GENFIT: The NASH Education ProgramTM – Inaugural Press
Conference, Paris – March 9, 2017
› Inaugural event for the launch of The NASH Education ProgramTM endowment
fund, Hôtel de Sers (Paris) – March 9, 2017 from 9am to 1pm
› With the participation of the President of its Scientific Committee, Professor Sven
Francque, Head of Department, Gastroenterology and Hepatology Antwerp
University Hospital, Antwerp, Belgium, as well as Professor Bertrand Cariou,
Director of the Thorax Institute (Institut du Thorax), Nantes University Hospital,
France, also a member of the Scientific Committee
› Presentation of the mission, the objectives, the means, and the first initiatives of
the fund engaged or planned for 2017
Lille (France), Cambridge (Massachusetts, United States), February 14, 2017 – GENFIT
(Euronext: GNFT - ISIN: FR0004163111), a biopharmaceutical company at the forefront of
developing therapeutic and diagnostic solutions in metabolic and inflammatory diseases, that
notably affect the liver or the gastrointestinal system, today announced that a press conference will
be held for the launch of The NASH Education ProgramTM, its endowment fund created at the
end of 2016.
The press conference will be the opportunity to present the action plan for the disease awareness
activities aimed at disseminating scientific and medical knowledge about NASH, to the medical
community, patients, and the general public.
The event will be hosted by The NASH Education ProgramTM’s Scientific Committee President Pr.
Sven Francque, MD, PhD, Head of Department, Gastroenterology and Hepatology Antwerp
University Hospital, Antwerp, Belgium, and by Pr. Bertrand Cariou, Director of the Thorax Institute
(Institut du Thorax), Nantes University Hospital, France, also a member of the Scientific
While most advanced drug-candidates are currently being evaluated in a final clinical trial phase
before commercialization in NASH, including GENFIT’s lead compound elafibranor, GENFIT is
preparing for the future.
The NASH Education ProgramTM’s ambition is indeed to contribute to the global effort aimed at
developing disease awareness in relation to public health challenges brought on by the
development of NASH, and at increasing knowledge around the disease without waiting for the first
diagnostic and therapeutic solutions to be available on the market.
The NASH Education ProgramTM will design, fund, and support collaborative approaches
involving partners from different backgrounds such as academic, corporate, or regulatory, and with
the potential to create valuable synergies in the NASH space, for the best patient care. Volunteers
will also have the opportunity to contribute to various initiatives.