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Aandelen lithiumproducenten lager door zorgen over winning

Het kon niet op voor de lithiumindustrie. De afgelopen jaren verdubbelde de prijs van het metaal en zagen beleggers de koersen van producenten omhoogschieten. Daar lijkt nu langzaam verandering in te komen. Want meer productie kan de prijs drukken.

Een overzicht van de pekelbaden van SQM in Chili. Lithium kan worden gewonnen uit zout water.REUTERS

Een van 's werelds grootste lithiumproducenten, het Chileense Sociedad Química y Minera de Chile (SQM), meldde donderdag dat er $170 mln wordt geïnvesteerd om de productiecapaciteit op te schroeven. Het aandeel verloor donderdag 5%. Daarmee komt het weekverlies uit op 15%.

Dat is nog eens iets anders dan de beweging van de afgelopen jaren. De aandelen van veel lithiumproducenten stegen omdat het metaal steeds belangrijker wordt. De grondstof wordt gebruikt voor lithium-ionaccu's. Zulke batterijen zitten in nagenoeg elke laptop of smartphone, maar ook in de accu's van elektrische auto's. Met de opkomst van elektrische voertuigen trok de vraag naar de grondstof aan en verdubbelde de prijs naar ruim $13.500 per ton. Niet voor niets kreeg de grondstof de bijnaam 'het witte goud'.

Niet alleen de aandelenmarkten lijden onder de uitspraken van Fed-voorzitter Jerome Powell in het Amerikaanse Congres. Ook de goudprijs lijkt slachtoffer te zijn.

Voor een troy ounce goud (31,1 gram) werd donderdag vlak voor het sluiten van de Europese beurzen $1305 betaald. In twee weken tijd is de koers van het edelmetaal 3,5% gezakt, op jaarbasis is het verlies 0,8%.
De prijs reageert op de verwachtingen in de markt over de renteverhogingen van de Federal Reserve. Voorzitter Powell liet dinsdag doorschemeren dat er dit jaar mogelijk vier rentestappen komen. Dat maakt het edelmetaal minder aantrekkelijk voor beleggers, aangezien het een product is dat geen rente oplevert.

Bovendien heeft de dollar de wind in de rug. Goud en de 'greenback' reageren in principe contrair op elkaar. Als de dollar dus wint ten opzichte van de euro, daalt normaal gesproken de goudprijs.

AMG en Albermarle
Beleggers krijgen nu toch wat zenuwen. Niet alleen het aandeel SQM heeft het moeilijk. Op de Amsterdamse beurs verloor smallcapper Advanced Metallurgical Group (AMG) 5%. AMG is een grondstoffenproducent die lithium wil winnen in Brazilië. Het aandeel steeg vorig jaar 170%. De grote Amerikaanse lithiumproducent Albemarle stond woensdag nog 10% in de min en opende donderdag 4% lager. Het jaarverlies staat op ongeveer 20%.

Albemarle meldde woensdag zo'n $900 mln te willen investeren in de uitbreiding van de productie, naast de $170 mln extra die SQM zal uitgeven. De Chileense producent sprak in januari met toezichthouder Corfo af dat de productie tot 2025 verviervoudigd mag worden. Het is nog niet zeker of dat gebeurt. SQM liet donderdag weten dat de productie na 2019 alleen wordt opgevoerd als de marktomstandigheden gunstig zijn.

Morgan Stanley
De productieverhogingen wakkeren wel de geruchten aan dat de top van de markt in zicht is. Dat vermoeden bestaat bijvoorbeeld bij analisten van Morgan Stanley, berichtte de Financial Times eerder deze week. Zij verlaagden het koopadvies voor zowel SQM als Albemarle van 'kopen' naar 'houden'. De lithiumprijs zou de komende vier jaar weleens 45% kunnen dalen, denken analisten van de Amerikaanse zakenbank.

Erik van Rein
'Prijsdruk bij lithium op de loer'

Gepubliceerd op 2 mrt 2018 om 11:27 | Views: 3.219

AMG 15:42
35,60 -2,60 (-6,81%)

AMSTERDAM (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - Er dreigt prijsdruk bij lithium te ontstaan nu verschillende mijnbouwers hebben aangekondigd de productie van het metaal te willen verhogen. Het in Amsterdam genoteerde Advanced Metallurgical Group (AMG), een producent van lithium, geeft hierdoor fors terrein prijs op de beurs.

Lithium is onder meer een belangrijk product voor batterijen en de vraag neemt sterk toe. Om daarop in te spelen hebben Chileense mijnbouwers en het Amerikaanse chemieconcern Albemarle plannen aangekondigd om de productie op te voeren. Volgens Kepler Cheuvreux zorgen die berichten voor vrees dat de prijzen onder druk kunnen komen te staan na de opmars van de lithiumprijs in de afgelopen jaren.

Kepler stelt dat de middellange vooruitzichten voor de lithiummarkt uiteenlopen. Sommige analisten denken dat tijdelijke overcapaciteit op de loer ligt terwijl andere kenners juist denken dat er nog een duidelijk tekort zal zijn de komende jaren.

Kepler heeft een buy-advies voor AMG. Het aandeel noteerde vrijdagochtend omstreeks 11.05 uur ruim 5 procent lager op 36,24 euro. Donderdag daalde de koers al 7 procent.
Chile companies to invest USD 754 million in lithium industry

Reuters reported that Chile’s development agency Corfo said on Friday that companies from China and South Korea, as well as Chile, had been approved to make investments of around USD 754 million in the red-hot lithium industry. The companies selected in a bidding process to develop technology focused on the lithium market were Chile’s Molymet and China’s Sichuan Fulin Industrial Group, a joint venture between Samsung SDI Co Ltd and South Korea’s POSCO.

Corfo said that within two years the companies would be ready to produce about 58,000 tonnes of cathode per year, the main material in lithium batteries.

The Atacama salt flat is part of the so-called “lithium triangle” in Argentina, Bolivia and Chile, a region containing a large portion of the world’s lithium reserves.

Investment and output have increased in recent years as demand for electric vehicles surges.

The mining ministry said in a statement state-run miner Codelco had signed a contract to mine lithium from the Maricunga deposit, without giving details on potential partners or investments.

It would be the first foray into lithium for the world’s top copper producer. Corfo said in January it had struck a deal with miner SQM that would allow Codelco to begin lithium development in Maricunga.

Source : Reuters
New way to recycle lithium ion batteries

Metal News - Published on Tue, 20 Mar 2018
Image Source:

La Times reported that the promise of a global electric-vehicle transformation has a looming problem. The cathodes in the lithium-ion batteries typically used in electric vehicles are made of metal oxides that contain cobalt, a metal found in finite supplies and concentrated in one of the globe's more precarious countries.

But an assistant professor at UC San Diego said that he has developed a way to recycle used cathodes from spent lithium-ion batteries and restore to perform as well as they did when new.

Mr Zheng Chen said, a 31 year old who works as a nanoengineer at the Sustainable Power and Energy Center at UC San Diego's Jacobs School of Engineering that "Yes, it can work effectively."

The method also works on lithium cobalt oxide, which is widely used in electronic devices such as smartphones and laptops.

Mr Chen said that "In my house I have about six cellphones." Mr Chen said that "I have probably about five laptops. They all have lithium batteries. I thought, there is no clear system to recycle and retrieve them. From a battery researcher [standpoint] I know this is something we have to face, we have to solve."

The process takes degraded particles from the cathodes found in a used lithium-ion battery. The particles are then pressurized in a hot alkaline solution that contains lithium salt. Later, the particles go through a short heat-treating process called annealing, in which temperatures reach more than 1,400 degrees Fahrenheit.

After cooling, Mr Chen's team takes the regenerated particles and makes new cathodes. They then test the cathodes in batteries made in the lab.

The results, Chen said, have been impressive.

The new cathodes have been able to maintain the same charging time, storage capacity and battery lifetime as the originals did.

Mr Chen said that "Originally I thought we couldn't get all this performance back, that we would lose 10% or 20%." Mr Chen added that "But it turns out we're getting exactly the same performance."

Details of the recycling method were recently published in the research journal Green Chemistry, submitted by Chen and two colleagues.

Source : La Times

Ronald de Boer schreef op 25 juli 2018 09:05:

AVZ Minerals is lekker aan het knallen de laatste maand!
En mag van mij nog wel een paar maanden doorknallen.
2018 is per saldo geen success geweest voor AVZ
Mali to produce lithium by 2020 with 694,000 tones discovered

ET reported that Mali is on track to start lithium production by 2020 and companies have already discovered 694,000 tonnes of exploitable reserves. The Goulamina and Bougoni projects in Mali, owned by Australian mineral explorer Birimian and Britain's Kodal Minerals respectively, have discovered reserves of over 48 million tonnes of ore including 694,000 tonnes of lithium. Yaya Djire, geology department chief at Mali's mines ministry, said "The numbers could go up as the research continues. Birimian should start production within two years."

Before 2017, Mali had only issued two lithium mining exploration permits, but it has since granted about a dozen, and more are still awaiting authorisation. He said "Since 2017, a dozen exploration permits have been delivered to companies, all located in the mining area of Bougouni (about 150 km south of Bamako) which is the main area of lithium deposits.”

Global lithium reserves stand at around 16 million tonnes and the majority of production is focused in Chile and Australia, according to U.S. Geological Survey data.

Source : ET
Grote deal rond lithium Duitsland en Bolivia

Gepubliceerd op 12 dec 2018 om 17:04 | Views: 520

AMG 17:05
33,60 +0,38 (+1,14%)

BERLIJN (AFN/DPA/RTR) - Duitsland en Bolivia hebben een langjarige deal gesloten voor de levering van lithium voor gebruik in batterijen van elektrische auto's. Het Boliviaanse staatsbedrijf YLB sloot daarvoor een samenwerkingscontract met het Duitse technologiebedrijf ACI Systems.

De deal werd aangekondigd door de Duitse minister van Economische Zaken Peter Altmaier. Via een samenwerkingsverband moet vanaf 2022 jaarlijks tot 40.000 ton lithiumperoxide worden geproduceerd voor een periode van zeventig jaar uit de Uyuni-zoutvlakte in Bolivia. Ook komt er een fabriek voor batterijen voor elektrische auto's in het Zuid-Amerikaanse land.

Door de leveringsdeal wil Duitsland de toevoer van lithium voor lange tijd veiligstellen en minder afhankelijk zijn van leveranciers van accu's uit Azië. In eerste instantie is een bedrag van 400 miljoen euro met de overeenkomst gemoeid.
Chilean lithium exports continue rise in 2018 - Central Bank

Economic Times reported that Chile's exports of lithium carbonate reached USD 949 million in 2018 compared to USD 686 million the previous year as demand and prices for the key component in electric vehicle batteries continues to rise.

Central bank said that the value of exports of the metal from Chile reached USD 65.8 million in December, compared to a high of USD 97 million in August, USD 71 million in November and USD 45 million in December 2017. The increase represented a year-on-year rise of 46.2 percent.

Chile lies in the "lithium triangle" in Argentina, Bolivia and Chile, a region containing a large portion of the world's lithium reserves.

Top lithium producers Albemarle and SQM have both signed deals in recent years with the Chilean government to increase production in the lithium-rich Salar de Atacama.

Global demand for lithium is expected to quadruple by 2025.

Source : Economic Times
Cobalt 27 acquires lithium royalty on the producing Mount Marion Lithium Mine in Western Australia

Cobalt 27 Capital Corp announced the acquisition of a royalty of 1.5% of gross revenues and AUD 2 per tonne of ore mined under the Reed Industrial Minerals Pty Ltd sub-lease agreement held by Westgold Resources Limited, on the producing Mount Marion Lithium Mine located in Western Australia. Cobalt 27 is acquiring the Royalty from Westgold for total consideration of AUD 250,000, plus 200 metric tonnes of physical cobalt metal to be delivered to a LME-bonded warehouse of Westgold’s choice. Mr Anthony Milewski, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Cobalt 27, said that “We are committed to becoming a proxy for the large-scale transition to battery-based electric vehicles and energy storage systems. We are also intensely focused on accelerating near-term cashflow from battery metals streams and royalties. The producing Mount Marion lithium mine has the world’s second largest high-grade lithium concentrate - spodumene reserves. Production of lithium concentrate from the open-pit mine began in early 2017. Acquisition of the Royalty is being largely funded by a small percentage (7%) of our existing holdings of physical cobalt. This transaction diversifies our portfolio of battery metals into lithium and exemplifies our core strategy of solidifying Cobalt 27 as the leading battery metals streaming and royalty company.”

The Mount Marion lithium mine is jointly owned by one of China's largest lithium producers, Jiangxi Ganfeng Lithium Co, Ltd (43.1%), Mineral Resources Limited (43.1%) and Neometals Ltd (13.8%) (“Neometals”). In 2015, Neometals, through its 70%-owned subsidiary RIM, entered into an agreement to lease the lithium mineral rights over a portion of the Hampton Area Location 53 from Westgold. The lease applies to a 3 kilometer by 1 kilometer portion of the Hampton Freehold Location 53, containing extensions to the Mount Marion Lithium Projects Deposit 2 and 2 West, and the former WMC Deposit 3. The initial lease period is 10 years, with options for two 5-year extensions.

According to mining industry consulting firm CSA Global, the area is highly prospective, with the potential for additional, unmodeled ore in the Hampton Area Location 53. Lithium is a critical ingredient in all key electric vehicle (“EV”) battery chemistries; approximately 40% of lithium demand is attributable to EV and energy storage systems. EVs are expected to account for the majority of lithium demand by 2025.

Source : Strategic Research Institute

Lithium use in electric cars sold around the world surges 76%

Frik Els | 2 days ago |

Lithium use in electric cars sold around the world surge 76%
Lithium use rising.

Battery metals tracker Adamas Intelligence says that in February 2019, 76% more lithium carbonate equivalent (LCE) was deployed worldwide in batteries of new electric, plug-in hybrid and hybrid electric passenger vehicles compared to the same month last year.

The Dutch-Canadian research company, which tracks EV registrations and battery chemistries in more than 80 countries, says among all metals and materials found in EV battery cathodes, lithium use saw the greatest gains.
The surge in lithium use per kWh of battery capacity deployed is due to an ongoing shift from lithium iron phosphate (LFP) to nickel-cobalt-manganese (NCM) cathodes among Chinese vehicle makers — Adamas Intelligence

Adamas says the surge in lithium use per kWh of battery capacity deployed is due to an ongoing shift from lithium iron phosphate (LFP) to nickel-cobalt-manganese (NCM) cathodes among Chinese vehicle makers.

Full electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles are also taking market share from traditional hybrid vehicles, meaning that a greater share of kWh deployed this year was in the form of Li-ion cells, as opposed to NiMH cells, which contain no lithium, according to Adamas.

Globally, the top five cell suppliers by LCE deployed in February 2019 were Panasonic, LG Chem, CATL, BYD and Samsung SDI. Collectively, these five suppliers were responsible for almost 75% of all lithium deployed globally in passenger EVs around the world.

China's automakers association predicts sales of electric cars in China will reach a record 1.6 million units this year – up from 1.2 million in 2018 – representing around half of global sales.

Bloomberg reports there are now 486 EV manufacturers registered in China – more than three times the number two years ago.

Oud artikel 2011

Recycling van Lithium batterijen door umicore. Verder weinig over te vinden.. zijn er meerdere bedrijven bekend die hier een effectieve manier hebben gevonden of onderzoeken voor de recycling van deze batterijen?

Osho schreef op 7 juli 2019 21:24:

Oud artikel 2011

Recycling van Lithium batterijen door umicore. Verder weinig over te vinden.. zijn er meerdere bedrijven bekend die hier een effectieve manier hebben gevonden of onderzoeken voor de recycling van deze batterijen?
American Manganese is ermee bezig
Green technologie solutions
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Lithium batteries: Far more widely recycled than second-hand statistics imply

Published: 5 Jul 2019, 11:41
Andy Colthorpe


Taking apart and recycling the larger battery modules used in grid-scale storage and EVs is a task requiring far more skill than doing the same in portable electronics, the report says. Image: AltaGas.

Lithium-ion batteries are far more widely recycled than many people think, while China and South Korea are already leaders of the emerging circular economy of lithium, a report commissioned by the Swedish Energy Agency has found.

China Claims to Have Slashed Lithium Production Costs

If battery development and production is a matter of being competitive in the US, it is a life or death deal in China. Literally. Mostly because of the country's huge megalopolises, some with more than 30 million people. The high concentration of combustion engine cars in these relatively small places causes serious breathing problems, hence the country's concern in having more and more EVs. And it has recently achieved a major breakthrough in lithium production, according to the South China Morning Post.

While lithium international prices are currently between USD 12,000 and 20,000 USD per metric tonne, the Chinese government claims to have achieved to reduce its production to USD 2,180 with a new extraction process.

It is not clear if the selling prices of lithium are close to the production costs, since they are according to the South China Morning Post a very well guarded secret. If they are, that would represent a slash of 81.8% in costs when you consider the lowest price for the metric ton of this mineral. If you take the highest price, the cost cut would reach 89.1%.

Apparently, lowering production costs will just help improve profit margins. Qinghai Lithium Industry, a state-owned company that already uses this new method of extracting lithium, has reportedly managed to increase profits by more than 50%. It expects to do even better with further improvements to the process.

Anyway, specialists interviewed by the Chinese newspaper inform that production costs now released by the Chinese government are among the lowest in the market. If not the lowest ever.

Lithium production is complicated due to the sophisticated chemical processes involved in separating this element from others. This is especially true of magnesium, which shares very similar ionic properties with lithium.

Apart from the Qinghai Lithium Industry, China may also benefit as a whole. Although it concentrates most lithium processing plants and produces close to 70 percent of all the world’s lithium-ion batteries, the country has a very low production of the metal itself. Something that the new process may help to change by attracting more companies to this part of the business.

Source : South China Morning Post
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