Nee ik verwacht hier niet specifiek een stijging van, ik hou degene up-to-date die dit aandeel volgen. Het enige positieve wat hieruit gehaald kan worden is dat de naam van 't bedrijf nu beter bij 't product past, en het iets is wat management heeft aangekondigd wat bewaarheid is geworden... Indien je je afvraagt wat dan wel verwacht kan worden dat de prijs zal opdrijven dan zal ik een antwoord posten die ik enkele dagen geleden aan m'n Amerikaanse vrienden heb gegeven:
You gotta see OPL as a mid term play, with a royal payday when the buyout happens, lets say, +- 6 months from now. But there are near term catalysts to swing trade. If you're looking for a quick buck then I would advise not to play OPL, but if you have some funds available over the course of the next couple of weeks & months then you should add the dips. Anything below 0.50 is cheap. Heck, if the POET Platform is going to be sold for $1 Billion, that would equate to $6.6/share, even a buck is cheap. Here are the catalysts for the next 6 months, not necessarily in this order, as I don't know what & when everything will happen, but I'll try to be as accurate as I can:
- company name change
- new website
- international marketing/promo campaign
- achievement of Milestone 7 (a very important one, scheduled for this Quarter with a possible deal attached with BAE Systems!)
- Dr Taylor & management are going to Silicon Valley with a White Paper with the latest data points to promote & introduce POET to the behemoths of this world!
- don't know when but another Patent awarded to POET could come at any time between these catalysts
- management is getting the word out of the revolutionary POET Platform to at least 50 companies, comprised of the biggest names in the semiconductor- laser & photonics world, but also military, avionics, space, telecommunications, servers & data centers etc etc... The plan is to orchestrate a well coordinated bidding war to sell POET to the highest bidders. Management expects $1 Billion but POET will easily yield tens of Billions once it is fully developed, so the final bid may be more than 'a measly Billion' LOL
- the buyout is expected near the end of this year, early next...
One thing is for sure, once they have Milestone 7, a deal with BAE & build up pressure of a looming buyout, the stock will not be at the levels it is trading today... It can be a long wait but a PAYDAY is coming! Good thing about this stock is that they're fully funded with a $7.2 mil PP earlier this year so there won't be any dilution, which makes it safer to go in big and just add when you can... In the meantime I'm getting the word out, I'm well ahead of time, so everyone has a fair chance to enter before the train leaves the station... WOOT WOOT