2017 Press Releases
July 13, 2017
Nevsun Reports Increased Copper Production In Bisha Q2 Operating Results
Nevsun Resources Ltd. (TSX:NSU)(NYSE MKT:NSU) (“Nevsun” or the “Company”) is pleased to report its Bisha operating results for the three and six months ended June 30, 2017.
Bisha Operating Highlights During Q2 2017
Produced 5.7 million pounds of copper in copper concentrate
Produced 43.0 million pounds of zinc in zinc concentrate
Sold 7.7 million payable pounds of copper in copper concentrate
Sold 34.3 million payable pounds of zinc in zinc concentrate
Improved copper recovery to 51.6% from 34.0% during Q1 2017
“We continue to see gradual improvements in the plant performance,” stated Peter Kukielski, Nevsun CEO, “We are now producing copper concentrate consistently in the copper circuit versus the prior three quarters where bulk concentrate was being produced.”
Operations Review
YTD 2017 Q2 2017 Q1 2017(6) Q4 2016
Ore mined, tonnes(1) 1,305,000 654,000 651,000 670,000
Waste mined, tonnes 6,853,000 3,739,000 3,114,000 2,445,000
Strip ratio, (using tonnes) 5.3 5.7 4.8 3.6
Ore Milled, tonnes 1,189,000 590,000 599,000 579,000
Zinc feed grade, % 5.6 5.3 5.9 5.7
Copper feed grade, % 0.9 0.8 0.9 0.8
Recovery, % of zinc(2) 64.5 62.2 66.6 63.6
Recovery, % of copper(3)(4) 42.2 51.6 34 -
Zinc concentrate grade, %(5) 42.1 41.5 42.5 38.8
Copper concentrate grade, %(4) 17.6 17.4 17.8 -
Zinc in concentrate produced, millions of pounds 94.9 43 51.9 46.5
Zinc in concentrate produced, tonnes 43,000 19,500 23,500 21,000
Copper in concentrate produced, millions of pounds(4) 9.9 5.7 4.2 -
Copper in concentrate produced, tonnes(4) 4,500 2,600 1,900 -
Payable zinc in concentrate sold, millions of pounds 87.2 34.3 52.9 35.2
Payable zinc in concentrate sold, tonnes 39,400 15,400 24,000 16,000
Payable copper in concentrate sold, millions of pounds 7.7 7.7 - -
Payable copper in concentrate sold, tonnes 3,500 3,500 - -
(1) Ore tonnes mined in the six months ended June 30, 2017 included 1,237,000 tonnes of primary ore and 68,000 tonnes of supergene ore.
(2) This represents the overall combined zinc recovery from the zinc flotation circuits (and when bulk concentrate is produced in the copper circuit).
(3) This represents the copper recovery from the copper flotation circuit only, and excludes copper recovered to bulk concentrate.
(4) Operating statistics related to recovery as a percentage of copper, copper concentrate grade, and copper in concentrate produced, were not meaningful during Q4 2016.
(5) Represents combined concentrate grade for both zinc and bulk concentrates.
(6) Amended for change in classification of previously reported bulk concentrate to copper concentrate and for adjustments identified on final reconciliations of production for the quarter.
Bisha Q2 2017 Operating Details
Bisha produced approximately 43.0 million pounds of zinc during Q2 2017. Zinc production decreased by 8.9 million pounds or 17% from the prior quarter as head grades decreased by 10% and zinc recoveries temporarily decreased as the Company placed additional effort on improved copper recoveries which had some impact on downstream zinc flotation. Bisha continues to work on strategies to better separate zinc and copper into their respective circuits.
Bisha produced approximately 5.7 million pounds of copper during Q2 2017. Copper production increased by 1.5 million pounds or 36% from the prior quarter as copper recoveries increased to 52%, despite a 10% decrease in head grade.
The Company amended its Q1 2017 production statistics to reclassify previously reported bulk concentrate production to copper concentrate. This reclassification was the positive result of selling a good portion of the bulk concentrate on copper concentrate terms in the second quarter. In addition, Q1 2017 production statistics were also amended to reflect book-to-physical adjustments from the first quarter production reconciliation.
“We have a strong team of world-class consultants supporting Bisha. Management remains focused on moving toward the original plant design by further enhancing recoveries and concentrate quality as quickly as possible,” stated Peter Kukielski.
A full strategic update, quarterly financial results, Bisha mineral reserve update and Timok project update will be reported Wednesday, August 9, 2017 per the news release dated June 27, 2017.