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POET Technologies Inc.

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Poet blijft toch wel sterk liggen in een dalende markt.
Typisch voor een tech aandeel:
Weinig sentiment en rationele investeerders
Aandelen op de TSX.V & OTC hebben in 't algemeen weinig last van wat er gebeurt op de big boards. Tijdens de ergste vlagen van de voorbije crisissen is er veel geld uit de OTC gevloeid maar onderliggende aandelen die goed nieuws uit brachten deden het toch naar behoren. POET zit nu in die positie. Lang verwacht nieuws is uitgekomen en de aanloop daar naartoe deed de prijs al rijzen, terwijl de big board stocks het moeilijk hadden.

Het zelfde gebeurt nu ook weer. Er is geen noemenswaardig nieuws uitgekomen in de laatste weken en toch staan we weer zo hoog als in de vorige run. We weten dat er positief nieuws zit aan te komen en niemand wil echt de boot missen. Er is weinig verkoop op de bid, en als er al is, wordt iedere poging om 't aandeel naar beneden te krijgen gecounterd met snelle aankopen die de prijs weer opdrijven. De spread vandaag was 4 cent, van 1.46 tot 1.50. Het zal even knabbelen worden want er zit een groot order te wachten op 1.50. Alhoewel daar al een flink stuk is uitgebeten. Vanochtend stonden er 380k aandelen en nu nog 177k. Dit is een sterk teken IMO. Normaal gezien zijn traders schuw om aan zo'n muur te knagen maar nu is 't vertrouwen toch groot genoeg om te happen. Hopelijk is het geen ijsberg-order, of worden er niet teveel Warrants geconverteerd. Indien dit niet gebeurt denk ik dat we langzaam naar de 1.60 zullen gaan in afwachting van het Pellegrino rapport.
The Company has working capital of $3,272,349 as of December 31, 2013 compared to working capital of $1,433,392 as of December 31, 2012. Subsequent to December 31, 2013, the Company successfully completed an equity financing of $5,000,000. Additionally, the Company received $2,834,513 from the exercise of warrants. The Company is in a favorable cash position to cover its operating and investing activities and settle its outstanding obligations as they come due over the next twelve to eighteen months. ;)
Share Structure:

Authorized Shares: Unlimited (No misuse, check the past)
Shares Outstanding ao Apr, 04, 2014: 148,335,985
Balance of Warrants OS Apr, 04, 2014: 34,716,706
Balance of Options OS, Apr, 04, 2014: 23,832,750
Fully Diluted shares, Apr, 04, 2014: 206,885,441
Float on OTC Markets., Jun 23, 2013: 124,805,100

My own calculation of the Float ao Apr, 04, 2014:
Common shares held by Insiders (+ Piney) 18,322,563
Shares Outstanding 148,335,985 - 18,322,563 = 130,013,422

Share Ownership

As of December 15, 2013, there were a total of 1,016 holders of record of our common shares, of which 470 were registered with

addresses in the U.S. We believe that the number of beneficial owners is substantially greater than the number of record holders,

because a large portion of our common shares are held of record in broker “street names.” As of December 31, 2013, U.S. holders of

record held approximately 3.3% of our outstanding common shares.

There are 28,374,000 Class A Common Shares of OPEL Solar, Inc. issued and outstanding.
There are 5 Common Shares of ODIS Inc. issued and outstanding, held by OPEL Solar, Inc.

University of Connecticut owns: 2 Million shares (restricted until May 31, 2016)
BULLETIN TYPE: Property-Asset or Share Purchase Amending Agreement
BULLETIN DATE: February 21, 2014
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation relating to a term sheet (the "Amended Agreement") dated February 7, 2014

between the University of Connecticut ("UCONN") and OPEL Solar, Inc. ("Subco"), a wholly owned subsidiary of POET Technologies Inc.

(the "Company"). Pursuant to the Amended Agreement, the Company will issue 2,000,000 shares to UCONN as consideration for amending

certain terms of their original license agreement.

For more information, refer to the Company's news release dated February 11, 2014.

Commons Shares held current insiders of POET: March 24, 2014: 18,322,563
Options Shares held current insiders of POET: March 24, 2014: 18,053,750
Warrant Shares held current insiders of POET: March 24, 2014: 13,616,385

Maximum Number of stock Options is currently fixed at 26,475,000.

The weighted average exercise price of warrants is CA$0.48.
The weighted average exercise price of issued and outstanding options is CA$0.397.

As at December 31, 2013 the following warrants were outstanding:

..Number of Warrants:...Historical Fair Value..Exercise ($) Price......($) Expiry Date
Warrants....1,295,558.................279,660................0.29........July 21, 2014
Warrants....2,157,348.................284,635................0.34.........June 8, 2015
Warrants....2,770,044.................365,143................0.34........June 22, 2015
Warrants....1,554,000.................208,972................0.34........July 31, 2015
Warrants....6,272,087.................856,893................0.34....September 7, 2015
Warrants....5,369,000.................744,240................0.34...September 13, 2015
Warrants....5,000,000.................687,082................0.35...September 27, 2015
Warrants.. 14,400,000...............3,825,178................0.75....February 14, 2015
C warrants....220,734..................38,642................0.22.........June 8, 2016
C warrants....285,289..................49,943................0.22........June 22, 2016
C warrants....155,400..................27,708................0.22........July 31, 2016
C warrants....522,209..................94,597................0.22....September 7, 2016
C warrants....536,900..................98,681................0.22...September 13, 2016
C warrants....500,000..................91,102................0.22...September 27, 2016
C warrants..1,440,000.................483,114................0.50....February 14, 2016
C = Compensation

Balance on 31/12/2013 = 42,478,569
Subsequent to the year end, the Company received CAD $2,834,513 from the exercise of 7,761,863 warrants.
42,478,569 - 7,761,863 = 34,716,706 on 04/04/2014.

Institutional Ownership:
Common Shares of Sheldon Inwentash:
Common Shares: 1,517,000
Pinetree Capital Ltd (Identity #00004131):
Common Shares: 10,000,785
Pinetree Capital Self Directed RRSP of Sheldon Inwentash:
Common Shares: 4,912,500

Warrants of Sheldon Inwentash:
Warrants: 1,000,000
Warrants Pinetree Capital Ltd: 7,775,385
Warrants Self Directed RRSP of Sheldon Inwentash: 4,696,000

Total Holdings of Sheldon Inwentash/Pinetree Capital Ltd: 29,326,270

- William White (IBK Capital) & his wife hold 8,883,500. See page 52 & 53 of the 20FR12G file with the SEC:

* IBK Capital has funded a total of $39,046,152 since inception of the company.

Canada Insider Trading of latest 6 months:

To see All the Company Insiders, go to:
Select Language --> Reports --> Click "Access public filings" --> Click on View Summary Reports --> Select "Insider information by

issuer" --> Under "Mandatory criteria:" Select "Issuer Number" & Enter "00003983" Click on "View" to see all the results.

PS: Note that once Directors cease to be an insider the SEDI reports are all but useless for those insiders. Because they can

buy/sell after the cease date and those transactions will never show up in a public reporting database like SEDI. So there is no

guarantee that any of the past Directors currently hold the shares that are visible on SEDI.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The Company incurred substantial legal and accounting fees related to the preparation and filing of Form 20-F with the U.S. Securities Exchange Commission (“SEC”). Legal fees relating to this SEC filing were $170,000 and accounting fees were $36,000. The filing of the Form 20-F occurred in February 2014 and was the first step in the Company’s plan to register the Company’s securities on a U.S. exchange. If successful, it is anticipated that this would result in more liquidity for the Company’s shares, access to other capital markets and greater visibility to prospective partners during the process of monetization. There can be no assurances that the Company’s shares will be registered on a U.S. exchange.

nobahamas schreef op 4 april 2014 22:06:

Poet blijft toch wel sterk liggen in een dalende markt.
Typisch voor een tech aandeel:
Weinig sentiment en rationele investeerders
Valt me op dat jullie (jij, Europeaan, veer, doewap etc.) dit aandeel benaderen vanuit een technicals of pump/hype perspectief. Ben benieuwd of jullie al eens hebben gekeken naar de techniek en personen die hier in betrokken zijn?

Voor mij is dit (voor zover ik dit kan zien) een blijvertje en alsof ik Intel of Microsoft kan kopen toen ze nog klein en onbekend waren. Geen garanties dat dit bedrijf tevens succesvol zal zijn, maar in mijn ogen zal het dan niet aan de achterliggende techniek liggen. En meer aan de complexiteit van de bedrijfsvoering (besturen en alle processen efficiënt en effectief naast elkaar laten lopen) en om een dergelijke breed toepasbare techniek de markt op te krijgen en de markt er van te overtuigen dat dit echt DE oplossing is (op de korte tot middellange termijn).
Je hebt gelijk Solesius ... een goed product is 1 ... maar net zo belangrijk, of zelfs nog belangrijker, is het om een markt ervan te overtuigen dat ze jou product moeten nemen. Over het algemeen zijn klanten defensief bij nieuwe technieken, en is de sales-cyclus lang.

Ik zeg dit in zijn algemeenheid, niet specifiek op POET gericht.

Solesius schreef op 5 april 2014 15:35:


Valt me op dat jullie (jij, Europeaan, veer, doewap etc.) dit aandeel benaderen vanuit een technicals of pump/hype perspectief. Ben benieuwd of jullie al eens hebben gekeken naar de techniek en personen die hier in betrokken zijn?

Voor mij is dit (voor zover ik dit kan zien) een blijvertje en alsof ik Intel of Microsoft kan kopen toen ze nog klein en onbekend waren. Geen garanties dat dit bedrijf tevens succesvol zal zijn, maar in mijn ogen zal het dan niet aan de achterliggende techniek liggen. En meer aan de complexiteit van de bedrijfsvoering (besturen en alle processen efficiënt en effectief naast elkaar laten lopen) en om een dergelijke breed toepasbare techniek de markt op te krijgen en de markt er van te overtuigen dat dit echt DE oplossing is (op de korte tot middellange termijn).
Pump? Technicals? Buy and hold. Ik ben geen kenner van semiconductors, maar ik heb wel degelijk een beeld van de mensen die erbij betrokken zijn.

Kahoona1962 schreef op 5 april 2014 16:01:

Je hebt gelijk Solesius ... een goed product is 1 ... maar net zo belangrijk, of zelfs nog belangrijker, is het om een markt ervan te overtuigen dat ze jou product moeten nemen. Over het algemeen zijn klanten defensief bij nieuwe technieken, en is de sales-cyclus lang.

Ik zeg dit in zijn algemeenheid, niet specifiek op POET gericht.
Yep, er zijn (gelukkig) wel omstandigheden die in het voordeel werken van POET. Er zijn talloze artikelen verschenen over het einde van moore's law, de (gigantische) kosten van bestaande innovatie in sillicium (meer dan 10 miljard voor <10 nm), om de POET chips te maken dienen huidige fabrieken 'minimaal' omgebouwd te worden en kan het worden gedaan met bestaande mapparatuur en met een chip is het vrij 'eenvoudig' om aan te tonen dat deze superieur is. Je sluit er maeetapparatuur op aan en hij is wel of niet sneller, zuiniger etc.
POET Technologies Announces Completion and Availability of POET Technology Design Kit Documentation (POET/TDK)

TORONTO, ONTARIO and STORRS, CONNECTICUT--(Marketwired - April 7, 2014) - POET Technologies Inc. (TSX VENTURE:PTK)(OTCQX:POETF) ("the Company") - developer of the planar opto-electronic technology (POET) platform for monolithic fabrication of integrated circuit devices containing both electronic and optical elements on a single semiconductor wafer - today announced the availability of the POET Technology Design Kit (POET/TDK) documentation to the industry.


POET/TDK provides complete documentation for the entire catalog of active electronic and electro-optical devices currently supported by the POET process. It comprises a comprehensive device parameter library, and enables potential customers and partners - including semiconductor foundries and device and library developers - to implement the POET process.

As usage grows, POET/TDK is also expected to help licensed designs in a POET device ecosystem to proliferate, and help existing complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) silicon library functions optimize migration time to POET designs.

Mr. Peter Copetti, Executive Chairman and interim CEO, noted, "Completion of the POET/TDK marks a critical step towards commercialization and monetization of the Company's intellectual property. We're extremely excited to be able to showcase our game-changing technology to potential customers and partners in a context specific to their own manufacturing framework."

While POET devices have already been successfully manufactured and validated at a third-party foundry without using POET/TDK, its availability now makes such technology migration much easier in the future. POET/TDK and associated information is shared only under non-disclosure agreements (NDA) with current and potential partners and customers for the express purpose of evaluation of and migration to the POET platform.

TCAD Simulation of Processes and Devices

Based on the TDK, Company staff and its tool partner are currently using technology computer-aided design (TCAD) simulation to develop and optimize specific semiconductor processing technologies and devices of interest to other potential partners.

Mr. Copetti added, "It's remarkable that the completion of the TDK and the TCAD work with our tools partner was achieved by our team - Dr. Geoff Taylor, Lee Shepherd and the POET team at the University of Connecticut - in parallel with significant strides in our 100-nm milestone, and research on the possibility of POET-based quantum computing devices. We've set challenging milestones for ourselves, and expect to continue to meet these challenges in our drive towards our 'Powered by POET' vision."

The TCAD effort is geared towards developing the models necessary to enable POET's technology into an industry-standard design tool-flow. This design tool-flow is required to evaluate and ultimately transfer POET's technology into manufacturers' design-and-fabrication environments.

PET Advances

Specific TCAD efforts are focused on complementary hetero-structure field-effect transistors (HFETs) and bipolar transistors (HBTs), which form the basis for the first TDK release focused on the planar electronic technology (PET), the electrical subset of the POET process. It can support complementary HFET (CHFET), bi-CHFET, bipolar and thyristor device fabrication. PET offers lower cost and simpler process fab options for applications that do not require the full optical feature set offered by POET.

All of the electronic devices of the PET platform represent a breakthrough in performance and power efficiency over existing silicon CMOS technologies that exist today and on the industry roadmap. The PET/TDK models are anticipated to be available to third parties around the end of the third quarter 2014.

By enabling increased speed, density, reliability, power efficiency, and much lower bill-of-materials and assembly costs, the POET semiconductor platform is expected to provide disruptive performance with an industry-compatible transition framework, and positions the Company as a leader in the new generation of companies defining the growth paradigm in the post-Moore's Law world.
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