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Russian businessman Antonov still wants Saab stake

2011-05-12 08:27 (UTC)

STOCKHOLM, May 12 (Reuters) - Russian businessman Vladimir Antonov still wants to invest in Saab despite the collapse of a funding deal with China's Hawtai Motor Group for the Spyker-owned Swedish carmaker, his representative said on Thursday.

'From Antonov's side and Converse Group, we are still very interested and eager to get into Saab, to invest in Saab.' said Lars Carlstrom, Antonov's representative in Sweden.

'From the Converse side, we are optimistic about the China situation. The interest in China has been enormous about Saab.' Keywords: SPYKERCARS SAAB/

(Stockholm Newsroom, +46-8-700 1017, e-mail: stockholm.newsroom@reuters.com)


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Gisteren staat hij nog vrolijk voor de camera te verkondigen dat alle problemen zijn opgelost, dat alle leveranciers betaald zijn en dat de productie weer wordt opgestart. Ja ze hadden een probleem, maar dat ligt nu allemaal achter ze. Oh en by the way, in 2012 maken we winst, in oktober 2012 wordt de 9-3 gelanceerd en ik denk dat we de verwachtingen misschien zelfs wel naar boven moeten bijstellen.

Volgens mij rookt die man hele vreemde sigaretten.
do 12 mei 2011, 13:34 Leveranciers teleurgesteld over Saab STOCKHOLM (AFN) - Het mislukken van de deal tussen Spyker Cars en het Chinese Hawtai over de investering in Saab is een grote tegenvaller voor de leveranciers aan het geplaagde Zweedse automerk. Dat zei voorzitter Svenåke Berglie van de Zweedse branchevereniging van leveranciers FKG donderdag. De productie van Saab ligt al sinds begin april stil omdat moederbedrijf Spyker de leveranciers niet meer kan betalen. De bedrijven die hij vertegenwoordigt gaan hierdoor voorlopig niet failliet, benadrukte Bergli. ,,Maar twee leveranciers hebben al wel aangekondigd dat er ontslagen vallen vanwege de stilgevallen productie'', voegde hij eraan toe.

Volgens Bergli is het moeilijk in te schatten hoe lang het duurt voordat meer bedrijven dergelijke maatregelen moeten nemen. ,,Een paar weken geleden zeiden we dat de productiestop niet langer dan een paar dagen mocht duren, maar dat zagen we duidelijk verkeerd.''
Einde dreigt voor Saabdroom Muller
Gepubliceerd op 12 mei 2011 om 17:10 | Views: 8

AMSTERDAM (AFN) - De redding van het Zweedse automerk Saab door het kleine Spyker Cars blijft voorlopig een sprookje. Donderdag spatte de deal met de Chinese autoproducent Hawtai uiteen, waardoor opnieuw een einde dreigt te komen aan een droom van ondernemer Victor Muller.

Het onbekende Hawtai Motor Group had er met een investering van 150 miljoen euro voor moeten zorgen dat de productie van Saab, die door geldproblemen al sinds begin april volledig stilligt, deze week weer kon worden hervat. Het bleef echter stil in de fabrieken in het Zweedse Trollhättan. Hawtai kreeg geen toestemming voor de investering, waardoor de overeenkomst werd ontbonden.

Met elke dag waarop er geen enkele Saab wordt geproduceerd, komt het einde van het Saabavontuur van Spyker dichterbij. ,,De situatie wordt steeds nijpender'', concludeerde analist Martin Crum van AEK Research. ,,De grote vraag is hoe lang leveranciers nog kunnen wachten voordat ze mensen gaan ontslaan. De kans dat de productie nog kan worden hervat, wordt zo steeds kleiner.''


Muller gaf de moed donderdag echter nog niet op. Hij heeft nog altijd vertrouwen in de overleving van Saab, zo zei hij desgevraagd tegen het ANP. De ondernemer is nu op zoek naar nieuwe vrienden in China. Met Hawtai wordt nog altijd gepraat, liet Spyker donderdag weten, maar daar verwachten analisten weinig van. SUV-bouwer Great Wall Motor zou volgens ingewijden nu de grootste kans op succes bieden.

De zoektocht van Muller is tekenend voor de geschiedenis van gemiste doelstellingen en mislukte relaties van Spyker. Zo slaagde Muller er sinds de start van het bedrijf aan het begin van deze eeuw, ondanks herhaalde beloftes, nooit in om de producent van zeer exclusieve sportwagens winstgevend te maken. Diverse rijke geldschieters als John de Mol en Marcel Boekhoorn werden ondertussen binnengehaald als de grote redder, maar verdwenen vervolgens al dan niet geruisloos weer naar de achtergrond.

Aankoop Midland

Het meest opvallende fiasco van Spyker was de aankoop van het kwakkelende Formule 1-raceteam Midland in 2006. Deelname aan de hoogste raceklasse moest Spyker wereldwijd op de kaart zetten en rijke kopers naar de fabriek in Zeewolde lokken. Het team ontsteeg echter nooit het niveau van veldvulling en werd binnen een jaar alweer verkocht aan mede-investeerder Michiel Mol.

Nu lijkt ook de jongste en meest spectaculaire vlucht naar voren voortijdig op de klippen te lopen. Begin vorig jaar wierp het nietige Spyker zich met dank aan een grote lening van de Europese Investeringsbank op als de redder van het wegkwijnende Saab. Met nieuwe modellen, die het imago van Saab als originele autobouwer weer nieuw leven in moesten blazen, zou het Zweedse bedrijf in 2012 weer winstgevend zijn, voorspelde Muller.

De realiteit is voorlopig echter een stuk weerbarstiger. Door de geldproblemen leeft Spyker van dag tot dag, stelde analist Tom Muller van Theodoor Gilissen. Het bedrag van 70 miljoen euro waar Spyker eind december over zei te beschikken, is volgens hem inmiddels zeker op.
Diezelfde Martin Crum die 2 weken geleden nog riep dat het allemaal wel goed kwam met Spyker. Die de cijfers eigenlijk wel vond meevallen.
Saab Close to Journey’s End

By Anna Van Der Meulen

Saab owner Victor Muller’s bravura and charm turned out not to be enough to safeguard the future of the Swedish car maker after its much needed investment deal with China’s Hawtai Motor Group collapsed, again jeopardizing the future of Saab.

In its press release, Spyker, the owner of Saab, said Hawtai dropped out because it couldn’t meet certain conditions of the deal. However, media reports suggested the Chinese were dismayed after having visited Saab’s factory last week.

The fact there is no production can’t have surprised the Chinese; production has been halted for several weeks now as Saab wasn’t able to pay its suppliers.

But Mr. Muller’s track record does not speak in his favor. A business he was involved with called Unwired Concepts went bankrupt in 2001. And the Dutch regulator has fined Mr. Muller in the past for accounting irregularities and publishing misleading information.

In 2009, Mr. Muller’s much smaller Spyker cars, which has yet to make a profit, acquired Saab from General Motors in a move that was seen by many as adventurous, just like when Mr. Muller decided to purchase a Formula 1 racing team in 2006.

The way things look now, Saab may well face the same fate as Mr. Muller’s Formula 1 adventure, which Spyker had to sell amidst financial losses only a year after it was bought. Mr. Muller’s investor in the Formula 1 team, Michiel Mol, later admitted he had trusted Mr. Muller too much.

Spyker said today it continues to look for other Chinese parties with which to enter into a strategic partnership. Mr. Muller may have shied away from at least one of the parties he spoke to before: Youngman. This private Chinese car company was under the assumption it was exclusively negotiating an investment and production deal with Spyker over Saab and was reportedly on the phone with them just a day before Spyker announced the Hawtai deal.

A bankruptcy is looking increasingly likely—unless Mr. Muller manages to attract money one more time with his charm.

Een oud stukje maar ik had hem nog niet gelezen, indien een herhaling mijn excuses voor de forum vervuiling..

Jens B Nordström: Please Muller, realize your limitations aca Circus Muller

Victor Muller is good at pulling in new projects - but as President, he is highly dangerous for Saab, writes Jens B Nordström.

It would be a disaster for Saab of Victor Muller and remained as president of the company. The Saab executives say they now openly saying that Muller should not be prolonged in the CEO position.
I talked with Mats Fägerhag, Technical Director at Saab on Friday, after news of Jan-Ake Jonsson's unexpected defection - and the not so unexpected report about another billion loss. Mats Fägerhag is a member of the management team and does not mince words about Muller's suitability.
- His knowledge of certain areas is quite limited. He is by no means as complete as Jan-Ake Jonsson was said Fägerhag.
Saab executives are right to fear Muller as president. I reviewed his efforts in the Spyker. There appears to Muller as a skillful ideas man with a god-blessed talent to attract money. But his attempts to manage the daily operation of Spyker has been a fiasco. Victor Muller's forecasts of sales and profit splits all the time. He makes the precious things in the wrong. And when the lawyer Victor Muller wants to act engineer it is often quite wrong.
Maarten de Bruijn who founded Spyker, along with Muller in the interviews provided me with countless examples of how Victor Muller promises customers impossible things. ABS brakes, although there is no ABS and the Spyker cars. New engines that do not exist. All forced Maarten de Bruijn at constant fire brigade call-outs in the Spyker.
A typical example is when Victor Muller decided that Spyker would be invited to compete in motor race Le Mans 24-hours. As soon Maarten de Bruijn asked for extra money to develop a racing car was the answer:
- No, we can not afford.
When Spyker well is at the start in Le Mans with a rather amateurish hopknackad car, sweeping Muller suddenly into the stadium. In tow, he has a giant hot air balloon with Spyker's logo on it.
- It is typical of how Victor reason. Paying bills is boring, so I do not care in. But a hot air balloon is fun, I want to do, "said Maarten de Bruijn.

Another worrying example is that Victor Muller has already been fired as CEO of Spyker once. In May 2007, the sports car manufacturer with a hair's breadth from bankruptcy after a Formula 1 effort gone wrong. The company was bleeding, suppliers refused to send the parts and all was over, we are convinced that it was only weeks or days of failure. Then sat Victor Muller and map out a new, expensive pig's head office that would look like Spyker propeller logo from above. An employment under the circumstances seems quite unworldly. The whole adventure ended with the other owners finally kicked the tall Dutchman from the CEO post. Muller had to spend six months in the cold, before he managed to maneuver himself back as CEO of Spyker.
I have deep respect for Muller, in many ways. He is good at to enthuse people and to launch new projects. But Saab needs right now a president who can keep the money, right priorities, and above all - to boost car sales! These are areas in which Victor Muller repeatedly failed.

I think that Saab's management team, just like me, worried that Victor Muller has shown a strong interest in participating in and manage the daily operations of Saab. That he either will set up a weak president, as he himself can control. Or worse - decides to remain in the CEO position himself. Saab needs right now a strong, earthy president. Victor Muller has repeatedly within Spyker shown that he is anything. Sitting, he remained on as CEO of Saab, it may be death for the car manufacturer in Trollhattan.

Unpleasant truth behind the Saab fiasco

The agreement between Hawtai and Saab was repealed yesterday in dramatic circumstances. And the reason why China says no to say the least troublesome. "It is bad - if not disastrous," said Hakan Matson in DI.
Business According to Spyker deal appeared to Hawtai unable to obtain necessary permits and engage all the owners behind the Chinese company.

According to Torbjorn Pettersson, Daily News correspondent in Beijing, the news is highly embarrassing to the Saab Automobile.

"China already has too many car plants. There is a reason why Saab affair broke," he writes in DN Economics.

This would then mean that the hope for further decline in Saab's chairman Victor Muller to find a solution to the Saab crisis.

"The Chinese authorities' lack of interest in Saab shows that it can be difficult for the automaker to find a new partner in the country," said Pettersson, adding "powerful political body" in the recent past acted tough against foreign companies.

Last year sold 13.8 million cars in China and in 2015 China is expected to have a capacity to produce 31 million cars. The State Agency National Development and Reform Commission, NDRC, which is subject to the State Council, warned of overcapacity.

"Central Chinese authorities see no advantage of new, small manufacturers who produce cars that are similar to those already there," said Torbjorn Pettersson in DN.

Dagens Industri Hakan Matson is on the same track. According to him, the NDRC a "key role" in Chinese companies to invest abroad or to establish partnerships with foreign companies.

If it turns out that the NDRC rejected Hawtai as buyers see the situation suddenly brighter for Saab.

"But the NDRC would have examined the Saab's financial situation and for that reason decided to stop the deal that's bad - if not disastrous. Then all the other doors in China also closed," said Matson in DI.

But the deal collapsed, according to the Beijing correspondent also be because the price was too high. Spyker bought the Saab of GM for $ 400 million. Hawtai would pay $ 220 million about 30 percent - a price that Zeng Zhiling, director of JD Power's offices in Asia, describes as "scandalously".

Unbeknown back to Victor Muller to save Saab. But if you believe the DN Motors editor Jacques Wallner, he is not the right man for the job.

"Ditch Driving with Hawtai shows how badly things go when you do not take time and anchors the agreements," said Wallner, and recalls that the Chinese government last year said no to Tengzhongs attempt to buy Hummer from General Motors.

"Hummer is now defunct," writes Jacques Wallner in the newspaper.

In 2004, Shanghai Automotive tried to buy the British Rover but was turned down by the NDRC, which also stopped BAIC from buying Opel.

"For the Chinese government, it is important to companies that invest in foreign companies can do the deal. Rover chaos was not happy and when SAIC went further and instead bought the Korean Sang Yong ended up bankrupt and alleged breaches," said Hakan Matson.

Dagens Industri notes on the editorial page that Saab now can not afford more setbacks.

"There is no illusion but credible plans and money on the table required for someone to want to do business with Saab again," the paper said.

bron vertaald uit zweeds

Saab-Investitionsnot: Kein Einstieg des China-Retters!
13. Mai 2011


GM, Hawtai Motor, Investition, Rettung, Saab, Saab Pleite 2011, Saab Verlust, Spyker Hawtai Motor kann Spyker-Tochter Saab vorerst nicht helfen

Das eigentlich schon fest versprochene Engagement der chinesischen Hawtai Motor Group beim mehr als schwer angeschlagen dahin taumelnden schwedischen Autobauer Saab ist vorerst aufgeschoben, wenn auch noch nicht ganz ausgeschlossen. Es fehlt offenbar an denen für diesen Investitions-Deal nötigen Zusagen von Seiten Dritter, wie zum Beispiel den Banken, Lieferanten und anderen Parteien.

Aus dem Hawtai-Einstieg und der strategischen Allianz wird eine Hängepartie

Diese höchst unerfreulichen Nachrichten mussten die Unternehmensverantwortlichen des in Holland ansässigen Sportwagenproduzenten Spyker heute der Presse verkünden. Erst zu Anfang Mai war der Einstieg der chinesischen Automobilisten bei Saab vollmundig verkündet worden. Für rund 150 Millionen Euro wollten die Chinesen einen Saab-Unternehmensanteil in Höhe von 29,9 Prozent übernehmen.

Beide Parteien, Saab und Hawtai, sprachen vor wenigen Tagen im Umfeld der Einigung über eine sinnvolle „strategische Allianz“: Hawtai sollte Zugang zu wichtigen Informationen, Netzwerken und Technologien bekommen, im Gegenzug sollte Saab eine Perspektive auf dem so wichtigen chinesischen Automobil-Wachstumsmarkt bekommen.

Saab-Disaster: Kann das seit zwei Dekaden kränkelnde Unternehmen gerettet werden?

Der schwedische Autobauer Saab ist anscheinend ein „schwerer Fall“. Seit gut vier Wochen ruht bei der ehemaligen GM-Tochter die Produktion komplett und der niederländische Besitzer Spyker Automobiles hat offenkundig weder die Bereitschaft noch die finanziellen Mittel um Saab allein wieder auf Kurs zu bringen. Allein eine Rückkehr in die schwarzen Zahlen dürfte tatsächlich eine immense Herausforderung darstellen, denn Saab schreibt schon seit gut 20! Jahren kontinuierlich rote Zahlen.


Saab-Hawtai deal falls through – Great Wall enters picture

Saab-Hawtai deal falls through – Great Wall enters picture
It looks like the reported deal between Hawtai Motors and Saab, which would have seen the Chinese automaker taking a 29.9% equity stake in Saab parent company Spyker Cars for US$172 million, has fallen through. Apparently, Hawtai was not able to obtain all the necessary consents for the deal, which reports indicate may be because [...] Related posts:Saab rescued, again – Hawtai buys into Spyker Cars Great Wall Hover enters Italian streets Great Wall enters a Haval SUV in 2011 Dakar Rally...

Original News : Saab-Hawtai deal falls through – Great Wall enters picture

Thu May 12, 2011



Loss of partner clouds Saab future
Spyker Cars 'forced to terminate' deal with Chinese company crucial to rescue plans
David Shepardson / / Detroit News Washington Bureau
Washington — The future of Saab Automotive AB remains in doubt after the automaker lost a Chinese partner that it hoped would toss it a financial lifeline.

Spyker Cars NV, which bought Saab from General Motors in 2010, said it was "forced to terminate" the $172 million agreement with China's Hawtai Motor Group. The Chinese company, which sought a 29.9 percent stake in Saab, was unable to obtain all the necessary consents for the tie-up, including approvals from different shareholders.

The money from Hawtai was crucial to Spyker's plans to rescue cash-strapped Saab, which was forced to stop production at its plant in Trollhattan, Sweden, last month because of a cash shortage.

The exact reasons for the contract's termination weren't clear, but analysts suggested it could be due to regulatory issues with Chinese authorities or China's BAIC, which previously acquired the rights to some Saab technology.

In a brief statement, Hawtai confirmed the deal with Spyker had been terminated, but said it still hoped to find a solution.

"The current situation is complex, and it was not possible to reach agreed documentation in the timeframe contemplated by the agreement," the company said.

IHS Automotive analyst Ian Fletcher said the cancellation of the deal "throws further doubt on the ongoing funding" of the firm.

"Saab remains in dire need of an influx of cash from somewhere," he said. "If it does manage to gain funds to restart production, which has now been down for more than a month, it remains to be seen whether its relationship with its suppliers can be repaired."

Saab CEO Victor Muller, who met with reporters in Washington this week, flew to China to try to rescue the deal.

Saab, he said, is out to convince its loyal U.S. customer base to try the brand again.

"We need to convince them that it's safe to come home … Our message is we are here to stay and you can trust us," Muller said in an interview with The Detroit News on Monday.

The company, whose North American headquarters is in Royal Oak, hired a Subaru veteran as its North American chief this week. It expects to resume output in Europe "very soon."

The stoppage hasn't affected U.S. dealers because they had enough supply.

Saab's sales fell from 49,000 in the United States in 2003 to 5,800 in 2010. "The figures don't lie," Muller said, saying its U.S. market sales were in "shambles." He said the company is working to boost residual values of vehicles.

The spate of bad publicity over the production shutdown, he said, reminded some people that Saab was still in business.

"It was not all bad," Muller said. "Particularly in America, a lot of people thought that Saab had gone down with old GM — with Pontiac, Saturn and Hummer … People think we're in trouble, but we're still here."

There are 1.5 million Saabs on the road worldwide, including 300,000 in the United States.

To try to stem a sales decline, Saab is launching four new vehicles: the all-new Saab 9-5 Sedan; the 9-4X; the 9-5 SportCombi; and the 9-3 Griffin range.

Consumer production for the 9-4 X began Monday in Mexico at a GM factory. GM is building the Swedish-designed vehicle for Saab, and is unaffected by Saab's troubles in Europe.



From The Detroit News: detnews.com/article/20110513/AUTO01/1...
er gaan vandaag weer rake klappen vallen lijkt me. de zone 2.90-3.10 kan wel eens opgezocht gaan worden. Gelukkig kan je in dit geval niet zeggen dat je het niet zag aankomen.

1 goed nieuwsbericht tegen weer 10 negatieve berichten is al jaren de trend bij spyker.

Hoop en gelukszoekers zullen gister een aardige tik gekregen hebben.
Saab rescue deal collapses
A RESCUE deal for Saab involving China’s Hawtai Motor Group collapsed yesterday, leaving owner Spyker chasing new funding alternatives to restart production at the Swedish car maker.

Spyker said it was continuing talks with Hawtai, while a source told Reuters that another Chinese company, sport-utility vehicle maker Great Wall Motor, was also talking to the Dutch company about a possible tie-up.

Meanwhile, Vladimir Antonov is still interested in investing in the troubled Swedish marque, a spokesman for the Russian businessman and former Spyker shareholder said.

Hawtai and Dutch-listed Spyker agreed a deal last week to pump 150 million euros (US$216 million) into the loss-making marque and produce a new model in China. But this was spoiled by a failure to get necessary approvals.

The Hawtai deal came only a year after tiny supercar maker Spyker bailed out the General Motors unit. GM retains an interest through redeemable preference shares.

“Since it became clear that Hawtai was not able to obtain all the necessary consents, the parties were forced to terminate the agreement with Saab Automobile and Spyker with immediate effect,” Spyker said in a statement.

Spyker Chief Executive Victor Muller declined to comment on the failure of the Hawtai deal, the firm’s current financial position or talks with other parties.

Loss-making Saab has veered towards collapse in recent weeks after running out of cash to pay its bills. Several suppliers stopped delivering parts, halting production at Saab’s Trollhatten plant for most of last month.

A Saab spokeswoman said that all of its employees, including those who are not working due to the production shutdown, are being paid. Saab had 3,355 staff at the end of 2009.

The chairman of Sweden’s association of car industry suppliers Christer Palm said he was very concerned about the production stoppages.

“Talks with suppliers haven’t come very far. This is going to take time. Saab needs to find a new shareholder, an approved financier and I hope Victor Muller has one last trick up his sleeve.”

Hawtai’s failure to complete a deal follows similar cases, including Sichuan Tengzhong Heavy Industrial Machinery’s bid for GM’s Hummer, which collapsed in 2010 and China’s Xinmao did not have enough time to obtain approvals to continue its bid for Dutch cable maker Draka.

Spyker said Saab Automobile may still enter into a strategic partnership with Hawtai or another Chinese party on manufacturing, technology and distribution in China.

Great Wall declined to comment on any talks. – Shanghai Daily

Tags: China auto market, China automotive, China automotive industry, Hawtai Motor Group

Posted by CBN on May 13 2011. Filed under Automotive. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry


Heb zon vermoeden dat de mensen die momenteel wel in spijker zitten de stoplosses wel aardig strak hebben staan.

Durf geen voorspelling te maken waar het aandeel vanavond om 17.35 op staat.
Hottest candidate for Saab

After the deal with Chinese Hawtai gone to grief is Saab's leadership in the document table again. Now the signs are pointing to an affair with a completely different candidate.

But Muller, far from giving up. His strategy is that as soon as possible to find a Chinese partner. We are undergoing intensive negotiations with various parties. According to sources, the Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet, the large well-known Great Wall Motors Victor Muller's main track.

Saab team will have visited the Great Wall's factory and development center in Baoding in Hebei Province on 29 April and was impressed. The company is said to have been management's favorite Saab has been producing around 400 000 cars last year.

The reason that an agreement with Great Wall fell was because of time constraints. Muller did not think they had time to wait for the necessary approvals by the listed company demanded. The record fast agreement with Hawtai other hand, is the Great Wall did not like.

But other Chinese companies previously mentioned are also included in the discussions. It deals with BAIC and Youngman but also an additional manufacturers under Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet.

bron vertaald in engels

Muller met Saab op doodlopende weg0 comments
Posted on mei 13, 2011 in De Financiële Telegraaf

De scheiding tussen autoproducenten Saab en Hawtai, die gisteren bekend werd gemaakt, kon op geen slechter moment komen. Maar Spykertopman Muller is na twee chaotische weken met de Chinese autoproducent Hawtai al weer klaar voor een nieuwe Chinese huwelijkspartner. De grote vraag is wie van de drie met Saab in zee durft te gaan.


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