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Sprinterke schreef op 2 februari 2022 20:24:


IRR is 80%, binnen de PEA dan. Volgende studie zal meer duidelijkheid brengen.
Andere spelers in deze sector zijn 'element 25' en 'manganese x Energy'

Voor beide geldt dat hun concentraties de helft zijn van deze van Giyani. Dat komt echter met een maar.
Het productieproces van Element 25 is zowat het goedkoopste proces dat mogelijk is. Ze zijn overigens ook reeds in productie en schalen normaal de komende jaren op. Hun productiefaciliteit voor mangaansulfaat staat gepland voor 2025.
Manganese x Energy is beloftevol. Het project ligt in de VS. Het is echter een project in een heel vroeg stadium. De PEA wordt ieder moment verwacht. Ze stellen dat het productieproces weinig solventen nodig zal hebben en het proces vrij simpel kan gehouden worden. In theorie maakt dit dat de kosten relatief laag zouden gehouden moeten kunnen worden. Echter koffiedik kijken zolang de PEA er niet is...

Voor wat Giyani betreft, bezoek je de website best. Je kan er de presentatie bekijken die een goed overzicht geeft van waar ze naartoe willen. Het productieproces van Giyani is complexer dan dat van Element 25. Neemt niet weg dat IRR van het project nog steeds boven 80 % zit. Ondanks dat het project van Giyani groter is, hun concentraties het dubbel zijn en het productieprofiel groter is, is de marktkapitalisatie van Giyani de helft van Element 25.
Over Giyani, mangaanmijn

De energietransitie zal de vraag naar batterijen enorm doen vergroten en dan kunnen afnemers voor mangaan niet om een mijn heen die hoge graad mineralisatie van mangaan heeft in een enorme hoeveelheid. Levering voor langere tijd op een hoge kwaliteit heeft natuurlijk waarde voor afnemers. Uiteraard zijn er con-collega’s (Element 25) maar als de vraag explosief toeneemt hoeft dat niet bedreigend te zijn. Wellicht dat de con-collega’s tijdelijk het beter doen maar uiteindelijk gaat het om de lange adem van een mijn. Je hebt dan de meeste kans om te profiteren van prijsstijgingen. Er kan dan backwardation ontstaan waardoor je premies krijgt op directe leveringen.

Uit de highlights van Giyani maak ik op dat het metallurgisch testwerk nog uitgevoerd moet worden in de eerste helft van 2022. Als die testen goed zijn gaan ze natuurlijk nog een enorme geldronde houden. Dat is ook aangekondigd. De marktkapitalisatie gaat nog oplopen.

• Total of 66 reverse circulation (“RC”) drill holes have been completed at both the north and south target areas (“Otse North” and “Otse South”) for a total 4,149 metres.
• Initial Otse results show high grade mineralization in multiple holes with intersections in excess of 50% manganese oxide (“MnO”), as analysed by an on-site portable X-ray Fluorescence (“pXRF”) machine.
• Samples from Otse are to be dispatched for assay and metallurgical testwork will be undertaken prior to mineral resource estimation, which is currently expected in the first half of 2022.
• Geological modelling of the full K.Hill Project, including the recently discovered southern extension (“K.Hill Extension”) is progressing prior to a new mineral resource estimate for the combined project, which is expected to be completed in the first half of 2022.
@Sprinterke, Je hebt natuurlijk gelijk dat koper een volwassen markt vormt waardoor het minder goed voorspelbaar wordt of er een tekort gaat ontstaan of niet.

De volgende passages maken duidelijk dat analisten het daar ook niet over eens zijn als het gaat om 2022.

“Koper: het groene metaal

De wereldwijde vraag naar koper nam vorig jaar met bijna 7% toe. De afgelopen decennia was de Chinese vastgoedsector de motor achter de hogere koperconsumptie. Intussen komt ongeveer de helft van de groei van toepassingen voor de ‘groene’ economie als zon- en windenergie, elektrische en hybride voertuigen en warmtepompen.

Naarmate het aanbod aan alternatieve energie die niet wordt opgeslagen toeneemt, wordt het flexibel kunnen transporteren van deze stroom steeds belangrijker. Voor die verbindingen zijn talrijke boven- en ondergrondse koperen kabels vereist. Ook de productie van halfgeleiders is koperintensief.

Surplus of deficit?

De prognoses van het marktevenwicht bij koper liggen nogal uiteen. De International Copper Study Group (ICSG) mikt voor 2022 op een aanbodoverschot door fors herstel van de mijnproductie. De voorbije vier jaar werden slechts twee nieuwe grote koperprojecten opgestart, maar voor het einde van 2022 moeten er vijf nieuwe projecten operationeel worden in de Democratische Republiek Congo, Peru, Rusland en twee in Chili.
Sociale en politieke problemen kunnen roet in het eten gooien. In Chili en Peru, samen goed voor 40% van de globale koperproductie, wil de regering de mijnbouw meer belasten. Dit kan ten koste gaan van nieuwe investeringen. Marktonderzoeker CRU verwacht daarom een veel kleiner surplus dan het ICSG. Volgens Goldman Sachs stevent de kopermarkt zelfs af op een deficit.


De geregistreerde voorraden zijn zowel op de London Metals Exchange als de Shanghai Futures Exchange erg laag. Dit is uitzonderlijk, omdat arbitrage meestal voor een verschuiving in de ene of de andere richting zorgt. De prijsstructuur van de termijncontracten (futures) hangt samen met die voorraadsituatie. Koper is in backwardation, wat betekent dat een premie wordt betaald voor directe levering. Dit kan wijzen op fysieke schaarste.” (bron IEX)

Misschien zijn dan juniorminers als Horizonte (nickel) en Talga Resources of Graphex Group voor grafiet interessanter...

Leefloon schreef op 1 januari 2022 16:34:

Terugkijkend de top 3 sectoren, gewogen, bij heel Euronext:

1. Technology Hardware and Equipment +76,29%
2. Banks +49,93%
3. Household Goods and Home Construction +48,21%

Idem, flop 3:

41, Consumer Services -33,43%
42. Alternative Energy -48,85%
43. Precious Metals and Mining -69,94%
Deze post van leefloon wilde ik nog even in herinnering roepen. Voorlopig gaat het nog wel echt om stockpicking als je wilt verdienen met juniormijnen. Een uitzondering vormden tin en aluminium.Aluminium was in 2021 op tin na het best presterende basismetaal. Na een jarenlang overaanbod stevent de markt dit jaar af op een aanbodtekort.

Wat tin betreft heb ik met Alphamin, tinmijn al een rendement van 90%. Tin is niet alleen een goedkoop alternatief voor het duurdere Kobalt in batterijen maar ook veel gebruikt in 5G netwerken omdat het zo licht en goed geleidend is.
Samen met Sayona

Piedmont's US lithium growth plans unveiled
Esmarie Iannucci

PERTH ( – Lithium miner Piedmont Lithium has unveiled plans to produce 60 000 t/y of lithium hydroxide in the US, as a final investment decision for its Carolina lithium project looms.

The ASX- and Nasdaq-listed company on Friday said that 30 000 t/y of planned production would be coming from the fully integrated Carolina lithium project, while a further 30 000 t/y of production would be produced at a second planned US plant, with site selection expected in the second quarter of this year.


“We are developing our assets at an opportune time with global sales of electric vehicles having doubled in 2021, and large US battery plant investments being made by major automotive and battery companies,” said Piedmont president and CEO Keith Phillips.

“This electrification of the automotive market is a generational investment opportunity, and we are uniquely well-positioned to capitalise on it.”


Phillips said that the company was advancing its flagship Carolina lithium project through key permitting, engineering and project financing steps.

“Our recent feasibility confirmed the strategic nature of Carolina lithium, with a net present value exceeding $2-billion and independent assessments confirming its impressive sustainability profile. We expect Carolina lithium to be a critical factor in furthering the US’ progress towards lithium self-sufficiency.”

The Carolina project will produce 30 000 t/y of lithium hydroxide, for an initial capital investment of $988-million. A bankable feasibility study emphasizes an initial ore reserves only production target of 11 years of spodumene concentrate to be processed at the company’s chemical plant, which will be located adjacent to mining operations.

The study also incorporates assumptions of additional lithium hydroxide production sourced from offtake agreements which allow the company to secure spodumene from alternate sources, increasing the chemical plant life to 30 years.

Phillips said on Friday that in addition to Carolina lithium, Piedmont is also progressing its two international investments and its plans to develop a second lithium hydroxide conversion plant.

“We are collaborating with our partner, Sayona Mining, to capitalise on strong lithium market conditions through the restart of spodumene concentrate production at our jointly owned North American Lithium business in Quebec. Long lead equipment has been ordered and production is expected to commence in the first half of 2023. Exploration activities are continuing at Ewoyaa project, in Ghana, and along with our partner Atlantic Lithium, we plan to complete a feasibility study in 2022, with first production possible in 2024.

“These significant spodumene assets support our plans to launch a second 30 000 t/y lithium hydroxide conversion plant. US lithium demand is soaring, and domestic lithium hydroxide capacity is currently a fraction of what will be required in the mid- to late 2020s.”
Mining Majors Are Treading Carefully As Battery Metals Boom
Sun, February 6, 2022, 1:00 AM

A World Bank report recently forecasted that we would need more than 3 billion tons of metals and minerals to limit the rise in global temperatures by 2 degrees by 2050. That's more than 3 billion tons in raw materials for solar, wind, and battery storage.

The World Bank is not the only one. The International Monetary Fund reported in December that the future demand for metals and minerals may well top the current global supply. The IMF also said that "The needed ramp-up in mining investment and operations could be challenging."

The forecast surge in demand is certainly great news for the mining industry, which has been a pariah for ages due to its massive environmental impact. Now, somewhat ironically, it is about to turn into the one indispensable industry for the energy transition.

Still, big miners are treading cautiously.

Battery metals such as nickel, cobalt, and, of course, lithium, are in the spotlight when there's any kind of discussion about the energy transition. As the IMF notes, a typical EV battery pack contains some 8 kilograms of lithium, 35 kilograms of nickel, 20 kilograms of manganese, and 14 kilograms of cobalt.

These metals, then, should be a magnet for big mining companies—and they are. Rio Tinto recently planned to open one of the world's biggest lithium mines in Serbia. Local opposition to the project, however, led to the revocation of Rio's license for the mine that would have provided a quite comfortable lithium supply source for ambitious European carmakers who are marching towards an all-EV age.

Reuters reported this week that big mining majors were making joint venture deals with junior miners active in battery metals exploration and production instead of outright buying them. For Big Mining, the report said, expansion into battery metals was a fine balancing act between getting on the bandwagon of the energy transition and keeping shareholders happy.

Very much like Big Oil shareholders, the owners of Big Mining seem to have grown tired of the boom-bust cycle so typical of commodity industries and would rather have stable returns. Yet, at the same time, investors have also become more aware of the change in trends: ESG is all the rage now, and battery metals fit perfectly with ESG investing principles.

So, why is Big Mining not diving right in? Because it doesn't want to shoulder all the risks on its own. Mining is a risky business by nature, again very much like oil and gas. First, you can never be certain that exploration will be successful. Even if it is, as in Serbia, you may encounter local opposition strong enough to pull the plug on the project. Or the project may be in a politically unstable country such as the Democratic Republic of the Congo, which produces two-thirds of the world's cobalt. Miners are allergic to politically unstable jurisdictions even if they are forced to do business there.

Then there are the extensive lead times for a new mine: going from successful exploration results to actual mining could take a decade or even more. In the current environment, with all the forecasts pointing to a fast and strong surge in demand for metals and minerals used in batteries, it is faster to team up with a junior already exploring for, say, nickel, in Tanzania than start from scratch. At the same time, it appears safer to team up with this junior rather than buy it outright.

This is what BHP Group, formerly BHP Billiton, is doing with junior miner Kabanga Nickel. The major joined the junior as partner in its exploration work in Tanzania with a $50-million investment in the project. First production from the Kabanga mine is expected in 2025, and besides nickel, it will also include copper and cobalt.

According to energy consultancy Wood Mackenzie, the trend will intensify in the future: "We expect the diversified miners to enter new geographies in 2022 through the acquisition of early-stage projects," said research director James Whiteside, as quoted by Reuters.

The amount of money big miners are willing to spend on this expansion, however, may remain limited because of rising commodity prices. It may sound counterintuitive, what with all the bullish forecasts, but with their experience in reckless spending and the consequences of it, miners appear to have learned a valuable lesson and are unwilling to risk too much, even with the bullish forecasts. After all, forecasts are very far from set in stone.

These same forecasts, in fact, could pull the brakes on the energy transition. The transition to a large extent hinges on wind, solar, and storage becoming cheaper than fossil fuels, because if low-carbon energy is unaffordable, then it's not really a viable alternative for most people. Granted, those in Germany and the UK, for instance, who are already paying more for low-carbon energy are used to it, but if prices continue rising, this may well change.

But with the raw materials needed to produce the solar panels for farms and the windmills for parks getting increasingly expensive, developers are already complaining their profits are under threat. The same trend is evident in battery metals: the great electrification rush among carmakers might stumble when the end-price for their EVs becomes too high, even with government incentives because the battery metals and copper used in them double or tremble in price because of supply constraints.

Mining is a risky business. It can also be an extremely lucrative business in environments that stimulate demand for metals and minerals, such as the energy transition. Still, that's no reason to go all-in when you can spread the risk more evenly in case things don't pan out as go-green governments plan them.

Lithium Americas

Construction continues to advance at Caucharí-Olaroz. Watch the February video for an update

NB: muzieksmaak is minder
European Junior Lithium Miners To Consider
Matt Bohlsen
Tesla To Begin Car Production In December At New Gruenheide Plant
Sean Gallup/Getty Images News


Macro events - The Russia-Ukraine situation is causing negative sentiment, especially towards European stocks. President Biden says a war is imminent.
EV sales may slow or decline. Lithium prices may fall.
Technology change - Lithium could be replaced by other battery electrolytes such as sodium. Looks very unlikely for now.
The usual mining risks - Permitting, funding, delays, production start-up, upfront CapEx costs blow out, OpEx costs blowout, partner risks. Underground mining risks.
Those projects with large CapEx can tend to have a tougher time being funded. Generally the lower CapEx (often spodumene) projects can have a time to production advantage.
Business risks - Management, liquidity, and currency risk.
Sovereign risk - Generally higher risks in the poorer parts of Europe. Ukraine and Russia currently have heightened risk.
Stock market risks - Dilution, lack of liquidity (best to buy on local exchange), market sentiment.

The European lithium juniors are generally not as good as their global peers in terms of resource grades and quality. However they are located in Europe where a burst of new battery manufacturing is coming this decade, meaning there is a huge demand for their product.

My top pick of the five major European lithium juniors would be European Metals Holdings due to its massive resource size and favorable economics due to very valuable tin and lithium products and current prices. My next top picks would be Savannah Resources and European Lithium, however Infinity Lithium also has some appeal.

Risks in European projects often revolve around the difficulty of getting permitted as well as some countries not being very mining friendly. Also the usual corruption related risks in poorer countries. Currently there is also the very real risk of a Russia invasion of Ukraine. Please read the risks section.

Overall, I think it makes good sense to own some European lithium juniors as the region is the second highest market for EVs and has over 22 new battery factories on the way this decade.

As usual, all comments are welcome.
Electra, Glencore and Talon Partnering with Government of Ontario on Battery Materials Park Study
Electra Battery Materials Corporation (TSX-V: ELBM; OTCQX: ELBMF) (“Electra”) is pleased to announce the launch of a battery materials park study in partnership with the Government of Ontario, Glencore plc and Talon Metals. The consortium will collaborate on engineering, permitting, socio-economic and cost studies associated with the construction of a nickel sulfate plant as well as a battery precursor cathode active materials (PCAM) plant adjacent to Electra’s cobalt refinery and recycling plant. The realization of this vision would result in the creation of North America’s first integrated, localized and environmentally sustainable battery materials park for the electric vehicle market.


C$700,000 study will be funded by the government and the three participating companies, with the provincial government contributing C$250,000, matched by a $250,000 investment from Electra and C$100,000 each from Glencore plc and Talon Metals
Study aims to facilitate construction of North America’s first battery grade nickel sulfate facility, prioritizing domestic, low carbon raw materials. Glencore is one of the world’s largest nickel producers and Electra’s refinery is located two hours from the Sudbury Basin, one of the world’s largest sources of low carbon nickel. Talon Metals is developing the high-grade Tamarack nickel-copper-cobalt project in central Minnesota under a joint venture with Rio Tinto
Study also targets construction of much-needed North American precursor manufacturing capacity, which would yield significant cost and carbon footprint advantages through integration with refining operations. Electra is in discussion with several PCAM manufacturers and intends to partner with an established producer for this last piece of an integrated and domestic battery materials park
Battery materials produced from this site are anticipated to have an exceptionally low carbon footprint, due to reliance on renewable hydroelectric power and proximity to feed materials and end markets
Electra is pursuing a four-phased approach to build North America’s first battery materials park, with a battery grade cobalt sulfate refinery to be commissioned in December 2022 and a battery recycling circuit scheduled for 2023, followed by battery grade nickel sulfate and PCAM by mid-decade.

The objective of joint study is to assess the technical, financial, and permitting requirements for the construction of a battery grade nickel sulfate refinery and a PCAM facility located near the company’s hydrometallurgical facility in Ontario. Emerging best practice in the electric vehicle supply chain is to co-locate chemical refining and PCAM production on a common site to eliminate conventional processing steps, resulting in lower unit costs, a shorter supply chain and a smaller carbon footprint.

“We are excited to partner with the Government of Ontario, Glencore, and Talon on this Battery Materials Park project,” said Trent Mell, CEO. “Ontario is home to North America's only battery grade cobalt refinery, an abundance of nickel and clean hydroelectric power. Together we can leverage Electra's existing footprint and the Government of Ontario's ambitions to build a world class battery supply chain in the province. The Government has been one of our biggest champions and we are grateful for their support.”

Michael Insulan, VP Commercial added: “Partnering with Glencore and Talon on this study provides a clear path towards subsequent implementation of the Battery Materials Park project. Glencore’s position as a global powerhouse in the battery materials sector provides the possibility for immediate raw material feed for the proposed nickel sulfate plant whereas Talon’s nearby Tamarack project is well positioned to become one of the most important nickel suppliers in the western hemisphere. It is essential for a low-carbon future that we process these materials to battery grade specification in North America.”

The parties have committed to collaborate on engineering, metallurgical work and other studies. Future collaboration among the parties will be subject to the results of this project and further commercial discussions.

Electra is in discussion with PCAM producers in Europe, Japan and Korea, several of which are assessing expansion opportunities in North America. One or more PCAM companies may participate in this study at a future date.

Electra recently commissioned CRU, an independent commodity research company to estimate the potential carbon emissions from Electra’s proposed nickel-sulfate refinery. The study found that carbon emissions from a Chinese nickel sulfate operation relying on Indonesian raw material feed would be up to three times higher than material produced in Canada. The same report highlights the imminent need for North American cobalt sulfate, nickel sulfate and precursor capacity to keep pace with the rapid build-out of cell manufacturing on the continent.

“There has been insufficient scrutiny of the nickel supply chain, particularly the very high carbon footprint associated with producing battery grade nickel from nickel laterite deposits but that is starting to change,” said Mell. “The North American alternative that we are proposing is true to the mission of zero-emission vehicles to lower global greenhouse gases.”

Funding for this study is the second investment made by the Government of Ontario in support of Electra’s business activities, following a C$5m grant from Ontario to fast-track the restart of the existing refinery complex. The study will be completed in phases, with results expected in Q3 and Q4 2022.

Electra’s business strategy is to produce sufficient battery material to supply 1.5 million electric vehicle batteries on an annual basis. The Company’s cobalt sulfate facility is on schedule to be commissioned in 2022. The cobalt plant will be the first in Electra’s four-phase Battery Materials Park project. In coming years, Electra intends to build further processing capacity for nickel sulfate, recycling of primary and secondary battery scrap materials and precursor production.

nine_inch_nerd schreef op 23 februari 2022 14:44:

Electra, Glencore and Talon Partnering with Government of Ontario on Battery Materials Park Study
Electra Battery Materials Corporation (TSX-V: ELBM; OTCQX: ELBMF) (“Electra”) is pleased to announce the launch of a battery materials park study in partnership with the Government of Ontario, Glencore plc and Talon Metals. The consortium will collaborate on engineering, permitting, socio-economic and cost studies associated with the construction of a nickel sulfate plant as well as a battery precursor cathode active materials (PCAM) plant adjacent to Electra’s cobalt refinery and recycling plant. The realization of this vision would result in the creation of North America’s first integrated, localized and environmentally sustainable battery materials park for the electric vehicle market.


C$700,000 study will be funded by the government and the three participating companies, with the provincial government contributing C$250,000, matched by a $250,000 investment from Electra and C$100,000 each from Glencore plc and Talon Metals
Study aims to facilitate construction of North America’s first battery grade nickel sulfate facility, prioritizing domestic, low carbon raw materials. Glencore is one of the world’s largest nickel producers and Electra’s refinery is located two hours from the Sudbury Basin, one of the world’s largest sources of low carbon nickel. Talon Metals is developing the high-grade Tamarack nickel-copper-cobalt project in central Minnesota under a joint venture with Rio Tinto
Study also targets construction of much-needed North American precursor manufacturing capacity, which would yield significant cost and carbon footprint advantages through integration with refining operations. Electra is in discussion with several PCAM manufacturers and intends to partner with an established producer for this last piece of an integrated and domestic battery materials park
Battery materials produced from this site are anticipated to have an exceptionally low carbon footprint, due to reliance on renewable hydroelectric power and proximity to feed materials and end markets
Electra is pursuing a four-phased approach to build North America’s first battery materials park, with a battery grade cobalt sulfate refinery to be commissioned in December 2022 and a battery recycling circuit scheduled for 2023, followed by battery grade nickel sulfate and PCAM by mid-decade.

The objective of joint study is to assess the technical, financial, and permitting requirements for the construction of a battery grade nickel sulfate refinery and a PCAM facility located near the company’s hydrometallurgical facility in Ontario. Emerging best practice in the electric vehicle supply chain is to co-locate chemical refining and PCAM production on a common site to eliminate conventional processing steps, resulting in lower unit costs, a shorter supply chain and a smaller carbon footprint.

“We are excited to partner with the Government of Ontario, Glencore, and Talon on this Battery Materials Park project,” said Trent Mell, CEO. “Ontario is home to North America's only battery grade cobalt refinery, an abundance of nickel and clean hydroelectric power. Together we can leverage Electra's existing footprint and the Government of Ontario's ambitions to build a world class battery supply chain in the province. The Government has been one of our biggest champions and we are grateful for their support.”

Michael Insulan, VP Commercial added: “Partnering with Glencore and Talon on this study provides a clear path towards subsequent implementation of the Battery Materials Park project. Glencore’s position as a global powerhouse in the battery materials sector provides the possibility for immediate raw material feed for the proposed nickel sulfate plant whereas Talon’s nearby Tamarack project is well positioned to become one of the most important nickel suppliers in the western hemisphere. It is essential for a low-carbon future that we process these materials to battery grade specification in North America.”

The parties have committed to collaborate on engineering, metallurgical work and other studies. Future collaboration among the parties will be subject to the results of this project and further commercial discussions.

Electra is in discussion with PCAM producers in Europe, Japan and Korea, several of which are assessing expansion opportunities in North America. One or more PCAM companies may participate in this study at a future date.

Electra recently commissioned CRU, an independent commodity research company to estimate the potential carbon emissions from Electra’s proposed nickel-sulfate refinery. The study found that carbon emissions from a Chinese nickel sulfate operation relying on Indonesian raw material feed would be up to three times higher than material produced in Canada. The same report highlights the imminent need for North American cobalt sulfate, nickel sulfate and precursor capacity to keep pace with the rapid build-out of cell manufacturing on the continent.

“There has been insufficient scrutiny of the nickel supply chain, particularly the very high carbon footprint associated with producing battery grade nickel from nickel laterite deposits but that is starting to change,” said Mell. “The North American alternative that we are proposing is true to the mission of zero-emission vehicles to lower global greenhouse gases.”

Funding for this study is the second investment made by the Government of Ontario in support of Electra’s business activities, following a C$5m grant from Ontario to fast-track the restart of the existing refinery complex. The study will be completed in phases, with results expected in Q3 and Q4 2022.

Electra’s business strategy is to produce sufficient battery material to supply 1.5 million electric vehicle batteries on an annual basis. The Company’s cobalt sulfate facility is on schedule to be commissioned in 2022. The cobalt plant will be the first in Electra’s four-phase Battery Materials Park project. In coming years, Electra intends to build further processing capacity for nickel sulfate, recycling of primary and secondary battery scrap materials and precursor production.
Marktreactie van Electra is maar flauw. Ze bewegen al een geruime tijd zijwaards.

Sprinterke schreef op 23 februari 2022 20:38:


Marktreactie van Electra is maar flauw. Ze bewegen al een geruime tijd zijwaards.

In deze periode allemaal niks over te zeggen.
Rare tijden. Krachten van buitenaf bepalen het sentiment.
Groot nieuws?
Slechte timing (Oekraïne-problematiek).

Sayona Mining Limited has lodged the following announcement with the ASX:
"Trading Halt"

Emerging lithium producer Sayona Mining Limited (ASX:SYA; OTCQB:SYAXF) has requested an immediate Trading Halt on its securities pursuant to ASX Listing Rule 17.1, pending the release of an announcement regarding an updated resource statement in relation to the Company's North American Lithium and Authier projects.

Sayona has requested that the Trading Halt remain in place until such time as it makes an announcement to the market regarding the resource statement, but in any event not beyond the commencement of normal trading on 28 February 2022.
Recycling batterijen wordt zeer belangrijk.
Terugwinnen Li-Mn-Co
American Manganese opening naar Azië.

American Manganese and Zenith Chemical Sign Memorandum of Understanding for Strategic Expansion into Asia's Battery Recycling Market
Thursday, February 24, 2022 4:00 AM
SURREY, BC / ACCESSWIRE / February 24, 2022 / American Manganese Inc. (TSXV:AMY)(OTCQB:AMYZF)(FSE:2AM) ("AMY" or the "Company"), a pioneer in advanced lithium-ion battery cathode recycling-upcycling, is pleased to announce that it has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Zenith Chemical Corporation ("Zenith") to develop a strategic expansion plan into Asia's lithium-ion battery recycling market. Zenith is an existing producer of high purity nickel sulphate for the lithium-ion battery supply chain and aims to expand its business into battery recycling and high-value cathode precursor materials. Zenith's existing nickel processing plant in Taiwan can produce up to 45,000 tons/year of nickel sulphate.

Under the agreed-upon MOU, American Manganese plans to produce high-nickel cathode precursors, such as NMC811 and NMC9x, at the existing pilot and demonstration plant scale. Zenith would then validate the material specifications and convert the precursor material into cathode active material to test its properties in lithium-ion batteries. American Manganese and Zenith Chemical will work together to achieve the timeline and milestones that would mutually benefit AMY's patented technology and Zenith's robust supply network.

"Zenith is an existing producer of battery materials for the lithium-ion battery supply chain and their incredible supply network and market intelligence offers an intangible benefit for the RecycLiCo processes expansion into Asia's battery supply chain," said Larry Reaugh, President and CEO of American Manganese. "I'm excited for the opportunity to demonstrate the RecycLiCo process capability to produce high-nickel cathode precursor product and I'm confident in our ability to achieve the desired specifications.

About American Manganese Inc.

American Manganese Inc. is a critical metals company focused on recycling and upcycling lithium-ion battery waste into high-value battery cathode materials, using its closed-loop RecycLiCo™ process. With minimal processing steps and over 99% extraction of lithium, cobalt, nickel, and manganese, the upcycling process creates valuable lithium-ion battery materials for direct integration into the re-manufacturing of new lithium-ion batteries.

About Zenith Chemical Corporation

Zenith Chemical Corporation is focused on the production of nickel based chemicals, including high purity nickel sulfate for the lithium ion battery application at two plants in Taichung, Taiwan. In addition to nickel chemicals, Zenith is also leveraging its position in the lithium battery supply chain to develop additives in anode and separator to improve performance of the battery.

On behalf of Management

Larry W. Reaugh
President and Chief Executive Officer
Telephone: 778 574 4444

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. This news release may contain "forward-looking statements", which are statements about the future based on current expectations or beliefs. For this purpose, statements of historical fact may be deemed to be forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements by their nature involve risks and uncertainties, and there can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate or true. Investors should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. The Company does not undertake any obligation to update forward-looking statements except as required by law.

SOURCE: American Manganese Inc.

Sprinterke schreef op 30 januari 2022 23:56:

Boeiende update over de markt rond manganese (of zoal wij het kennen mangaan):

Giyani Metals zie ik hierin als een toekomstige grote speler. DFS komt ergens volgend kwartaal en zal een groter productieprofiel hebben dan voorzien in de PEA. Toen hadden ze reeds een IRR van 80 % en NPV van 442 miljoen. Binnen de DFS kunnen deze cijfers vlot maal 2. CAPEX is normaal laag en dus gemakkelijk te financieren in een markt die grote tekorten gaat hebben.

Giyani Announces Significant Mineral Resources Increase and Upgrade for K.Hill Project

Giyani Metals Corp.
February 16, 2022
In this article:


Giyani Metals Corp.

TORONTO, Feb. 16, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Giyani Metals Corp. (TSXV:EMM, GR:A2DUU8) ("Giyani" or the "Company"), developer of the K.Hill manganese oxide project (“K.Hill Project”) in Botswana, is pleased to announce an updated Mineral Resource Estimate (“MRE”) for the K.Hill Project that incorporates its recently discovered southerly extension (“K.Hill Extension”).


A 31% increase in Indicated Resources for the K.Hill Project to 2.1 million tonnes (“Mt”) at an average grade of 19.3% manganese oxide (“MnO”), which equates to approximately 0.41Mt of contained manganese oxide or roughly 1.0Mt of High Purity Manganese Sulphate Monohydrate (“HPMSM”), before processing recoveries are applied.

A 121% increase in Inferred Resources to 3.1Mt at an average grade of 16.9% MnO, which equates to approximately 0.53Mt of contained manganese oxide or roughly 1.3Mt of HPMSM, before processing recoveries are applied.

Infill drilling across the K.Hill Extension area to upgrade Inferred Resource material to Indicated Resources has recently commenced and is currently expected to be completed by the end of the first half of 2022.

Metallurgical test work for the feasibility study of the K.Hill Project (“FS”) remains ongoing and has now reached the final stages.

The MRE has been prepared by SRK Consulting (“SRK”) in accordance with the CIM Code and National Instrument 43-101 (“NI 43-101”) and also includes the results of mineralogical test work on the previously announced additional mineralized horizon (“B Horizon”) located below the main ore body of the K.Hill Project. The K.Hill Project is being developed to produce HPMSM, a precursor chemical used in the manufacture of rechargeable battery cathodes for electric vehicles.

MisterBlues schreef op 25 februari 2022 14:57:


Giyani Announces Significant Mineral Resources Increase and Upgrade for K.Hill Project

Giyani Metals Corp.
February 16, 2022
In this article:


Giyani Metals Corp.

TORONTO, Feb. 16, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Giyani Metals Corp. (TSXV:EMM, GR:A2DUU8) ("Giyani" or the "Company"), developer of the K.Hill manganese oxide project (“K.Hill Project”) in Botswana, is pleased to announce an updated Mineral Resource Estimate (“MRE”) for the K.Hill Project that incorporates its recently discovered southerly extension (“K.Hill Extension”).


A 31% increase in Indicated Resources for the K.Hill Project to 2.1 million tonnes (“Mt”) at an average grade of 19.3% manganese oxide (“MnO”), which equates to approximately 0.41Mt of contained manganese oxide or roughly 1.0Mt of High Purity Manganese Sulphate Monohydrate (“HPMSM”), before processing recoveries are applied.

A 121% increase in Inferred Resources to 3.1Mt at an average grade of 16.9% MnO, which equates to approximately 0.53Mt of contained manganese oxide or roughly 1.3Mt of HPMSM, before processing recoveries are applied.

Infill drilling across the K.Hill Extension area to upgrade Inferred Resource material to Indicated Resources has recently commenced and is currently expected to be completed by the end of the first half of 2022.

Metallurgical test work for the feasibility study of the K.Hill Project (“FS”) remains ongoing and has now reached the final stages.

The MRE has been prepared by SRK Consulting (“SRK”) in accordance with the CIM Code and National Instrument 43-101 (“NI 43-101”) and also includes the results of mineralogical test work on the previously announced additional mineralized horizon (“B Horizon”) located below the main ore body of the K.Hill Project. The K.Hill Project is being developed to produce HPMSM, a precursor chemical used in the manufacture of rechargeable battery cathodes for electric vehicles.
-- Only 1 % of Mn mined in the world is battery grade.
-- Only a handful of companies outside of China make battery grade Mn with 1 private company in production and 2 with Demo plant production (Giyani Metals and Euro Manganese)
-- Feasibility Study soon with new NPV. (Initial NPV of $332 Million for Giyani was based on initial 1.5 Million tonne ore body and does not take into count the new fields of another 1.5M t with very high ore grades of 30-50%, nor the future fields that may yield another 3M tonnes.)
-- Offtake sampling to "a number of prospective buyers" from the Demo plant, which is expected to produce 200-250kg/day by May or June 2022
-- unnamed European OEM has a product sharing agreement with Giyani and trippled their order of Mn for their cathode testing
-- 20% of Carbon Footprint as Chinese competitors, which is why big OEMs are speaking with Giyani.
Historische wending: Duitsland verhoogt defensieuitgaven drastisch

En tevens versnellen onafhankelijk zijn van import (Russisch) gas/energie, zal de transitie versnellen. Win win situatie. Gelukkig heeft de oorlog ook een positieve wending.
Germany to step up plans to cut dependence on Russia gas

BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany will make good on plans to build two liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminals and up its natural gas reserves to cut its dependence on Russian gas after Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Chancellor Olaf Scholz said on Sunday.

"We will do more to ensure secure energy supply for our country," he told lawmakers in a special Bundestag session called to address the Ukraine crisis.

"We must change course to overcome our dependence on imports from individual energy suppliers."

Germany has been under pressure from other Western nations to become less dependent on Russian gas, but its plans to phase out coal-fired power plants by 2030 and to shut its nuclear power plants have left it with few options.

Earlier this week Germany halted the $11 billion Nord Stream 2 Baltic Sea gas pipeline project, Europe's most divisive energy project, in response to Russia's actions toward Ukraine.

Russia has since invaded Ukraine, prompting the West to slap further sanctions on Moscow and making the energy supply issue even more pressing.

"The events of the past few days have shown us that responsible, forward-looking energy policy is decisive not only for our economy and the environment. It is also decisive for our security," Scholz said on Sunday.

The quicker Germany can expand renewable energy generation, the better, he said.

In addition, Germany will increase the volume of natural gas in its storage facilities by 2 billion cubic metres (bcm) via long-term options and will buy additional natural gas on world markets in coordination with the European Union, he said.

Germany has 24 bcm of underground caverns of gas storage, which are currently around 30% full, according to industry group Gas Infrastructure Europe data.

Scholz also said on Sunday that Germany would quickly build two LNG terminals, in Brunsbuettel and Wilhelmshaven.

He had signalled his support for the construction of LNG terminals when he was finance minister and deputy chancellor in the previous government, but little progress was made.
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