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KOPENHAGEN, 25 november (Reuters) - Denemarken houdt op 1 december een loterij om de winnaar te kiezen van een wedstrijd voor de bouw van het Thor offshore windmolenpark van 1 gigawatt, dat het grootste van het land zal zijn, nadat er verschillende biedingen waren gedaan met een minimale subsidie prijs bijna nul, zei het op donderdag.

Het project is een van de drie grote offshore windparken die Denemarken vóór 2030 wil hebben gebouwd als onderdeel van zijn plannen om de koolstofemissies tegen 2030 te verminderen tot 70% onder het niveau van 1990.

Het Deense Energieagentschap zei dat het een aantal bieders uitnodigde om deel te nemen aan de trekking, nadat het verschillende aanbiedingen had ontvangen voor de minimumprijs van 0,01 øre/kWh (0,0001 Deense kronen) en de volledige capaciteit.

De aanbesteding is gebaseerd op een zogenaamd Contract for Difference (CfD)-schema, wat inhoudt dat de winnaar gegarandeerd een minimumprijs voor zijn elektriciteit krijgt.

Wanneer de groothandelsprijs voor stroom stijgt tot boven de CfD-uitoefenprijs, die in dit geval bijna nul is, zal de generator extra geld aan de overheid terugbetalen totdat een plafond van 2,8 miljard Deense kronen ($ 423 miljoen) is bereikt.

Dit zal waarschijnlijk binnen twee tot drie jaar gebeuren en daarna zal de generator volgens de Deense windlobbygroep WindDenmark alleen geld verdienen met de verkoop van stroom tegen marktvoorwaarden.

De stijgende vraag naar windenergie, technologische vooruitgang en concurrentie tussen turbinefabrikanten hebben geleid tot een daling van het niveau van de subsidies die overheden betalen om projecten te laten bouwen. Sommige landen hebben zelfs aanbestedingen gegund zonder prijsondersteuning.

Het Deense project heeft belangstelling getrokken van traditionele windspelers zoals Orsted en bedrijven zoals de Franse oliegigant TotalEnergies, die voor de veiling samenwerkte met het Spaanse Iberdrola.

Andere bieders zijn het Zweedse Vattenfall, een joint venture tussen het Nederlandse energiebedrijf Eneco en het Deense European Energy, evenals een gezamenlijk bod van het Britse nutsbedrijf SSE en Thor OFW. Ook het Duitse RWE participeert via een dochteronderneming.

Thor zal naar verwachting tussen 2025 en 2027 op het net worden aangesloten en de totale investeringskosten worden geschat op 15,5 miljard kronen.

Het hoofd van Siemens Gamesa waarschuwde woensdag dat een tien jaar durende race om de kosten van het opwekken van windenergie te verlagen, niet kon doorgaan, omdat het de financiële slagkracht van turbineproducenten zou verminderen om te blijven investeren in nieuwe technologieën.
Power Purchase Agreements Signed for Dogger Bank Phase C

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
30 Nov, 2021, 5:30 am

SSE Renewables and Equinor, the joint venture partners co-developing the 3.6GW Dogger Bank Wind Farm in the North Sea, have announced that 15-year offtake Power Purchase Agreements have been signed for the third phase of the world’s largest offshore wind farm. Dogger Bank Wind Farm will be constructed over 130km out to sea off the north-east coast of England, where wind speeds are higher and more consistent than near to the shore. Due to its size and scale, Dogger Bank Wind Farm is being built in three consecutive 1.2GW phases; Dogger Bank A, Dogger Bank B and Dogger Bank C. Each phase is expected to generate around 6TWh of electricity annually, totalling 18TWh annually across all three phases – that’s enough renewable electricity to supply 5% of the UK’s demand and equivalent to powering six million UK homes.

Separate PPAs for a total of 1.2GW for Dogger Bank C have been concluded with sponsor offtakers Danske Commodities (40% share) on behalf of Equinor and SSE Energy Supply Limited (20% share) on behalf of SSE Renewables, and also with external offtakers Centrica Energy Marketing and Trading (20% share) and Shell Energy Europe Limited (20% share). The agreements are subject to Financial Close on Dogger Bank C, which is expected by the end of 2021.

Danske Commodities will have trading and balancing responsibility for 480MW while Centrica Energy Marketing and Trading, Shell Energy Europe, and SSE Energy Supply will have responsibility for 240MW each of installed generation capacity across Dogger Bank C.

Dogger Bank Wind Farm secured 3.6GW of offshore wind contracts in the UK Government’s 2019 Contracts for Difference (CfD) auctions. The CfDs awarded provide overall price certainty to each phase of Dogger Bank Wind Farm for a period of 15 years.
Jan De Nul & LS Cable Complete Wind Farms Submarine Power Cables

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
30 Nov, 2021, 5:30 am

LS Cable & System and Jan De Nul Group announce the completion of the first lot of submarine power cables for TenneT’s offshore projects Hollandse Kust noord and west Alpha in the Netherlands. Jan De Nul’s cable laying vessel Isaac Newton will load the 220 kV AC cables from LS Cable’s factory in Donghae, South Korea, and transport them to the project for installation in April 2022.

This first lot consists of the complete cables for Hollandse Kust (noord) and the nearshore section for the Hollandse Kust (west Alpha). In total, this is more than 90 km of cables, weighing 7,160 tonnes and having very large cross sections resulting in an overall cable diameter of more than 25 cm. Jan De Nul Group and LS Cable & System are jointly responsible for the design, supply, installation, protection and testing of the 210 km of submarine power cables for HKn and HKwA of TenneT. Delivery of the HKn project is foreseen by the end of 2022. The HKwA project is planned to be finished by the end of 2023. Both windfarms have an installed capacity of 700 MW. This means they will generate together the amount of energy that is used yearly by approx. 1.4 million Dutch households.

The cable laying vessel Isaac Newton will install the cables on the seabed. In the nearshore area, the in-house developed tracked vertical injector Moonfish will bury the cables up to 8 m below the seabed level. The burial offshore is taken care of by the trencher UTV1200, supported by the multipurpose vessel Adhémar de Saint-Venant. Jan De Nul will also install multiple cable protection systems and rock berms at the cable crossings along the route.

Jan De Nul’s scope includes the transport and installation of the submarine power cables. LS Cable is responsible for the design, manufacturing, termination and testing of the submarine power cables, as well as for the 10.5 km of land cables and approximately 1 km of platform cables. The land and platform cables were already successfully manufactured and transported to the project site earlier in 2021.

About the submarine cables

Nominal voltage of 220 kV AC

Overall cable diameter of more than 25 cm

Minimal amount of factory joints

In-house developed joints and terminations

Integrated 144 fibres using 3 loose tubes stainless steel FO cables

About the Hollandse Kust (noord) and (west Alpha) project

With the Hollandse Kust (north) and (west Alpha) projects, TenneT takes care of the connection of the wind farms in the North Sea to the national electricity grid (Grid at Sea), and of the wind farms to be constructed in the North Sea to the national electricity grid (Net op Zee.

TenneT is constructing two offshore platforms, one for Hollandse Kust (noord) and one for Hollandse Kust (west Alpha). These platforms gather the wind energy generated by the corresponding wind farms and transform this energy from a voltage of 66kV to 220kV.

To transport the energy to the mainland, two submarine power cable systems per platform run from the offshore platform to the onshore grid, meaning in total four cable systems. They arrive on land just north of Wijk aan Zee, in the municipality of Heemskerk.

A new onshore transformer station is being built to transform the energy further to a voltage of 380kV.

The construction of the Grid at Sea and the wind farms is being carried out on behalf of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate.
RWE Renewables Order 44MW Wind Turbines from Nordex

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
01 Dec, 2021, 5:30 am

The Nordex Group has received an order from RWE Renewables to supply and install wind turbines totalling 44 MW in France. The order also includes a Premium Service contract for the turbines covering a period of five years.

For the first time, the Nordex Group will deliver turbines from the Delta4000 series to France: eleven N149/4.X will be installed in the “Nouvions” wind farm in the Département Aisne. Construction work is due to begin in August 2022 with commissioning following in October.
LM Wind Power to Produce Zero Waste Blades by 2030

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
01 Dec, 2021, 5:30 am

GE Renewable Energy LM Wind Power announces that it will produce zero waste blades by 2030, a significant milestone for the industry as it seeks to reduce the carbon footprint of its products. The commitment represents a step forward in the company’s sustainability journey after becoming the first carbon neutral business in the wind industry already in 2018. LM Wind Power will play a central role in supporting its customers to develop fully circular wind turbines that generate less waste during their production. In practice, LM Wind Power’s vision of zero waste blades means the company aims to send no excess manufacturing materials and packaging to landfill and incineration without energy recovery by 2030.

Waste from manufacturing represents one of the biggest challenges faced by many industries as they seek to reduce their carbon footprint. At LM Wind Power, nearly one third of its operational carbon footprint comes from waste disposal.

In the wind industry, around 20-25% of the materials purchased by wind turbine blade manufacturers do not go into the final product, and research indicates that blade manufacturing waste volumes are expected to be larger than decommissioned blade volumes during the coming decade.

For wind turbine and blade manufacturers alike, the key to reducing the product carbon footprint lies in the supply chain. In the blade life cycle, around 75% of CO2 emissions occur in the supply chain.

While blade manufacturing waste prevention and recycling will be a major focus for the company, LM Wind Power is also working with partners to establish sustainable, large-scale solutions to recycle decommissioned blades through the DecomBlades project. The company is also working on the development of next generation blades that can be more easily recycled through the ZEBRA (Zero Waste Blade Research) project.
RWE to Build Another Onshore Wind Farm in Italy

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
01 Dec, 2021, 5:30 am

Following its success in the Italian onshore auction, RWE is to build its 17th wind farm in Italy. The future 25.2-megawatt wind farm will be located in Sicily, where RWE already operates four wind farms. The Italian government has granted a bilateral contract for difference for the onshore project Selinus.

RWE is constructing six Vestas wind turbines (type V136) with rated power of 4.2 megawatts (MW). Once they have been commissioned in the third quarter of 2022, they will generate enough green electricity to cover the annual needs of more than 22,000 Italian households. RWE is investing over €30 million in the project. Selinus is scheduled to start generating electricity on a commercial scale in the last quarter of 2022.
Ørsted neemt definitief investeringsbesluit over twee Duitse offshore windparken
12/01/2021 | 09:11 uur EST

1.12.2021 15:10:38 CET| Ørsted A/S | Investeerdersnieuws

De raad van bestuur van Ørsted heeft de definitieve investeringsbeslissing (FID) genomen voor de twee Duitse offshore windparken Gode Wind 3 (242 MW) en Borkum Riffgrund 3 (900 MW), die naar verwachting respectievelijk in 2024 en 2025 in gebruik zullen worden genomen.

Rasmus Errboe, hoofd van de regio Continentaal Europa bij Ørsted, zei: "Borkum Riffgrund 3 is een mijlpaalproject en we zijn er trots op dat Ørsted opnieuw het voortouw neemt door als eerste FID te nemen in een koopvaardij offshore windproject in Duitsland. We hebben dit project naar voren gehaald door verschillende grootschalige overeenkomsten voor de aankoop van stroom te ondertekenen met toonaangevende bedrijven, een partner voor 50% van het windpark binnen te halen en Borkum Riffgrund 3 en Gode Wind 3 aan te schaffen en te installeren als één gigawatt-schaalproject. ”

Jörg Kubitza, directeur van Ørsted in Duitsland, voegt toe: “Met de beslissing om Gode Wind 3 en Borkum Riffgrund 3 te bouwen, breiden we onze Duitse portefeuille uit tot zes offshore windparken en een totaal investeringsvolume sinds 2012 van ongeveer 7,5 miljard euro. Terwijl Borkum Riffgrund 3 het grootste windpark inDuitslandtot op heden zouden windparken op gigawattschaal de norm moeten zijn bij het plannen van toekomstige offshore windbouw. Grootschalige projecten zullen de sleutel zijn tot het veiligstellen van de volumes groene energie die nodig zijn om klimaatneutraliteit te bereiken inDuitsland tegen 2045, een inspanning waarvoor wind op zee de meest geschikte bron van hernieuwbare energie blijft.”

De groeiende vraag van bedrijven naar langetermijnovereenkomsten voor de aankoop van stroom kan een aanvulling vormen op regelgevingsmechanismen zoals contracts for difference, die zowel voor ontwikkelaars als voor elektriciteitsklanten prijszekerheid op lange termijn creëren. Beide zijn cruciaal om te voldoen aan de toekomstige vraag naar groene stroom vanuit de industrie en de samenleving.

Ørsted heeft CPPA's ondertekend op Borkum Riffgrund 3 voor een totaal van 786 MW met Covestro (100 MW), Amazon (350 MW), REWE Groep (100 MW), BASF (186 MW), en Google (50 MW) ter ondersteuning van de uiteindelijke investeringsbeslissing door het creëren van een grote mate van inkomstenzekerheid voor Borkum Riffgrund 3.

Op 19 oktober van dit jaar, Glennmont Partnerswerd 50% aandeelhouder van Borkum Riffgrund 3. De overeenkomst met Glennmont werd onder bepaalde opschortende voorwaarden gesloten, waaronder de definitieve investeringsbeslissing van Ørsted. Nu het definitieve investeringsbesluit, de projectvergunning, de goedkeuring van de fusie en de goedkeuring van buitenlandse investeringen van kracht zijn, verwacht Ørsted de transactie uiterlijk in het eerste kwartaal van 2022 af te ronden.

Feiten over Borkum Riffgrund 3 en Gode Wind 3

Borkum Riffgrund 3 en Gode Wind 3 zullen een exportcapaciteit hebben van respectievelijk 900 MW en 242 MW en zullen in de Duitse Noordzee dicht bij de bestaande offshore windparken Borkum Riffgrund 1&2 en Gode Wind 1&2 van Ørsted.
Gode ??Wind 3 zal naar verwachting in 2024 in gebruik worden genomen en Borkum Riffgrund 3 zal naar verwachting in 2025 in gebruik worden genomen.

De stroom van beide projecten wordt opgewekt door: Siemens Gamesa offshore windturbines, elk met een vermogen van 11 MW en een rotordiameter van 200 meter.
Op de Duitse offshore windveilingen in 2017 en 2018 kreeg Ørsted het recht om vijf offshore windprojecten te bouwen, tegenwoordig bekend onder de geconsolideerde namen Gode Wind 3 en Borkum Riffgrund 3.

Met biedingen van EUR 0per MWh was Borkum Riffgrund 3 het eerste grootschalige offshore windpark ter wereld dat een nulbod kreeg. Dit werd mogelijk gemaakt door een aantal kostenfactoren, waaronder de installatie van de volgende generatie windturbinetechnologie, zeer goede locatieomstandigheden en hoge windsnelheden, en verwachte inkomstenstabiliserende CPPA's bij bedrijven.

Gode ??Wind 3 krijgt een gewogen gemiddelde subsidie ??van EUR 81 per MWh.

De informatie in deze aankondiging verandert niets aan de financiële vooruitzichten van Ørsted voor het boekjaar 2021 of het verwachte investeringsniveau dat voor 2021 is aangekondigd.
Siemens Gamesa to Supply Wind Turbines for Lestijärvi in Finland

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
02 Dec, 2021, 5:30 am

Siemens Gamesa has struck a 455MW deal with Swedish developer OX2 to supply its leading Siemens Gamesa 5.X platform to the Lestijärvi site for what will be Finland’s largest ever wind farm helping the country to take a giant leap in its energy transition. The wind project will deploy 69 of the SG 6.6-170 turbines to be installed in 2024 at the site in Central Ostrobothnia. The wind turbines are equipped with a 170-meter rotor and 6.6 MW generators providing one of the lowest Levelized Cost of Energy in the industry.

Lestijärvi will also be the largest ever wind farm in the country by installed capacity and when completed its annual energy production will be about 1.3 terawatt hours, equivalent to around two percent of Finland's total electricity production.

The wind farm will also be covered by a 35-year full scope service agreement assuring the turbines operate at their maximum capacity over their lifetime. A total of 64 turbines will sit on 155-meter towers, and the other five will use 145-meter towers.
RWE Secures Concession for Wind Farm off Danish Coast

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
06 Dec, 2021, 5:30 am

As announced by the Danish Energy Agency, the German-based energy company RWE was awarded the concession for the offshore wind project Thor. With a planned capacity of around 1,000 megawatts Thor will be Denmark’s largest offshore wind farm to date. The wind farm will be built off the Danish west coast and is scheduled to reach full operation in 2027. Once fully operational, Thor would be capable of producing enough green electricity to supply the equivalent of around 1.4 million Danish households.

RWE is a leading global player in renewables and number 2 worldwide in offshore wind. The company currently operates 17 offshore wind farms in five countries, and is developing and constructing some of the world’s most advanced offshore wind farms. In Denmark RWE is operating the Rødsand 2 offshore project, which is located south of the Danish island of Lolland, approximately 10 kilometres southeast of Rødbyhavn. The wind farm has an installed capacity of 207 MW (RWE share: 20%) and has been in operation since 2010. By 2030, as part of its ambitious investment and growth plan ‘Growing Green’, RWE intends to triple its global offshore wind capacity from 2.4 to 8 gigawatts.
Orsted Takes Investment Decision on 2 German Offshore Wind Farms

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
06 Dec, 2021, 5:30 am

Ørsted’s Board of Directors has taken final investment decision on the two German offshore wind farms Gode Wind 3 (242 MW) and Borkum Riffgrund 3 (900 MW) which are expected to be commissioned in 2024 and 2025, respectively. Ørsted has signed CPPAs on Borkum Riffgrund 3 for a total of 786 MW with Covestro (100 MW), Amazon (350 MW), REWE Group (100 MW), BASF (186 MW), and Google (50 MW) to support the final investment decision by creating a large degree of revenue certainty for Borkum Riffgrund 3.

On 19 October this year, Glennmont Partners became a 50% shareholder of Borkum Riffgrund 3. The agreement with Glennmont was made subject to certain conditions precedent, including Ørsted’s final investment decision. With the final investment decision, project permit, merger clearance, and foreign investment clearance now in place, Ørsted expects to complete the transaction no later than Q1 2022.

Borkum Riffgrund 3 and Gode Wind 3

Borkum Riffgrund 3 and Gode Wind 3 will have export capacities of 900 MW and 242 MW, respectively, and will be located in the German North Sea close to Ørsted's existing offshore wind farms Borkum Riffgrund 1&2 and Gode Wind 1&2.

Gode Wind 3 is expected to be commissioned in 2024, and Borkum Riffgrund 3 is expected to be commissioned in 2025.

The power from both projects will be generated by Siemens Gamesa offshore wind turbines, each with a capacity of 11 MW and a 200-metre rotor diameter.

In the German offshore wind auctions in 2017 and 2018, Ørsted was awarded the right to build five offshore wind projects, today known under the consolidated names Gode Wind 3 and Borkum Riffgrund 3.
RWE Commissions TetraSpar Floating Offshore Wind Demo Project

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
07 Dec, 2021, 5:30 am

RWE is well on track to become a leader in floating wind and to have one gigawatt either in operation or under construction by 2030. To gain experience early, RWE is participating in multiple high-profile floating demonstration projects like the TetraSpar Demonstrator. Together with its partners Shell, TEPCO Renewables and Stiesdal Offshore Technologies RWE has safely deployed and commissioned the TetraSpar floating foundation off the Norwegian coast.

The TetraSpar foundation is a tubular steel structure with a suspended keel. The floating platform, including the 3.6 megawatt turbine, was towed to the Norwegian METCentre test site and installed in waters as deep as 200 metres. Recently, the turbine has been connected to the Norwegian grid and is producing power. This marks the start of the test phase where data on the performance and characteristics of the floating foundation will be captured and analysed to pave the way for commercial-scale floating wind projects.
Orsted Inks PPA with Johnson & Johnson in Ireland & US

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
08 Dec, 2021, 5:30 am

Johnson & Johnson and Ørsted have signed two power purchase agreements. Johnson & Johnson will purchase energy from Sparta Solar in Texas, US, and from the two onshore wind farms Kilgarvan and Booltiagh 1 in Ireland. Johnson & Johnson has signed two PPAs with Ørsted to offtake power from Sparta Solar in Texas in the US and Kilgarvan Wind Farm in County Kerry and Booltiagh Wind Farm 1 in County Clare, which are based in southern and western Ireland, respectively.

The PPA with Sparta Solar includes a contract capacity of 55 MW from the 250 MW Sparta Solar project in southern Texas. Sparta Solar is part of Helena Energy Center, a 518 MW hybrid wind and solar project on which Ørsted announced final investment decision earlier in 2021 and which is the largest Ørsted Onshore project to date.

The PPA with Kilgarvan and Booltiagh Wind Farm 1 is an eight-year commercial agreement which will result in 100 % of Johnson & Johnson’s energy requirements across its four manufacturing sites in Ireland being covered by onshore wind energy. Over the lifetime of this PPA, Ørsted will generate more than 1,000 GWh of renewable energy under the agreement with Johnson & Johnson.
SSE Backs Offshore Wind Tower Facility to be built in Scotland

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
08 Dec, 2021, 5:30 am

SSE is providing substantial financial backing for a new state-of-the-art offshore turbine tower tubular rolling manufacturing plant in the Scottish Highlands with debt investment of GBP 15 million, helping green light an investment of over GBP 110 million in a new UK-based offshore wind manufacturing plant in the Cromarty Firth.

SSE’s multi-million-pound debt investment makes it the largest single UK backer behind plans by Scottish-headquartered energy services company Global Energy Group and leading offshore wind tower manufacturing specialist, Haizea Wind Group, to build what will be the UK’s largest offshore wind tower manufacturing facility at Port of Nigg near Inverness. The cost of the new facility, inclusive of rolling machinery robotics and a new blast and paint shop is GBP 110-120 million.

Nigg Offshore Wind will be a giant, 450-meter-long, 38,000 square meter factory, capable of rolling steel plate to supply towers in excess of 1,000 tonnes each and other products, to the booming UK offshore fixed and floating wind industry in the UK and abroad. As a strategic backer behind the plant, SSE Renewables will be placing manufacturing orders with the factory from its leading pipeline of large-scale UK offshore wind projects. SSE Renewables expects to announce a first order contract with NOW in the near future.

Once operational, the NOW plant will support the creation of up to 400 new full-time direct manufacturing jobs as well as more than 1,800 indirect jobs in the UK, with an estimated 1,100 of these in Scotland.

The new facility is the most significant localisation of offshore wind supply chain manufacturing ever seen in Scotland and the UK. The announcement marks the culmination of over two years of close planning between SSE’s development business SSE Renewables, Global Energy Group and Haizea Wind Group to make the new facility a reality.
Dogger Bank C Offshore Wind Farm Reaches Financial Close

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
08 Dec, 2021, 5:30 am

SSE Renewables, together with its joint venture partner Equinor, has reached financial close on Dogger Bank C, the third phase of what will be the world’s largest offshore wind farm. Dogger Bank C has a capacity of 1,200MW and will generate around 6,000GWh a year. In total, Dogger Bank will produce enough clean, renewable electricity to supply 5% of the UK’s demand, equivalent to powering six million UK homes. SSE is leading on construction across all three phases and Equinor will operate the wind farm thereafter.

The two companies are already constructing the first two phases of Dogger Bank Wind Farm, a ground-breaking project off the north east coast of England which, once all three phases are complete in March 2026, will be the largest in the world. Total investment in Dogger Bank Wind Farm will be around GBP 9 billion (around GBP 3 billion for phase C including offshore transmission). SSE's share of investment forms part of its recent Net Zero Acceleration Plan, which included fully funded GBP 12.5bn strategic capital investment plans to 2026 alongside ambitious 2031 targets, aligned with net zero and 1.5 degrees.
ENGIE & BASF Sign PPA for Renewable Energy in Europe

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
09 Dec, 2021, 5:30 am

ENGIE and BASF have signed a 25-year Power Purchase Agreement for renewable energy in Europe. Under the PPA, effective as of January 1, 2022, ENGIE will provide BASF with up to 20.7 terawatt hours of renewable electricity in total throughout the term of the agreement. Multiple European BASF sites will be supplied from ENGIE’s renewable project portfolio in Europe. The electricity will initially come from onshore wind farms located in various sites throughout the Spanish territory in which ENGIE acts as equity investor or energy manager. In the further course, ENGIE will have the option to either deliver power from existing Spanish assets or from future onshore and offshore wind farms.

This agreement is fully aligned with ENGIE’s long-term strategy to develop renewables and BASF’s climate protection goals. BASF aims to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 25% by the year 2030 compared with 2018 and to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. From 2030 onwards, BASF wants to implement low-emission technologies, such as CO2-free methods for the production of hydrogen and electrically heated steam crackers, which will significantly increase BASF’s demand of renewable power.
RWE Signs its Largest Ever PPA with EDF

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
09 Dec, 2021, 5:30 am

RWE has signed a fifteen-year power purchase agreement with EDF who will purchase the renewable electricity from Sofia Offshore Wind Farm which is set for full generation in 2026. In what represents RWE and EDF’s largest renewable energy agreement to date, EDF will offtake all the wind energy that Sofia will produce, expected to be approximately 6.5 terawatt hours reach year. This equates to almost half of the electricity used in the North East of England annually, or the equivalent of the power needs of 1.2 million UK homes, providing additional large-scale offshore wind capacity to support the UK achieve its ambitions of net zero emissions by 2050.

With offshore installation expected to begin in 2023 and project completion due in 2026, Sofia will have a capacity of 1.4 GW, making it one of the largest single offshore wind farms in the world. It will comprise 100 turbines each standing at 252 metres tall and its completion will not only represent a turning point for consumers looking to use more renewable energy, but also for the UK’s electricity market.
Orsted Signs Offshore Wind PPA with Google

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
09 Dec, 2021, 5:30 am

Ørsted has signed a 12-year corporate power purchase agreement with Google, under which Google will offtake 50 MW of Ørsted’s planned 900 MW Borkum Riffgrund 3 Offshore Wind Farm in the German North Sea. The CPPA with Ørsted will contribute to Google’s commitment of operating all their data centres, cloud regions and campuses on 24/7 carbon free energy by 2030.

Borkum Riffgrund 3 was the world’s first large-scale offshore wind farm to be awarded with a zero bid and is expected to go into full commercial operation in 2025. As the project was awarded without government subsidies, the CPPA with Google will contribute to providing revenue certainty for Ørsted and help mature Borkum Riffgrund 3 towards a final investment decision, which is expected by the end of 2021.
Orsted & Amazon Expand Cooperation with Additional PPA

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
10 Dec, 2021, 5:30 am

Amazon, the multinational technology, e-commerce, cloud computing, and digital streaming company based in Seattle, Washington, and Ørsted announced two new corporate power purchase agreements totalling 116 MW of capacity across onshore and offshore wind. Specifically, Amazon will offtake the output of 100 MW from Ørsted's 900 MW Borkum Riffgrund 3 Offshore Wind Farm in Germany. This CPPA is in addition to the 250 MW CPPA signed in December 2020, meaning that Amazon will offtake a total of 350 MW from Borkum Riffgrund 3, once the offshore wind farm enters commercial operation, expected in 2025.

Amazon and Ørsted have also agreed that Amazon will offtake the output of the 16 MW Ballykeel Onshore Wind Farm in Northern Ireland, which Ørsted expects to take final investment decision on later this year.

Across technologies, Ørsted and Amazon have signed three CPPAs. Besides the updated CPPA on Borkum Riffgrund 3 and the CPPA on Ballykeel, Amazon is also offtaking the full capacity of the 253 MW Amazon Onshore Wind Farm Texas in Scurry County, Texas.
Cargill, Vattenfall & Windpark Hanze Join Hands for Netherlands

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
10 Dec, 2021, 5:30 am

Cargill and Vattenfall partner with Windpark Hanze in the Netherlands is expected to reduce CO2 emissions by approximately 350,000 metric tons a year, which is equivalent to providing electricity for more than 95,000 homes in the Netherlands per year once construction is complete. The onshore wind farm, consisting of 15 wind turbines, will be commissioned in the Flevoland province near the city of Dronten. It will have a total installed capacity of 90 megawatts and will go into full commercial operation in 2023. Windpark Hanze has recently achieved financial close and civil works have already commenced.

Vattenfall will offtake the output of 78 megawatts from the planned onshore wind farm under a 15-year Power Purchase Agreement and Cargill will offtake 2.9 terawatthours from Vattenfall under a 10-year Corporate Power Purchase Agreement. As a result, the renewable energy generated from 13 of the wind farm’s wind turbines will power more than 90% of Cargill’s grid based electrical consumption in the Netherlands.
Nordex to Supply 50 MW Wind Turbines from Scotland

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
10 Dec, 2021, 5:30 am

Octopus Renewables Infrastructure Trust, managed by Octopus Renewables Limited, has commissioned the Nordex Group to supply twelve N133 turbines for the Cumberhead wind farm in Scotland. The turbines will each be operated in an optimised mode of 4.165 MW. The order also includes a Premium Service for the maintenance and servicing of the turbines with a term of 25 years.

The 50 MW Cumberhead wind farm is located in the county of South Lanarkshire, Scotland. Construction works on site have already commenced and are on-track for the wind farm to be fully operational by the end of 2022.
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