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2011/2021: TOTAL economic MELTDOWN

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China mikt komende jaren op 7 procent groei
Uitgegeven: 27 februari 2011 08:04
Laatst gewijzigd: 27 februari 2011 10:23

PEKING - China zal de komende jaren mikken op een economische groei van 7 procent. Dat zei premier Wen Jiabao zaterdag tijdens een chatsessie.

© ANP''In het vijfjarenplan hebben we besloten tot een economische groei van 7 procent'', aldus de premier.

De doelstelling van Wen is lager dan de gebruikelijke 8 procent. Peking heeft altijd gesteld dat 8 procent het minimum is om sociale onrust in het land te voorkomen.


Wen sprak via internet met zijn bevolking, voorafgaand aan mogelijke demonstraties in grote steden. Daartoe is via internet opgeroepen in navolging van de betogingen in de Arabische wereld.

In 2010 groeide de Chinese economie 10.3 procent, ondanks de wereldwijde economische crisis. Peking heeft een aantal maatregelen genomen om de economische groei wat te temperen uit angst voor oververhitting. Daardoor zijn de huizenprijzen gestegen, evenals de inflatie.

Inflatie in toom

Wen stelde in de chatsessie verder dat hij de inflatie in toom kan houden. Daarmee schoof hij de internationale zorgen over inflatie in de op een na grootste economie ter wereld terzijde.

Ondanks een reeks maatregelen, waaronder drie verhogingen van de rente, blijft de inflatie in China hoog, 4,9 procent.

Het parlement zal over een week stemmen over het komende vijfjarenplan, dat geldt voor 2011-2015. Het is zeer ongebruikelijk dat het parlement niet instemt met plannen van de overheid.

China's continuous efforts to battle inflation

Xinhua, February 27, 2011

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao told Internet users Sunday that he would not allow the consumer prices to surge unchecked in the country.

The consumer price index (CPI), a major gauge of China's inflation, rose 4.9 percent in January from a year earlier as food prices increased 10.3 percent due to strengthening demand and a drought in key grain-growing regions.

The CPI rose by 4.6 percent in December and 5.1 percent in November, a 28-month high.

Following are the latest policies and measures the Chinese government has implemented to contain inflation:

Monetary policy:

To curb the rising inflation, China has announced to shift to prudent monetary policy in 2011 from previous moderately loose monetary policy.

On Feb. 24, the People's Bank of China (PBOC), or the central bank, hiked commercial banks' reserve requirement ratio (RRR) for the second time this year, after this year's first increase in the benchmark interest rates. Last year, the PBOC raised the RRR for commercial banks six times and hiked the benchmark interest rates twice.

Other anti-inflation measures:

Raising the minimum purchasing prices for grain in 2011 by up to 21.9 percent from 2010 levels to boost stockpile and increase production;

Allocating 4 billion yuan (606 million U.S. dollars) for rural water conservation projects, with more funds in arrangement depending on the development of drought;

Selling government reserve of grain, oil and sugar on the market to ensure supply;

Intensifying crackdown on price speculation and punishing those found hoarding commodities and pushing up prices by illegal means;

Urging local authorities to offer temporary subsidies to needy families and groups;

Opening "green channels" for farm produce transportation -- vehicles transporting farm produce, such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, and peanuts, will not have to pay tolls at roads and bridges, starting from December.
groene kanalen openen voor transport heel goed idee, zou de nederlandse regering 1 voorbeeld aan kunnen nemen.

Published: Feb 26, 2011 02:44 Updated: Feb 26, 2011 02:56

DUBAI/PARIS: Saudi Arabia has raised oil output about eight percent to above nine million barrels per day (bpd) to make up for a near halt in Libyan exports, an industry source said, helping prices fall further from the highest since 2008.

Some European oil firms said they were looking to buy more crude from Iran and the West’s energy watchdog, the International Energy Agency, said on Friday there was no need for an immediate strategic stock release.

The Saudi move follows reassurances from Riyadh earlier in the week that it was prepared to act to prevent shortages as a result of the rebellion in Libya that has sharply reduced the fellow OPEC producer’s 1.3 million bpd of exports.

“We have started producing over 9 million barrels per day. We have a lot of production capacity,” the industry source familiar with Saudi production told Reuters. That would be up more than 700,000 bpd from January.

Top exporter Saudi Arabia is the only country able to pump large amounts of extra oil at short notice. It sometimes steps in unilaterally to meet shortages or when it feels prices have risen to levels that may threaten economic growth or oil demand.

The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries has resisted calls for a formal increase in output and says it does not plan to meet until June.

Iran’s deputy Oil Minister Ahmad Ghalebani told the semi-official Mehr news agency he saw no need for an emergency OPEC meeting and that Iran would continue to comply with OPEC policy on quotas.

“There is no shortage of oil in the global crude market stemming from political turmoil in Libya and other North African countries that requires an increase of Iran’s oil exports,” Ghalebani told Mehr.

Brent oil prices jumped close to $120 a barrel on Thursday, the highest since August 2008.

News of Saudi Arabia’s higher output came as disruption to Libyan supplies worsened. Libya is the world’s 12th-largest oil exporter and a source of high-quality crude oil, most of which flows to Europe.

Libya’s crude exports have almost halted because of reduced production, a lack of staff at ports and security concerns, industry sources told Reuters earlier on Friday.

Other oil producers may also see increased demand as a result of the Libyan crisis.

Italy’s third-largest oil refiner, Saras, is looking to Russia, Iran and other Caspian countries to replace crude oil shipments from Libya, an executive said on Friday.

The International Energy Agency, which represents consumer countries, has said between 500,000 bpd and 750,000 bpd of crude, less than 1 percent of global daily consumption, had been removed “at present” from the market.

European oil companies have not taken up Saudi Arabia’s offer of more supplies yet, industry sources have said, with some saying Saudi crude would not be a suitable substitute for Libyan oil at their refineries.

In addition, they are not in need of extra supplies for now. The IEA said on Friday European refiners threatened by a shortfall had covered their needs well into March.
De oli(e)fant in de kamer

...wat misschien wel de vonk in het kruitvat wordt voor ‘s werelds ‘Grootste Depressie’.

mvliex 1

Mon-E-Man schreef op 27 februari 2011 18:45:

De oli(e)fant in de kamer

...wat misschien wel de vonk in het kruitvat wordt voor ‘s werelds ‘Grootste Depressie’.

Ja, misschien wel.................. misschien niet!
[quote alias=mvliex 1 id=5451972 date=201102272044]

Ja, misschien wel.................. misschien niet!

duhhh... ik had t kunnen weten ;-)
Beurs Caïro heropent dinsdag CARO (AFN) - De aandelenmarkt in Caïro zal dinsdag weer openen voor handel, na een maand dicht te zijn geweest vanwege de onrust in het land. Dat heeft de Egyptische regering zondag gezegd.

Door de onrust die leidde tot de val van president Hosni Mubarak is de beurs sinds 27 januari gesloten geweest. Verschillende keren ging een heropening niet door vanwege aanhoudende onlusten. Op de laatste twee handelsdagen op 26 en 27 januari daalde de Egyptische hoofdgraadmeter EGX30 respectievelijk 6 en 10,5 procent.

Analisten vrezen dat de beurs hard omlaag kan gaan bij heropening. Zij denken dat beleggers zullen wegvluchten voor de onzekerheid en risico's in Egypte. Daarom zijn maatregelen genomen om sterke koersdalingen tegen te gaan. De handel zal een halfuur worden stilgelegd als de index 3 procent daalt, en de gehele dag bij een koersverlies van 6 procent.


De Egyptische overheid heeft aangekondigd noodleningen te zullen verstrekken aan handelshuizen die last hebben gehad van de onrust en de gesloten beurshandel.

Verder neemt de regering maatregelen om te voorkomen dat financiële belangenverstrengeling optreedt bij overheidsfunctionarissen. De voorzitter van de Egyptische toezichthouder EFSA gaat daar speciale regels voor opstellen en zal worden opgevolgd door zijn plaatsvervanger.

de beurs bestaat nog, is niet gesmolten 3x hoera voor de beurs van egypte.
mvliex 1

10rood schreef op 27 februari 2011 21:55:

daar liggen toch wel kansen als die dorpsgek weg is.
Vanwege de aangekondigde maatregel kan de daling weleens extra sterk worden want velen zullen eruit willen zijn voordat de handel wordt stilgelegd en zullen daarmee een groter verlies accepteren en daar in hun eerste orders rekening mee houden. Een soort weg is weg.

mvliex 1 schreef op 27 februari 2011 22:09:


Vanwege de aangekondigde maatregel kan de daling weleens extra sterk worden want velen zullen eruit willen zijn voordat de handel wordt stilgelegd en zullen daarmee een groter verlies accepteren en daar in hun eerste orders rekening mee houden. Een soort weg is weg.
de ervaren beleggers zullen wel weer op tijd instappen voor een opluchtingsrally als het zover is ergens de komende dagen.
NEW YORK (AP) -- Japanese stocks have disappointed investors since 1990. No longer.

Japan's Nikkei 225 index has climbed 15 percent since Nov. 1. The increase means Japanese stocks have done better over the past four months than they have in 17 of the last 21 calendar years. They are also beating the major indexes in the U.S. and other countries. It's new ground for the Nikkei 225, which has done worse than U.S. stocks in all but four years over the past two decades. Even with the gains, the Japanese index is still 73 percent below its peak, set on Dec. 29, 1989.

"I don't think this is just a one-time event," said Taizo Ishida, a portfolio manager who runs the $76.6 million Matthews Japan Fund and the $340.4 million Matthews Asia Pacific Fund. "I'm not bold enough to say this time is different, but it may be. The next 10 years won't be like the 1980s, but it will be up."

To be sure, Ishida said investing in Japan can appear daunting to someone looking at Japan's demographic or economic data. Its population is aging, and Standard & Poor's last month downgraded its credit rating. Last year, Japan ceded the title of world's No. 2 economy to China.

But Ishida said Japanese corporate executives he talks with now are focused on growth, when a few years ago they cared more about keeping employment steady.

Among other reasons to be optimistic:

. Price: Japanese stocks are some of the world's cheapest, when measured against their book values. A company's book value shows how much it is worth after subtracting its debt and other liabilities from its assets. A lower price-to-book ratio indicates investors are getting ownership of the company's assets more cheaply. Japanese stocks at the end of January traded at an average of 1.2 times their book value, according to investment analysis company MSCI. That's nearly 50 percent cheaper than U.S. stocks, which traded at 2.3 times their book value.

Japanese stocks don't look that cheap when measured against their profits: They trade at an average of 17 times their earnings over the prior year, about the same as U.S. stocks. But that's much cheaper than their average price-earnings ratio over the past 20 years, of 27 times.

"People are saying, 'Wow, this might be too cheap for the type of growth we might be seeing,'" said Deborah Medenica, who runs the Alger Emerging Markets Fund, which launched at the end of last year.

. Economic strength: Economies are strengthening around the world. Deutsche Bank earlier this month raised its forecast for full-year 2011 U.S. economic growth to 4.3 percent from 3.3 percent. Investors can benefit from stronger-than-expected U.S. growth in several ways, but "Japan is the best way," Credit Suisse strategists wrote in a recent report. U.S. stocks may seem like the logical way, but Japanese companies that export to the U.S. will also benefit from stronger U.S. spending. And the Japanese stocks are cheaper than U.S. ones.

Japanese exporters also benefit from strong growth across Asia. Four of Japan's top five export markets are in Asia, including No. 1 China. Trade to such countries means Japanese companies can sell their products in yen more often, Ishida said. That shields them from the yen's strength against the dollar: A stronger yen makes Japanese-made cars and cameras more expensive to customers paying in dollars.

. Safety: Stock markets in China, India and other developing countries have sunk in recent months on worries that inflation will hurt growth. Protests in the Middle East have also highlighted the risks of investing in emerging markets. That has pushed investors to yank money out of emerging market stock funds. In search of safety, many have turned to Japanese and other developed market stock funds. Investors poured more new money into Japanese stock funds during the week through Feb. 16 than in any other week in nearly four years, according to fund-tracker EPFR Global.

Consider Toshiba Corp., a maker of everything from nuclear reactors to televisions to vacuum cleaners. Its stock dropped 80 percent between the end of 1989 and early 2009. But it said earlier this month that strong growth in China helped it to a profit of 12.4 billion yen ($152.7 million) last quarter, reversing a loss of 10.6 billion yen from a year earlier. Its stock has climbed 31 percent since Nov. 1.

japan begint te versnellen na pak 'm beet 20 jaar.

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Will The Death Of The Dollar Lead To The Birth Of A New World Economic Order?

Yes, we are most definitely witnessing the death of the dollar.

[quote alias=ubbo bokkels id=5451994 date=201102272135]
Beurs Caïro heropent dinsdag CARO (AFN) - De aandelenmarkt in Caïro zal dinsdag weer openen voor handel, na een maand dicht te zijn geweest vanwege de onrust in het land. Dat heeft de Egyptische regering zondag gezegd.

Door de onrust die leidde tot de val van president Hosni Mubarak is de beurs sinds 27 januari gesloten geweest. Verschillende keren ging een heropening niet door vanwege aanhoudende onlusten. Op de laatste twee handelsdagen op 26 en 27 januari daalde de Egyptische hoofdgraadmeter EGX30 respectievelijk 6 en 10,5 procent.

Analisten vrezen dat de beurs hard omlaag kan gaan bij heropening. Zij denken dat beleggers zullen wegvluchten voor de onzekerheid en risico's in Egypte. Daarom zijn maatregelen genomen om sterke koersdalingen tegen te gaan. De handel zal een halfuur worden stilgelegd als de index 3 procent daalt, en de gehele dag bij een koersverlies van 6 procent.


De Egyptische overheid heeft aangekondigd noodleningen te zullen verstrekken aan handelshuizen die last hebben gehad van de onrust en de gesloten beurshandel.

Verder neemt de regering maatregelen om te voorkomen dat financiële belangenverstrengeling optreedt bij overheidsfunctionarissen. De voorzitter van de Egyptische toezichthouder EFSA gaat daar speciale regels voor opstellen en zal worden opgevolgd door zijn plaatsvervanger.

de beurs bestaat nog, is niet gesmolten 3x hoera voor de beurs van egypte.

Egyptian stock market set to fall 10% as it reopens

...high oil prices are yet another burden on the Egyptian economy, with the important tourism industry at a virtual standstill. Hopes of five per cent GDP growth this year are history.

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