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'Vangrail op zee' moet aanvaringen met windmolens voorkomen
ANP Producties 19 uur geleden

WAGENINGEN (ANP) - Een soort vangrail op zee moet voorkomen dat schepen in aanvaring komen met windmolens. In Wageningen wordt door onderzoekers van het Maritiem Research Instituut Nederland (MARIN) deze week een drietal veiligheidsconcepten getest.

Directe aanleiding voor de proef was het incident met het vrachtschip Julietta D. Dat schip raakte in januari op de Noordzee op drift, precies in het gebied ook waar een windpark wordt gebouwd voor de kust van Noordwijk. Daarbij voer het schip eerst tegen een tanker aan en daarna tegen een transformatieplatform in aanbouw en ook tegen de fundering van een windturbine.

Twintig experts bedachten in februari drie veiligheidsconcepten die nu op schaal in Wageningen worden getest. Als eerste wordt een opstelling getest waarbij een verankerde lijn met boeien als een soort vangrail moet voorkomen dat een schip richting de windmolens zou kunnen afdrijven. Als tweede gaat het om een net dat tussen palen wordt gespannen en op drift geslagen schepen moet tegenhouden. De derde en laatste methode die wordt onderzocht is een verankerde haaklijn onder water, waar als het goed is het anker van het op drift geslagen schip in vast komt te zitten.


MARIN legt uit dat een aanvaring met een windturbine op zee groot gevaar kan betekenen voor bemanning, passagiers, het schip zelf en het milieu. Ook omdat er een kans is dat een windmolen bij een aanvaring op een schip valt.

Tot 2030 worden er in de Noordzee alleen al zo'n 2500 windmolens geplaatst. Daardoor neemt de kans op ongelukken ook toe. Volgens MARIN kan het gemiddeld zo'n twee keer per jaar voorkomen dat een schip een aanvaring met een windmolen heeft. Gemiddeld tachtig keer per jaar raakt een schip op drift op de Noordzee.
Nederland zet meer in op windenergie
Verdubbeling van geplande capaciteit goed nieuws voor bouwers en toeleveranciers.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Nederland wil 10,7 gigawatt aan extra windenergie gaan genereren en wijst daarvoor drie nieuwe gebieden voor windparken op zee aan. Dit maakte het kabinet vrijdag bekend.

Ook werden twee al eerder aangewezen gebieden bevestigd.

Met deze vijf gebieden wordt de totale geplande capaciteit voor energie van wind op zee verdubbeld tot ongeveer 21 gigawatt rond 2030.

"Dit is een belangrijke mijlpaal in de transitie naar meer duurzame energie. Ter vergelijking, 10,7 gigawatt extra is twee keer zoveel als alle Nederlandse huishoudens samen gebruiken aan elektriciteit. Rond 2030 willen we 21 gigawatt uit windenergie op zee halen, waarmee windenergie op zee in 2030 onze grootste bron van elektriciteit is", zei minister Rob Jetten van Klimaat en Energie in een toelichting.

Om de plannen deels te financieren wordt 1,7 miljard euro uit het Klimaatfonds beschikbaar gesteld.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999
Vestas to Supply 7 Wind Turbines for Licata Wind Farm in Italy

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
22 Mar, 2022, 5:30 am

International renewables developer wpd has placed a 30 MW order for the Licata wind park to be located in Sicily, Italy. The contract includes the supply and installation of seven V150-4.2 MW wind turbines, six of them delivered in 4.3 MW optimised power mode, as well as a 15-year Active Output Management 5000 (AOM 5000) service agreement.

Turbine delivery is planned for the third quarter of 2023, whilst commissioning is expected for the fourth quarter of 2023.

With this project, Vestas has secured more than 1.6 GW of contracts derived from auctions in Italy, where it has installed over 4.7 GW since 1991, accounting for a market share of more than 40 percent.
Vestas to upply 7 Wind Turbines for Marhult Wind Farm in Sweden

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
24 Mar, 2022, 5:30 am

Vestas has received a 32 MW order from Marhult Vind AB for the Marhult wind project in the Uppvidinge municipality outside Växjö, Sweden. The order includes the supply and installation of seven V150-4.5 MW wind turbines, which are planned to be commissioned by the end of 2023. Deliveries at Marhult are expected to begin in the second quarter of 2023. As part of the Marhult order, Vestas has also secured a long-term Active Output Management 5000 service agreement to enable power performance certainty and Vestas’ industry-leading service expertise throughout the lifetime of the project.

Octopus Renewables, the fund management specialist which is part of Octopus Energy Group’s generation business, recently acquired the Marhult wind farm from OX2, and they are working together to build and operate it.
ZEBRA Produces First Prototype of Recyclable Wind Turbine Blade

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
24 Mar, 2022, 5:30 am

The ZEBRA, Zero wastE Blade ReseArch, consortium has marked a new step forward on the industry’s transition to a circular economy with the production of the first prototype of its 100% recyclable wind turbine blade. The 62m blade was made using Arkema’s Elium resin, which is a thermoplastic resin well known for its recyclable properties together with the new high performance Glass Fabrics from Owens Corning.

Launched in September 2020, the ZEBRA (Zero wastE Blade ReseArch) project is a unique partnership led by French research center IRT Jules Verne and brings together industrial companies including Arkema, CANOE, Engie, LM Wind Power, Owens Corning and SUEZ. Its purpose is to demonstrate the technical, economic, and environmental relevance of thermoplastic wind turbine blades on a full scale, with an eco-design approach to facilitate recycling.

Within the project, LM Wind Power has designed and built the world’s largest thermoplastic blade at its Ponferrada plant in Spain. This milestone is achieved after a year of material development and testing backed by sub-component level process trials by the consortium partners.

The liquid thermoplastic resin is perfectly adapted for the manufacturing of large parts by resin infusion, combined with Owens Corning high performance fabrics. The resulting composite material is delivering similar performances to thermoset resins but with a key unique benefit: recyclability.

Elium based composite components can be recycled using an advanced method called chemical recycling that enables to fully depolymerize the resin, separate the fiber from the resin and recover a new virgin resin & High Modulus Glass ready to be reused, closing the loop. This method, developed by Arkema and CANOE partners, are tested on all composite parts including waste generated from production. Owens Corning is also in charge of finding solutions for fiberglass recycling through remelting or reusing in various applications.

In addition to material testing and process trials, the companies have also made progress on developing and optimizing the manufacturing process by using automation, to reduce energy consumption and waste from production.

LM Wind Power will now start full-scale structural lifetime testing at its Test and Validation Centre in Denmark, to verify the performance of the composite material used in making the blade and its feasibility for future sustainable blade production. Once these tests are finished, the End Of Life recycling methods will also be validated.

The next steps are the recycling of production waste, the dismantling and recycling of this first blade and the analysis of the test results. By the end of the project in 2023, the consortium will have met the challenge of bringing the wind energy sector into the circular economy loop in a sustainable manner, according to the principles of eco-design.
Ørsted verkoopt 50% belang in Hornsea 2 offshore windpark voor $ 3,9 miljard, aan AXA en Crédit Agricole Assurances.

28-maart-2022 / 08:41 CET/CEST Verspreiding van een reglementaire aankondiging, verzonden door EQS Group. De uitgever is als enige verantwoordelijk voor de inhoud van dit bericht.

Ørsted heeft een overeenkomst getekend om een ??belang van 50% in zijn 1,3 GW Hornsea 2 offshore windpark in het VK te verkopen aan een consortium bestaande uit AXA IM Alts, handelend namens klanten, en Crédit Agricole Assurances.

Hornsea 2 is momenteel in aanbouw en zal 's werelds grootste offshore windpark worden zodra het later in 2022 in gebruik wordt genomen. De totale waarde van de transactie bedraagt ??GBP 3 miljard, en de transactie zal naar verwachting in de tweede helft van 2022 worden afgerond zodra het windpark is Volledig in opdracht en gebruikelijke wettelijke goedkeuringen worden verkregen.

AXA IM Alts en Crédit Agricole Assurances zullen dan elk 25% van het project bezitten. Het belang van 50% van de investeerders in Hornsea 2 zal worden gefinancierd door een combinatie van eigen vermogen en een senior multi-tranche stapelfinancieringspakket geleverd door 30 banken en inclusief een gedekte tranche gegarandeerd door EKF, het Deense exportkredietagentschap. Het financieringspakket is tot stand gekomen en gestructureerd door Ørsted.

Hornsea 2 beslaat een offshore-gebied van 462 km² en ligt 89 km uit de kust van Yorkshire in de Hornsea-zone, een van 's werelds grootste offshore-windontwikkelingsgebieden. Met een capaciteit van 1,3 GW zal Hornsea 2 voldoende groene stroom leveren om jaarlijks het equivalent van meer dan 1,3 miljoen huishoudens van stroom te voorzien. Hornsea 2 is een belangrijk project ter ondersteuning van de doelstelling van de Britse regering om tegen 2030 40 GW offshore windcapaciteit te realiseren.

Ørsted legt de laatste hand aan de bouw van het project en zal gedurende 20 jaar lange-termijn operaties en onderhoud (O&M) diensten leveren vanuit zijn O&M-basis in de haven van Grimsby, de grootste dergelijke basis voor offshore windparken ter wereld. Bovendien zal Ørsted de inkomende partners balancerings diensten en een lange termijnroute naar de markt bieden voor de hernieuwbare elektriciteit die wordt opgewekt uit Hornsea 2.

Martin Neubert, Chief Commercial Officer en Deputy Group CEO bij Ørsted, zei: "We zijn verheugd om samen te werken met AXA IM Alts en Crédit Agricole Assurances, twee toonaangevende financiële instellingen, die zich inzetten om de overgang naar een koolstofneutrale economie in lijn met het Akkoord van Parijs - en ondersteunt daarmee de dringend noodzakelijke verschuiving van fossiele naar hernieuwbare energiebronnen.'
Vattenfall Opens Energypark Haringvliet

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
29 Mar, 2022, 6:30 am

Energypark Haringvliet in Netherlands is inaugurated. It is Vattenfall’s first power plant that combines wind, solar and batteries. By combining these technologies, it will be able to produce energy at a lower cost, make a more efficient use of available grid capacity, with less impact on the environment. Therefore, Haringvliet will serve as a blueprint for future projects.

Located 20 kilometers south of Rotterdam, Haringvliet consists of six wind turbines, 115 000 solar panels and a large battery of 12 sea containers full of batteries. All three technologies jointly share the same grid connection. The energy park is expected to produce approximately 140 GWh of electricity annually, an amount equivalent to the consumption of 40 000 Dutch households.

Wind and solar power complement each other well during different seasons and can share the same grid connection, leading to less power needed to be reserved in the grid. The battery ensures that the net remains in balance. Also, the sharing of substation, cables, grid connection and the maintenance of roads saves time, money and have less environment impact.
Significant Milestones for HKZ Offshore Grid Connection Project

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
04 Apr, 2022, 6:30 am

Hollandse Kust (zuid) Alpha, Petrofac’s client TenneT’s high voltage connection for the Netherlands’ offshore wind farms HKZ I and II is ready for use. The installation and energisation of the offshore grid connection has been completed. Wind farm developer Vattenfall can now connect the wind turbines to the high voltage grid. On top of that, the HKZ Beta topside was successfully installed.

TenneT received the ‘Grid Readiness’ certification from DNV GL for HKZ Alpha on Tuesday 22 March. This means that this offshore grid connection fully complies with the conditions set out by the Offshore Wind Energy Development Framework.

Petrofac is responsible for the complete Engineering, Procurement, Construction and offshore installation of two High Voltage Alternating Current transformer stations - Alpha and Beta, both designed and built in the UAE. The Alpha topside was installed on its jacket, about 20 kilometres off the coast of The Hague, in December 2021. Sister topside Beta left its fabrication yard in Dubai in February 2022 and sailed to the North Sea, where it arrived last week.

After completion of all preparatory work, the Allseas multipurpose platform installation and removal vessel Pioneering Spirit lifted and positioned the Beta topside on its jacket, the foundation of the platform.

HKZ is the first subsidy-free wind farm area in the world. When fully operational in 2023, it will generate an amount of renewably energy that is equivalent to the annual consumption of more than two million households.
Empire Wind Selects Maersk to Supply Wind Installation Vessel

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
05 Apr, 2022, 6:30 am

Empire Offshore Wind, a joint venture between Equinor and bp, has awarded a contract to Maersk Supply Service for charter of its newbuild wind installation vessel. This vessel, together with US constructed barges and tugs built and operated by Kirby Offshore Wind, will be used for the installation of the project’s Vestas V236-15MW turbines. The newbuild vessel is planned to be ready for operation for Empire Wind I and II in the mid-2020s. Maersk has developed the vessel concept, which will deliver installation of wind turbines by a Jones Act compliant spread.

Maersk’s vessel will be supported by two newbuilt tugs and barges, which will transport the wind turbine components from the South Brooklyn Marine Terminal to the Empire Wind lease area, located 15-30 miles southeast of Long Island, New York. The barges and tugs will be constructed and operated by Kirby Offshore Wind, a subsidiary of Kirby Corporation. The concept ensures that the vessel can remain in operation while the barges transport turbine components from the staging port on a continual basis.

Empire Wind 1 and 2, part of the company’s portfolio of offshore wind projects off the US east coast, are key building blocks to accelerate profitable growth in renewables and to deliver on Equinor’s ambition to install 12-16 GW of renewables capacity by 2030. When completed, Empire Wind 1 and 2, will power more than 1 million New York homes. The project will be a major contributor to meeting US and New York State’s energy transition goals.
Repsol en Orsted onderzoeken samenwerking in Spanje
Gericht op windparken op zee.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Repsol en Ørsted willen een joint venture starten in Spanje gericht op offshore wind. Dit maakte Ørsted dinsdagochtend bekend.

De samenwerking moet de expertise van Repsol op het gebied van energie combineren met de ervaring van Ørsted op het gebied van offshore wind.

Spanje wil in 2030 3 GW opwekken met windparken op zee.

Repsol en Ørsted willen een rol spelen in de ontwikkeling van Spaanse windparken.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999
RWE, ABP & Port Milford Haven to Deliver Floating Wind for Wales

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
06 Apr, 2022, 6:30 am

RWE is partnering with the UK’s largest port operator, Associated British Ports and UK’s largest energy port, the Port of Milford Haven, to investigate the scaling-up of port facilities in support of a pipeline of gigawatt-scale floating wind projects in the Celtic Sea. Working together under a Memorandum of Understanding the industry leaders will investigate the potential for transforming infrastructure at ABP Port Talbot and Pembroke Dock into hubs for the manufacture, assembly and loadout of high-tech floating wind turbines and foundations, bound for the Celtic Sea, as well as floating operation & maintenance capability. The collaboration demonstrates a major commitment from all three companies to share knowledge and expertise, in support of broader industrial growth and investment in Wales.

The companies will together share knowledge and expertise, to investigate current and future port capabilities and propose solutions to deliver RWE’s preferred floating wind technologies out of South Wales ports, as well as a much broader pipeline of renewable energy technologies and projects across England and Wales, including hydrogen. This will include undertaking technical assessments, feasibility studies and economic impact studies of port capabilities and readiness to support the development of floating offshore wind projects, in order to maximise the benefits in terms of jobs, skills and long-term future investments.

The partnership will also allow the companies to provide expert technical assistance and support to The Crown Estate, during their process of Celtic Sea site leading and evaluation.
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De Nederlandse reder Amasus Shipping, gaat haar schip, De EEMS Traveler, voorzien van zuigzeilen, om de kracht van wind te benutten.

Het 91 m lange stukgoederenschip zal tijdens een havenbezoek in 2022 worden uitgerust met twee 17 m hoge eSAILs. Een soortgelijke unit werd in december 2021 door bound4blue geïnstalleerd op La Naumon, het grootste zuigzeil ooit gebouwd en geïnstalleerd op een schip.

De reder zei dat de zuigzeilen naar verwachting de brandstofkosten en de jaarlijkse CO2-uitstoot van het 2.850 dwt-schip met tot 30% zullen verminderen op gunstige handelsroutes. De installatie zal ook de Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI) van het schip verlagen en de Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) verbeteren, waardoor het verder zal voldoen aan de IMO-maatregelen die gericht zijn op het verminderen van de koolstofintensiteit van de internationale scheepvaart.

Arend-Jan Rozema, algemeen directeur van Amasus Shipping: “De juiste koers zetten is onlosmakelijk verbonden met de scheepvaart. In bound4blue hebben we een solide en professionele partner gevonden in onze missie als Amasus om de energetische voetafdruk van onze vloot te verkleinen. Wij zijn van mening dat wind een van de meest duurzame energiebronnen is die beschikbaar is en indien mogelijk ten volle moet worden gebruikt. Het verminderen van het energieverbruik door het combineren van meerdere technieken is de beste weg naar Duurzame Scheepvaart.”

1,400 Tonne Substation for RWE Kaskasi Wind Farm Installed

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
07 Apr, 2022, 6:30 am

Kaskasi is RWE’s sixth wind farm off the German coast, the 342 megawatt project is being built 35 kilometres north of the island of Heligoland and recently celebrated a ‘wedding ‘on the high seas. A ‘wedding’ is what the construction process is called when the substation topside is successfully placed on the foundation. The offshore substation is the heart, where electricity generated by each wind turbine flows together to be converted to the necessary transmission voltage.

The journey of the 1,400 tonne substation topside started in Danish Aalborg at the manufacturing facility of Bladt Industries and took two days to ship across the North Sea. Gulliver, a Floating Heavy Lift Vessel of SCALDIS, placed the substation onto the monopile foundation, completing the installation of the heaviest component of the Kaskasi offshore wind farm.

In parallel, foundation installation works are underway: With Seaway 7’s Strashnov, DEME’s Neptune and Sea Challenger and Fred Olsen’s Blue Tern, four vessels are engaged in the installation of a total of 38 monopile foundations for the wind turbines and their transition pieces. The foundations, each up to 64 metres long, weigh up to 740 tonnes – approximately equivalent to 600 small cars. The operations and processes at the offshore construction site are coordinated around the clock by the RWE Control Room on Heligoland. The nautical staff at Ems Maritime Offshore are supporting the RWE team.

To install the foundations into the seabed at depths of 18 to 25 metres, RWE is utilising two installation methods: conventional hammering and innovative vibro pile driving technology, which has the potential to reduce underwater noise emissions. This benefits the marine environment in particular. The pilot implementation of the vibro technology at Kaskasi is accompanied by the “VISSKA” research project, which is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action.
Iberdrola Gets Approval for UK's Undersea Energy Mega Highway

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
07 Apr, 2022, 6:30 am

The UK electricity market regulator Ofgem has granted the consortium formed by Iberdrola, through its subsidiary ScottishPower Energy Networks and National Grid Electricity Transmission, provisional approval to build the 2-gigawatt power line linking Scotland to the north-east of England. It is one of two submarine cables that make up the Eastern Link project, which includes another cable of the same nature and capacity being developed by the consortium between the electricity utility SSE and National Grid.

According to Ofgem, this new transmission infrastructure is needed to improve the capacity of the interconnection network between Scotland and England and enable renewable energy produced in Scotland to reach the country's most energy-intensive regions. At an estimated cost of £3.4 billion for the two links, Eastern Link would be the largest electricity transmission investment project in Britain's recent history.

Together, the two cables will form an undersea superhighway capable of carrying enough electricity to meet the demand of around four million UK homes. The Iberdrola and National Grid project will run between Torness (Scotland) and Hawthorn Pit (England), while the SSE and NGET project will link Peterhead (Scotland) and Selby (England).

Ofgem has stated that progress on interconnections, essential to the UK's energy transition, represents a clear benefit for consumers. Ofgem's decision will also accelerate investment in renewable energy sources, essential for decarbonisation and the country's energy independence.
Pleidooi om schepen te weren uit windmolenpark na val rotorblad
ANP Producties 17 uur geleden

KOPENHAGEN (ANP/BLOOMBERG) - Het Deense energiebedrijf Ørsted, 's werelds grootste ontwikkelaar van offshore windparken, vraagt autoriteiten om schepen te verbieden door een aantal windmolenparken op zee te varen. Dit nadat een rotorblad van een windmolen van een Deens windpark in zee was gewaaid.

De betreffende windmolen is van de hand van Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy. Het aandeel van de windmolenproducent verloor stevig aan waarde na het nieuws over de kapotte turbine. Het incident gebeurde bij het windpark Anholt Offshore Wind Farm in het Kattegat.

Ørsted vraagt de autoriteiten nu om het scheepvaartverkeer niet meer toe te staan in de buurt van al zijn windmolenparken op zee die gebruik maken van de betreffende turbine. Siemens Gamesa onderzoekt het incident.

Honderden oude windmolens in Flevoland moeten weg, welk lot wacht ze? ‘Ongepast om goede turbine weg te gooien’

600 oude windturbines in Flevoland moeten de komende jaren wijken voor nieuwe en grotere molens. Voor de oude exemplaren, die vaak nog jaren meekunnen, moet een oplossing worden gevonden. Het liefst een duurzame. Maar dat blijkt in de praktijk behoorlijk ingewikkeld. Welk lot wacht ze? ,,Het is ongepast een goed werkende turbine op de schroothoop te gooien.”

Paolo Laconi 9 apr. 2022
Eolus & Hydro REIN Sell 75% of Wind Power Project to MEAG

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
19 Apr, 2022, 6:30 am

Eolus and Hydro REIN have signed an agreement with MEAG regarding the sale of 75% of the shares in the 260 MW wind power project Stor-Skälsjön in Sweden. The transaction covers 75% of the shares in the project company at an enterprise value of EUR 361.4 million (100% basis). Eolus is to sell all its shares amounting to 51% for a purchase price of EUR 18.4 million. Hydro REIN will sell 24% of the shares for a purchase price of EUR 8.7 million and will remain as co-owner of the project with a 25% interest. Eolus and Hydro REIN acquired the project, which is located in Sundsvall and Timrå municipalities in Sweden, from Enercon in June 2021.

The wind farm will comprise of 42 Siemens Gamesa SG 6.6-170 wind turbines (turbine supply agreement communicated on December 30, 2021). Construction has started and commissioning is planned for autumn 2023.

Eolus and Hydro REIN will jointly construct the wind farm on behalf of the investors under a Construction Management Agreement (CMA). Revenues under the CMA are estimated to approximately EUR 42.3 million to be shared 51/49 between Eolus and Hydro REIN. As part of the agreement Eolus has also been entrusted to provide technical, operational and administrative services for the wind farm on a 15-year contract.

The transaction is subject to customary approvals from competition authorities and is expected to be completed later this year.

Hydro REIN was established in 2021 as part of Hydro’s strategy to grow in renewables. The company aims at becoming the preferred supplier of renewable power and other energy solutions for industrial clients. Hydro REIN has a significant pipeline of wind and solar projects in Brazil and the Nordics for long-term power supply to Hydro and other industrial offtakers. Hydro REIN is also developing a range of energy solutions to assist industries with the management and optimization of its energy consumption and storage behind-the-meter.
ENCAVIS AG Acquires Danish Wind Farm Svoldrup

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
18 Apr, 2022, 6:30 am

SDAX listed Encavis AG & Prime Standard have acquired Danish wind farm Svoldrup in the North of Jutland already connected to the grid. This wind farm represents a generation capacity of 11.5 megawatts (MW) in total. Encavis acquired yet five of the six wind turbines in total of the type Siemens 2.3-93 (2.3 MW each), 126 metres high each of the wind generation plant, that were built in 2010. All in an excellent technical condition producing Green Energy since then very reliable. The sixth wind turbine is already owned by Encavis since 2019.

Revenue of the electricity production of the wind farm is fixed until end of 2023 by a pay-as-produced power purchase agreement (PPA). Encavis will fix another long-term PPA with a new party for the period post 2024.
Orsted Acquires Stake in Scottish Floating Wind Project

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
18 Apr, 2022, 6:30 am

World leader in offshore wind Orsted has acquired a majority stake in the 100 MW Salamander floating offshore wind development project on the Scottish coast, entering a joint venture partnership with Simply Blue Group, a leading Irish blue economy developer in floating offshore wind, wave energy and low-impact aquaculture. Ørsted will own an 80% stake in the project as Simply Blue Group’s newest JV partner on the project, alongside minority JV partner, Subsea 7.

Salamander is intended to be progressed through the innovation track of Crown Estate Scotland’s forthcoming Innovation and Targeted Oil and Gas (INTOG) leasing round later this year. Established by Simply Blue Group, the project is designed as a stepping-stone for floating wind technology, providing an opportunity for supply chain businesses to gear up for commercial scale floating wind opportunities and help the technology become cost competitive as early as possible. The Salamander project follows on from other such projects Simply Blue Group is developing with major energy operators around Ireland and in Wales.

Green Giraffe acted as advisor to Simply Blue Group and Subsea 7 on the Salamander joint venture with Ørsted.
Orsted & ESVAGT Join for Green Fuel Vessel for Offshore Wind

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
18 Apr, 2022, 6:30 am

Orsted and ESVAGT are taking a bold step to help decarbonise the maritime sector as well as the offshore wind industry. As part of a new pioneering agreement, Ørsted, the world leader in offshore wind, and ESVAGT, a market leader in service and support for offshore wind, have decided to invest in the world’s first service operation vessel that can operate on green fuels. The SOV will be powered by batteries and dual fuel engines, capable of sailing on renewable e-methanol, produced from wind energy and biogenic carbon, which will lead to a yearly emission reduction of approx. 4,500 tonnes of CO2.

The maritime sector urgently needs new green fuels, which today come at a higher cost than the fossil-based alternatives. By ordering the new SOV, Ørsted and ESVAGT are showing their commitment to a green maritime sector and helping create the needed demand to accelerate to cost reductions of green fuels for the maritime industry. The investment decision also sends a clear signal that the future for both service and installation vessels is green. For the new SOV, Ørsted intends to supply the e-methanol.

An offshore wind farm already has 99 % lower emissions than a coal fired power station, seen over the entire lifetime of the asset, including production, construction, and installation. Today’s announcement between ESVAGT and Ørsted will be a step on the way towards mitigating the remaining emissions. Furthermore, the decision to invest in the new green fuel SOV supports Ørsted’s target of becoming carbon-neutral in its energy generation and own operations by 2025 and is a tangible example of the company’s decarbonisation journey towards its science-based target of reaching net-zero emissions across the full value chain by 2040. Ørsted is the first energy company in the world with a science-based net-zero target, validated by Science Based Targets initiative.

ESVAGT will start building the vessel in the second quarter of 2022. Once commissioned by the end of 2024, the SOV will start servicing the world’s largest offshore wind farm, Hornsea 2, off the UK’s east coast.
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