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Overigens wil ik niemand te kort doen en iedereen ook feliciteren met zijn winsten maar Spyker aan de hand van Victor Muller zit fundamenteel niet goed en als je naar het verleden kijkt dan is dit iedere keer uiteindelijk op niets uitgelopen en veel verlies voor de kleine aandeelhouders die er langer in zitten.
Kort valt er altijd wat te speculeren maar de meest logische beweging is uiteindelijk hard omlaag.

Zoals hier al is geplaatst is de koers helemaal niet gedaald terwijl de toko bijna failliet is gegaan en nu ze een nood oplossing hebben gevonden met flink meer aandelen en veel converteerbare obligaties bij opnieuw bizarre partijen waar je de eigenaren nooit zal weten gaat de koers wel omhoog.

Dat betekend inderdaad dat de totale markt capitalisatie enorm is gestegen en de kans op een normale return voor de aandeelhouder steeds moeilijker wordt.

Ik blijf het hele verhaal ongelofelijk vinden en verwacht uiteindelijk dat Spyker met Saab of hoe het tzt ook mag heten failliet zal gaan omdat ze targets niet gaan halen, het BEP nooit gaan vinden en uiteindelijk de stekker er uit gaat.

Jammer dat je niet short kan gaan anders was het wel een interessant aandeel om 'with the odds' mee te handelen.
Persconferentie nu aan de gang toch? Ach straks tegen twaalven koers naar 5,++ Dan worden de details kenbaar gemaakt en zal iedereen aankopen.

Koop nu nog 'laag' in zou ik zeggen. Straks niet meer aan te slepen| :)

Pet schreef op 3 mei 2011 10:15:

Persconferentie nu aan de gang toch? Ach straks tegen twaalven koers naar 5,++ Dan worden de details kenbaar gemaakt en zal iedereen aankopen.

Koop nu nog 'laag' in zou ik zeggen. Straks niet meer aan te slepen| :)
Je lijkt te leven in een zelfde wereld als VM. Die waarschijnlijk een mooie bonus binnensleept met deze deal! Ah de verwatering valt misschien ook wel mee, en wie wil er nou niet aandelen van een bedrijf dat nog jaren geen winst maakt.
AX lover

Pet schreef op 3 mei 2011 10:15:

Persconferentie nu aan de gang toch? Ach straks tegen twaalven koers naar 5,++ Dan worden de details kenbaar gemaakt en zal iedereen aankopen.

Koop nu nog 'laag' in zou ik zeggen. Straks niet meer aan te slepen| :)
Die persco is allang geweest en het persbericht met alle details was vanochtend om 8 uur al bekend!!! Hoe dom kan je zijn als belegger???

Is het nou zo moeilijk om je eerst in de materie te verdiepen voordat je domme dingen gaat roepen???
Ze grijpen ook alles aan om de rijsnte bagger om te zetten in een goed headline, daar zijn we wel goed in.

Het omzetten van een convertible zorgt voor lagere rentelasten.

Je leest niet dat dit zorgt voor een flinke verwatering
Je leest niet dat de 2 nieuwe samen grotere convertibles voor hogere rentelasten gaan zorgen want die rentes zullen niet mals zijn aan partijen in verre exotische landen die straks voor nog veel meer verwatering gaan zorgen.

l'histoire se repete
Echt fantastisch de EIB geeft een lening aan Saab waarvoor Zweden garant staat om de werkgelegenheid te garanderen en Saab verplaatst doodleuk de productie naar China. De toeleveranciers kunnen de deuren ook sluiten want die zullen ook in China moeten zitten. Ze financieren hun eigen ondergang, wat een grap. Ik ben benieuwd of dit nog een staartje krijgt. Uiteindelijk moeten de NDO en de EIB en GM weer goedkeuring geven.
Klopt Greenspanalan, gaat echt helemaal nergens over. VM en vriendjes doen maar wat... vind het echt unbelieveble en 1 grote grap. Toch heb ik er tot 2x toe goed geld mee verdient;)
Saab-toeleveranciers wachten in spanning
Gepubliceerd op 3 mei 2011 om 16:16 | Views: 0

€TROLLHÄTTAN (AFN) - De toeleveranciers van Saab Automobile, eigendom van het Nederlandse Spyker Cars, wachten vol spanning op meer informatie van het autobedrijf over wanneer de productie en de orders weer echt op gang komen.

,,Tot nu toe hebben we zelf nog niets van Saab gehoord. We weten dus niet meer dan wat de media hebben gerapporteerd'', zei voorzitter Svenåke Berglie van de Fordonskomponentengruppen (FKG) dinsdagmiddag tegen het ANP. De FKG is de belangrijkste Scandinavische brancheorganisatie van auto-onderdelenmakers.

,,Er leeft bij de toeleveranciers en de dealers van Saab een zekere angst voor de toekomst. We hopen dat de productie snel op gang komt en dat daarmee de orders weer binnenstromen. Maar bovenal willen we Saab als een betrouwbare partner, waaraan we leveren onder normale condities en waarvan we binnen een redelijke termijn onze betaling kunnen verwachten'', aldus Berglie.
AX lover
Wary suppliers moot Saab "cash on delivery" possibility

By: Simon Warburton | 3 May 2011
A Swedish suppliers body is estimating Saab might have to pay "cash on delivery" in order to satisfy its members following today's (3 May) deal with Hawtai Motor of China that has thrown a lifeline to the troubled automaker, whose factory remains idle.

The Scandinavian automotive suppliers association (FKG) raised the cash payment possibility as Saab revealed the EUR150m (US$222m) injection from Shangong-based Hawtai that could see production restart possibly next week.

"Many suppliers are reluctant," FKG managing director Sven-Ake Berglie told just-auto from Sweden. "The amount of trust between Saab and its suppliers is not immense right now. It has to be built up again.

"Reasonable term[s] right now may be cash-on-delivery. There are many nice words, but let's talk about facts and then we can go over to the visions."

Berglie added that Saab would now have to restart discussions with "each and every one" of its many suppliers in order to negotiate how to pay existing debts following the automaker's shutdown which has run into several weeks.

Insisting Saab would have to be "much more open" with its business plan, the FKG chief also highlighted the Swedish manufacturer's reference to "mid-term financing" raised by Saab owner Spyker chairman Victor Muller today.

"There is this agreement with this Chinese OEM [Hawtai] - we don't know much about that," said Berglie. What mid-term funding really means...about when we get paid...and when we can start production with some kind of security."

The Hawtai deal remains subject to agreement from Chinese governmental agencies, the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the Swedish National Debt Office (SNDO).

Last week, Russian businessman Vladimir Antonov was given the green light by the SNDO to underwrite EUR30m that would give him up to 29.9% of Saab.
AX lover
[03-05] Met wisselgeld wint Saab de oorlog niet

03 MAY 2011 13:46 | BNR.NL
Er wordt 150 miljoen euro overgeschreven naar Saab. Dat is veel te weinig om de problemen op te lossen, denkt Kees de Kort. “Iedereen die juicht over Saab heeft geen verstand van auto-industrie. Het is veel geld, maar voor auto-industrie is het echt wisselgeld. Daar gaan we de oorlog niet mee winnen.”

Het messcherpe beurscommentaar van Kees de Kort.

BELUISTER DE COLUMN www.bnr.nl/column/keesdekort/2011/05/...

AX lover schreef op 3 mei 2011 20:38:

[03-05] Met wisselgeld wint Saab de oorlog niet
Ha, Kees de Short, altijd een top-optimist. :-) Korte maar krachtige analyse, waarin hij overigens de Russische VA onderschat. Eind van het verhaal, VA rent weg met het geld, Chinezen met de techniek en de kleine aandeelhouders blijven achter met waardeloze aandelen. Aldus Ursus arctos voorspellende natte vinger analyse. ;-)

Ursus arctos schreef op 4 mei 2011 10:19:


Ha, Kees de Short, altijd een top-optimist. :-) Korte maar krachtige analyse, waarin hij overigens de Russische VA onderschat. Eind van het verhaal, VA rent weg met het geld, Chinezen met de techniek en de kleine aandeelhouders blijven achter met waardeloze aandelen. Aldus Ursus arctos voorspellende natte vinger analyse. ;-)
Ha, Bruine Beer, altijd een top-optimist :-) Eveneens een korte maar krachtige 'natte vinger' analyse, waarin hij binnen 4 regels de gehele toekomstige situatie haarfijn uitlegt. En alle partijen feilloos doorgrond ;)
AX lover
Saab plans global tour to tout new Chinese partners

Rick Kranz and Paul McVeigh
Automotive News -- May 3, 2011 - 2:45 am ET

Saab Automobile AB plans a global public relations blitz to introduce its new Chinese partners and its likely new investor, Valdimir Antonov from Russia.

The plan will include Saab Chairman Victor Muller and will target major media and auto shows. It will be similar to an effort last spring by Muller to show that Saab is alive and making vehicles.

“If and when Antonov gets involved, we want to include him,” said Michele Tinson, a spokesman for Saab Cars North America. “We want people to meet him and know who he is.

“Obviously we want to include our Chinese joint-venture partners as well in our tour,” Tinson said in a telephone interview.

But the global public relations campaign is on hold until the European Investment Bank approves the transfer of Saab assets to Antonov. Additionally, several government agencies must approve the joint venture with China’s Hawtai Motor Group.

Tinson said the company is hopeful the media blitz will start in several weeks.

Saab halted production last month because it is unable to pay suppliers. But on Monday Spyker said it plans to restart production within a week after it secured nearly 60 million euros (about $90 million) in short-term funding.

Kurt Schirm, chairman of the Saab National Dealer Council and dealer principal of International Motors in Falls Church, Va., said Saab Cars North America held a conference call with U.S. dealers today to briefly talk about the Chinese deal. Most of conference call was devoted to dealer topics in the United States, however.

Schirm said that James Sweeting, Saab Cars North America’s executive national sales director, told dealers that the worst was behind them. Sweeting said that with the strong capitalization plan in place, the company can get back to selling cars and parts and service, according to Schirm.

The dealer said Saab has “a strong PR strategy ahead of them. Bad news travels fast and furious. Good news does not.” Schirm said Muller plans to target major media across the United States to talk about Saab’s rebirth.

Antonov’s participation in the media blitz depends on the European Investment Bank’s approval of his purchase of Saab’s buildings, property and equipment. The bank is using those assets as collateral for a 217 million euro loan to the automaker. Sweden has said it would guarantee the loan if the bank releases the assets to Antonov. In return, Antonov would get a 30 percent stake.

Earlier today, Saab owner Spyker Cars said that it has signed an agreement with Hawtai to form a joint venture that involves manufacturing, technology and distribution. The agreement provides 150 million euros ($222 million) funding for Saab. The partnership allows Saab to enter the Chinese market.

Hawtai will invest 120 million euros for up to a maximum of a 29.9 percent equity stake in Spyker. The remaining 30 million euros will be in the form of a convertible loan with a six-month maturity, an interest rate of 7 percent a year and a conversion price of 4.88 euros per share.

Hawtai is a small private SUV and bus maker established in 2000 in the eastern China city of Rongcheng. In 2002, it started building the Terracan and Santa Fe SUVs under its own brand using technology licensed from Hyundai.

In 2010, Hawtai sold 81,439 units of the two SUV models, according to J.D. Power. The company started selling its own brand sedan last year. The company has its headquarters and r&d center in Beijing, and two production factories in Ordos, Inner Mongolia and Rongcheng.

Hawtai has an annual production capacity of 350,000 vehicles, 300,000 clean diesel engines and 450,000 automatic transmissions.
AX lover
Saab – Hawtai Q&A

1. Q: What does this deal means for the financial future of Saab Automobile?
A: By signing this agreement with Hawtai, as well as securing the convertible loan with Gemini , Saab Automobile has conditionally secured around EUR 180 mln/SEK 1.8 bln in short- and mid-term financing. Saab will work with its suppliers to resume deliveries as soon as possible and expects resume production within one week.

2. Q: Will this deal change the ownership structure of Saab and Spyker?

A: There will be no change in the ownership structure of Saab. Spyker will remain the sole owner of Saab Automobile AB. However, there will be a significant change to the ownership structure of Spyker, making Hawtai a large minority shareholder. Hawtai has subscribed to a 29.9 percent equity stake in Spyker.

3. Q: Hawtai could obtain almost 31 million shares in Spyker. Wouldn’t that constitute a basic takeover of the company?

A: Hawtai has agreed to cap its stake in Spyker at 29.9%. If it would exceed the 29.9% threshold, it will sell the remaining shares to an independent third party.

4. Q: You say the agreement is subject to consent from certain Chinese governmental agencies, the European Investment Bank, the Swedish National Debt Office and General Motors. So how done is this deal really?

A: The agreement is done subject to the relevant approvals all of which we expect to obtain timely.

5. Q: Why did you choose Hawtai as a partner? There were reports that you were also talking to other Chinese car manufacturers.

A: Spyker and Saab have over the past time held exploratory talks with several prospective partners, and all of them had their merits. In the end, Saab and Hawtai are convinced that mutual interests are served best through this agreement.

6. Q: Can you give some more key figures on Hawtai? How many employees, sales, production, size of company?

A: There are many similarities between Hawtai and Saab. We are comparably sized with a growing sales volume. Hawtai is a premium Chinese car manufacturer with 4600 employees of which 120 foreign experts. They have invested significantly in the expansion of production capacity to reach 350.000 cars, 300.000 diesel engines and 450.000 transmissions.

7. Q: So what does this agreement mean for your plans to produce cars in China?

A: The agreement between Spyker and Hawtai entails both production and distribution of Saab branded vehicles in China. More details about Saab production in China will be disclosed at a later stage.

8. Q: What does the technology agreement between Saab and Hawtai potentially entail?

A: Both Saab and Hawtai have interesting technologies that could be of interest to one another and we are confident that both parties will benefit from this partnership as we go forward. However, at this point we can’t provide any more detail.

9. Q: Can you elaborate on the "several joint ventures of manufacturing and distribution" you are mentioning?

A: The proposed set-up is currently being reviewed by our financial and legal experts, and includes a joint venture for manufacturing and one for distribution of both imported and locally produced vehicles.

10. Q: What about CATC? I thought you signed them up to take care of distribution in China.

A: CATC will be responsible for the import of Saab vehicles into the Chinese market. Together with Hawtai, Saab will distribute the vehicles and set up manufacturing, complementing our set up with CATC.

11. Q: When will you restart production again?

A: We target to resume production within one week, and have started working with our suppliers already to resume deliveries immediately. Pending agreement on delivery schedules and outstanding payment issues with our suppliers, Saab Automobile aims to restart production as soon as possible.

12. Q: Now that you have secured financing, how will you win back confidence? How can you convince people that this will not happen again?

A: With the current agreements in place, we believe we will be able to stabilize operations and restart production. Saab and Spyker are committed to restoring confidence among employees, dealers, suppliers, customers and other stakeholders as soon as possible. Victor states: “If it does not destroy you, it makes you stronger!”

13. Q: Now that you secured all this funding, is Vladimir Antonov still a candidate to become a shareholder in Spyker?

A: Yes. Mr. Antonov has declared time and time again his intention to become an investor in Saab/Spyker. Mr. Antonov was recently cleared by the Swedish National Debt Office and General Motors to become a shareholder in Spyker and is now awaiting approval from the Swedish government and the EIB.

14. Q: You still speak of executing your business plan. Is that going to be changed after recent events?

A: Spyker and Saab stated on March 29 that they would review their full-year targets and that it would be reasonable to assume that previously communicated targets would not be met.
AX lover
Much unclear about the Saab rescue

2011-05-04 13:33
Saab Automobile's Russian-Chinese savior, spiced by a convertible loan from a fund established in the Bahamas, is far from the harbor. Ownership changes are proposed to be approved by a number of authorities in Beijing, Stockholm and Luxembourg.

The Debt Office has now opened the door to the Russian financier Vladimir Antonov as a partner. It does not mean that other agencies are on the Debt Office's route. And it has no impact on the Debt Office's attitude to the Bahamas Fund Gemini or the Chinese carmaker Hawtai Motor Group.

Capital injections to save the Saab, a total of SEK 1.9 billion, is all in the form of convertible debentures. This means that the lenders at a later stage can exchange their claims for shares in the company.

"The loan itself does not need approval from us. But if they (Hawtai) to become owners of more than 10 percent of Spyker Cars, and requires that our government's approval,"said Daniel Barr, who led the investigation of the Antonov ownership.

"The same applies to the convertible loan from Gemini."

Debt Office had on Wednesday have not yet received any request for ownership assessment from either the Gemini or Hawtai.

According to Mr Barr is not excluded that the Antonov, Hawtai and Gemini, is providing loans to eliminate the immediate risk of bankruptcy without having been given the green light for ownership.

Ownership changes should also be approved by Chinese authorities, the Swedish Government and the European Investment Bank (EIB).

"There is nothing new to say on the matter. We have no comments", says Pär Isaksson at the EIB's communications department.

"We have already noted last week that ownership changes require the participation of all parties involved,"he adds.
AX lover
Negotiating Explosion for Saab

The Chinese solution for Saab, resulting now in a kind of explosion negotiating with the old suppliers. And according to Automotive Suppliers Group, it may take two weeks before production is resumed.

Subcontractors shall have the old debts paid and be agreed on terms for continued cooperation. And there is no discussion to be conducted with a handful of partners.

- Volvo has more than 200 subcontractors for a model, I assume that Saab has about the same, "says Svenåke Berglie, president of the subcontractors' trade association FKG.

All contracts must be completed prior to the Saab can expect to get the parts so that it is possible to build cars. To do it at once is not easy.

- We expect to fourteen days to production, says Berglie.

f.postma schreef op 4 mei 2011 17:18:

van de regen in de drup
Dat is toch geen verrassing meer.

Tot nu toe krijgt Muller iedere keer weer alles voor elkaar en dat opzich is heel knap.
Dat het wat stinkt hier en daar wordt schijnbaar door de meerderheid nogsteeds voor lief genomen.

Het is wachten tot 1 van de grote beslissingspartijen zijn poot stijf gaat houden, dan is het afgelopen.
AX lover
Aan de koers te zien zijn mensen vandaag het persbericht eens gaan lezen. En zijn ze begonnen met nadenken.
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