,3 miljard euro in het jaar ervoor. De winst uit voortgezette activiteiten daalde met 9 procent tot 4,2 miljard euro. Het bedrijf verwacht voor het lopende boekjaar weer een stijging van dat resultaat. Ook kondigde het aan voor 4 miljard euro aan aandelen te willen inkopen.


Siemens haalde in het boekjaar orders binnen ter waarde van ruim 82 miljard euro, 8 procent meer dan een jaar eerder. In het vierde kwartaal nam het aantal grote opdrachten uit de medische sector, de industrie en op het gebied van infrastructuur toe. Uit de energiesector kwamen juist minder orders.

Ook de geografische verschillen blijven groot. In Amerika, Azië en Australië vertoonde de orderontvangst een duidelijke groei. In Europa, Afrika en het Midden-Oosten was juist sprake van een daling. Opkomende markten waren in het vierde kwartaal goed voor 37 procent van alle orders.
'Mogelijke verkoop gezondheidstak Siemens'

VRIJDAG 8 NOVEMBER 2013, 13:40 uur | 198 keer gelezen

MÜNCHEN (AFN) - Het Duitse technologieconcern Siemens gaat mogelijk zijn gezondheidstak van de hand doen. Dat meldden ingewijden bij het bedrijf aan financieel persbureau Bloomberg. Siemens is branchegenoot van Philips op het gebied van medische systemen.

Naar verluidt heeft Siemens van investeringsmaatschappijen voorstellen ontvangen voor een verkoop of een beursgang van de gezondheidstak. Het onderdeel is de meest winstgevende divisie van het concern en zou volgens analisten bij een verkoop bijna 5 miljard euro kunnen opleveren voor het bedrijf. De jaaromzet van de divisie bedraagt 13,6 miljard euro en er werken wereldwijd circa 51.000 mensen.

Topman Joe Kaeser van Siemens zou nog geen besluit hebben genomen over een eventuele afsplitsing. Een verkoop van de gezondheidsdivisie kan Siemens in staat stellen zich beter te focussen op zijn activiteiten op het gebied van energie, infrastructuur en industrie.


Siemens breidde de activiteiten op het gebied van gezondheid in 2006 en 2007 sterk uit door voor 11 miljard euro aan overnames te doen. De voorganger van Kaeser, Peter Löscher, kwam kort na zijn aantreden in 2007 onder vuur te liggen vanwege de overname van Dade Behring voor ruim 5 miljard euro die hij goedkeurde. Die aankoop zou volgens investeerders te duur zijn geweest. Siemens moest later afschrijven op de overname. Löscher werd in juli ontslagen.

Kaeser komt in mei volgend jaar met een nieuwe strategie voor Siemens.
First compact billet caster from Siemens goes operational in Armenia

In August, a newly designed billet caster from Siemens Metals Technologies commenced operations at the Charentsavan works of the Armenian ASCE Group OJSC. Thanks to the compact design of the plant, the project could be implemented quickly and cost-effectively within 16 months. The two-strand caster is designed for annual production of 200,000 metric tons of billets made out of carbon steels.

ASCE Group OJSC is the market leader in scrap recycling in Armenia and runs an electric arc furnace-based minimill melt shop in Charentsavan. The new billet caster has a machine radius of six meters and is designed to produce up to 200,000 metric tons of billets per year with a square cross-section of 120x120 millimeters on two strands. The strands can be operated independently of each other. The plant's capacity can therefore always be utilized to the best possible degree, depending on the available quantity of liquid steel. Both quality steel as well as low and medium carbon steel can be cast. The scope of supply included engineering, process turnkey equipment and basic automation as well as the operator control and monitoring system together. Siemens was also responsible for installation and commissioning supervision. The billets produced at the Charentsavan plant are processed further to make structural steel in a bar mill, also supplied by Siemens.

Source – Strategic Research Institute
Siemens bouwt mega windmolenparken

Gepubliceerd op 18 nov 2013 om 11:45 | Views: 2.448

Siemens AG 16:12
EUR 96,80+0,20(+0,21%)

LONDEN (AFN) - Siemens levert 97 windmolens voor twee nieuw aan te leggen windmolenparken voor de kust van Noord-Duitsland. Dat maakte het conglomeraat maandag bekend zonder financiële details te noemen.

De parken, die vanaf 2015 worden aangelegd, zullen worden geëxploiteerd door het Deense Dong Energy. De energie die door de windturbines zal worden opgewekt, is volgens Siemens voldoende om 600.000 huishoudens van stroom te voorzien.

De krant Financial Times meldt dat de kosten voor het gehele project 2,2 miljard euro bedragen. Het aandeel van Siemens is niet bekend.
Siemens offers solution for generating steam from off-gases of electric arc furnaces

Siemens Metals Technologies has developed a system for recovering heat from the hot off-gases of electric arc furnaces. The thermal energy that was previously discharged unused to the environment is now used to generate steam. The steam can be put to good use in other processes in the steel works or in the generation of electricity. The system has a modular structure and can be dimensioned for the amount of heat to be recovered and integrated into the existing exhaust gas cooling system. To maximize the amount of steam obtained, it can substitute the complete conventional off-gas cooling system in the electric steel plant. A possible saving of 22.5 kilowatt hours per metric ton of steel in the specific use of energy was proven in a Turkish steel mill. If the generated steam is used to preheat the feed water in the plant's in-house power station, the annual savings potential amounts to 45,000 metric tons of coal.

In order to cut running costs or to fulfill environmental regulations, more and more operators of electric steel mills are banking on improving the energy efficiency of their plants. Although the electric steel production route based on scrap recycling has a much lower specific energy requirement than steel production from iron ore, it is nevertheless an energy-intensive process. Depending on the method of operation, up to one-third of the energy used by an electric arc furnace is lost through off- gases. The sensible heat of the exhaust gases is usually discharged unused to the environment through the water and air cooling systems.

Temperatures of up to 1,800 °C prevail in the exhaust gas stream. To make these considerable amounts of energy suitable for use, Siemens has developed a steam generation system that can be integrated into the existing off-gas cooling system of the arc furnace or can replace it entirely. The system consists of a boiler including steam drum, piping, water tanks, pump groups for feed and boiler water, and the associated sensors. A group of feed water pumps supplies the boiler with the necessary water and ensures the required pressure. To increase its recovery performance, the system can be equipped with a feed water preheating process called an "economizer". This economizer heats the water almost to the boiling point before feeding it into the steam drum on the boiler.

To separate the heat from the off-gas of the electric arc furnace as efficiently as possible, the new Siemens system has diverse nested radiation and convection heating surfaces. The water is fed to the heating surfaces through distribution pipes with the aid of recirculation pump groups. The amount of water fed depends on the different pipe geometries and the heat load of the respective sections. A correspondingly adapted recirculation ratio ensures safe, reliable and cost-effective operation of the boiler system. A certain amount of the boiler water evaporates during every circulation cycle between the steam drum and the heated surfaces. The resulting steam bubbles are then separated from the water inside the steam drum. A buffer storage can be optionally installed to balance out steam production, which is uneven due to the production process.

The heat recovery system from Siemens was specially conceived for the tough ambient conditions in the steel mill. Large amounts of dust and corrosive components in the exhaust gas must be dealt with as well as changing temperatures and amounts of the off-gas. Moreover, the system is equipped with the required safety facilities to comply with the Pressure Equipment Directive. It has a modular structure and can be adapted to differing requirements in each plant, thus facilitating the modernization of existing systems. Plant operators can choose between using the energy recovered in the form of steam directly or, for example, to generate electrical energy in steam turbines.

Installation of an energy recovery system in the exhaust gas system of an electric arc furnace with a tapping weight of 190 metric tons was analyzed within the scope of a feasibility study in a Turkish steel mill. The system was conceived for feed water preheating in the plant's own coal-fired power station. The continuous 50 bar high-pressure steam production enables an annual saving of about 45,000 metric tons of coal in the power station. A power output of five megawatts (electrical) could be achieved if the steam were used directly to generate electricity. This corresponds to a reduction in the specific energy requirement of 22.5 kilowatt hours per metric tonne of liquid steel.

Source - Strategic Research Institute


Wat een grandioze draad heb je er toch van gemaakt!
Heel wat afgelopen kwartier nog eens zitten doorlezen. Siemens wordt niet verkocht. Dat staat voor mij vast.


Ik kwam nog even op deze draad omdat ik de Siemens/ Osram afsplitsing ook goed gevolgd heb. OSRAM nu zo'n drie maand genoteerd en het stijgt als een raket.


Wie de "echte "waarde van Siemens wil berekenen moet dus eigenlijk tien procent van de koers van Osram erbij optellen.....

Krijg je er allemaal "gratis" bij in een mooie Duitse portefeuille.

Siemens Jet Process boosts flexibility of raw material use in converter steel making

With the Jet Process, Siemens Metals Technologies offers a solution for operating converters with up to 100 percent scrap and sponge iron. This enables operators of melt shops to respond to raw material supply bottlenecks and exploit short-term price fluctuations. The solution consists of a bottom-blowing converter that makes it possible to blow in oxygen, lime and coal through bottom tuyeres and of a hot blast top lance for feeding additional energy into the steel bath. The Jet Process can either be implemented as a new installation or retrofitted in existing plants in a modular fashion.

Falling prices for scrap and direct reduced iron (sponge iron) as well as pressure from public authorities to reduce CO2 emissions offer stimuli for operators of integrated steel works to increase the share of scrap and sponge iron in the converter steel plant. Due to increasing price volatility, it has also become necessary to be able to flexibly adjust amounts of scrap and sponge iron to the respective market situation. A higher share of scrap or sponge iron calls for a supply of additional energy to maintain the temperature of the steel bath.

To fulfill these requirements, Siemens has developed a converter with bottom- blowing equipment and a hot blast lance. Oxygen, lime or coal can be fed into the steel bath with the aid of bottom tuyeres jets. Additionally, a top lance is used to blow a hot blast enriched to up to 40% of oxygen and a temperature of around 1,300 °C onto the bath. As a result of the high temperature, the speed of sound and the volume of the hot blast are high. This leads to excellent mixing, almost complete combustion of CO from the bath and optimum transfer of the heat generated in post combustion to the steel bath. A pebble heater with an energy efficiency of more than 95% is used to create the hot blast. Furthermore, the converter is equipped with a cooling stack to fully exploit the remaining thermal energy of the exhaust gas.

The bottom-blowing converter offers even more advantages. The oxygen bottom jets act as cutting torches, for example, enabling even large pieces of scrap to be melted with greater ease than in a conventional converter. Blowing in lime powder accelerates slag formation and desulfurization, thus improving process control. Bottom blowing also ensures a lower share of iron and iron oxide in the slag and lower slag volume in total, reducing evaporation of iron and crucially increasing the converter's yield and thus its profitability. The injected volume of coal can be varied within a wide scope. This permits easy and fast adjustment of the raw material composition to current market prices.

The Jet Process is particularly suitable for use in regions where scrap or sponge iron are relatively cheap compared to hot metal. It can also be used to circumvent bottlenecks in the availability of hot metal, either due to a planned production expansion, temporary unavailability of a blast furnace or because of production restrictions resulting from emission constraints imposed by authorities. The Jet Process has been successfully in operation at an Asian steel works since mid-2013.

Source – Strategic Research Institute
Siemens said to mull metals technologies sale amid revamp

Siemens AG is considering selling its VAI metals technologies unit as Chief Executive Officer Mr Joe Kaeser evaluates the portfolio of Europe’s largest engineering company, according to three people with knowledge of the matter.

The 7,000 employee-strong division, which designs, builds and maintains plants for the steel industry and is based in Linz, Austria, isn’t considered to be a core business and profitability has slowed, two of the people said. A decision about a sale may be made in the first half of 2014. A Siemens representative declined to comment.

The metals unit, acquired from Voestalpine AG in 2005, may be valued at EUR 800 million (USD 1.1 billion), according to a Sept. 7 estimate by Societe Generale SA analyst Gael de Bray. Munich-based Siemens, which counts Italy’s Danieli SpA and Germany’s SMS Holding GmbH among its competitors in the segment, doesn’t break out earnings figures for VAI.

Mr Kaeser, who took over as CEO in August after a series of missed profit goals under predecessor Peter Loescher, is working through Siemens’s portfolio before a planned update on his strategy next May. Global steel prices have slumped amid waning demand from automakers and builders and increased competition from low-cost competitors in China.

Source - Bloomberg
New York/MünchenSiemens darf sich über einen Großauftrag im zwischenzeitlich schwächelnden Geschäft mit Windanlagen freuen. Der US-Energieversorger MidAmerican hat auf einen Schlag 448 Turbinen bestellt. Mit einer Gesamtleistung von 1050 Megawatt sei dies der größte Auftrag, der bislang für die Windkraft an Land erteilt wurde, erklärte Siemens am Montag.
1.05-GW Iowa Wind Expansion Moves Forward

12/16/2013 | Aaron Larson

MidAmerican Energy Co. is already the top ranked, rate-regulated utility owner of wind generation in the U.S. and with 448 new wind turbines being added in Iowa—the largest wind expansion in the state’s history—its hold on that position will be further strengthened.

In November, the company announced it had reached an agreement with Highland Wind Energy LLC for the acquisition of the 500-MW Highland wind project site in O’Brien County. Agreements were also reached with EDF Renewable Energy for the acquisition of the 250-MW Lundgren wind project site in Webster County and with RPM Access LLC for the acquisitions of two projects—the 138.6-MW Wellsburg wind project site in Grundy County and the 117-MW Macksburg wind project site in Madison County. In addition, it was announced that MidAmerican would expand its existing Vienna II wind project in Marshall County, constructed in 2012, by 44.6 MW.

Siemens will supply the wind turbines for all five projects. The turbines will utilize the company’s 2.3-MW G2 platform technology. The purchase is the largest single order for onshore wind power awarded globally to date. All of the blades for the expansion will be manufactured at Siemens’ Fort Madison, Iowa, facility, while the nacelles will be manufactured at Siemens’ Hutchinson, Kan., facility. The contract includes a service, maintenance, and warranty agreement.

1. Wind turbine blade ready for delivery from Fort Madison, Iowa. Courtesy: Siemens AG

“Siemens not only leads the way for offshore wind power worldwide, we are also a very successful player in the onshore wind industry. In Europe and Africa alone, we successfully installed more than 1 GW in the last fiscal year. This new order from MidAmerican Energy once again highlights that we are one of the leading suppliers in the U.S. wind power market,” said Markus Tacke, CEO of the Wind Power Division of Siemens Energy.

Iowa is one of the leading U.S. states in wind energy generation. In 2012, approximately 24% of total generation in the state was provided by wind power. MidAmerican, for its part, already has 1,267 wind turbines in Iowa. When the projects are complete—scheduled by year-end 2015—approximately 39% of MidAmerican Energy’s generation portfolio will come from wind resources associated with its 1,715 wind turbines.

The wind expansion will provide more than $3 million in landowner payments each year and more than $360 million in additional property tax revenues over the next 30 years. The expansion will be constructed at no net cost to the company’s customers and will help stabilize electric rates over the long term. Approximately 1,000 construction jobs will be added to Iowa’s economy during the two-year construction period and approximately 40 new permanent jobs will be added when the expansion is complete.

2. Wind farm utilizing Siemens SWT-2.3-108 wind turbines. Courtesy: Siemens AG

“We look forward to continuing positive relationships with state and county officials as well as landowners and other local residents during the construction and operation of the new wind farms,” said Bill Fehrman, president and CEO, MidAmerican Energy. “Not only will the projects bring jobs and other economic development to the state, they will enhance MidAmerican Energy’s renewable energy portfolio—making additional affordable, environmentally responsible energy to benefit our customers.”

—Aaron Larson, associate editor (@AaronL_Power, @POWERmagazine)

Picture 2 attached
Kooplijst 2014: Janneke Willemse

DINSDAG 31 DECEMBER 2013, 11:30 uur | 1358 keer gelezen

Het nieuwe jaar nadert en dus is het weer tijd voor de kooplijstjes voor 2014. De redactie van Belegger.nl vraagt beleggingsexperts naar aandelen waarvan zij denken dat ze het goed gaan doen in 2014. Vandaag de beurt aan Janneke Willemse.

Janneke Willemse, voormalig hoofdredacteur van Belegger.nl en Beursduivel.be, kiest voor 2014 Galapagos, Siemens en Royal Dutch Shell.


‘Het interessante aan dit gigantische elektronicabedrijf is dat het van plan is producten 3D te gaan printen. Het gaat om metalen onderdelen voor onder meer gasturbines. Zo kunnen reparaties veel sneller en goedkoper uitgevoerd worden. Ik heb gelezen dat de reparatietijd van 44 naar 4 weken kan. Dat is natuurlijk spectaculair te noemen. Het kan zeer veel kosten besparen. We weten inmiddels allemaal dat 3D printing mogelijk is en dat het ook wordt gebruikt. Maar dat zo’n groot bedrijf voor 3D-technologie kiest, vind ik bijzonder.’

(ingekort), zie link voor hele artikel:

Wéér zo'n mega order voor Siemens.

Siemens get rail contract in Saudi

Siemens's share of a major contract to supply trains for a new subway system in the Saudi Arabian capital of Riyadh is worth EUR 1.5 billion (USD 2 billion), the German group said on Thursday, confirming its biggest ever rail engineering order from the region.

The contract is part of a total of USD 22.5 billion worth of orders awarded to three foreign-led consortia by Saudi Arabia in July for the design and construction of the metro rail system in Riyadh.

Saudi officials have said that the project, which will involve six rail lines extending 176 kilometres (110 miles) and carrying electric, driverless trains, is the world's largest public transport system currently under development.

Siemens said in a statement on Thursday it would supply driverless subway trains, electrification systems and signalling technology for two of the six lines.

Flush with cash after more than two years of high oil prices, Saudi Arabia is pumping billions of dollars into infrastructure projects designed to improve living standards and ease social discontent in the wake of the 2011 uprisings elsewhere in the Arab world.

The government also says it wants to upgrade the country's infrastructure to help the economy diversify beyond oil, making it less vulnerable to any future plunge of global oil prices.

The German engineering group will deliver 74 subway trains equipped with an extra-strong air conditioning system to cope with the extreme heat as well as special seals and filters in brakes and doors to cut down on the amount of sand that makes its way into the train cars.

The order is part of a EUR 7.5 billion (USD 10.14 billion)contract awarded to a consortium led by US based Bechtel.

Source – Reuters
Het lijkt erop dat Siemens op alle fronten goed scoort.
Vandaag nog gedrukt door een DAX in mineur, maar binnenkort get's los

voda schreef op 2 januari 2014 16:39:

Wéér zo'n mega order voor Siemens.

Siemens get rail contract in Saudi

Siemens's share of a major contract to supply trains for a new subway system in the Saudi Arabian capital of Riyadh is worth EUR 1.5 billion (USD 2 billion), the German group said on Thursday, confirming its biggest ever rail engineering order from the region.

The contract is part of a total of USD 22.5 billion worth of orders awarded to three foreign-led consortia by Saudi Arabia in July for the design and construction of the metro rail system in Riyadh.

Saudi officials have said that the project, which will involve six rail lines extending 176 kilometres (110 miles) and carrying electric, driverless trains, is the world's largest public transport system currently under development.

Siemens said in a statement on Thursday it would supply driverless subway trains, electrification systems and signalling technology for two of the six lines.

Flush with cash after more than two years of high oil prices, Saudi Arabia is pumping billions of dollars into infrastructure projects designed to improve living standards and ease social discontent in the wake of the 2011 uprisings elsewhere in the Arab world.

The government also says it wants to upgrade the country's infrastructure to help the economy diversify beyond oil, making it less vulnerable to any future plunge of global oil prices.

The German engineering group will deliver 74 subway trains equipped with an extra-strong air conditioning system to cope with the extreme heat as well as special seals and filters in brakes and doors to cut down on the amount of sand that makes its way into the train cars.

The order is part of a EUR 7.5 billion (USD 10.14 billion)contract awarded to a consortium led by US based Bechtel.

Source – Reuters

En wij treintjes bestellen in Frankrijk.
Weet je waarom die Saudies gewoon het beste kopen.
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Markt vandaag

899,24  +9,55  +1,07%  12 mrt
 Germany40^ 22.645,20 -0,14%
 BEL 20 4.386,42 +2,09%
 Europe50^ 5.352,84 -0,12%
 US30^ 41.326,00 0,00%
 Nasd100^ 19.552,20 0,00%
 US500^ 5.592,87 0,00%
 Japan225^ 37.010,00 0,00%
 Gold spot 2.943,83 +0,19%
 EUR/USD 1,0893 +0,03%
 WTI 67,65 0,00%
#/^ Index indications calculated real time, zie disclaimer


BESI +8,88%
Avantium +7,92%
BAM +4,70%
ASMI +4,69%


Basic-Fit -20,51%
Air France-KLM -3,47%
AMG Critical ... -2,85%
AZERION -2,62%
Alfen N.V. -2,40%

EU stocks, real time, by Cboe Europe Ltd.; Other, Euronext & US stocks by NYSE & Cboe BZX Exchange, 15 min. delayed
#/^ Index indications calculated real time, zie disclaimer, streaming powered by: Infront