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Nevsun heeft koper, zink en veel cash

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Nevsun Resources Drills 265.5 Metres of 6.77% Copper and 3.67 g/t Gold at Timok Project, Serbia

Drill Results Copper

Drilling confirms continuity and the high-grade nature of the Upper Zone
New massive and semi-massive sulphide intersections include:
16.94% Cu and 6.97g/t Au over 25.5m, within 4.46% Cu and 2.38g/t Au over 280.0m in TC160146B
15.86% Cu and 7.69g/t Au over 27.0m, within 5.18% Cu and 2.28g/t Au over 274.5m in TC170157
20.57% Cu and 9.17g/t Au over 49.5m, within 6.77% Cu and 3.67g/t Au over 265.5m in TC160147
15.63% Cu and 12.28g/t Au over 19.5m, within 5.37% Cu and 4.94g/t Au over 177.0m in TC160142
Exploration drilling for additional Upper Zone type deposits underway

Nevsun CEO, Peter Kukielski, commented, “The high-grade assays reported today are the final holes from the infill drill program for the Timok Upper Zone. This drilling is enabling development of improved geological and geotechnical models and we expect an upgrade to a high percentage of the resources. We are also excited to have exploration for additional Upper Zone type deposits underway. At the Bor operation, just five kilometres away, there were in excess of twenty separate high sulphidation epithermal “upper zone” type deposits, we believe the possibility of finding additional deposits should be high.”

Detailed drill results, sections and a plan map of drill hole locations are attached to this news release. Holes are designed to intersect the high sulphidation mineralization at 80 to 95% of true width.

Timok Copper-Gold Project

Timok Project is located in eastern Serbia near the Bor mining and smelting complex. The Timok Project is focussed on the Cukaru Peki (“Timok”) deposit which includes the high grade Upper Zone (characterized by massive and semi-massive sulphide mineralization) and the Lower Zone (characterized by porphyry-style mineralization).

Timok Upper Zone

The high sulphidation epithermal mineralization (HSE) in the Upper Zone comprises massive sulphide, semi-massive and also vein, stockwork, dissemination and hydrothermal breccia matrix sulphide hosted by strongly altered andesite. The HSE mineralization forms a single coherent zone at depths ranging from 400 to over 800m below surface. Pyrite is the dominant sulphide mineral and covellite the principal copper mineral with lesser enargite, bornite and chalcocite occurring in veins, hydrothermal breccias, disseminations and replacement. Gold correlates with the copper sulphides preferentially occurring within pyrite bordering the copper sulphides.
Nevsun Resources: Significantly Undervalued Mining Corporation
Jul. 19, 2017 2:55 PM ET|
About: Nevsun Resources Ltd. (NSU), Includes: FCX
The Value Portfolio

Growth, long-term horizon, Deep Value, momentum

Nevsun Resources has had an incredibly difficult time over the past year. Despite this, the company continues to generate significant cash flow while exploring its Timok Project.

Commodity prices are recovering after the devastating 2011 crash. A lack of major projects and growing worldwide demand should continue to support prices.

Nevsun Resources' Timok Project has significant growth potential. The project's indicated resources alone have the potential to provide Nevsun Resources with a more than doubling in annual profits.

Nevsun Resources (NYSEMKT: NSU) is a mining company with a market cap of $0.7 billion that has had a difficult time recently. However, as we will see throughout this article, strong market fundamentals, along with the company’s impressive distribution of assets and growth potential from its Timok Project, make the company a strong investment at the present time.

Copper and Zinc Market Overview

Copper and zinc markets have both had an incredibly difficult time since the start of the commodity crisis in 2011.

Copper prices dropped from a peak of more than $4 per pound in 2011 to less than $2 per pound at year-end 2015. However, starting in late-2016, the market’s copper price began to recover to present prices of more than $2.5 per pound. Given that a significant portion of Nevsun Resources’ income comes from the 10-20 million pounds of annual copper it produces at roughly $1 per pound, a 50% increase in copper prices means an additional $7.5 million in profits annually, a lot for $0.7 billion company.

On top of that, scrap, or recycled copper, a major source of new production, has decreased in 1Q 2017. This can be attributed to more efficient copper usage in modern electronics which is harder to recycle and reuse. This, combined with continued strong demand in China and increasing demand in Europe / North America, means that prices should continue to recover.

This recovery in copper prices will continue to support Nevsun Resources’ profits.

Zinc Market Tightening - Wood Mac

Along with a recovery in copper markets, the zinc markets have begun to tighten which has supported prices recently. Zinc prices also have been increasing rapidly from less than $1 per pound to more than $1.2 per pound recently as the markets have tightened. Given that Nevsun Resources anticipates 2017 production of 200-230 million pounds of Zinc, that should provide an additional $40 million or so of revenue for Nevsun Resources.

Zinc Market Balance -

More importantly, both copper and zinc prices can be expected to continue increasing. Copper prices can be expected to continue increasing as a result of continued modest demand growth and the depletion of existing mines. Zinc demand is anticipated to continue increasing rapidly over the past decade while existing production and approved projects are declining. That means that there is a substantial zinc supply gap. That should support zinc prices and Nevsun Resources’ long-term profits.

As we can see, zinc and copper markets remain strong and should support the long-term profits of Nevsun Resources.

Nevsun Resources' Impressive Asset Distribution

Now that we have discussed the zinc and the copper markets, it is now time to continue discussing Nevsun Resources’ impressive distribution of assets, the next part of my thesis for Nevsun Resources.
Nevsun Resources has deployed $0.42 billion in capital on its only asset that is currently producing, the Bisha Mine. The company has developed the Bisha Mine on-time and under-budget over three phases with the most recent being the company’s recent Zinc plan. That has allowed this mine to generate an astounding $1 billion in cash over six years, incredibly impressive for a $0.7 billion company.

Now that the development phase is over, the profits from the Bisha Mine should begin to increasingly reward Nevsun Resources’ shareholders.

More importantly, Nevsun Resources has consistently increased resources in the Bisha Mine. Resources in this region have increased from 2010, with the feasibility study, by more than 125% to December 2016. This more than doubling of resources, on top of production from the mine, means that Nevsun Resources Bisha Mine should continue producing for much longer than its mine life without costing it additional capital. This should help long-term profits.

Nevsun Resources' Timok Project Growth Potential

We have discussed the impressive market fundamentals along with Nevsun Resources’ impressive asset potential through the Bisha Mine. We will now continue by discussing Nevsun Resources' new Timok Project and its growth potential.

Nevsun Resources originally acquired the Timok Project by acquiring Reservoir Minerals roughly a year ago. The acquisition, which cost Nevsun Resources several hundred million dollars, was dismissed by some at first as being too expensive. However, despite the cost, Nevsun Resources got a significant asset with the Timok Project that has the chance to generate the company significant long-term cash flow.

For starters, the Timok Project is centered in Serbia, a country that will provide Nevsun Resources with strong federal support. Serbia is committed to increasing the GDP contribution of mining from 2% to 5% by 2020, and this will require new projects. The company’s low 15% corporate tax rate and inexpensive energy costs along with its relative stability show the strong fundamental location of the Timok Project.

The Timok Project Upper Zone is the second-highest grade copper project behind Black Butte. The Upper Zone is made out of a semi massive sulphide deposition with 35 million tons of resources at 2.9% copper and 1.7 grams / ton gold along with a further 1.7 million tons of resources at 13.5% copper and 10.4 grams / ton gold. These resources have a NPV of $1.5 billion and a 12-year mine life from when production starts in mid 2021.

That means that once production starts Nevsun Resources will be producing roughly 140 kilotons of resources at 13.5% copper and 10.4 grams / ton gold. That means that this production, from the company’s indicated resources alone, should provide the company with $153 million in annual revenue. Assuming a 50% profit margin, similar to Nevsun Resources’ profit margin at the Bisha Mine, that would mean more than $75 million in annual profits.

That means the company’s profits alone, from just the Timok Project, in four years, should give the company an incredibly low P/E ratio of 10. That does not count any continued earnings from the Bisha Mine, the Timok Project Lower Zone, nor any success with the inferred resources. Not bad, in terms of profits, for holding onto the company’s stock for a few years.

The Timok Project also has the massive Lower Zone which Freeport-McMoRan (NYSE: FCX) has a 54% stake in after the completion of the Upper Zone feasibility study. The Lower Zone is a zone several times the size of the massive Upper Zone with extensive copper-gold mineralization and the potential to be a world scale project.

Nevsun Resources is undergoing $20 million of drilling in early 2018 to further investigate mineralization. I will update you guys with the results of this drilling which should provide a much better estimate of the value of these assets of Nevsun Resources.

Nevsun Resources has had a difficult time over the past year. We have watched the company’s stock price drop from a high of more than $3.5 per share to present prices of less than $2.5 per share. The company cut its dividend to save cash for drilling and spent a significant portion of its capital strength and diluted its share count to acquire Reservoir Minerals.

Despite this, for three key reasons, I still feel that Nevsun Resources is an impressive investment at the present time. First, the commodities market crashed heavily after 2011. However, the market is well on its way to recovery, and growing demand, especially for copper, should help this recovery to continue. Second, Nevsun Resources' impressive Bisha Mine has been the source of significant production that is likely to continue. This will provide a strong basis for Nevsun Resources’ profits. Lastly, Nevsun Resources' new Timok Project has incredibly impressive resources. This should provide the company with long-term growth in cash flow and enable it to grow its dividends significantly.

As a result of these three reasons, I recommend investors purchase Nevsun Resources stock immediately with the intention of holding it until 2020 onwards.

Disclosure: I am/we are long NSU, FCX.
Prijs koper roodgloeiend
49 min geleden Theo Besteman

De prijs van koper, veel gebruikt in woninbouw en industrie, hervat zijn stormachtige opgang. Vooral de Chinese economische groei dit najaar stimuleert de prijs.

Dat constateren analisten van ING Research. Het IMF kwam met betere groeivooruitzichten voor China voor 2017 en 2018.

Partijen koper verhandeld aan de metalenbeurs LME ging deze week al met 6% omhoog, over heel 2017 staat het metaal ruim 14% in de plus.
Minder vervuiling

Woensdag steeg de prijs met ruim 4% naar $2.8405. Het basismetaal noteert daarmee op het niveau van mei 2015.

Volgens ING Research zijn er veel signalen dat de Chinese overheid vervuiling in de industriële wil beperken en de slechtere metalen uit de markt gaat houden.

Op 20 juli bereikte de koperproductie in China zijn hoogste niveau sinds december 2015. Het metaal was afgelopen jaar al gewild vanwege de infrastructuurplannen van president Trump. Hij beloofde in tien jaar $1000 miljard te investeren. De markt constateert dat China het stokje heeft overgenomen.
Maand op maand

Citigroup, dat eerder een forse prijsstijging voorspelde, meldt dat de Chinese import van verfijnder koper blijft stijgen. China is zelf goed voor bijna de helft (49%) van het wereldwijde verbruik van koper, en produceert 35% daarvan. Volgens de International Copper Study Group is het koperverbruik voor de tweede maand op rij aan het stijgen.

Volgens James Butterfill van ETF Securities is de bezorgdheid over China van afgelopen kwartalen onder beleggers "overdreven". ,,De Chinese economie presteert beter dan verwacht."

Ook hedgefondsen hebben posities ingenomen die rekening houden met prijsstijgingen voor het bouwmateriaal. Het koper profiteert momenteel van de zwakke dollar tegenover de euro en het pond, nu steeds meer plannen van president Trump niet lijken te worden verwezenlijkt.

ABN Amro-econoom Casper Burgering constateerde eerder dat China voorlopig zijn stempel zal blijven drukken op de trends in industriële metaalprijzen. ,,Door de sterke verwevenheid van China met metaalmarkten spelen de economische ontwikkelingen in China een bovengemiddelde rol in de prijsbeweging", stelde hij.
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seadoc schreef op 27 juli 2017 21:56:
Deze jongen zit in kamp ridder :-).
Above you'll see that Nevsun trades at a discount to peers such as Taseko Mines (TGB), First Quantum (OTCPK:FQVLF), Trevali (OTCQX:TREVF) and Lundin Mining (OTCPK:LUNMF).

But even if Nevsun doesn't find any more deposits like the Upper Zone (which is unlikely given the similarities to the Upper Zone deposit), I believe the company is sitting on a highly valuable deposit, as is, that will turn into an economical mine. Among copper projects, this is one of the highest-grade projects in the world, and it should translate into very low cash costs.

Next up is a pre-feasibility study, targeted for September, which will incorporate the infill drilling results and an updated resource and reserve statement, as well as metallurgical studies. I think this could provide a catalyst for the share price that has been needed for some time now.

The market just isn't giving Nevsun credit for the excellent exploration results at Timok. The company's enterprise value currently sits at approximately $530 million (market cap minus net cash balance), while the Timok project PEA value exceeds that by nearly 3X (and this doesn't even include the Lower Zone, nor does it include Nevsun's Bisha operations). Financing shouldn't be an issue for the project.

Insiders have also been buying shares this year, which I see as a positive sign as it indicated insiders are bullish on the stock and think it is undervalued:

- On May 10-11, Anne Elizabeth Giardini, director, bought a total of 100,000 shares at prices between $3.09 - $3.15.

- On May 5, David Smith, director, bought 8,000 shares at $3.08.

- On May 4, Stephen Victor Scott, director, bought 5,000 shares at $2.85 and on May 2 he bought 7,500 shares at $3.15.

- On May 4, Joseph Giuffre, chief legal officer, bought 10,000 shares at $2.92; Giuffre also bought 18,500 shares at $3.51 on Feb. 27.

- On May 3, Thomas Whelan, chief financial officer, bought 50,000 shares at $3.13.

- On March 17, Peter Tam, VP of finance, bought 10,000 shares at $3.28.

- On March 13, Ian Pearce, director and chairman bought 29,5000 shares at $2.50.

(Note: All transactions on the TSX listing NSU.TO. The stock currently trades at C$3.10 on the TSX).

In conclusion, Nevsun is a highly undervalued copper-gold producer which I feel owns a highly valuable growth project in Timok. Readers may not know this, but in 2014, Nevsun was rumored to receive a takeover bid by a mining fund for $1 billion or over $5 per share on the US, however, the deal never happened. I think Nevsun will eventually exceed that share price as it unlocks value from Timok.

Again, I think a positive pre-feasibility study could boost shares in September. While I think Nevsun is likely to need additional financing to get Timok's Upper Zone to production given the current shortfall (based on the upfront capital estimate from the PEA and Nevsun's current cash balance, and future exploration expenditures at both Bisha and Timok), I don't think the company will have much trouble either securing debt financing, or perhaps via creative financing from a gold stream or royalty (I think the Upper Zone is a great fit for a gold stream given the low project cash costs, exploration upside and substantial gold production expected).

We will know more once the pre-feasibility is released, and I'm looking forward to seeing the results.
Buried in this same news release, there is another significant development. The company seems to believe that there is potential for additional “Upper Zone type deposits” yet to be discovered on the Timok land package. CEO Kukielski commented:

“We are also excited to have exploration for additional Upper Zone type deposits underway. At the Bor operation, just five kilometres away, there were in excess of twenty separate high sulphidation epithermal “upper zone” type deposits, we believe the possibility of finding additional deposits should be high.”

If management’s belief in additional high-grade deposits is vindicated, this has the potential to double the value of what Nevsun has at Timok. First results from this 10k meter exploration program should be announced later this year. If the company comes up dry in the program, it is unlikely to have an effect on the company’s already depressed share price. Success, however, would have a profound impact on the perceived value of Timok.

The next major catalyst at Timok is a Prefeasibility Study, which is expected in September. A PEA released in April 2016 projected a post-tax NPV of US$1.3b and an IRR of 96% at current metal prices. The upcoming PFS will show similar, if not better, numbers.

Keep in mind that the PFS will only include the 100%-owned Upper Zone and will not include the project’s much larger Lower Zone. (Upon completion of a feasibility study, Nevsun will own 46% of the Lower Zone and Freeport will own 54%.)

I’ve provided below the milestones that Nevsun shareholders should expect from both Bisha and Timok over the coming years:

Prefeasibility Study announced @ Timok Upper Zone by end Sept 2017
Drill results from exploration program around Timok land package by end 2017
Decline construction commences @ Timok Upper Zone by end 2017
Feasibility level recoveries @ Bisha by end Q2 2018
Feasibility Study announced @ Timok Upper Zone by end 2018
Main Resource announced @ Timok Lower Zone by end 2018
Decline reaches ore body @ Timok Upper Zone by end 2019
Initial production @ Timok Upper Zone by end 2021

Nevsun has no debt and roughly US$170m in the bank. Considering future cash flow from Bisha, the company may be able to develop and build Timok without any equity dilution (initial capex was projected at US$213m in last year’s PEA). If management is able to execute as it has in the past, we could see a US$10 stock when Timok commences production within the next 4-5 years.
Nevsun will report its second quarter 2017 financial and operating results on Wednesday, August 9, 2017.

seadoc schreef op 5 augustus 2017 13:37:

Nevsun will report its second quarter 2017 financial and operating results on Wednesday, August 9, 2017.

Een erg interessant stukje proza.
Vooral nogal wat vreemde tegenstellingen in dit bericht, zoals bijv.
het BS gehalte in opmerkingen van Kukielski als:
'Overall, the Company is in a stronger position to fund Timok with cash flow from Bisha and cash of $171 million on the balance sheet." Er is nl een forse negatieve cashflow. In Bisha wordt nog maar 24M geinvesteerd. Merkwaardig genoeg wil hij dat ook uit die cashflow doen, die er dus niet is.

Geen echte verrassingen hier:
Bisha blijft voortmodderen, kan de huidige cashburn bij lange na niet dekken en wordt versneld afgebouwd: in 2021 op non-acrief, niet toevallig het punt waarop Timok actief zou moeten zijn. PFS Timok iets uitgesteld 'om de FS vervolgens beter en sneller te kunnen presenteren'.
Geen woord over dat onzinnige dividend-restje dat onmiddellijk stopgezet zou moeten worden.

Ergo: nu heeft NSU nog een goede uitgangspositie: cash op de bank en zou te zien een mooi nieuw project. Cashburn is nu iets van 20 M per kwartaal dus er is nog tijd voor een partnership onder goede condities.

In de recente CC wordt gemeld dat men actief op zoek is naar een partnership om Timok van de grond te krijgen. Cruciaal in dit geheel. Echter geen woord hierover in het PB...


Ze pakken een eenmalige afschrijving van 70 M. Recorded a $70 million non-cash, pre-tax write-down of long term stockpiles and mobile equipment.
Zonder dat zitten ze op breakeven wat de net-income betreft.
Working capital (millions)
q2 2017: 171.1
q1 2017: 190.3
q4 2016: 201.1
q3 2016: 206.9
Koper productie gaat behoorlijk omhoog maar de cash cost voor een pondje koper ook...


seadoc schreef op 10 augustus 2017 10:28:

-13 % nabeurs trouwens, dat zie ik nu pas.
Gelukkig heb ik ook nog Galapagos en bitcoins......

Spreiding is en blijft noodzakelijk, alhoewel ik op de IEX behoorlijk veel personen tegenkom, die dat kennelijk niet doen.
maar zou je nu kopen ridder? Stel we openen ergens op 2,90 - 3,00 cad.

Laagste punt in 5 jaar.

seadoc schreef op 10 augustus 2017 09:54:

Ze pakken een eenmalige afschrijving van 70 M. Recorded a $70 million non-cash, pre-tax write-down of long term stockpiles and mobile equipment.
Zonder dat zitten ze op breakeven wat de net-income betreft.
Working capital (millions)
q2 2017: 171.1
q1 2017: 190.3
q4 2016: 201.1
q3 2016: 206.9
Koper productie gaat behoorlijk omhoog maar de cash cost voor een pondje koper ook...
De tekst over Bisha is ook duidelijk bedoelt om Eritrea onder druk te zetten; het zou nl een ramp zijn voor Eritrea als de mijn echt gesloten wordt. Nevsun wil een goedkope lening hebben of minder belasting betalen.

De verkoop van goud moet ca 18 miljoen opleveren.
Mijn aankopen van afgelopen week: BAM, POSTNL, KPN, AMG en niet te vergeten NEVSUN. Heb geen reukvermogen meer. Denk dat het daaraan ligt.

seadoc schreef op 10 augustus 2017 09:54:

Ze pakken een eenmalige afschrijving van 70 M. Recorded a $70 million non-cash, pre-tax write-down of long term stockpiles and mobile equipment.
Zonder dat zitten ze op breakeven wat de net-income betreft.
Working capital (millions)
q2 2017: 171.1
q1 2017: 190.3
q4 2016: 201.1
q3 2016: 206.9
Koper productie gaat behoorlijk omhoog maar de cash cost voor een pondje koper ook...

Ah. Mbt eenmalige afschrijving: Overheen gelezen. Dan valt het mee idd.


seadoc schreef op 10 augustus 2017 13:37:

Als je een beetje lange horizon hebt is het nog niet zo erg.

Loop met een verrekijker op.
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